《Thief of Time》Chapter 513: Communicating with an alien


“The final day is upon us…” Claud pushed himself up from the ground, his sword arm trembling. The mana wrapped around his body, however, was the complete opposite. Like a statue or a set of plate armour, the silky layer of mana that now covered his entire body and weapon was impossibly stable — a product of his Master-rank Mana Control Proficiency and continuous use of mana.

Even if his body tired out, his mana could drive his body and move; Claud was already doing that for the lower half of his body. It was the only reason why he was still on his feet, which were on the verge of losing all strength entirely.

The past six days had seen a never-ending stream of those white things that Emperor Grandis had called Logia. Every single Bearer of Destiny, however, had managed to slaughter these things, and some of them were even supported by friends or something. Only Claud, who had chosen not to move with any alliance at all, was the only one that was actually fighting alone.

A lot of eyes were already staring at him, eyes that were both wary and impressed.

It couldn’t be helped, however. Claud had no intention of interacting with any more people than was necessary…and besides, being alone would help him to solve his current issue. The mission had said something about both parasites and intruders; but the enemies so far had only been parasites.

Today was the last day, and if he didn’t guess it wrong…

The rift on the far end of his path rippled, and Claud looked at it calmly. Instead of the white, insect-like things, a solitary figure stepped out, and Claud looked at the newcomer in silence. The presence that his “opponent” gave off was completely different from the abject wrongness that were these parasites; it didn’t seem to be that different from the Bearers of Destiny.

Throughout the other paths, the same thing occurred, and Claud nodded to himself. Indeed, the enemies of the seventh day were these intruders, and Claud couldn’t help but think about the things he had seen in the Celestia Ruins. The idea of a universe, and people who had seen their home destroyed, made him more partial to these refugees, and a small smile graced his lips.

A piercing light rose from the intruder, and Claud prepared to receive his charge. At the same time, all kinds of phenomena arose from the other sections, and the blinding lights that filled the trial grounds seemed to act as a trigger.

Blue light clashed against a faint purple energy, and Claud frowned as an overwhelming strength sent him reeling backwards. Up close, he could see his opponent in detail — she looked very much like a regular person, save for the diamond in the middle of her forehead.


Purple cubes orbited around her, while a similarly coloured rod spun around her. Claud could feel that this was no ordinary enemy — she felt like a hexa-folder, but he couldn’t tell what power she was using at all.

The purple cubes shot at him without warning, and Claud intercepted them with some projectiles of mana. Making use of the brilliance that emerged from the clashing lights, Claud closed in on the enemy, only to realise that the other side had done the same.

Once again, their weapons locked against each other, and Claud punched out with his free hand. A purple shield intercepted his mana-covered fist, but the resulting shockwave knocked his opponent back this time.

Instead of closing in to exploit that moment of weakness, Claud took a step back and spoke. “Can you understand me?”

His opponent jolted once. “How do you speak Common?”

Claud tilted his head. “Let’s not bother about this for now. And don’t stop. Pretend to keep fighting. I’m your ally here, but I can’t say the same about the others.”

His sword bore down on the rod, and she received the blow. “Do you know me personally?”

“No,” Claud replied, “but I have vested interests in ensuring that one of you guys at least make it in. However, since it’s a favour for you…I want to know about your experiences outside. Outside there.”

“…That part of my memories has been erased. I can send you information about my universe, but that’s all,” the woman replied. “I made a pact with the Axiom.”

Claud took a step back. He had come across this term quite a few times, but no one could tell him what the Axiom was. Whirling once, he locked blades with the opponent again, before asking, “What do you know about the Axiom?”

Mana surged out to block her sweeping kick, and she replied, “The Axiom has…fallen. Perished. Not too long ago. Its remnant will is sweeping the multiverse and Limbo as we speak, seeking out something…but that’s all I can tell you. I made a pact that will last until the end of time, across eons and epochs.”

Claud felt the confusion in him well even more, but he could understand where she was coming from. “Very well. Now, your current goal is to reach that thing in the middle, right?”


“What’s that, exactly?”

“The Cosmic Egg of a new world,” she replied. “It is currently taking in the foundations of this world to replicate it in its entirety. If I get inside, I will be able to…belong for the first time in eons.”


“You’re looking for a home…”

“Wanderers like us are rejected by formed universes, but those in the making can take us in,” the woman explained. “That is all. I want a home, a place that will not reject me. I swear, upon my life and my pride as a Titan, that I will not bring harm unprovoked.”

“…Good enough.” Claud looked at her. “Titan, huh. That’s what you call yourself?”

The purple cubes that were orbiting her swiped at Claud, who simply batted them away playfully. As expected, the system of power that she used was completely different from mana, and if he didn’t get it wrong, it was this purple energy that formed the basis of power for this woman.

“Yes. A Titan of the Underworld…but it was invaded and destroyed.” She shook her head.

“Mhm.” Claud thought for a moment. “I’ll create an opening for you to exploit. Head towards the…Cosmic Egg with all your strength. Remember to give any information you have. I don’t know how you are planning to do that, but I’m sure you have a method, right?”

Crescents of mana flew at her as he spoke, and the woman shattered them with the rod in her hand, which spun at a tight figure of eight. “I do.”

“Okay. I will attack with my full strength once you’re behind me. Make use of the boost I’m giving you and make your way to your new home.” Claud lowered his stance.

The Titan looked at him. “…Why are you doing this, though?”

“It’s to protect myself and my loved ones better,” Claud replied. “That is all. Now, prepare yourself. We’ll keep fighting for another thirty-one minutes in silence, and then I’ll send you there.”

“Thirty-one minutes?”

“So that no one can use a skill to screw me over,” Claud replied. “From now on, we must cease talking. My signal will be very, very obvious, so make good use of it.”

Mana raged around him, and the air around him seemed to boil. Claud had no intention to appear suspicious — he had already sabotaged Phase 1, but if he made it too obvious in Phase 2, the other Bearers of Destiny would definitely suspect him. He would have to kill everyone, but given that they all had Absolute skills of their own, Claud knew that the chances of survival were slim, even if he assaulted them abruptly.

Therefore, a good act needed to be played out. Thirty minutes were the standard duration of effectiveness for all skills in Celestia, with the other alternative being ten seconds. Therefore, if he wanted to erase all traces of collaboration, thirty-one minutes must pass first.

She nodded once, and the two of them concentrated on a good battle. Of course, killing intent had to be displayed, and the two smashed away at each other like fighters slogging it out in a bar brawl. Claud continued to keep an eye on the time as he continued to fight with the opponent, whose name he would never know.

He could, however, empathise with all her thoughts. The yearning in her rod was evident, and the gratitude in the minute changes of her expression was something reserved for Claud only. It was her thanks for giving her this home of sorts, and Claud met that gratitude head-on with one final smash.

Mana greased his soles, and he slid back dramatically as thirty-one minutes passed. It would be great if the others held their investigation long after these thirty-one minutes, but he had to be prepared for anything and everything.

Now, however, the preparations were complete. The mana raging around him soared to the skies, and Claud pointed the tip of his blade at the refugee looking for a home. Power welled in his legs at the same time, and his eyes sharpened to a point.

With a massive shockwave, Claud charged towards his opponent, lowering his body on purpose. The Titan jumped, missing his charge by a hair’s breadth, and Claud, with as much panic as he could possibly fake, twirled around with his full might and struck out with his blade.

A thunderclap shook the trials as the airborne Titan received the incredible strike with her rod, and the resulting shockwave sent her flying. The purple cubes orbiting around her flared up in that instant, and she turned into a comet.

Before anything else could react, a purple streak of light had instantaneously crossed the distance, and she vanished into the rift. Lightning sundered the sky as Claud placed an appropriate expression on his face…although no one would probably see it.

Sinking onto the ground in apparent shock, Claud began to go through the surge of information that had entered his mind in that moment.

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