《The Goddess’ Chosen》Sky fairers


“-singer Ion has delivered a statement on her recent kidnapping. She cannot reveal the details and is still traumatized by the entire-” The monitor blinks off.

“Yeah yeah, heard it last time,” Rika shut off her monitor.

“Ba! The nerve of those Altosk bastards to dare impersonate Ion!” Berken exclaimed behind Rika.

“Just shows how desperate Golmoria is now that Ion’s no longer with her,” Rika said with a hint of satisfaction on her face. While Ion was not out of Altosk’s grip yet, her loss was clearly being felt if they were pulling such ruses like this.

It had only been a day since Ion arrived at Rika with her new friend Allisa. And things had been quiet for the most part. No one had left the house except for Rika to get some stuff needed for the two runaways from Altosk to blend in until Bec and Markus arrived with the otherworldly visitors.

“Sorry for the wait. What were you watching?”

“Nothing important,” Rika pivoted in her chair. “Glad to see it still fits.”

“Well, I haven’t grown since then,” Ion said. Losing the clothing she had borrowed from Allisa, she was now wearing her old gear from before her anointment; consisting of a long white shirt with striped patterns running down, a red ribbon around her neck, braided floral headband resting in the crown of her head, a red skirt which matched her top, red socks, and decorated floral shoes.

“It’s been too long since I wore something other than my regalia,” Ion said twirling in place. “How do I look?”

“Cute,” Rika nodded. “And it fits you better than those stuffy-looking dresses you’ve been wearing.”

“Wh-well not all of them were bad,” Ion said sheepishly. “The one I had when I was ‘kidnapped’ was a favorite of mine.”

“Which is back at the spy’s home,” Berken said.

“Th-that it is…”

“Speaking of the spy, what’s taking her so long?” Berken huffed as the door to the bedroom opened. “Perhaps she became a victim of a horrible and unfortunate accident at long last.” He said hopefully.

“I can hear you, stupid rabbit.” Allisa emerged from the room, still adjusting her new left-half glove with a sleeve that went up to her elbow instead of her right that only covered her hand. Gone was her ruined hoody, Tshirt and jeans, replaced by a white buttoned top that opened up around her navel, revealing the black undershirt beneath with a sword pattern on the belly, black shorts with long loop belt attachments on her hips, thigh-long white socks that went down to her new combat boots.

“Whoa, that looks good Allisa,” Ion said enthusiastically.

“You think?” Allisa said finally finished with her glove.


“To me, she looks the same spy as ever.”

“Oh can it,” Allisa snapped.

“Na, you wear them pretty well,” Rika said, getting up from her seat. “Not bad if I do say so myself.”

“What difference does her looking good make, anyhow?” Berken asked unimpressed.

“Oh my dear rabbit. If you plan to go out fighting, my policy is to look good while doing it. Why else do you think I wear all this?” Rika asked rhetorically, adjusting her goggles with one hand and pulling on her jacket with the other, giving the robot a small wink.

“.... You got me.” Berken was still unimpressed.

“Thanks for the clothes Rika, but… are you sure I can have this?” Allisa asked, still examining herself.


“Don’t like em?”

“Oh no, these are great. Way better than what Nel got me anyway,” Allisa said with a smile. She could still remember how self-conscious she was in her avalon outfit that Nel got her without putting too much thought into it.

“Then they’re all yours,” Rika affirmed.

Allisa continues to examine herself, stopping at her long sleeve glove. “By the way…” She prodded at a point in her arm where there was a metal slot in the center. “What’s this thing for? It looks like something goes into it.”

“Sure does,” Rika said before walking to her desk. “And hopefully you’ll find it useful.” She then tossed something to Allisa. She caught it, and saw it was a small metal disk, which she assumed went into the slot. Allisa did and it was a perfect fit for it.

“So… What's that for?”

“Something to go with your fighting style.” Rika said. “Uh, you summon your sword by channeling eather into your hand, right?”

“Y-Yeah.” Allisa nodded.

“Thought so. Do that but with your left arm. Focus it on the disk.”

Holding her left arm out, Allisa did as instructed. It felt strange, feeling the surge of mana pooling into her left arm, something she didn’t do (at least consciously). All of a sudden, blue electro lights burst from the disk. To Allisa’s surprise, it formed a small round shield that sprung from the disk. It was silver, and broken into four triangles with a pulsing blue X light at the face.

“Whoa,” Allisa banged on the shield. Like her sword, it was a completely solid device despite appearing in a puff of light.

“You have a pretty unorthodox fighting style,” Rika continued. “You use a one-handed sword, while leaving one arm unused. It’s fine, don’t get me wrong, but when it comes to defense it leaves you vulnerable.

“Back at the hunt, I noticed you often teleport to avoid danger. Nothin wrong with it if you use it to catch the enemy off guard. Use it too many times to dodge, and the enemy picks up the pattern.”

She wasn’t wrong. Allisa’s fight with Ellie back at Sterland ruins showed this weakness, with even Ellie pointing it out.

“That there's eather gear. It’s basically the same thing Leo’s gun blade is. It’s a weapon that is broken down and stored in a small object or space, and then pulled out when needed. Your sword is kinda similar so I figured you might find that useful.”

Allisa let her mind drift away from the shield, the same way she would with discarding Excalibur. As expected, the shield dissolved into light, pooling back into the metal disk.

“Thanks,” Allisa said, still examining the chip. “It’s uh… gonna take some getting used to, that’s for sure.” She said truthfully.

“Welp, better get some practice in.” Without warning, Rika threw something else at Allisa. She was so surprised she barely caught it. It was a blue hilt of a sword but with no blade.

“And this is…?”

“Training sword.” Rika picked up and holstered her two guns.

“Huh?” Allisa barely had time to comprehend what was happening when Rika suddenly grabbed her by her arm and pulled her away. “Wh-What?! What do you mean training?!”

“Well… more like sparing. Curious to see what you’re really made of.”

“Oh… wait; as in you’re gonna use your guns against me?!” Allisa exclaimed as she was dragged down the stairs.

“Haha! It’s good to see Rika hasn’t changed much.” Ion chuckled.


“She hasn’t changed one bit…” Berken said blankly. “Buuuuttt, a chance to see her own the spy… wait for me!!” The ASD suddenly shot off after them, followed by Ion.

Allisa vs. Rika

Outside, Allisa turned on the training sword. Out of it came a thin triangle blade of blue light, making a slight buzzing sound. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie she had watched years ago.

“That should work for training. It’s weak enough that it won’t leave a mark.” Rika said, reading both her guns. “Time to see what you got. Only rule is not using that sword or any of that eather power you got apart from teleporting. Let’s keep this a friendly match, yeah?”

“… This isn’t gonna hurt right?” Allisa asked with a nervous smile.

“Relax. I’ve set the power output to its lowest setting. Would be enough to knock a bunika out, but certainly nothing bigger.” Rika said, twirling her two guns. “But it’ll still sting if you get hit so… try not to get hit.”

“R-Right…..” Allisa said, keeping her nervous smile.

Ion and Berken arrived at the skywatch, standing by the entrance of the ring.

“Kick her ass, Rika!” Berken yelled.

“Allisa! Good luck!” Ion said.

Why are they so into this? Allisa thought as she held out her weapon. If she was going to do this, she may as well put in the effort.

With a grin, Rika twirled her guns and took aim. “Ion, on your mark.”

Ion nodded. “Ready… GO!”

Rika immediately opened fire. Allisa very quickly ducked as the blue beams passed her by, rushing towards Rika, sidestepping to avoid another volley. When she was close enough, Allisa raised her weapon and swung downwards. With a grin, Rika vanished as Allisa’s weapon passed.

“Wha-?” Allisa barely had time to react when she felt a foot on her shoulder. Rika had appeared a few feet off the ground and used Allisa to spring herself upwards. Backflipping, Rika took aim and fired.

The shots hit Allisa’s back. She could feel her body seize up from an electric shock, collapsing to one knee.

“Don’t think I’m gonna go easy on ya,” Rika said, twirling her weapons again. She waited for Allisa to get to her feet as the stun began to wear off.

As she steadied her footing once more, Rika opened fire once more. Allisa teleported to avoid being shot, appearing to the right of her position before closing the distance and taking a swing at her opponent. This time, Rika didn’t teleport away. Instead, she used her own weapon to block the incoming strikes, with the third parry leaving Allisa variable before taking aim at her face. Instinctively, Allisa teleported, appearing behind Rika.

“Nice try,” Rika ducked and swiped at Allisa’s leg, knocking her to the ground before taking aim. Allisa quickly rolled out of the way as Rika fired, quickly getting back to her feet.

“Wow, this is completely one-sided,” Berken commented.

“You can do it Allisa!” Ion cheered.

Rika grinned, as she twirled her guns in her hands again. “Come on. That can’t be all you got,” She mocked resting a gun on her shoulder.

Calming herself, Allisa charged right, circling around Rika while she took aim. Just as she fired, Allisa teleported, appearing behind Rika a few feet in the air.

Rika vanished. She teleported above Allisa, kicking her in the back. Allisa slammed on the ground belly first, quickly rushing to her feet. Rika had rushed in with her guns aimed forward. Allisa teleported again. Rika skidded to a halt, turned about and fired at Allisa as she appeared a few feet behind her. Two shots hit her midsection, once more seizing her body up.

“D-damn…” Allisa groaned frozen.

“Remember what I said about patterns?” Rika said, relaxing her guard. “Use the same kinda move too many times, and an observant foe’ll pick up on it.” She continued as Allisa’s body became mobile once more.

“R-right…” Allisa painted as her eyes fell on her left arm.


“.... Yeah.” Allisa nodded as she took a stance again. Rika readied her weapons, taking aim once more. With a deep breath, Allisa charged at Rika once again. The woman fired one shot, which Allisa dodged by teleporting away. Once again, she teleported behind Rika continuing her charge. Without turning her body, Rika readied her second gun. Allisa raised her left arm. Here goes nothing!

As Rika fired, Allisa held up her left arm channeling mana into the chip. Her new eather shield formed, blocking Rika’s shots and allowing Allisa to close the distance. When close, Allisa parted her shield while swinging towards Rika. She was startled as Allisa’s weapon came close. Then it turned to a grin before she vanished.

She’s gone?! Allisa felt someone land on her head, using it as a springboard. She realized Rika had teleported to avoid being hit, and was now somersaulting behind her, getting her weapons ready to fire. Allisa pivoted and raised her shield, blocking the shots as Rika landed back to the ground.

Both Berken and Ion were dumbfounded, lost in what happened.

“Haha! Now you’re getting it!” Rika bellowed, twirling her guns. “But you still haven’t landed a hit yet. Not letting you go that easy…”

Allisa grinned back, taking a different stance than she was used to. Instead of holding her sword out in front of her, she held it behind her while keeping the shield out. While it was a new stance, it felt oddly familiar, as though she was used to using a shield for most of her life.

Guess this is how Arthur fought. Taking a deep breath, Allisa charged in again keeping her shield out. Rika fired a volley at her before teleporting. Allisa skidded and turned to where Rika had reappeared, raising her shield to block. Rika vanished again, appearing behind her and fired again. And again, and again.

Despite the repetitive acts, it pinned Allisa, forcing her on the defensive. It was only after the fifth time Rika rushed Allisa while firing both guns. Allisa kept her shield up as Rika lept and landed on the shield, kicking it while somersaulting breaking Allisa’s guard. Allisa only saw Rika taking aim and teleported away before she fired.

When she reappeared, she looked back. Rika was gone. She then felt a gun barrel pointed at the back of her neck. “Once you lose your momentum, it’s often hard to get it back, and leaves you vulnerable,” Rika said, pulling her weapon away before holstering both. Allisa realized she lost again.

“Still, that was some skill in adapting. You’re pretty good,” Rika said, showing a hand to Allisa.

“… Not good enough yet.” Allisa sighed. She shield vanished while Rika helped her up.

“Well, keep at it. I’m sure it’ll come to you eventually.” Rika said. “Anyhow, think that’s enough training for now.” She said, holding out her hand.

“I-It’s okay! I can still go on!” Allisa protested.

“This ain’t a competition,” Rika said, waving her hand. Reluctantly, Allisa gave back the training sword. “Maybe a bit rough around the edges, but you really show potential. Think you’ll make a good sky fairer.”

“Sky fairer?”

“We need something to keep you busy until your friends arrive, don’t we.” Rika winked before walking off without explaining anything. Given the weary smile from Ion, this was a common thing.

“I just hope it’s nothing dangerous…”

Argus, the city of ships

Allisa followed Rika as she pushed the speeder out onto the sky walk. “Hey, want another shot at flying?”

“I’d… rather not,” Allisa said nervously.

“It’s easier than it looks,” Rika took the handles. “Up,” She pushed the bars down. “Down.” She pulled them up. “Left.” She pulled to the left. “Right.” She pulled to the right. “Got it?”

“Uh… so up to go down?”

“You’ll get the hang of it.” Rika moved to one side to allow Allisa to the vehicle.

“I did say I’d rather not….” Allisa said again. Although Rika didn’t seem to hear her and gestured to the vehicle again. Seeing as she wouldn’t be taking no for an answer, Allisa reluctantly mounted the speeder. Rika got on behind her.

“Good luck!” Ion waved. “We’ll look after the house until you get back.”

“Try not to crash into anything, spy! We need Rika alive!” Berken said.

“Screw you!” Allisa snapped at him. She was already feeling nervous enough. Like a bike… like a bike…

“Ready?” Before Allisa could even say anything, Rika hit the engine ignition. Allisa let out a squeal as they began to gain altitude. Rika leaned over her, taking the handlebars and moving Allisa’s feet off the pedals. “I’ll take us away, then it’s all you.”

The engine roared as the speeder zoomed away from the house, Ion and Berken still waving as they took flight. After a few miles away from the house, Rika slowed the speeder before releasing Allisa’s hands, leaning back on her seat.

“Okay…” Allisa took a deep breath, realizing she was now in control. “Up… NO THAT’S DOWN!” The speeder wobbled in the air as Allisa struggled to keep them steady. The speeder was nothing like a bike, as there was no road below her to break her fall. Even though they were going slowly, Allisa still struggled to even keep them going in a straight line.

“Haha. You’re getting it.” Rika said. Despite how precarious this was, she didn’t seem worried in the slightest.

“C-C-Can you take over?” Allisa stuttered as she continued to struggle, hoping to keep them from turning a full 180 degrees horizontally. “P-Please?”

Rika led over Allisa and pointed to a floating island. “Take us there.”


“Hey, no practice like the real thing, right?” Rika leaned back again. With a sigh, Allisa pulled the bars up, then slammed them down once the speeder began to descend against her will. Through many struggles, Allisa finally managed to make it to the island where Rika took over and landed them by a metal pylon. As soon as they landed, Allisa scampered off the speeder, taking in great gulps of air.

“So, how were you’re first flying lesson?” Rika asked nonchalantly. “Fun huh?”

“… Not the word I’d use,” Allisa sighed. “Anyway… why are we here?”

Rika tapped on Allisa’s shoulder and nodded to the vista of floating islands. “Little spot I like to go to take in the sights.” She said walking to the edge. “This was one of Ion’s favorite places when she was here. Gives you a Bird’s Eye view of the peaks.”

Allisa approached the edge, gazing blankly over the islands.

“I can see why,” She said with a smile. This was a view Allisa felt she would never tire off. “It’s beautiful.”

“Yeah,” Rika said. She sounded solum. “Hey uh… sorry if this is outta the blue,” She turned to Allisa. “Ion sang for you on your journey, right?”

“Uh, y-yeah.” Allisa nodded. “Honestly, I think I’d be dead without it.”

“Oh yeah?” Rika kept a straight face.

“First time was against that lieutenant with the metal arm. It felt so weird at first; like my body was so much lighter.” Allisa continued examining herself. “Then there was that time she took all my exhaustion away. And then with that big fused in the Translucent woods. Honestly, that power is incredible.”

“No denying that. She did save three people from the brink of death.” Rika said. “That being said,” her tone dropped. With a sigh turned to Allisa. “Listen, Ion will sing for you and I won’t stop her. But I need you to promise me you won’t rely on it. And if she offers, refuse unless you absolutely have to.”

Allisa looked perplexed.

“Sure, her songs’re useful. But it does take a toll on her. That’s why she collapsed like that.” Rika continued.

“Oh?” Allisa’s eyes widened. She remembered how exhausted Ion seemed in the translucent woods depths after she sang, and how she collapsed not long after. “So that’s what it was…”

“Hey, no need to feel bad about it. It was Ion’s choice.” Rika reassured Allisa. “All I’m asking is that you don’t come to rely on that power. For her sake at least.”

Seeing how serious she was, Allisa nodded. The last thing she wanted was for Ion to collapse again.

“That’s all I wanted to say,” Rika tapped Allisa on her shoulder. “Come on. We still need to get to Argus.”

“I-I’m not gonna be doing any more flying, am I?”

“Well, I won’t say no if you-”

Allisa gave her a deadpan glare.

“Haha. I’m just kidding.” Rika chuckled. “Still, I think you’re picking it up faster than my sister. She could barely keep it upright.” Rika mounted the speeder. “Oh uh… I’d appreciate it if you don’t tell Ion about this little talk.” She said putting a finger to her lips.

“My lips are sealed.” Allisa took her position behind Rika. They then took flight again.


Rika flew towards the central region of the peaks which they has past the other day. The giant web of ships and platforms came into view, attached to the underside of the large rock. Getting closer, Allisa found herself struck by how big it was up close.

“Argus. The self-made capital of the peaks.” Rika said as they approached. “‘Self-made’ as in we anchored a bunch of ships and ship husks to the side of the island.”

“I-I can see that,” Allisa said as they passed by an anchor that was fastened deep into the surface of the rock. She suddenly didn’t feel very thrilled on setting foot Argus. As they got close Rika joined into the small traffic that flew between the various sections of the city.

“Oh, goes without saying, but keep quiet about Ion,” Rika said to Allisa. “Argus ain’t exactly full of people I would trust.”

“R-Right…” Allisa nodded. “Speaking of Ion, is it okay to leave her behind?”

“We need to keep her on the down-low until your friends get here. That’s the plan right?” Rika said. “Argus might not be Altosk, but there’s no shortage of bastards who would sell her out for a good chunk of duckets. You know, money.”

“Oh, I see…” Allisa said.

“Don’t worry. She’ll be safe there. And if anyone comes close that isn’t us,” Rika held up a small box. “I’d know about it.”

“That doesn’t really put my mind at ease…” Allisa said. She remembered Ion walking out of the home to confront Leo. Even if they were now on a floating island, it doesn’t mean someone could find her and try to take her while they were away.

“Kay, hold on!” Rika hit the afterburner, zooming closer to the left statum. Allisa held onto her stomach as she approached, slowing down as they got closer. Up closer, Allisa could see that the entire structure was connected with gangways and makeshift catwalks, some even lacking a handrail. The interior of the hollowed-out ships was made up of shops with activity from all races (she had seen in Sora bar Ravengers) roaming about. Rika came to a stop at one of the pads where a trio of bunika mechanics rushed to her.

“Not a scratch this time,” Rika said to them sternly, tossing them a computer chip. “Or there’ll be the void to pay.”

“Y-Yes Rika.” One of the Bunika said in a nervous tone as the other two rushed past Allisa to the speeder. Only one kept an eye on Allisa as she rushed to catch up with Rika. The gangways were even narrower than Allisa had thought, and it was so busy that she found it hard to move past the crowd. Only once she bumped into a large borgo who returned a glare that was enough to intimidate her.

“Sorry. She’s with me.” Rika quickly dragged Allisa away. “Word to the wise, folks here ain’t too friendly.”

“I noticed.” Allisa eyed several of the residents that were staring at her.

“And they don’t take too kindly to strangers. Last thing they’d want is an Altosk spy, especially those on the run from em.”

“Like me,” Allisa muttered. Rika lead Allisa out of the narrow gangways to the central pillar that supported the entire settlement. It was exactly as Allisa had seen from a distance, a large collection of ship and ship hulks that had been fused together into something resembling a dead tree, held up by a web of cables that held it up. It boggles the mind how something like this stayed aloft, even if Allisa was used to seeing the impossible on her travels.

“You never said what we’re doing here,” Allisa said.

“Hm? I said we’re making you a sky fairer, didn’t I?” Rika said.

“Yeah, I know that. But I still have no idea what a sky fairer does.” Allisa said.

“Oh? Sorry, my bad. Forgot you don’t come from round here,” Rika said with a small grin. “Uh, basically we sky fairer’s do jobs like smuggling cargo, culling beasts and warframes and keeping sky lanes clear. Basically just a bunch of odd jobs to keep this little settlement thriving and still attached to that island.”

“Huh? That sounds like an adventure back in Avalon.” Allisa said. “Wait… smuggling?”

“Yeeeaahhh… let’s just say you’re gonna be hard-pressed a law-abiding citizen of Sora here.” Rika shrugged. “But hey, keeps Altosk off our backs at least. They got a lotta people to sort through before they get to us.”

“I donno how to feel about this…”

“Relax. You’ll do just fine.”

Rika leads Allisa through the interior of the ships. It was even more cramped and confined than the gangways they were on. Allisa couldn’t help but feel as though everyone was watching her, some even brushing a hand over their weapons when they saw her look back. Allisa was now glad Ion didn’t come with them. Rika’s prediction about someone selling her out had some truth to it.

“Here we are,” Rika stopped in front of a large door with neon lights hanging above. Allisa assumed it was a name but had no idea what it said. “Lemme do the talking. I’m a pretty big deal among the sky fairers.”

“By all means,” Allisa said.

With a smirk, Rika hit the button to the right of the door. It hadn’t finished opening when Rika stepped through. “Hiya guys. Missed me?”

Allisa’s foot was barely through the door when a gun was pointed directly at her face. It was nothing compared to the five guns pointed at the smug Rika point blank.

“Aye. Was wondering when you’d show your face around these parts.” A smooth voice came from inside. Peering through the dimply lit bar, Allisa could make out a Hune man sitting at the counter, turning slowly as he took a puff from a copper pipe. “Everyones been eager to see you after that stunt you pulled with the Kolbelk.”

“I can see that.” Rika gently pushed one of the guns aimed at her to one side. Despite the situation, she was unfazed and didn’t lose her snark. “Though I’m not big in the fanfare I’m getting here. Might give people the wrong idea.”

With a chuckle, the man raised a hand. The men that surrounded them lowered their weapons and backed away, but kept their weapons at the ready.

“Pretty big deal?” Allisa whispered to Rika, narrowing her eyes.

“I am. Couldn’t you tell?” Rika winked at her before walking forwards.

“Not in the way I had in mind…” Allisa eyed the fairers watching her before following Rika to the central counter. The man sitting at it gestured to an orb robot with long limbs that began sieving through the drinks at the cabinet behind it.

“Quite a warm welcome Sykes. Don’t remember doing anything to deserve that.” Rika jokes. The man, Sykes, chuckled before turning to face the two girls. To Allisa he seemed like the dashing rouge from a movie she saw with Lucy years ago. He seemed middle-aged with a short beard gracing his caramel skin. His shirt was unbuttoned at his chest, with golden chains dangling from it. His fingers were adorned with rings that fiddled with the copper pipe.

“It’s only because I’m here that you still have your head, my dear Rika,” He said with a smile. “Where it up to Marco,” He gestured to a Hune sitting at a table alone, dressed in a leather jacket with red hair tied in a ponytail. “You would’ve been shot down on approach.”

Allisa couldn’t help but shiver at the thought.

“The Kolbelk has been a thorn at our side for many years, yes. And their hunts are something we cannot ignore in case a wild beast escapes, or even if one of us is one of the exalted pray. Still, we trusted you to keep an eye on it and report back if there’s someone worth intervening for.” Sykes took a puff of his pipe, blowing the smoke into the air. “That stunt you pulled angered the matriarch. Now she’s gonna be gunning for us.”

“That means more ambushes on our shipments which are already in a fragile state as it is.” A female bunika spoke up. She was sitting on the table, gray fur with an eyepatch, wearing a similar leather jacket to Marco. “We put up with a lot of your shit over the years Rika, but this-”

“Calm down Lynnie. I’m sure Rika had her reasons for rushing in.” Sykes said.

“Something like that,” Rika said, undaunted by the eyes on her. “But we all have our secrets and scores. You’re words I believe.”

Skyes chuckled as he reached behind, taking a cup the serving bot placed behind him. “That’s what I like about you. You know exactly what to say,” He said, taking a swill of his drink. “.... But,” His smile vanished. “If there are any reprisals from the Kolbelk,” He raised a cup to Rika. “You will be dealing with it. Even if that means facing Thakrek herself.”

Rika’s smug grin changed to a serious glare before she nodded. “Don’t worry. I know the rules of the sky.”

“Good girl.” Sykes placed the cup back on the counter. “But let’s not dwell on such… unpleasant topics,” He got up and took a big puff as he strolled past Rika, standing before Allisa before blowing smoke on her. Allisa coughed and waved the smoke away. “So rare you’d bring a guest. Never pegged you as a babysitter.”

“I’m not,” Rika said standing between Sykes and Allisa. “This is Allisa. And as of today, she’s the latest addition to the sky fairers.”

The music suddenly stopped. An uncomfortable silence followed. Then a roar of laughter erupted from the room. Sykes clicked his fingers, and immediately the laughing died down.

“Now now, looks can be deceiving.” He said, never once breaking eye contact with Allisa. “City? Settlement?”

“Wh-what’s that to you?” Allisa said back before thinking.

“Ha! Feisty one!” Sykes chuckled. “Yes, I’m starting to like her.” He walked around Allisa, taking another puff. Allisa felt uncomfortable, feeling his eyes running up and down her. “... No weapon.” Sykes finally said before walking away. “Eather gear?”

Allisa wasn’t sure what to do. She looked to Rika who gave her a nod. Seeing no other option, Allisa raised her right hand and summoned Excalibar. Mummers erupted across the bar, some taken aback by what they saw.

“Interesting…” Sykes walked up to Allisa. “That’s no ordinary gear, isn’t it?” He gave the weapon a tap of his finger. His expression was unreadable, hidden behind a well-crafted mask.

“S-So do I have the job?” Allisa asked.

“Oh my no.” Sykes chuckled before sitting back down. “.... Not yet anyway. We first need to see if you are worth the trouble. Can’t just let any old fool into the fairers now, can we?”

“Guess not.” Allisa lowered her arm as Excalibar disappeared. “S-So what do you want me to do?”

“Straight to business eh?” Sykes took another puff, blowing up into the air. “Simple extermination. There’s a Viper warframe that’s been wreaking havoc on our supply cashes and I need it dealt with. I was about to go myself. But since you are so eager, I think it’s the perfect test.” He smiled. “Rika can assist you. Destroy it, and bring me its core. Then, you’re in.”

“J-Just like that?”

“You want a written exam?” Sykes chuckled.

“Wh-well… how would you know I took care of this problem? I could just leave it all to Rika.”

“You could, and I wouldn’t care. I just need the viper gone.” Sykes took another puff as he leaned back on his chair. “But I do consider myself a good judge of character, and you, my lady… you don’t strike me as a dishonest type. Unlike our mutual friend over there,”

“I can hear you.” Rika scowled.

“So, we have a deal?” Sykes asked again.

“.... Okay. We’ll take care of this viper for you.” Allisa replied.

“Excellent.” Sykes picked up his cup. “Then this should be the start of a great partnership, young Allisa.”


“Well, that went better than I thought,” Rika said once the two had made it back outside. “I’d say you impressed Sykes back there. How do you feel?”

“Like my heart’s about to burst out of my chest!” Allisa snapped, taking a few deep breaths. She hadn’t realized how tense she was during the whole encounter. “Y-you could have warned me what we were walking into!”

“And miss that look on your face.” Rika grinned.

Allisa scowled back as she straightened herself up. “Who was that guy anyway?”

“Sykes. He’s the leader of the sky fairers and the man who runs the entire settlement.” Rika said, folding his arms. “And your new boss once we take care of the viper.”

“Right…” Allisa didn’t feel thrilled to associate herself with a man like him. Just from that encounter, she could tell he was dangerous despite his sav demeanor, and how much authority he had over the other fairers. “Can we trust him?”

Rika paused before responding. “We can trust he won’t stab us in the back… for now.”

“That’s really reassuring…”

“Yeah, but I do know a few things about him he would rather keep hidden,” Rika winked. “Rule one of Argus, everyone’s got secrets or something to be running from. So it’s a mutual understanding among the people of the peaks to keep to themselves and what you know about others to yourself. Last thing you want to be in this place is a snitch. Buuut more than a handful would sell that info for the right price.”

“That’s why you don’t want people to know about-” Allisa stopped herself, realizing they were still in the open. Even whispering ran the danger of someone overhearing them. “Y-you know…”

Rika nodded. “And Sykes is someone I’d rather not find out,” she said quietly. “Now come on. We got a warframe to hunt.”

Allisa had honestly had her fill with fighting warframes from the conduit alone, let alone after trekking all the way from the conduit to the peaks. However, as much as she would complain, she had to keep a low profile until everyone arrived. Even if that meant becoming a part of a gang of rouges.

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