《Protector's of Worlds》Creatures of the Jungle Disappear!!


Previously on Protector’s of Worlds:

The Iguacko tribe was under attack by a pair of giant carnivores called “Arctolozex”. The tribe fought back, including Calem, Marcel, and Julie, who revealed her armor to her friends. After retreating, the two predators were captured by some unknown force and experimented on….

What will our heroes encounter next?

Shall we proceed?


In an open grassy field, two herds of herbivores were minding their own business. One group is a tall bird-like reptilian creatures that stand about 9ft tall with long necks, small arms with a single claw, black crests on their heads, black bodies with ultramarine blue heads, necks, hands, and feet, and a long sharp snout. They are the “Haostriye” which means “Spear Head”.

Another is a reptilian creature that has a horse-like appearance that stands about 15ft tall and 9ft long with orange skin, black stripes, a nail on each foot, and a strange crest on their heads. They are the “Loequus” which means “Peaceful Crest”.

They were mostly feeding, the Haostriye were picking fruit from trees and spearing insects while the Loequus were grazing, eating grass.

It was all peaceful but all of a sudden, the creatures froze up as their heads all pointed toward the west direction. All stood still like statues until two Loequus were hit with tranquilizer darts, knocking them out in an instant.

This frightened the others as they started galloping away with the Haostriye following after them. Swarms of darts spewed out as more and more of the creatures fell to the ground, unconscious. When it was all over, half were able to escape while a large majority lay on the ground as they were dragged away……


Back at the tribe, it was a night of mourning. When the Arctolozex’s retreated, about 15 Iguackos lost their lives protecting their home. In the center of the village, the tribe gathered wood and constructed a wide pyre. Once complete, they lay the dead on it and quickly backed away as a male carrying a torch approached it. He throws it onto the pyre as it slowly catches fire, burning everything.

Onlookers watched and mourned as the people that once walked amongst are reduced to ash. Children mourning their parents, lovers mourning their mates, and so on. Calem and Marcel stood back and watched the fire while Julie helped Floso comfort the grieving. The funeral proceeds as sparks and smoke rise up…..



The morning sun rises as the males exited their huts and gathered spears, knives, clubs, axes, and arrows to go hunting. The one who's going to lead them is Roin Desen, who helped Floso fight off the Arctolozex. Prepared, the males start their venture into the jungle.

While they are gone, Floso along with Calem, Julie, and Marcel took a walk through the tribe, discussing the battle yesterday.

“And you should’ve seen her fight, how she was able to use speed and reflexes to evade the beast's attack was spectacular,” Calem said, complimenting Julie’s fighting skills.

“Thanks, and due to our teamwork, we were able to force the Arctolozex into retreating,” Julie said, finishing the description.

“I must thank you for that. If you didn’t stop it, more lives would’ve been lost.” Floso said, complimenting the three for their deeds.

“I’m just curious. Who was that male you were hugging when it was over?” Marcel asked, in a sarcastic and playful tone.

“Oh, he’s nobody,” Floso said as she started to blush.

“A nobody who happens to be Floso’s lovey-dovey boyfriend.” Julie cuts in, teasing her Iguacko friend.

“Julie!” Floso shouted with embarrassment, hitting Julie on the shoulder, causing her to laugh.

“Ooooh, boyfriend, huh?” Marcel joined in on teasing Floso.

“I-It’s not like that,” Floso said as she covers her face, which was getting even redder.

“And currently in a contest,” Julie said.

“What kind of contest?” Calem asked.

“One where the smart and strongest males fight to see who will become Velu’s successor. Roin and another male are the only ones left.” Julie explained.

“My father would’ve succeeded grandfather, but…..” Floso stopped for a bit with a look of regret. “Because something happened to him, Velu must hold this contest.”

Calem and Marcel were silent for a moment when Floso said something happened to her father. She mentioned something yesterday about a mistake she made that had severe consequences.

“You want to know what happened?” Floso said as Calem and Marcel both gave slow nods, clearly wanting to know but not wanting to bring Floso back painful memories.

“Very well….” She said before taking them back to her past…..

When Floso was just a child, she was very playful and curious, so playful in fact that she didn’t even care if it got her into danger. When her father went out hunting, she followed him, ignoring any possibility of getting hurt or killed. Her mother, who noticed she was missing, attempted to find her. Both her parents found her and tried to take her back to the tribe, but were ambushed by a deadly carnivore!


Floso’s parents lost their lives, protecting their daughter. She tried to run and narrowly avoided death, losing half of her tail in the process. She would’ve been eaten alive if it wasn’t for her grandfather, who lost his right arm in the progress, and the group of males. While they were able to scare the predator away, they were too late to save Floso’s parents…..

Now done explaining, Floso remained quiet as the three humans relate to her story. All of them let curiosity get the better of them, and traveled into unknown territory which resulted in the death of their loved ones…….


As the hours passed, the four went about the day training. Floso with her archery skills, hits targets on trees with great accuracy while Julie runs around a few huts, getting faster with every second. As for the other two, Marcel was doing crunches while Calem was swinging his sword in the air.

Out of nowhere, all the Iguackos started running in the same direction. Wondering what was going on, the four followed them and saw that the males have returned from the hunt. Forming a smile on her face, Floso rushes past the others as her lover comes into view.

“Roin!” Floso shouted as Roin notices her coming as both embrace upon contact before Roin kisses her on the cheek, but stopped when he noticed the three humans coming in.

“You must be Roin,” Calem said, causing the two lovers to let go.

“That I am. And you must be…..” Roin said as he tried to figure out his name.

“Calem Drewick, and this is Marcel Lamunci.” Calem said as he introduced himself and his friend who was right beside him.

“Nice to meet you,” Marcel said.

“Likewise,” Roin said.

“So, how did the hunt go?” Julie asked

Roin didn’t say anything as he lets them see the results for themselves. What they’ve been able to bring back was some fruits, plants, insects, and only one Loequus and Haostriye

“T-That's it?” Floso asked, shocked by the amount that was brought.

“That’s all,” Roin said with some disappointment.

“But….what happened?” Floso asked.

“Don’t know. We would usually see about 15 or 20 of them but when we arrived at the hunting grounds….we only saw about 3 Loequus and 2 Haostriye, the rest were probably scared away by some predator. So, we gathered what we could find.” Roin explained as he helped the other males unload the food.

Some of the Iguackos started eating the insects and fruit while others started cutting open the Loequus, spilling its guts out while taking apart the limbs. Having had his fill, Roin returns to his hut to rest but stopped when he noticed a male Iguacko leaning against the door, probably waiting for him.

The male had light blue eyes with a grass-green crest with part of it being bitten off. He was missing two fingers on his right and a scar on his right eye, causing blindness. This was “Envi Renemi”, Roin’s rival.

“Hey there, Roin. What are you up to?” Envi said in a mocking voice.

“Not now, Envi. I just want to get some rest.” Roin said.”

“I’m sure you do, after that embarrassment you call a hunt,” Envi said.

“It was bad, but nothing to worry about,” Roin said. “Can you step aside, please?”

“Come now, I’m just thinking about our people,” Envi said as he walks to Roin and circles around him. “Unlike you.”

“Envi……Now is not the time for this.” Roin said, getting a bit angry.

“Be reasonable. If this continues, our people will starve. Someone will have to take initiative. Someone bold, brave, and intelligent. Like……..me” Envi said in a boastful and arrogant tone.

“You….HA!” Roin said. “With your attitude, I doubt the entire tribe would want you as chieftain.”

“Oh, yeah?” Envi said, insulted.” Well, keep bringing in less food and the people will lose faith in you….Even your precious little lover.”

That sentence alone filled Roin with rage as he looked face-to-face with Envi, who was smiling and expecting Roin to hit but a few seconds later, Roin managed to calm himself.

“I would love nothing more than to break you, but I’m gonna save it for tomorrow,” Roin said

“Fine by me. See you then.” Envi said as he walks away, allowing Roin some peace and quiet.

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