《Spiteful Healer》Chapter 215: Meetings and Measures


Chapter 215: Meetings and Measures

Not long after the creation of the Snowflake Golem, the cheering and crowds settled down within the city of Kordas. Quinn made an effort to round up all of the major players present, including many of the Elite NPCs of the Kordas Kingdom, and had them slowly funneled into the meeting chamber of the Night Hunter’s Guild Hall.

Aegis was included in this group, along with his party and council members. Yumily came in with Yuki and Kaito, and Christoph and Artaphernes were present as well. In terms of NPCs, Savika was there with Celestian, Jael came with multiple elite NPCs from Kordas that Aegis didn’t recognize, and the leadership of Pakro’Vielle and the City of the White Tree had been brought along as well.

It took some time for everyone to gather inside the room and get settled into their chairs, mainly due to chatter amongst them as they continued to discuss the events of the invasion. Aegis watched Viella and Jael go deep in conversation, while Ulaipu and Celestian talked together off to the side, and Savika was sitting with Yuki and Yumily and chatting them up excitedly.

Meanwhile, beside Aegis, he had Rakkan and Darkshot talking about their PvP matches with their respective opponents. Darkshot was going on about how overpowered a mimick companion was. Lina on the other hand was happy simply sitting next to Aegis silently, holding his hand and keeping an eye on him. Eventually, the conversation between Darkshot and Rakkan made its way to Simon, and they turned to Pyri curiously.

“How’d you end up beating that guy?” Darkshot asked her suddenly, knocking her out of a daydream as she had zoned out from the nearby chatter and was absentmindedly staring up at the ceiling of the meeting room.

“Huh? Who?” Pyri looked down at him, somewhat caught off guard.

“You know, that psycho, Simon.” Darkshot shrugged.

“Oh. Him. Yeah…” She put her hand on her chin and rubbed it for a moment, her eyes moving up into the corner of their sockets as she avoided looking directly at Darkshot, whilst he and Rakkan looked at her eagerly and Lina turned to watch her somewhat anxiously. “I kicked him.” She eventually shrugged, lifting up her knee so that the others could see her foot, then wiggling it around.

“Really? You kicked him?” Darkshot asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Mhm. Basically. I used cinderbolts to block his attacks but he was pretty good at spell control, was hard to get through. So I just kicked him instead.” She added another shrug. “He got the best of me in the end, but luckily I got him low enough and Savika was able to finish him off.”

“So he was hard to deal with, even for you?” Lina asked with worry in her voice.

“Eh… he used some pretty cheap tactics… I wouldn’t say ‘hard to deal with’. The word I’d use is despicable.” Pyri replied.

“He wiped the floor with all of us…” Rakkan said with a dejected tone. In this time, she’d gotten the attention of Aegis as well as he turned in his chair to stair at her while she stood behind him in the meeting room. His eyes on her made her suddenly and very visibly anxious about the conversation.

“Well…” She avoided eyecontact with Aegis, “it’s just one of those old mouse and keyboard players, like me, with really high APM. I wouldn’t feel too bad about it. Even though he was playing a kid character, he was actually a really old guy.” Pyri explained, and saw a wince of disgust on Lina which Pyri nodded towards.


“Do you think you could teach us?” Aegis asked, and the others all began to nod along with this suggestion enthusiastically.

“Teach you? What? How to have high APM?” Pyri asked as she finally looked Aegis in the eyes, somewhat taken aback. He nodded in response to her question, causing her to let out a huff of air and shake her head at him. “The last time I showed off that I could do stuff like this…” She mumbled, her voice trailing off quietly so that they couldn’t hear her due to the loud chatter of the other players and NPCs nearby. Rather than finish her sentence though, a smile grew on her face as she glanced between Aegis and his friends and their eager expressions.

“Yup. I guess I can try. It’s not like studying a book though, it’s something you have to practice a lot. Human brains struggle with multitasking, so you have to utilize a lot of techniques to efficiently trick it into completing multiple tasks at once, by bundling them together in your mind.” Pyri explained.

“Wait, wait…” Darkshot suddenly began fumbling around in his inventory and pulled out a parchment. “I feel like I should be writing this all down…”. Seeing this, the others started to do the same put Pyri waved her hands at them to stop them.

“I think we should do this meeting stuff first.” She laughed awkwardly at their eager enthusiasm, stopping Aegis and Rakkan from also pulling out parchments from their inventory, and just as they looked back across the room towards the other end of the table, they saw Quinn standing up out of her chair and clearing her throat.

“Everyone.” She spoke with a voice amplification spell cast on her by Trexon who stood beside her, along with Sapphire, Herilon, Baffo and Tullan. All the chatter quickly died down within the room and all eyes turned to Quinn. “Thank you all for attending this meeting on such short notice. I’m sure many of you have other places you need to be right now, so I will try not to keep you long.” Quinn explained as everyone settled down into their seats and had their eyes on her.

“Firstly, I want to tell you all how proud I am of everyone. In the face of insurmountable odds, we were all able to come together and stand up for our island. I know it was hard, and I am still angry with myself that I wasn’t able to be there to help. But I am glad I had such reliable companions that were able to step up in my stead, and give it their all. If it wasn’t the efforts for many of you, we wouldn’t be standing here right now." She paused as there was a brief applause directed towards Yuki, Yumily, and Aegis' party.

"There’s a lot that needs to be done now, though. At the moment, the destroyed island stones are, believe it or not, mending themselves. Based on the speed at which they are mending and repairing, it appears they’ll be back to five fully functional island stones in about a week. The other cities and settlements however are not mending themselves. Many of the towns outside of Kordas and Rene suffered greatly. Some citizens were able to evacuate to the capital in time, but not all, as everything happened on such short notice.

Unfortunately, due to the loss of the Royalty here in Kordas, it’s become difficult as the leader of the top guild to co-ordinate any efforts with the NPCs to start rebuilding and repairing what has been lost. So, our first order of business will be to assign new leadership to the Kingdom of Kordas.” Quinn explained, taking a breath after these words to look specifically over the Elite NPCs that were present - mainly the many Kordas Elite Nobles that Aegis didn’t recognize.


“Of the many nobles here, a few of you are qualified to run this Kingdom in the place of the now lost royal family. I’m aware they are big shoes to fill, so if any of you feel like you would be up for the task, please step forward now.” Quinn spoke to them directly. The nobles all turned their heads and glanced between one another, but none rose their hand much to Quinn’s surprise. Seeing this, she anxiously looked at Jael for assistance, but he shrugged back at her.

“Being offered a chance to be the King, and none of them are taking it?” Christoph said with a tone of disbelief as he watched it unfold.

“Well, you see…” One of the nobles spoke up after clearing his throat. “We all have great respect for our former King of Kordas, Eirene bless his soul. We saw his love for the people, and it was unlike anything we’d witnessed before… It’s not something any of us could handle, even if on parchment we appear qualified.” He explained. Quinn watched as the other nobles nodded along in agreement with him, and let out a long sigh.

“None of you are willing?” She confirmed, and got a few more nods. After this, she turned to the Elder of Pakro’Vielle who sat beside Ulaipu, and Kaef’aktos who sat beside Viella. Both of them looked completely bewildered at everything around them and were staring at random players and NPCs nearby with looks of amazement.

“What of the Lord of the City of the White Tree, or the Elder of Pakro’Vielle? Your people have recently joined the Kordas Kingdom, and you both have experience in leadership. Perhaps you would be willing…?” Quinn asked them hesitantly.

“I’m afraid not.” The elder quickly shook his head. “My knowledge of leadership is specific only to the needs of my people, in the underrealm. I wouldn’t know the first thing about leading a surface Kingdom or its people.” He explained.

“Yes. Me as well…” Kaef’aktos joined in. “I only recently was appointed Lordship, and I believe my father before me had many flaws in his methods of leadership. Rather than become a new King of Kordas, I was instead hoping to learn from the King and utilize his wisdom to lead my own people.” Kaef’aktos spoke, causing Quinn to sigh again.

“Well… That leaves only one qualified person left.” Quinn mumbled to herself, as everyone turned to look at her curiously. In silence, she turned her head in the direction of Savika, who sat between Yuki and Yumily. Once their eyes locked, Savika’s eyes widened with disbelief.

“Me?” Savika asked anxiously. Quinn nodded back weakly, while briefly glancing at the concerned looks on Yuki and Yumily’s faces beside her. “But… I’m a girl, girls can’t be Kings.” Savika replied flustered.

“Obviously you’d be the Queen instead. But, if you were to take on this role, it would end the Kingdom of Arallia, and your people would become a part of the Kordas Kingdom. It would unite our kingdoms permanently, but Arallia would be no more.” Quinn explained, causing Savika to put her head down and look at the table in front of her while the other players and NPCs present began mumbling amongst one another. Eventually, Savika looked up and glanced between Yuki and Yumily, but ultimately turned to look across the table at Aegis.

“But… well… I’m just the Mayor of Rene right now… I don’t have much experience…” She glanced between Celestian, Chax and Aegis.

“I heard about what you did for Rene.” Aegis spoke up, all eyes turning to him. “Not only did you help in defeating Simon, the mercenary that killed the former King, therefore avenging him… but, you rallied the people of Rene to defend the walls. Without your actions, I’m not sure if we would have survived the invasion. You fought bravely, and I think your father would be extremely proud of you if he could see what you’ve accomplished in your short time of leading your people here in Kalmoore.” Aegis said to her, causing tears to swell up in her eyes.

“You’ve just gotta work on the leaky eyes, but apart from that, I’m pretty sure you’re the best leader on this island right now.” Aegis smiled at her. This caused her, Yumily and Yuki to giggle as they put their hands on Savika’s shoulder to comfort her. “It’s a lot of responsibility for someone so young, but, you won’t be alone, right?” Aegis asked Quinn on her behalf.

“Of course not. Kordas is full of wise advisors specializing in various fields that are open to share their expertise at a moment's notice. Not to mention, the Night Hunters will always be here to perform any tasks you would deem important, and forever be at your service.” Quinn said while motioning to a nodding Jael and several other of the noble elite NPCs present.

“Should I?” Savika whispered to Yuki, turning to ask her specifically.

“Only if you want to. I will be with you no matter what.” Yuki smiled and patted her on the head. Savika smiled and nodded back before turning back to face Quinn, and took a long deep anxious breath.

“Okay. I will take on the role of the Queen of Kalmoore.” Savika said in the most confident tone she could muster up. Following her words, cheers and applause broke out from the players and NPCs present, causing Savika to blush. As she glanced back at Aegis one more time, he gave her a reaffirming nod and smiled at her.

“Perfect.” Quinn said once the noise had settled. “I’ll handle the paperwork for you and we’ll sort it all out after the meeting has concluded. We’ll also be proposing an open portal service between Kordas, Pakro’Vielle, Rene and the City of the White Tree, to allow for open trade routes to be established, but we’ll go into those details at a later time.” Quinn said while looking to Tullan and getting a nod.

“The rest is best discussed in private, I suppose.” Tullan mumbled to her, and she nodded before looking back up across the table at the others.

“Right. I suppose that is all for now, as I said I don’t want to keep you all. There is much to be done to help recover from the battle, but let’s work hard together to get everything back to normal. Thank you all for coming.” Quinn said, putting an end to the meeting. Following this, people began chatting once more amongst themselves as the sounds of chairs sliding out from the table and the scuffing of leather shoes on the marble floors could be heard.

Aegis was preparing to head for the door with his party alongside the others, but caught Tullan’s eye and saw him eagerly shuffling towards him.

“Aye, we need teh talk fer’ a short moment.” Tullan said as he pulled Aegis off to the side, and his party members joined him, giving room for other players and NPCs to walk by them as they headed out of the meeting room.

“What’s up?” Aegis asked curiously.

“Two things. The first, I suppose I can handle meself, is Leonard’s Airship. It got messed up pretty bad, gonna need some skilled craftsmen to fix it. Would yeh be willin’ to help out?” Tullan asked.

“Yeah, actually…” Aegis nodded as he looked at his party standing behind him. “I was hoping to get a ride back to Kiepalt forest, since I need to talk with the Silver Dragon again anyway.”

“This time, we’re coming.” Pyri spoke firmly, and the rest of his party all seemed to be in agreement.

“Right, okay…” Aegis smiled and nodded at them.

“Alright, that’s the not so hard part. Second issue… We got 10 players who’ve been in contact with Sherry already…” Tullan pulled out 10 separate parchments from his inventory and handed them over to Aegis. “They’ve already filled out these forms to let you know what mithral weapon they want, how it should look, and what enchantments to put on it.” Tullan explained as Aegis took the parchments from his hand and the realization hit him.

“Oh, yeah… Right. I promised mithral weapons, huh…” Aegis grumbled to himself as he looked over the requests carefully. As he did, though, several other NPCs and players approached him from the side.

“Speaking of Mithral weapons…” Herilon cleared his throat, leaning into the conversation. Aegis looked at him with a raised eyebrow, only to see Sapphire coming up along beside him, followed by Kaef’aktos and Viella.

“I see you’ve managed to find Mithral and forge yourself a shield. Can I expect shortswords soon?” Kaef’aktos asked with an eager smile.

“Uhm…” Yumily cleared her throat, stepping forward with Kaito and Yuki. “My instruments, as well…” She asked shyly in her soft voice, barely able to hold eye contact with Aegis as he looked from her towards Kaito.

“That attack you used on Jealousy, it broke your Katana right?” Aegis asked him.

“Yes. I would be deeply indebted to you if you would be able to forge for me a sword strong enough to withstand that attack.” Kaito respectfully bowed towards Aegis.

“They have plenty of gold, so, they’ll be able to pay you for your work.” Yuki jumped into the conversation on their behalf as Savika and Celestian approached, suddenly huddling everyone together around Aegis off to the side of the room.

Aegis glanced between everyone and let out a long, drawn out sigh.

“We’ve got the mithral pickaxe now, shouldn’t be too bad…” Tullan shrugged.

“Yeah, I guess.” Aegis nodded at him. “Alright guys, It’s near the top of my list of priorities. I’ll be taking a flight with Leonard to Kiepalt, but after that, me and Tullan will get to crafting. Chax?” Aegis called him over as he was talking with Ruffily off to the side, and he quickly pushed his way through the crowds.

“What’s up?”

“Can you take requests from everyone here for mithral equipment? Based on what they’re asking, you can set the price for the crafts. Keep in mind to give discounts for friends and players who helped in defending Kalmoore.” Aegis asked him, and he nodded back before turning to the crowd.

“Alright, everyone form a line, I’ll be taking requests on Aegis’ behalf for mithral equipment.” Chax called out, and the group quickly began pushing around and shuffling into a line with Herilon at the front, while Aegis backed away with Tullan and his party.

“You mind if I take the eternal flame back? I’d like to have one at the forge of Rene.” Aegis asked Tullan as the two began walking side by side out of the meeting hall, his party in tow.

“Aye, no trouble. I'll have Quinn and the others hunt down the cores and giant heart so I can forge another for the guild hall. Shouldn't be too tough, we got a friendly dragon now.”

“Shouldn’t be too hard to get that stuff, now that we’re not being hunted by a bunch of evil players.” Aegis replied.

“Yep, yep.” Tullan nodded.

“Speaking of those bad guys, where are they now?” Darkshot asked curiously.

“All locked up in the Kordas prison, serving time fer their crimes. Once they’re out, Quinn’s plannin' on banishin' them from Kordas.” Tullan explained.

“Good.” Rakkan replied.

“Is it possible to talk with them while they’re locked up?” Aegis asked.

“Aye, it is. Why?” Tullan looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“I have a few questions I want to ask them.” Aegis replied.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Pyri asked curiously.

“Yeah, it’s nothing serious. I’ll mute the stream for it.” Aegis shrugged back

“I also would like to…” Lina added timidly.

“Alright. I can take yeh to them before we head to the Airship. Follow me. I doubt they’re gonna be happy teh see yah though.” Tullan chuckled to himself as he led the way out of the Night Hunter’s guild hall.

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