《From the Ashes》Princess Amelia


Standing on a small stool in front a grand gold framed mirror, princess Amelia lazily looked at her self while attendants rushed and fumbled around her, styling her hair and dressing her in a gaudy sky blue dress with sequins and sparkles sown in, by her side a woman with stood with the princesses crown resting on a pillow, a thin mithril circlet with a blue sapphire the size of her small fist, with a pair of slightly smaller blue diamonds at either side, Amelia let out a loud sigh. As the kings only child she should be learning statecraft, politics, battle tactics and the sword, but No. As a girl it would be her husband who became King – she heard them, the other nobles plotting and scheming trying to acquire her like a prized boar or piece of meat she hated it.

Everywhere else in the Kingdom there wouldn’t have been a problem, women can become heads of houses, merchant companies, leaders.. but the nobility of this stupid Kingdom, women cant inherit, women cant join the knight order or the army. Women were only good for joining houses and factions – she hated it!

By constantly arguing and shouting at her father they had reached a compromise, she would learn the bow and she could watch over the throne room from a hidden balcony, above where she could learn more about the workings of the Kingdom. But that was fine; she had made a plan. She was secretly learning magic from the books in the castle library. Magic, the bow and knowledge of the kingdom she could escape – run away and become and adventurer, the Companions .. or maybe even Aspire. She just had to get a little better.. it was almost time.

Her attendants finally done, she stepped down from her ‘stand’ and took one last look at herself white blonde hair, porcelain skin, deep blue eyes and delicate features – she looked more like her mother than her father. Her dress was tight at the waist before flailing out again and falling around her. Ruffles at the shoulders and short sleeves leaving her forearms exposed. She turned and walked gracefully from her changing rooms. She was to have a light tea party later in the day where she was to meet son barons son or some such, but that left her morning free. So she decided to go to the library, she couldn’t practice her bow in this ridiculous dress.


But as she was walking along the upper hallways over the main entrance something caught her eye. A man, in black armour, with a long heavy black cloak and several weapons sheathed on him, two long daggers at each hip, a smaller dagger handle sticking in his arm bracer and a sheath on his leg. He was practicing how to bow in front of the butler … he looked silly. But at the same time her heart started to beat a little faster.. he must be from the Aspire guild. They were the only ones allowed weapons near her father. He started walking towards the throne room. A change of plans for Amelia she hurried along the hall way to her balcony overlooking the throne room.

She quietly slipped in to the small balcony overlooking the throne room and peered over the edge, below she seen Rubias approach the throne and announced the man. His Name was Kadin .. and he was in the Aspire guild. Her heart fluttered at the thought and she peered closer at the man – who was currently giving the weird silliest bow to the king she had ever seen, she tried to stifle a laugh – but a little giggle escaped her lips.. she hoped no one noticed.

It was the talk of the palace that a magistrate had attacked the king the previous day – they tried to keep it from Amelia, but she still heard snippets. She was staring at Kadin listening to his reply and then she heard it. He was going to the blasted lands. The Blasted Lands where the demons use to live!

Her thoughts of he could need help – this could be my chance! I will ask him to take me with him… I will be an adventurer!

She hurried from her little room towards the entrance .. she had to get him before he left.

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