《Severing Time & Space》Final Fight for the Shang Kingdom, Part II


Wu Yong’s unit wasn’t the only one that had set up explosives underneath a major street. Hou Jingshu had worked with Yu Chenguang and several others to choose the best places to collapse the street. Most of the places they chose were major streets. They were wide and allowed a lot of foot traffic, meaning several soldiers could stand shoulder to shoulder and fight. Since their goal was to limit how many forces the Ming Province and Zhou Kingdom could bring to bear at any given time, they had decided to collapse all the major streets and leave only smaller side streets for the armies to pass through.

None of the explosions went off at the same time. They were staggered due to a lack of communication from each unit. There was no way they could communicate with each other--not that communication was needed. Everyone was using their own best judgement.

Each explosion went off underneath thousands of soldiers’ feet, the force of which was enough to tear many of them apart. Their bodies were torn to shreds by the explosions force as they were launched skyward. If that wasn’t enough to kill them, then the debris that pelted their bodies certainly was.

The cultivators who hadn’t been caught within the explosion but were somewhat near it screamed as they were pushed back. The searing heat scalded their eyes and burned their faces. Several who had been just at the border were lit on fire. A few were saved by someone dousing them with water, but many were burned to death, their blackened bodies falling to the ground.

One of the cultivators who had survived stood up slowly, grasping his head with a hand as he wobbled to his feet. He stumbled forward, only stopping when his foot almost slipped into nothingness, and stared in a daze at the sight before.

“What… the road… it’s gone…”

He had been one of the cultivators traveling down the main road, which led from the Shang Kingdom’s main entrance to the noble’s quarters. However, the road he and his comrades had been walking down was gone. All that remained was a large chasm. When he looked down, he saw darkness.

“I can’t believe it… how did this happen?” he muttered.

“Looks like they blew up the ground we were walking on. Clever bastards. Now we’ll have to walk through the narrower streets. It’ll be the perfect time for them to ambush us,” someone to his left said. He turned his head and found a grizzled man with burnt hair, a soot covered face, and gnarled features. He looked like a weathered tree.

The younger cultivator looked back at the massive chasm. They would not be able to continue this way.

The grizzled old man was the oldest among those present and had the highest cultivation, which automatically put him in charge. He ordered them to begin moving through the narrow side streets and alleys. The young cultivator found himself with the old man. They traveled down a narrow street alongside several others. Smoke and fire rose into the air in several directions. Not many sounds could be heard. Even the moans of those who had been injured reached them no more.


These streets were narrow and winding. It was impossible to see more than a few mǐ in front. He looked down a side passage they passed, but there was nothing but darkness to be seen. This was the downside to a night raid. These narrow alleys were too dark for them to see with any clarity.

“I don’t understand why we’re traveling through here. Wouldn’t it be easier to travel over the roofs?” he muttered softly, though not softly enough.

“Are you an idiot? How much weight do you think those roofs can hold?” asked the grizzled cultivator. “Maybe we could travel over the roofs if there was just a few of us, but the roofs would collapse quickly under the weight of so many. And if we moved across in small numbers, our marching order would be slow and easily picked off by the Shang Kingdom’s superior cultivators.”

“Oh…” the young cultivator replied, chagrinned.


A scream suddenly went up behind them. The young cultivator turned around, but he was unable to see what was happening, for several dozen people were behind him, and whoever had screamed was near the back of their group. More screams from the back soon reached them.

“It’s an ambush!”

“Everyone, calm down!” the grizzled man shouted. “Do not panic! Search out the enemy and kill them! They’re also limited in how many people can fight in this enclosed space!”

While his orders worked on the people nearest him, those two far away to hear continued to scream as they were cut down by what seemed like shadows. The young cultivator could just barely make out figures dressed in dark clothes darting out of hidden passages, attacking like the wind, and disappearing into the darkness of night. Their forces were being widdled down slowly but surely.

The old cultivator decided to put actions into words since it appeared few people were listening. He furrowed his brow, then turned his head as something darted from within the shadows and tried to attack him. It was another figure. The person wielded a black sword that was designed to blend in with the environment. They swung the weapon at the grizzled cultivator, but he stepped back to dodge, then stepped forward and grabbed the person by the face. A muffled scream escaped the cultivator’s facemask. It was quickly silenced when the grizzled cultivator slammed the person into the ground. The young cultivator flinched at the squelching sound of bones being crushed.

The young cultivator tried to shake off his nerves. This wasn’t his first time in combat, but he had always been near the back of their forces, so he hadn’t recieved many chances to fight.

Several more shadows darted out from doors and side streets, and the young cultivator did his best to fend them off. They were clearly stronger than him, however. He was just a weak Anima Realm cultivator, and every member of the Shang Kingdom’s army was at the Asura Realm. To kill one Shang Kingdom soldier, they would need to attack with several of their cultivators.

The young cultivator was quickly and thoroughly overwhelmed. His sword was knocked from his grip and searing hot pain pierced through him as a dagger penetrated his chest. He staggered against a wall, sank to his bottom, and blinked as the world around him began fading. The last thing he saw was the grizzled cultivator get cut down by a man wielding a sash.



Hou Gun was present alongside the others in palace. They stood in the garden, the strongest members of the Shang Kingdom and their allies. Even his mother was present, dressed in the martial arts garb of a Saintly Sword Sect cultivator. Her elegant armor was Spirit Grade Profound Spirit Armor, capable of withstanding attacks from Deva Realm experts. The sound of combat could still not be heard, nor could the flames of war be seen from beyond the gate.

He had been waiting for a chance to slip away, but no chance had presented itself. Hou Jingshu had asked him to stay by her side. She said it was because he was family, but Hou Gun understood the truth. She didn’t trust him. He had done his best to make it seem like he was loyal, but it wasn’t like he could cover up every incident. What he wanted to know was whether she had come to the conclusion that he might be a traitor on his own, or if his mother had told her.

I suppose it doesn’t matter. They’re all going to die here either way.

Hou Jingshu stood at the front of this formation, wearing another set of armor. He’d heard her previous armor had been nearly destroyed during a fight with a Deva Realm cultivator. His sister was stupid for even picking a fight with someone so strong. The armor was a sleek golden color and resembled a dragon covered in scales. It originally belonged to their father, but she’d had several blacksmith’s taylor it to fit her. She glared up at the sky with the butt of her spear planted firmly into the soft loam. Sitting beside her was the giant black panther who had been Jian Wu’s companion until he left for the Zhou Kingdom.

Hou Gun sneered. My stupid sister. You think you’re so amazing. You think you have the strength to protect this kingdom, but you’re just as powerless as everyone else. None of you are strong enough to stop what’s coming.

Having long since accepted his own incompetence, Hou Gun couldn’t even feel pity for those who still continued to try despite knowing their situation was hopeless. He would feel no pity when they died. It didn’t matter that they were family. Blood was not thicker than water.

Yu Chenguang, standing next to his wives, also stared into the sky. His expression was so calm it pissed Hou Gun off. It was like none of these people realized they were at death’s door. Didn’t they know how hopeless this situation was? Why couldn’t they just do the sensible thing and give up?

“I see them,” Yu Chenguang announced suddenly.

“As do I,” Húndàn Qie said, smirking. “I’m pretty sure I saw them first.”

“If you had, then you would have announced it.”

“I merely wanted to see how long it would take you to notice them.”

The banter between rivals seemed to affect the people around them. Teng Qigang shook his head with a rueful grin, while Fengli Cai merely sighed. Húndàn Wang and Zhe Fēnglì chuckled a little. Even Hou Jingshu wore a tiny smile. Hou Gun did everything in his power not to vomit. What a disgusting display of camaraderie.

Just like Yu Chenguang said, several people appeared in the sky. There was Emperor Cì Shā, of course, and with him were two others: Xuan Su and Jiang Yijun, the so-called Heavenly Generals. Zhe Fēnglì stepped forward, then took to the air, stopping before the three. Bèipàn Zhě and Húndàn Wang followed, though the former looked back at Hou Gun and nodded before doing so.

With the emperor and his heavenly generals were also the members of the Ming Province’s pavilions. Duo Long and Fēng Yi were together, and some distance from them was Xao Wen and Lì Liàng. Huo Yi was also present, but his sect’s ancestor had been killed, so he lacked the power of the other two sects now.

Yu Chenguang stepped forward with his wives. His two wives were half a step into the Human Limit Realm now, but they could not fly, so he remained on the ground. He pointed at Fēng Yi and smiled.

“Dare you come down to face me?” he asked.

“Young Man, do you really think you have what it takes to defeat me?” asked Fēng Yi.

“Whether I have what it takes is something you’ll only find out once you come down and face me,” Yu Chenguang replied mildly.

“Don’t underestimate us,” Li Hua shouted.

Liu Heifeng brandished her weapon. “We might not be as strong as you individually, but together, we are more than capable of taking you on.”

“Hmmm. Consider me intrigued. Very well. It looks like someone has to fight you, and since you have chosen me, this old man will indulge you three.”

They were not the only confrontation taking place. Hou Jingshu and Yōuměi were about to head into the sky--when Lì Liàng fell to the ground with a loud crash in front of them. The earth rumbled and fissures appeared in the garden as Lì Liàng stood up. The mammoth of a man crossed his arms and grinned at them.

“Ready for round two, missy?” he asked.

Hou Jingshu’s fearless grin bothered Hou Gun. She spun the spear in her hands, then settled into a wide stance.

“I was just about to ask if you wanted to go another round. I won’t lose this time.”

“Bwa ha ha ha! That’s the spirit! Come on! Let us have ourselves a good ol’ brawl!”

While Hou Jingshu took on Lì Liàng, Yu Chenguang and his wives faced off with Fēng Yi, and the Heavenly Sword Sect members confronted Emperor Cì Shā and his Three Heavenly Generals, Húndàn Qie, Teng Qigang, and Fengli Cai floated up to confront Huo Yi, Duo Long, and Xao Wen.

It looked like lines were being drawn, and everyone was so busy focusing on their enemies, that no one was looking at Hou Gun as he slipped away.

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