《Number 7》Chapter Number 105 - Two Types


'Haha... the City of lights... or so they call it.'

Red, green, orange, yellow, blue, purple - if it was a color then it blared on signs and flashed in eccentric manner.

Every single building seemed to be lit up with LED, blinking as they lit up the landscape around Bradley.

'I suppose this is quite the beautiful place to come... to visit, that is.'

As he was driven through the City, Bradley relaxed in the back of an expensive ride while he enjoyed the scenery, leaving the driving to the chauffeur that his company had provided.

"We are about to arrive, Sir. Would you like me to carry your bags in for you?"

"Of course not. I can’t afford to wait on someone else."

As he pulled up to a skyscraper which towered above him, the man did not wait for the driver to open the door, quickly rushing out as he pulled out a cell phone, dialing a number with haste as he proceeded forward.

Suitcase in one hand, phone in the other, the man let out a quick comment before he left.

"Just bill the account."

"The tip?"

The driver seemed to be intent on stopping Bradley, who merely continued walking as he ignored the statement of the man.

And as the door closed behind him, the man seemed to mutter under his breath with irritation.

"Arrogant bastard."


"Yes, yes. Have all the stuff brought in. Oh, just put it wherever you feel like. If I don't like the location I'll fix it myself later. Just make sure not to touch the box with blue tape, alright? Those things are fragile. I'll repeat myself. If anyone so much as grazes the box with blue tape, I'll have your moving company out of business tomorrow. Bye."

Hanging up the phone, Bradley found himself standing before a large office building - just as large if not larger than the one which the CEO of Moria Financial had.

This was the office of the Regional President of the Rockville Branch.

'I guess it's time to meet my new boss.'

Opening the door, the man strode forward with pride as he entered the office.

'Or should I say... my future employee.'


"Yes, of course. Yes. Yes. That's correct. Hahaha... such a jokester. Oh, is that so? Well, I really do have to be going. Alright. Good- ah. Oh? Really? How interesting. But I really do have to be- mm. Haha! Is that so? I can't believe that. Wow... that really is something. Mhm. Mhm. Alright. Thank you. Goodbye. Alright. Alright. Thanks. Bye then. Yep. Alright. Goodbye."

Bradley entered the office to witness a young man on the phone.

This young man sat at his desk with his feet upon it, nonchalantly grinning as he took a laid back position.

His dark brown hair was styled up in a modern fashion, giving him the essence of someone popular with everyone.

"So annoying, aren't they? The people who just don't stop talking."

These words were the first thing that the brown haired man greeted Bradley with, to which he approached the man with a swiftness in his stride.

"I couldn't say that I disagree."

"You're the one who is supposed to be transferring here, aren't you? Please, sit down. Ah... guess I should take these down then, shouldn't I?"

Removing his feet from the table, the man who wore a professional suit leaned forward, motioning around him with his hands.

"Welcome to Rockville, Vice President Vendetta."

Twisting his hand about to point towards him with his thumb, the man flashed a million dollar smile.


"I'm the Regional President. Alexander Meyer. Call me Alex."

"Nice to meet you."

Holding out his hand, Bradley stood before Alex’s desk as he made this friendly gesture - however as he did so the eyes of Alex seemed to thin in suspicion.

Then, ever so slowly, he held out his hand, gripping it firmly.

The two stood there, hands interlocked, as they both tightened their grip without retracting.

Eventually they were gripping one another so hard that their hands began to hurt, however this did not stop them.

"So I presume the CEO informed you of your task?"

"That he did. We are to host an event here to welcome the CEO of Marcel Incorporated in order to land a large contract with him."

As the two conversed, they continued to squeeze the hands of one another to the point where both men's faces had gone red.

"Not we. You."

To the confusion of Bradley, Alex responded in this manner.

"Hm? You're not going to be... working alongside me?"

Raising an eyebrow, Bradley almost loosened his grip, however in the moment of confusion he ensured to keep steady so as to not allow his opponent to secure a victory.

'I thought that this was supposed to be some sort of competition between the two of us. Or does he truly not know? Does he really not know that the CEO is using this as a way to find out who is more fit to lead?'

Glaring into the eyes of Alex with a fierceness, Bradley kept a smile plastered on his expression - one which betrayed his devious thoughts.

"I have more important business to attend to. You see... there are some tropical islands which may be undergoing development that we are considering financing. And as the President... it is my duty to personally visit such islands to ensure that they are... profitable."

The man spoke with a sly tone, however Bradley found himself holding himself back from a laugh.

'This man is planning a vacation when such an important event is going to happen?'

He couldn't see why the CEO held him in such high regards.

'He certainly played this man up, but if he doesn't even realize the situation he's in, and throws all the work on me... then it will be easy to take all the credit for the success of this contract.'

"I see."

Letting go of the other man's hand, Bradley pulled back with a grin.

"Well then, if you insist on such a thing, I suppose I wouldn't mind taking over this task on my own."

"Oh? So you'll take responsibility for everything?"

"If you won't be around to attend, then it would be better if the one hosting it is directly involved in all the planning, no? Of course, I will take responsibility for everything that occurs."

With a crafty proposition, Bradley made this offer to Alex.

At which the man immediately bit.

"That would be a real help, Vice President! Can I call you Bradley?"

"Go right ahead."

"Then... Bradley. I suppose I'll give you the quick rundown from what I know, to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

"I would appreciate that."

Taking a seat, Bradley made himself comfortable as he prepared to receive information from the very man who perhaps should have been hiding it from him.

Without even realizing it, this man had handed him his position.

'I suppose this is what happens to people who go on vacations all the time. Maybe he didn't want to have to deal with all the work associated with this event... but that also means he has wiped his hands completely clean of any of the rewards.'



"Now... while I don't doubt your expertise in management, the fact of the matter is that this is a new town, a new office, and even a new position for you. You were merely a middle manager at your previous office, right?"


Perhaps this word would have offended Bradley, however he kept his composure as if such a thing made no impact.

"That is correct, however you must consider that middle management is perhaps even more difficult than upper management. Those in upper management may have a greater responsibility, but middle managers have to deal with two different fronts. While obtaining results to please the upper management and ensuring that their employees are given what they need to be successful, they are stuck in between two opposing forces and must balance the two."

"So you're saying it's more difficult than being the one responsible for everything?"

"Not at all. Only that you cannot please two masters. Yet you cannot even please one if angering the other will prevent you from doing so."

With a nod, Alex merely chuckled.

"I see. Perhaps I've been in upper management for a bit too long, and have forgotten... the struggles of such things."

The manner in which this man said these words were enough to irritate Bradley, yet he refused to let such irritation show.

After all, he was young.

He was likely roughly the same age as Bradley - who was hailed as a genius. Yet even so, he had more experience in a position of upper management.

'Just how did he rise up to this position so quickly?'

This was a question that Bradley had been trying to answer from the moment he met Alex, yet no answer came to mind.

He appeared on the surface to be an arrogant prick who knew nothing of the struggles of those below him.

Not that Bradley was all too different.

Yet even so, an understanding of those below you was crucial to the success of any manager.

If an executive was to make high handed decisions with little regard to the actual methods of work, such decisions would either be ignored or despised.

Because of this, an immense knowledge of the inner workings of a practice was crucial to anyone who was considered a leader - and failure to adhere to this condition would lead to the failure of the business.

'How then, did this branch become so prosperous?'

This was the question on Bradley's mind.

What did this man do to somehow obtain results that put him in this position in the first place?

"Well, at any rate, the fact of the matter is that we have our own methods here which may be different from those of the Main Branch. To begin... well, I'm sure this is also the case over there, but we take security very seriously."

Opening a file, the man took out a list as he slid it over to Bradley.

"This is a list of VIP's who have been cleared to attend the event. The security guards should have no issues making sure that everyone off the list stays out, but you will manage them to ensure that much. Is that acceptable to you?"

"Oh, not a problem. That much is simple. If you even have a list of people allowed already, it makes it even simpler."

"Of course. By all means, absolutely nobody off this list should be allowed in. You should know better than I do just how much this means for the Company, so I'm sure you wouldn't want any unexpected appearances."

The man spoke with a suspicious tone, however Bradley seemed to understand immediately.

"The CEO of Marcel Incorporated... he has likely obtained a number of grudges. Is that what you're trying to say?"

"Exactly. He doesn't go anywhere without his own protection because of this. Well, his business practices are not exactly ones which many consider to be... acceptable. There are those who believe that he would be better off doing business with the devil in hell."

"Haha... I see. So you believe that those people will try to infiltrate this event?"

"The fact of the matter is that this is a planned event in which he is the main guest. If any of his enemies hear of this, they will certainly try to infiltrate. But, on the other hand, so long as you ensure that nobody off that list gets in, there will be absolutely no issues. The guards should take care of everything, but you are to ensure that."

Holding up his hand, Bradley motioned for Alex to stop talking.

"You don't have to tell me twice. When you assign me to a task, there is only one thing you need to know."

At that moment, the eyes of Bradley were filled with a fire, and they glared into those of Alex with a furious seriousness.

"I'll make it happen."

"If that is the case... then we have no further need of speaking."

Waving his hand, the young President motioned for Bradley to take his leave, at which he stood up from his seat.

And as he headed off, he heard the final words of his new supervisor.

"Good luck.... Vice President."


"Ladies and Gentlemen... how wonderful it is to see everyone gathered here today."

Gathered now in a large auditorium, a particular man stood on a stage, microphone in hand as he greeted those present.

And the most noticeable feature of this man was without question his wild yet stylish red hair.

"I understand well that many of you are likely concerned or confused, given the sudden change in upper management. Well, I too am a little shocked at this sudden transfer - but regardless, I would like to give my all to ensure that you all are given the resources you need to succeed."

With a bow, the man displayed himself in an elegant manner as he spoke with sincerity in his voice.

"As your new Regional Vice President, it is truly my pleasure to be working with you all."

Sitting at the numerous tables that had been spread around the large room were workers of all types.

Men and women, young and old, people of all different races and cultures, all gathered into a single room on this day.

From security to HR, from Planning to Financing, people from every department were gathered for a single purpose.

"And what an exciting time it is... for as I'm sure you are all aware of, our Company has been granted the opportunity of a lifetime."

With fluid motions, the man's tone lowered as he spoke with excitement, encapsulating all who watched him.

"The CEO of Marcel Incorporated has given us an opportunity to land a multimillion Sin contract with him. Moria financial will be able to fund a large project for the construction of a residential subdivision to the North of Rockville. HOWEVER."

Holding up a finger before anyone was able to celebrate the good news which Bradley proclaimed, the man spoke with caution.

"This man is not someone who we can take lightly. He is known well for picking and choosing his collaborators with precision and care, and I myself have heard many stories of this man refusing to sign a contract - merely because he was unimpressed by the companies that he visited."

As Bradley laid this statement on those present, tension filled the room.

For they understood the exact meaning of his words.

Failure was not acceptable.

"With that being said... I will be working with each and every department to ensure that everything goes off without a hitch. We will need the preparation of food, decor, music, and perhaps even personal service to the man. There will be many important people attending this event aside from this man, so we must ensure to give them proper attention as well, but the fact of the matter is that this contract is our one and only goal - and to lose it would mean that each and every person in this room, including myself - will be out of a job."

As the man said such a devastating thing which inspired fear and uncertainty into the hearts of each person, he flashed the smile of a businessman, without a shred of sincerity.

"With that being said, let's work hard to ensure that such a thing doesn't happen."


"My my... I heard that he was overconfident, but does he really think that such an old fashioned method will work? Inspiring people with fear? He must be even more outdated than I thought. Everyone knows that if you want people to do what you want... you have to butter them up... and make them love you."

Chuckling to himself as he sat at his desk with one leg crossed over the other was none other than the Regional President - Alexander Meyer.

"Sir, are you certain that his methods won't work? While fear may be outdated and discouraged these days as a method, do you not think that it will motivate his underlings to ensure that their jobs are not lost?"

"Oh, that? Well, such a thing doesn't matter. Regardless of how hard they work, their loss is already set in stone."

While twirling his stylish hair in one finger, the man who sat at his desk glared up at the young woman who stood before him - a professional looking blonde woman who wore a standard suit.

She held a clipboard in her hands, and kept her eyes focused directly on the president without wavering as she spoke.

"Why is that?"

"Two reasons. The first one is something that I can't tell you. Of course, it isn't that I cannot trust you. But the fact of the matter is that allowing anyone but myself to know would be a liability. It would be a burden which you have no reason to bear - and one which may interfere in your own task. And as for the second...."

Glancing up to the woman, the man handed her a letter.

"Your instructions are in there. You... originally graduated with a degree in acting, did you not?"

"A useless degree, which I regret with every piece of my heart. However... if my talents can be of use to you, then I will ensure to utilize them to the fullest."

"It is not useless."

Suddenly, the carefree expression of the President changed to a stern one as he spoke with rebuke in his voice.

"Never call yourself useless. Don't you see why I hired you in the first place? Even if those film companies didn't see any worth in you - that is only because they have absolutely no taste - and no eye for real talent. Yet even that... is something which can be used."

Standing up, the man held his hand to his chin as he towered above the woman - almost by an entire foot.

"To call yourself useless is an insult to me. Both in the fact that I chose you, because I see worth in you... and in my ability to utilize your talents."

As the man stood before the woman, he placed his hand on her chin, lifting her serious face up as she faced him with a gulp.

"After all... that is what it means to be in upper management."

Then, leaning into the woman, the man whispered into her ear in a seductive manner as she tensed up further.

"To be able to utilize all of your resources... to their maximum potential."


From that day on, Bradley began his work.

Ring! Ring!

"Bradley Vendetta, Moria Financial. Ah, of course. Yes, yes. Please have them taken inside. Someone should be waiting there to receive them. Ok. Thank you. Bye then."

Ring! Ring!

As soon as he put down the phone, call after call seemed to come in.

"Bradley Vendetta, Moria Financial. What can I do for you? Yes. That's correct. Is that so? I see. Wonderful. Then, I'll do that. Alright. You have a nice day. Don't work too hard. Bye then."


Ring! Ring!

And without a moment to breathe, his life became that of managing everything.

"Bradley Vendetta, Moria Financial."

"Bradley Vendetta, Moria Financial."

"Bradley Vendetta, Moria Financial."

For everything had to go perfectly - and as the one in charge, it was his responsibility to ensure that this was the case.

For even though any reward would be his, so too would the punishment of failure.

"Bradley Vendetta, Moria Financial. Oh, accounting. Hm? What's that? Over budget? When did we have a budget in the first place? Listen here. Do you understand how important this event is? Do you even comprehend how much is to be made as a result of it? This is an investment. An investment. You can't gain anything without first investing in it. You guys from accounting should understand that better than anyone. Just take away whatever you spend from the potential earnings of this contract. Hah? No, I don't care what the President thinks. If he has an issue, tell him to come to my office and tell it to my face. Goodbye."

However his work was not so simple as merely getting things done.

There were always those who would oppose him.

'Which is why... it would benefit everyone if I were to simply become the President. Then... I would be able to do things MY way.'

Ring! Ring!

'Ah. It looks like I have another call.'

"Bradley Vendetta, Moria Financial. Rockville Regional Vice President speaking."


'A weekend, eh?'

On one particular day, following weeks of planning, Bradley found himself standing outside of his sports car, preparing to head back home for the night.

'I suppose I should take a break, shouldn't I? It's been... rough.'

Stepping into the car, the man turned the ignition as the engine revved unnecessarily.

'Maybe I should just... ah. I know. I think I'll go take a walk around the square.'


Bradley found himself driving nowhere.

Rockville was a beautiful place, and as he drove through the downtown area the neon lights covered his sight.

They flashed and advertised all sorts of business, from bars to whorehouses to hotels to casinos.

'What am I doing in this part of town?'

Bradley wondered this to himself, however as he pulled his car over with a perfect parallel park, the man stepped outside, his crisp suit still fresh as he brushed back his red hair.

'Well, I suppose I might as well do a little window shopping while I'm here.'



As Bradley waltzed from shop to shop, he looked upon each one as he came to a slow realization.

'What... is this?'

He walked past bars, casinos, whorehouses, and more.

He witnessed drug deals happening in the shadows of the alleyways, and as he walked through this place where neon lights seemed to light up even the darkest practices, he slowly came to a realization.

'This is supposed to be an entertainment district, no?'

Step after step, he watched while young people dressed as if they were going to a rave seemed to shove by him, laughing and chattering without a care.

'And yet... why is it that I don't feel like I could ever be entertained?'

The sidewalks seemed to fill with people, all of whom were laughing to no end - half of them likely drunk.

His eyes glanced back and forth from sign to sign as the man tried to find a shop which interested him.

'A bar... hah... there are two types of people who visit bars.'

As he walked past one establishment while watching people flock in, the man merely thinned his eyes in evident disgust as he watched.

'The first... those who lead such depressing lives that they scrounge up what little money they have in order to drink away their troubles... pretending as if they can somehow escape while ignoring their own problems.'

As the door opened, the man's eyes fell upon a particular businessman, sitting in the corner of a table with red eyes and a gloomy atmosphere.

Not a single person seemed to approach him as he sat alone - and perhaps Bradley was the only one to notice this particular man.

'And the second... those fools who wish to do nothing more than party away their youth, failing to realize that they are only driving themselves into a life of dependance on those around them... surrounding themselves with friends who will leave as soon as the party is over.'

Walking past the windows, the man could not ignore the cheerful screams and laughter of a group of college students who seemed to be having the time of their life.

Some of the guys carried the girls on their shoulders, shouting and screaming as if they were animals.

Drinks were splashed as they became rowdier and rowdier, completely ignoring the people around them as they caused a scene which they themselves were completely unaware of.

Bradley merely watched this scene as he continued walking along the sidewalk, letting out a sigh of disappointment.

'But regardless... both are trying to live in a fantasy.'

As he kept walking, the man came upon a casino.

There was a large line of people waiting to get in, and a number of bouncers who were slowly admitting people one at a time.

'There are two types of people who would fall into the world of gambling.', Bradley thought as he made his way around the line, sizing up each of the people who were waiting.

His eyes fell upon a particular young woman - one who had bags under her eyes and was whispering to herself with a slight madness in her tone.

"This time... this time for sure... heh..."

Closing his eyes with disappointment, Bradley could do nothing more than cringe as he stepped around the people.

'Those who have lost themselves in delusions, believing that they will be able to win big through immediate means rather than spending their efforts working on themselves, building up a stable foundation to stand upon. They act like big shots when they win even the slightest amount, only to go all in on a gamble which was rigged from the start.'

As the man made his way around the line, heading away from the casino entrance, the powerful words of a man seemed to grab the attention of everyone, including Bradley himself.

"Step aside, step aside! Do you all understand who I am? If you understand what's good for you, then you'll move."

Turning around to watch the scene which had erupted, Bradley witnessed a large man wearing a cheetah printed suit who shoved his way forward as he skipped everyone else.

He carried a cigar in his mouth, and immediately stepped by everyone. Not even the bouncers bothered to check him, allowing him inside without questioning.

As soon as the man left, murmuring overtook the people in line - irritation filling their expressions as jealousy and hatred overtook their hearts.

'What a bastard...'

'Why do people like that think they can just...'

'Tch... I'll show him at the poker tables...'

As Bradley watched the frustration bubble up in every person who was forced to wait their turn, he merely let out a saddened sigh as he turned around once more, heading away from the casino.

'And the second type... those who dominate the very world around them, able to finesse the entire system and take even the little that the hopeful fools put on the table, cheating everyone out of their very lives in order to bolster their standing.'

As the man walked off, he put his hands into the pockets of his coat, his brows furrowing as a strange irritation overcame him - one which perhaps he had never felt before.

'But regardless... all of them are overcome by their own greed... and their willingness to leave others in the dust in order to gain.'

Was he too, just like them?

This thought lingered in the mind of the man for a moment, however as he came upon one final destination, he seemed to stop for just a moment as he looked up.

'There... are only two types of people who attend these love hotels.'

As the man thought this, he witnessed a shy man walking hand in hand with a prostitute who clung all over him, doting on him like a child as they headed inside.

"It's alright. I know how hard it is... but I'll take good care of you. You can tell me everything... and I'll listen."

"Is... is that so? Hah haha... th-thank you... I... I just can't take it anymore.... my boss... he... he's inhuman."

As the two entered the facility, the conversation dropped off, however this was enough information for Bradley to understand what was going on.

'Those who are unable to succeed in anything... drowning in their own patheticness as they fail to find love of their own. Perhaps they scrounge up what little savings they have in order to pretend like someone cares for them... and they deceive themselves into thinking that paying someone for such things will provide them any actual respite.'

As he continued to walk forth, the man began to shiver, keeping his hands in his pockets as he slowly trembled while he grit his teeth.

'And then....'

"Hey, hey. One at a time, please. There's enough for everyone."

"I'll never get enough of you, Oscar."

"When are you going to leave that wife of yours for one of us?"

"Hey, will you be the father of my child?"

As he had passed by the facility, a limousine had pulled up - and out of it had stepped a man dressed in a green suit.

He was a blonde man who wore sunglasses, and he lit a cigarette as he wafted the smoke about with a chuckle - five women clinging to him as they spoke to him with affection.

"Now now... why don't you all just enjoy tonight with me? Stop worrying about the future so much. This is why I can't stand being with my wife, you know? She just doesn't know how to have a little fun like you girls do."

As the women seemed to swoon and the disturbing words of the man, they appeared to drool over him as they all entered the facility together.

"Ehh... don't say things like that!"

"Will you take care of all of us then?"

"I want to be Number 1, you know."

"No... it would be me."

"It would have to be me, right?"

"Hahaha... well, I suppose I'll think about it. Depending on how tonight goes... I suppose I could figure out which one of you can be Number 1."

This was the last statement that the man made as he entered the facility - and the conversation was cut off.

Bradley stood there, frozen for a mere moment after having heard such things - however after collecting his thoughts he recuperated.

'There are those who already have someone that they should be loyal to... yet wish to throw away such responsibilities in the pursuit of having fun without any consequence. Making false promises to those around him which he may have no intention of keeping, all in order that they can have the best possible time right here and now.'

Overcoming the urge to spit on the ground, Bradley allowed his disgust with humanity to well up inside of him.

'But regardless... both of these people are those who are overcome with lust... and unable to control themselves in their desires.'

As he continued to walk along those streets, Bradley witnessed store after store, place after place, and yet every single one of them only filled him with further disgust.

And it was as he walked along on that day, that he realized something.

'Why is it... that I don't feel like I could possibly be entertained?'

'What have I done with my life?'

'I've worked and worked... but for what?'

Making his way into a side alley, the man leaned against a wall as he thought these things - taking himself away from the lights of the entertainment around him as he fell into self doubt.

'I've risen in status... I've gained everything... I own a mansion, a nice car, I have chauffeurs to drive me... people working underneath me... chefs to make my food, maids to clean my home... butlers to serve me, and money to do whatever I want. And yet...'

As he looked back to the lit street from this alley, a sense of pointlessness overcame the man.

'What is it that I want?'

'What is it that I've been working for this entire time?'

'To escape the darkness of society?'

'To escape all the troubles that these people go through?'

'To escape the loneliness of being abandoned?'

'To have power over others?'

'To be able to do what I want, when I want, how I want?'

Slowly, the man slid down as he sat upon the ground.

Not a single person was present in this alleyway, and at that moment, Bradley felt something.

He was truly alone.

'Why is it that I've done everything right... and there is still no salvation?'

'What am I doing wrong?'

It was at that moment that the man heard a scream.

The scream of a female.

"Ahh!! Help!!! STOP!!!"

It came from down the alleyway - and as he heard it, the man slowly stood up.

With dead eyes, he slouched forward - irritation clear in his expression.

"Please!!! Don't do this!!!"

"Hey, shut her up!! Gag her if you have to!!!"


As the man overheard something which he likely should not have, he shuffled forward - heading towards the source of the noise.

And with veins in his forehead, he furrowed his brows with irritation as he slouched forth.

'What is it now? Can't you see that I'm busy trying to figure out my life?'


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