《From the Ashes》Aurora


Finely tuning her mana Aurora focused pushing it through the crystal on the enchanting table the blood red crystal was from a hill troll duplicate and the mana essence being in that form imbued some of the traits of the troll into the gem left behind, she could feel the different threads of mana in the gem a thread that she could pull on and feed into the other item on the table; a leather chest piece to be exact, she felt the threads troll strength, she didn’t want – ‘ahh there it is’ she thought as she found what she was looking for, she pulled it through then out of the crystal then into the chest piece then adding her own mana to imbue the gear with a light regeneration the red gem flared a bright red and the other focusing crystals on the table also started to glow with a light blue and white light, as he stretched her mana out to cover the whole of the chest piece and then set it with that finished the soul gem shattered to power the enchantment.

It was still relatively early and she had a class to teach later in the day so in the morning she felt like doing… something… She left her room as she decided she was going to one of the magic rooms just like the city wall that block magic within the city limits there were a few areas in buildings, grounds and particularly wizard towers that had their own enchantments, enchantments that let people use there mana. I a good mood as the armour she was working on was now done she started skipping along the guild hall happily humming a tune to herself, she couldn’t be bothered with dealing with all the traps in the building so on leaving her rooms she decided to go via the main hall, the red carpets meaning she dint need to worry about any traps triggering, bypassing the light blast enchantment that was concealed at the entrance to the teachers rooms she heard a raised voice someone angrily shouting, curious she peered over the edge of the balcony down to the entrance at the main hall she saw a man, a magistrate. Oiled black hair and a dark oiled moustache. His face was as red as the carpets as he was screaming at the student who was on door duty. Aurora started to make her way down the stairs maybe she could help she thought to herself, as she got the first floor she heard more of what the man was saying and heard Kadins name along with words like useless, incapable and failure. Good mood gone she get to the bottom step and loudly asks


“Can we help you?”

The magistrate turned to her with narrowed eyes, then seeing her dark blue skin and pointed ears a look of complete disgust twisted his features even affronted and outraged that he had been addressed so by a measly elf, however he rounded on her and snapped off

I am here to see the leaders of this… this rabble! I hired one of your gold ranked adventurers for a simple job and he completely failed at it!”

“If it was so simple – why didn’t you do it yourself?” she knew that would irk him – but she had been dealing with people like him her whole life, people who thought themselves superior, people who looked down on and discriminated against anyone different. She seen the flash of surprise on the magistrates face that quickly turned to rage before he advanced a step and screamed.

“How Dare you address me like that you filthy elf! I should see you flogged for that!”

Aurora smiled at that, a cold smile that did not reach her eyes and she simple replied.

“You could try.” As she rested a hand on the hilt of her long dagger at her side. Her words had the desired effect as he looked a little uncertain – but his arrogance quickly took over once again and he muttered to himself more than anyone

“We should have never taken the chains of you people!” before going on in a louder voice.

“Like I said – fetch me the leaders of this guild, I have words for them about their incompetence and arrogance and I demand penance!”

‘Our arrogance?’ Aurora thought to herself, however guild law stated that nobles and kingdom officials have the right to petition the guild leaders directly so she said


“You certainly have that right, however as you didn’t make an appointment in advance you will need to take a seat while they prepare and finish up any other business they currently have. So if you will please.” She said while gesturing to a large comfortable looking seat, then went on to address the student.

“Follow me Kelly.”

The student Kelly was a forth year student so around fifteen. She looked nervously between the magistrate and Aurora, But Aurora was already walking towards a small side door to the main hall so she had not choice but to run and catch up. they went through the door to a small office like space with a desk chair and stack of papers, there were also a small shelf with ledgers and journals on it. Aurora walked to the desk took out a quill and ink and started to write on a piece of paper, after a few second she was done and she handed to paper to the student and said.

“Right this is the request for an audience with the five. Take it to the senior gatekeeper.. Adams I think is on duty today, he will arrange things. Ohh you might want to go the long way to his office, and remember to do the check of the guild grounds beforehand too.” She finished with an evil glint in her eye. To which Kelly replied simply

“Yes teacher.” Before leaving the little room and moving on.

Aurora then moved on to practice some heavy attack magic, she would have no issue picking an deserving face to picture on the target dummies. Oh her way she found a fifth year wondering the halls and told him to take over door duty while Kelly was away and telling him that if the waiting man says anything to just plead ignorance. Feeling a good deal better now Aurora entered the practice rooms.

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