《From the Ashes》29 end of the line


The necromancer didn’t seem to realise that Kadin was there, he was bent over focusing on something on the altar, it was also then that Kadin noticed a beam of light coming from above lighting the altar so he would have missed the now dimming light from Kadin’s soul stone. Silently Kadin slid the stone into a pocket of his cloak and waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. As he took a silent step forward he heard a gentle muttering from his target still, hunched over working on something. Inching his way forward Kadin slipped a dagger into his hand, not being foolish enough to sneak directly up behind his target he made his way to the side to check the shadows making sure there was nothing or no one else hiding there to take him by surprise. He heard a light grinding sound as if the necromancer was carving or scrapping something into the alter but he checked the cave off to the left and right of him and he almost missed it but he did find a little clear glass like prism high above the ground in a large rock formation. Kadin knew he couldn’t use magic to scan or check that as he was sure that his target would pick up on it and he knew now that he still had the element of surprise, but he carefully examined the prism to look for anything he also opened himself up to the background magical energies to see if he could feel anything from it. After focusing for a few second he could feel more than see it, the prism was projecting light magical beam through it a light beam that was constantly moving highlighting the area leading up to his target, fortunately enough he hadn’t stepped in from of the beam and hadn’t been discovered assuming there would be another on he backed off and checked the other side of the cave looking for the same just as he was making his way to the other side to look for the other one he heard his target hiss and mutter to himself as he punched the altar, and he began to turn around.


Kadin still in the shadows slide behind a large uneven rock, he didn’t see his targets face and knowing the light would have made it difficult for the necromancer to see him, Kadin sunk down and waited. He heard his target moving forwards towards the opening of the entrance he was about half way to the entrance when Kadin heard him loudly chant something in a language that he didn’t understand and as he finished a pules shot out from the Necromancer a visible light shone around the edges of Kadin hiding space and he could feel it spread to the tunnel and project its way back along the way they had both come – Assuming the necromancer was trying to find him again and thinking he would act once he couldn’t find him Kadin drew a larger sword in one hand and readied to throw the dagger in his other.

In the silence that followed the silence was deafening. The moment stretched on and on – and just when Kadin was about to spring into action and jump out – he heard a chuckle come from the other man – Kadin heard him mutter

“Better luck next time” before hearing a shuffling sound.

After a few seconds he heard the same scraping as before, chancing a quick look Kadin stuck his head over the big stone he was hiding behind, where he saw his target back at the altar hunched over it. Kadin thought it was a good thing he charged onwards as it seemed like his target believed that one of his traps had caught him – not believing that he could have made it to the chamber in the time he did.

After waiting a few more second Kadin slide out from his spot and started to look for the other prism , which after a few second of searching he found it – opening himself up to magical energies again he found the same beam of magical energies scanning the chamber – but by following both beams he found areas in the un even floor where he could conceal himself from them and still make his way closer. So as he quietly inched his way forwards making his way closer and closer to his target, he kept his senses focused on him ready to throw his dagger at even the slightest movement, but wanting to be close enough not to give him time to react.


Then as he got to the last area the he could conceal himself in, Kadin prepared to spring forwards and complete his contract just as he tensed to spring forwards he heard another chuckle from the man in front of him. He lifted his hand and snapped his fingers that sent out a sharp echoing sound bouncing around the chamber that sounded unnaturally loud, just as Kadin sprang forwards he seen three bands of darkness, three bands of black ‘cord’ appear in front him and snap forwards wrapping around him binding his hands to his side and his feet together. His right hand still held his dagger in a forwards grip but was now running his leg to past his knee, his left hand held his demon swords in a reverse grip but the blade was trapped between his arm and chest, luckily the blade was still slightly tilted so the point raised behind him coming to a point over his shoulder. What surprised him however was that he didn’t fall forwards, or back.. the bands held him there floating, trapped in mid-air.

“Well if it isn’t the mercenary, nice to see you again”.

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