《From the Ashes》28 a hallway


Kadin was left with two choices, one start moving cautiously checking for more traps and let his target get further and further away. Or two continue pushing ahead and risk getting caught in a trap, after thinking on it he decided to keep charging ahead, he had been chasing this man too long and he needed to get this contract finished with. But before charging ahead head Kadin pulled out two vials from his cloak, one a potion of magic repulsion, similar to the shell he created around him to keep dry in the rain, but this worked with magical energies and as such couldn’t be cast as a spell or enchantment. The other a potion of lightning reflexes, so should he trip another trap, he hoped that the potions would slow or distort any attack and allow him to evade it. The magic repulsion was in a small round bottle it had a light blue colour and there were little sparkling flecks in it, it tasted bitter and chalky and he had only the one of them. The other potion was a bit longer and slimmer, looking like a test tube, this was a darker blue in colour and lightly transparent, popping the stopper and consuming it, this one taste very light and slightly minty. He didn’t feel anything with the first bottle but the second one sent a cooling wave from his chest up around his shoulder and down his arms and legs. He also clasped up the front of his cloak. He would be less manoeuvrable around his arms, but it flared out enough that it wouldn’t hinder his legs for moving out of the way of anything – this also gave the added benefit that if he was hit, his cloak should absorb most of the damage. Lastly he recharged the light from the soul gem and pinned it to the front of his cloak by wedging it against one of the clasps. As prepared as he would be he charged on – he made it two steps before another dull clunk and a cone of fire shot at him from the roof, he dove forwards and rolled back to his feet not even slowing down, his potions working as they should, he was able to dive under the cone of flame he felt a blast of heat wash over him but it did not break through the protections of his cloak.


As he continued charging ahead after a while he noticed the patterns and mosaics on the wall became clearer, they went from simple geometrics shapes and lines to showing basic shapes then on to more and more advance. After the first two traps there was a fair length of hallway with nothing then just when he was starting to relax he felt another click and a blast of spears shot out from both side of the wall he felt a sharp impact on his right shoulder and left side that made him twist as he moved but these were not strong enough to puncture the protective enchantments of his cloak, a bright flash as the enchantments activated on his left and right light up the hallway before shimmering in a rainbow of colours and dulling down, but the flash was bright enough for Kadin to notice the roof had stretched quite far overhead, the hallway had massively widened and the mosaic patterns had changed to depict images, there was a red devil standing tall and proud, dressed in furs and hides a set of horns protruding from its head like that or a ram leading a hoard of it kin from the demon world overlooking lush green fields.

As he moved on the images began to appear between archways gold leaf decorated columns with more and more complex pictures, a different red devil horns standing straight, slightly curving back like a dragons while wearing a golden crown holding a sword aloft in the air as other demon kin cheered in celebration.

The next depicted a battle between the demons and men and elves, while a city burned in the background. Looking through it seemed to tell the story of the first demon invasion from the demon perspective, where the uniting of the free races came together to push them back and after a while with more and more battle scenes the wall started to drop in quality gone were the golden pillars, the imaginary getting simpler as the demons got pushed back into there own land… and then it just stopped the hallway ended and lead into a massive cavern like the construction stopped while half way complete the cavern around him was massive and had bare stone with the light drip of moisture creating stalactites and stalagmites in the centre stood an altar and at the altar with his back to Kadin stood a man.

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