《From the Ashes》27 upwards


The tunnel he was in was just an arm’s length higher that his head, and if he reached out with both arms he could touch the walls, after the first sharp turn it started to slowly twist back on itself while still leading up, and again after the first steep incline the tunnel went to more of a gentle slope. As it continued to snake its way onwards and upwards the meagre lighting from the entrance had quickly disappeared, still a little weary of using his magic as he didn’t know if the constant strikes could cave in the whole tunnel system, Kadin looked for something to light his way, as he rummaged through his cloak there was the occasional light glint from his bombes, but nothing that would cast a sustained light he could use. But then he seen the faint outline of one of his soul gems, pulling them out he found it was the fire gem he got from the salamander. It was emitting a tiny orange glow, the light didn’t reach past his open hand but he did see it lighting up the other gems that he had, so he put the other gems away as he looked at it, it was still slightly warm to the touch but not as much as when he first got it, so he poured a little magical energy into it where it immediately began to heat up, but also got brighter. After a few second of pouring his energy into it until it felt hot to hold but not scoldingly so it gave out just enough light to push back the blackness of the tunnel he was in. The walls of the tunnel were a dark grey as was the floor and roof above him but looking at it more he could see signed that this was once used, little scuffs and marks around him, and every so often signs of maintenance and for want of a better word construction. His first thought were orcs as goblins were too stupid to carve out their own tunnels and would just use what they could find. But as he listened there was no sound of current activity just the constant sigh of wind.


So he kept on as he went the light in his soul gem dimmed as it cooled and he would need to top it up it did last about thirty to forty minutes between top ups though so it was still easily viable, all the while the tunnel kept its slight upward angel and would occasionally twist back on itself. After about two hours he did notice that it was a single route there were no branching or splits in the path he was on.

Kadin would regularly use his long sense to try and close on the ‘signal’ he first felt and it did feel like he was getting closer, but it was almost like it was moving with him – not as fast but still constantly onward. Even though it didn’t feel like a life sign Kadin figured this was in fact his target and anticipation started to build in his chest – after a long, tiering violent road its end was in sight. Pickup up his pace he started to move forwards again. Finally the ground around his was starting to level out more and the passage way he was in started to get wider and taller, he even started to see signs decoration and what could once be artworks etched into the walls, but after however many centuries since anyone called this place home they were little more dips and scrapes.

The light in his hands started to dim again and so he poured a little magical energies into it and as the brightness increased he noticed a bigger dip in the wall, just as he noticed it he also heard a light click and a whoosh as a green fireball shot out of the dip straight for his chest. Kadin leapt to the side just missing the fireball, it passed close enough that his protective enchantments on his cloak activated and sent littler shimmering rainbow waves from where the blast came closest. Turning his leap into a roll Kadin threw out his own hand channelling wind magic and sent a blast of highly compressed and condensed air at the dip in the wall, when it hit the wall a deep rumble then crack as small bits of the wall flew outwards leaving behind a bigger hole and long cracks running up and down the wall. He had assumed his target was waiting in a hidden alcove for him and attacked him but as he approached he noticed it was little more than a hand with, he also was picking up some diminishing magical energies – a trap. The Necromancer knew he was being followed.

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