《Whispers of A Dead Empire》Chapter 167


Nyx rushed into the bedroom, as fast as she could, and quickly disassembled one bed of all its pillows and blankets, only to drag them over to another. “What are you doing?” I asked. I stepped inside and let Alessia in before shutting the door behind us.

“Getting comfy.” She replied as she fluffed a pillow and placed it against the headboard.

“Are you now?” I asked her as I unslung my bag and placed it on my bed.

“Yep. I require myself to be as cozy as possible when I study.” She grabbed a few more pillows and set them around her like a little ring, and grabbed the blanket and placed it on top. “Can I have my books now?” She asked as finished whatever it was she was doing.

I sighed in defeat as I opened up my bag and began pulling out the books in small stacks. Nyx jumped from what now looked like a small nest and quickly grabbed the books and brought them back, and stacked them around the bed in an orderly manner. A few sat near the pillow at the top, and with the rest spread around her in a ring. “Mother.” She paused what she was doing for a moment and turned to face me.

“Yes?” I sat down on my bed and glanced at her. I wonder what she wanted now.

“Thank you. For everything. It really means a lot to me.” Her emerald eyes flickered in the light that pushed through the windows, and in that moment, I saw nothing but love in her eyes.

“Of course, Nyx. You are my world, after all.” Warmth pulsed through my veins and I wanted to cry from the sheer amount of happiness that I felt. I was so happy that it hurt.

“I love you, mother!” She told me as she grabbed the closest book to her and dived under the covers and wrapped herself up.

“I love you too.” The words rolled from my lips, and I stared at her for a few extra seconds as she rolled around the bed and got cozy to read.

My eyes lingered for a few heartbeats before I shifted my attention to the other most important person in my life. “So Alessia, do you want to go out to the town with me? We still have some time to go out and do some sightseeing, and some shopping.”

“What about Nyx?” she asked as I gestured for her to come here.

“Nyx is going to be absorbed in her books until she’s done with them all.” To prove my point, I turned back to my daughter, who was now fully under the blanket that was glowing softly from a light source within it. “Nyx.” I called out to her.



“Would you mind if Alessia and I visited the town without you?”

“Mm-mm.” She replied with a voice that seemed distant.

“See, what did I tell you? The girl is absorbed in her books. I doubt she will even realize we are gone.” As Alessia neared me, I reached out like a needy child and wrapped my arms around her.

“What about protecting her? Are you sure you can trust everyone here? What if something happens?” She peppered me with questions as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

“We can leave all the palatines here. Not only that, there are the royal guards that live here, and the staff. Besides, I highly doubt that Redrick would allow any harm to come to her. I’m far too valuable an ally for him. But if it would make you feel better, I’ll talk to him first.” A part of me was hesitant to leave Nyx here, but now that I know what she was capable of, I felt like I could trust her more. She would raise enough hell that we would be alerted.

“Just you and I? Calixa, that’s dangerous.” Alessia pushed me away slightly and tried to send me a stern look.

“Is it? I’m not worried when I have my knight in shining armor by my side.” I gazed up at her. She really was my knight. She was my protector and my lover. Honestly, at this point, she really was just everything to me, and I trusted her with all my heart.

“I hate when you say things like that.” Her body heaved slightly like she was releasing an apprehensive sigh.

“Why’s that?” I asked as I pulled her back into me. I was truly needy, and I don’t think she realizes that just yet. Physical affection was what I needed, though I’m not sure why that’s the case.

“What if we get attacked? I have to prioritize your safety at all costs.” Again, her tone came as stern as she could make it. Which granted, if I was anyone else, it would have probably scared me.

“Well, here’s the thing, darling. I’m not going to run, and you are crazy if you think I’m going to let you get hurt. So if anything happens, you can count on the fact that I’m going to stand by your side and fight with you. Understand?” I meant that with every fiber of my being. I’ll be damned before I let anyone hurt her ever again. As far as I’m concerned, laying a finger on her is akin to laying a finger on me, and I won’t tolerate it.


“You are insufferable. You know that?” She asked as I felt her fingers run through my hair. Doing this with her, I now understand why Nyx loves this so much. It really feels good, and I didn’t want her to stop.

“I know. But you love me, so it’s okay.” I nestled into her embrace and closed my eyes once more, cherishing the feeling.

“That I do Calixa. More than you know.” Her words lingered in my mind for a moment, and a sense of panic lit in my chest. I didn’t know what to do or say to that. Do I say anything to that at all?

I mentally struggled for a bit as heat rushed to my cheeks. Until I finally settled onto something. “I know.” It was cheesy, but that was really all I had at the moment. She left me completely frazzled all the time. The damn woman. I hate how much power she had over me.

Instead of replying, Alessia swept back my hair, and I felt a pair of cool lips grace the flesh of my forehead. No matter how hard I try to dominate her, or push back, it was really me at the end of the day who was wrapped around her finger. She was so beautiful, and driven, and confident as hell. Yet she was also so kind, and thoughtful. God, I was so hopelessly smitten, and I didn’t know what to do.

It also made me wonder what my parents would think. What would I say to them? Hey mom, hey dad? I’m back, and I’m a goddess! Oh, by the way, here is my spirit girlfriend and dragon daughter? The thought alone made me chuckle out loud.

“What is it?” Alessia ran her fingers through my hair once more as she spoke.

“Nothing, my love. Just had a funny thought.” I pulled away and gazed at her. “Anyway, let’s go into town. We should still have a few hours of daylight left, so we can go to a few stores. Maybe we can even find a restaurant.” A part of me knew that this was for shopping and furthering my domain, but the other part of me knew that this was just an excuse for another date with her. Was it so wrong of me to want all of her time and attention?

She stared at me, and I could feel all the apprehension in her stare, but she relented to me. “Fine, Calixa, as you wish.”

“Thank you so much, Alessia.” I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her, causing her to chuckle as she gave me a pat on the back.

“Have I ever said that you and Nyx are a lot alike?”

“You have mentioned it a few times, but I haven’t noticed it.” I pulled away from her and took my spot back on the bed. A few people have mentioned that, but I don’t really see the similarity.

“Well, trust me when I tell you that either Nyx takes after you on a lot of things, or she has been rubbing off on you.” Alessia stepped back a few steps and crossed her arms, and rested against the wall.

“I like to think that she takes after me. But that may be my motherly side talking.” I pulled my legs up to my chest and glanced over to Nyx, who was still busy underneath her blankets reading.

“Perhaps it is. I do like to think that you are a splendid mother.” Alessia nodded her head slightly as her gaze traveled from me to my daughter.

“Do you think?“ It really was one of my greatest insecurities right now. I wanted to do right by Nyx in the end. She deserved a life that I didn’t get. So I was always worried that I didn’t do enough.

“I don’t have to think. I know. Besides, if I didn’t think so, you would be the first to hear about it. You may be my empress, but I can promise you I won’t hold back if you deserve it.”

Her words were reassuring. I know Alessia wouldn’t be afraid to say anything if I screwed up, so perhaps I should have a little more faith in myself. “Nyx, Alessia and I are going out for a bit. All the palatines are here, and I will instruct Redrick to ensure that all your needs are met, all right?” I called out to her as I hopped off the bed and walked over to the door.

“Okay.” Her response was still distant, and distracted, and I couldn’t help but feel like she was going to be angry if she took some time to stop reading. But that sounds like a Redrick problem.

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