《Whispers of A Dead Empire》Chapter 166


I dropped a large stack of books onto the counter, only adding to the pile that was steadily growing. So far I collected books on theorems, affinities, healing magic, thaumaturgy, talismans, and rituals. As for magical artifacts, I found a bunch that I could use as traps, like poisoned goblets, cursed chests, and the likes.

Nyx on the other hand had collected books about the use of wands, more affinities, rituals, and a few other branches of magic. That doesn’t also include all the artifacts that she ended up finding that she wanted. Though, I didn’t know what she was going to use them for. I swear that child is such a geek for magic. But it makes her happy. So who am I to judge?

I pulled my gaze away from her, and brought it back to the countertop, and towards the dwarf who was busy cataloging everything. “That’s a fair bit of product ya lassies have. Anything special going on?” He asked as he grabbed another book off the sky high stack.

“No, I just love magic.” Nyx replied as she eyed the stack of books like someone was about to make a move to steal them all from her.

“Aye, I understand that. My ma and paps told me I wasn’t a proper dwarf for liking magic. But I’m glad to see that ya ma respects that.” The dwarf nodded his head as he wrote the cover of the book that was in his hand.

Nyx hummed her approval at his words. “Yes, mother is the greatest. She lets me learn all kinds of magic.” I bit back a grin at her words. She was so single-minded sometimes, especially in pursuing what she wanted.

“Aye little lassie that she is.” The dwarf nodded his head as he jotted down another book into his accounting log, and I turned away and glanced around once more.

Magic was something, huh? How I wished I could use magic. I found my gaze traveling to my hands, and I gazed at them. Was it worth trading magic for what I have now? Small twinges of regret floated around my mind that I pushed away. It wasn’t time to get lost in my own choices now.

“How would you like these delivered?” The dwarf’s words brought me back to reality, and I glanced at him.


“I can take most of them. What is the cost?” I asked as I unslung my sports bag and placed it on the countertop.

“Grand total comes up to fifteen gold coins, 56 silver coins, and 15 copper coins.” The dwarf set the last book down onto the stack and glanced up at me, apprehensively, fully expecting me not to cover the cost.

I reached into my bag, and grabbed the coin purse I made, and rifled through it, and pulled out sixteen gold coins. I didn’t know how prices worked in this world, so I just made a metric fuck ton of coins to make sure that I had enough to cover everything that I needed. Maybe a little too much, but I didn’t care. It’s not like it was hurting anything.

The dwarf gazed at me with wide eyes, and as he glanced between me and the coin purse. “Is there anything else that I can get for you?”

“No, that’s all. You can keep the change, by the way.” I told him as I slid the stack of gold coins over to him and collected the books. I knew I couldn’t carry most of them in my bag, but I had a feeling that Nyx would want all of her stuff. Not that I cared. It would keep her out of trouble for most of the trip, or for however long it would take for her to pour everything over.

I divided everything in a rough semblance of what I guessed was hers, and what was mine. “Hey, this may sound like a strange request, but would you mind taking this stack of stuff over to the domain?” I asked as I gathered all of Nyx’s things and placed them to the side. Save all her artifacts. Those could be shipped back home.

“That is odd. But you paid good money, so I don’t mind.” The dwarf shrugged and hopped off his large bar stool.

I reached into my bag and pulled out a pen. “Would you mind if I got a piece of paper from you?” I needed to write instructions for the undead that would pick this stuff up to take to Kharon. Everything would go to him, save Nyx’s stuff, of course.

“Aye. One moment.” He wandered into the back, while I stood there with my pen in hand.


“Mother, can I have my artifacts too?” Nyx gazed up at me with hope filled eyes.

“No. I’m going to ship them back home, so nothing happens to them. However, I’ll keep all your books on hand so you can read them as you like.” I leaned against the counter, and shot her a glance.

“Hm, yes, that is very smart. I don’t want anyone to touch my hoard.” She nodded her head matter-of-factly.

I rolled my eyes at her words. I keep forgetting that she was a dragon, so a lot of the things that she does make sense. But there was only so much that I could iron out with her. The struggle of raising a dragon child I guess. I pushed away from the countertop and stacked all of Nyx’s books into my bag. Maybe I would find some peace for a few days.

A few moments later:

We finally made it back to Redrick’s house. Nyx tried her hardest to get me to move faster since she wanted to read, but I held her back. She needed to learn patience above all else. It was a struggle, but now we are back, so I can let her run loose.

I nodded towards the Knights who stood by the gate, but they were as still as statues as they gazed at me. They felt strong. Far stronger than anything I have encountered, so thankfully, they were allies.

“Empress.” Alessia gave me a small bow, and my heart jumped in my chest slightly. Why did I always feel like a giddy school girl when I saw her?

“Alessia.” I replied to her and fought the urge to rush over to her and wrap my arms around her.

“Ms. Alessia!” Nyx let go of my hand and rushed over to her, and threw her arms around her and nuzzled herself into her stomach. “Mother bought all kinds of books on magic! She even let me get artifacts!” She pulled away and took Alessia’s hand. “But she’s being mean and taking her time getting home. I really want to read!”

“Oh, is that so? Do you want me to have a word with her, then?” Alessia gazed down at Nyx with such a serious face that I had to force myself to not laugh.

“Please, I insist.” Nyx pouted as she turned away from Alessia and glanced at me.

Alessia chuckled and glanced at me. “Empress, the child demands that I speak to you about her books.”

“Well if the child keeps trying to make demands of me, I won’t give her the books at all.” I shot Nyx a glance that hopefully conveyed that I was partially teasing, but also being serious.

Her face paled considerably as my words reached her. “You wouldn’t dare.” She stammered, shocked that I would do such a thing..

“Wouldn’t I?” I asked as I reached my hand out for her to take. I would, if I needed to, I would take them away from her, but for now, I wouldn’t. For my sake of mind, at least.

She stared at me, wide eyed for a moment, trying to decide if I was kidding or not. A look of defeat crossed her face as she reached her hand up and out to me. I took hers and clenched it. “Relax, I won’t deprive you of your books, but don’t think that you can demand anything of me.”

“I’m sorry, mother. Please don’t take away my books.” She glanced down at the ground and timidly kicked a stone.

“I won’t.” I squeezed her hand and pulled her towards the house. “Now let’s get back.” I told her as I tugged her towards the direction of the house. I may spoil her rotten, but she is still my little girl.

“Okay.” She perked up slightly, as I guided her into the house. Now I did kind of want to visit the rest of the town, but that required me to figure out what to do with Nyx. With all of those books that I bought her, my job may be much easier to do now, but we shall see. Maybe I would even see if Alessia would want to go out on an actual date, or something of the sort? But before that at least, I would need to go shopping for other things that I would need for my domain, and talk to Redrick about hiring some people full time to work in my domain.

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