《Number 7》Chapter Number 103 - A Thing


"Alright. That's who you are, but that doesn't explain why you're here, or what your relationship is with a host."

"A host?"

George looked at the young girl with confusion as she questioned him, using a term which he had never heard before.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Ah... I'm the one questioning you, and yet you don't even know that much? Or maybe you're just playing dumb?"

Pointing the gun at the leg of the man, the girl fired off a bullet.


The aura of gunpowder filled the noses of the two as a slight pain appeared in the leg of the man, who glanced down to realize that he had been grazed.

"The next shot won't be a warning."

'Ah... it's true.'

Looking into the heartless eyes of the girl, the suspicions of the man were confirmed.

'This girl... has killed before.'

'Not once.'

'Not twice.'

'More times than even she can remember.'

George was a man who had spent his life studying the minds of criminals.

Deranged, twisted men and women whose goals laid far beyond the realm of what was considered sane.

And as someone with such experience, he knew.

This girl was one of them.

"I believe you. But I still don't understand what a host is."

Yet even so, the man did not stiffen himself in fear.

"Very well. If I explain to you, then will you tell me what you know in exchange?"

And so, he urged this proposal out of the girl - to which he nodded.

"That sounds fair to me."

'Fair... eh?'

"A host... well, I suppose I don't understand it too well myself... but there is another person living within the mind of their host. Person? Well, there is another... being. They hold the intelligence of a human, and can speak directly into the mind of the one whom they host, from what I know."


As the girl explained this, George widened his eyes in realization.

"So that's why... it's... it's crazy... it makes absolutely no sense... but it all makes sense! That's why he kept on talking to himself... that's why he kept on referring to 'the Lady'... and that's why... she appeared."

Nodding in partial understanding, the man looked at the girl.

"You're right. S-256 is the host of one of these beings."


"Oh... I guess you wouldn't know. You see, I worked at a prison. But where I worked, names weren't allowed for the prisoners. We refer to them only by their Numbers... and to be honest, I don't even know his name."

"I see. So the host was a prisoner... hmm... so did he become a host just recently? Though the relationship between the two seemed a bit... evolved for that. You probably wouldn't know though... or would you?"

As the girl seemed to think out loud, she turned to George with her question.

"How long has he been talking to himself?"

Closing his eyes as he thought about it, the man thought back.

Back, back, back.

And after a moment of thinking, he spoke.

"As long as he's been in that jail cell, at least. But if I had to fathom a guess... even longer."

"That... that doesn't make sense.", Isabella stated. "After all, if he's been talking to himself for that long, it would mean that that woman was inside of him all that time. And surely... she wouldn't take lightly to being trapped in a cell. How long has he been there?"


"A couple of months. He turned himself in of his own accord, his entire case was strange. Although... after hearing his story... I had pity for him. Though now that I rethink it... I wonder..."

"What crime was he arrested for?"

"Well, that's the thing. You see, when we assign a Number to each of our prisoners, the letter that comes before it is related to the gravest crime that they are in there for."

Standing up, the man waved for the girl to follow him, at which she lowered the gun - though she did not appear to lower her defenses for even a second.

"So what crime does S stand for?", she pressed as she followed the man.

For a moment, the man remained silent as he walked forward, the girl following behind him.

And then, he spoke.

"Serial killer."


"I see. So nothing major."

This was the response of the girl after being told that a serial killer was currently speaking to the ones who she was supposed to protect with her life.

"Nothing major? You really are a strange one. But even as bad as it sounds... he's the most reasonable serial killer I've ever met."

It was incomprehensible.

George had dealt with a number of twisted people, deranged with forms of logic which were so beyond the realm of what was considered normal that he had become accustomed to it.

Yet there was something in particular with the reaction of the girl that he couldn't wrap his mind around.

It was not the fact that she did not seem concerned with a serial killer being in her presence. No, this was actually the least surprising thing, given her likely background.

It was her reaction just earlier, when faced with such a killer.

She was overwhelmed.

The beast within that man had toyed with her, and even so she had continued to fight - with the goal of defending the people who lay beyond her.

However at some point that mindset had shifted.


Why did this girl, so intent on protecting the people who were beyond her, suddenly give up - as if nothing mattered?

"Why aren't you concerned for them? They’re with such a killer right now, you know."

"The Master and the Mistress, you mean?"

The girl seemed to understand immediately what George asked, to which she stated her answer without hesitation.

"If I am incapable of protecting them, then I will only be in the way. I only have a single life, and as such I have been ordered not to lose it even if it is to protect them."

With a pause, the girl seemed to think for a moment.

"And I suppose it would also be because... anything that happens between the Seven is something which even my Master and Mistress have no control over. If Seven wishes to kill his host, then neither I nor the Master would be able to stop him. If One wishes to kill her host, then neither I nor the Mistress will be able to stop her. It is that simple."

"So your bond is that shallow?"

George could not believe what he was hearing.

He had witnessed with his own eyes the desperation as the girl fought with speed and skill that even he could not comprehend.

Yet even this girl, whose fighting abilities far surpassed that of any human, was left a defenseless child when faced with whatever monster was contained within S-256.

"Even if you call such a thing shallow, I would hardly say that is the case. If my master ordered me to die, I would die. If he ordered me to live, then I would kill even him in order to live."



He couldn't understand it.

What kind of loyalty was this?

"If he ordered you to kill him, you're saying that you would do it?"

"I would kill him ten, a hundred, a thousand times - if he so ordered me. The reason? It is simple. My brother is dead... and the Master and the Mistress are the ones who have obtained me as the ones whom I shall serve."

As the girl said this without the slightest second of hesitation, George immediately understood.

"I see. So that's how it is."

Nodding his head in understanding, the man led the girl through the warehouse, looking around as he took in the surroundings - eventually coming before an elevator.

And as soon as it came into view, the man heard the ding of this elevator as it opened to reveal three people.

Two of them had eyes which were pitch black, a man and a woman.

And the other was none other than his partner - the one he knew - S-256.


With a casual wave, the red haired man motioned to the cop, who could do nothing more than gaze in discomfort towards the two that walked alongside him.

"Don't 'hey' me. After hiding something like that... well, I guess I am a cop, and you were a prisoner, so I can't say I don't understand why you would hide it... but..."

"I didn't hide anything though?"

The man known as S-256 looked to George with confusion, laughing it off.

"I talked to the Lady all the time, in front of you, without trying to hide anything."

Flashing a devious smile, the man looked upon the cop with a mocking expression.

"What, did you think I was just some psychopath who was speaking to myself?"

"I had pegged you as one, especially considering your track record. And I still do."

"So rude. Well, anyways, I guess it's time to introduce you to- ah. One? Looks like you're not there anymore."

Glancing over to the woman, the red haired man watched as the blackened eyes changed in color, the whites becoming normal once more as the demeanor of the woman changed.

"Ah... it looks like she took over while I was asleep. What's going on here?"

Accepting the situation quickly, the woman looked around as she witnessed the new faces.

"Isabella. Who are these men?"

"Mistress, I have determined that the cop is not an enemy for now, and the other is... a host."

"I see."

Closing her eyes as she took a deep breath in, the woman then glared over to her partner - who was currently overtaken by none other than Number Seven.

"Seven. You seem to know the situation better than I do. Are you going to let me in on who this is?"

At that instant, the limbs of the woman exploded.

Blood sprayed outwards, covering every single person in the vicinity as if a bomb had hit them, and the woman fell to the ground as she held in a scream.

With a thud, her legless body slammed onto the concrete below, and she was left unable to walk as her legs slowly regenerated.

And then, forming a mouth from the cheek of the woman so that all could hear, the creature within her spoke.

[Do not speak to Seven in such a demanding manner, host. Remember your place. It would appear that you are forgetting it.]

At this display, even the man accused of being a serial killer was astonished, gazing upon the woman with surprise as he viewed her strange and deadly relationship with the creature.

"You... does your host hate you?"

[Don't mistaken me, Host of Three. I do not hate my host in the slightest, nor does she hate me. Our relationship is... complicated.]

"I would say... urgh... that I hate you."

Letting out these words as her limbs regenerated, Sylvia spoke as such.

[Oh come now. Over something like this? Don't forget that I experience the same pain that you do.]

"Does that mean it hurts any less?"

[No. But My tolerance has become pretty high. Someday yours will be the same.]

"Hah... so you're telling me that I'll have to endure as much as you have?"

At this, there was no response.

Slowly, the limbs of the woman returned to normal as she stood up.

"At any rate... I suppose I should find out a bit more. So... you're the host of Number Three then, right?"

Approaching the red haired man, Sylvia glanced at him, eyeing the man up and down with suspicion as the pain faded.

Then, with a questioning tone, the woman seemed to breathe out the words as if letting out a comment which she normally would have hidden.

"Why haven't you gone insane?"

However, to this question, the man merely laughed.


He chuckled.


And then, his eyes teared up.

"Hahaha.... ah... ah.... hahaha!"

Then, suddenly, he stopped.

The shift was so sudden that one might believe he was a completely different person altogether as he looked at the woman with an expression as straight as a ruler.

"We have."


"There are no chairs here. How annoying."

Sylvia walked through the warehouse, leading the group as she temporarily took control.

"Well... I guess there are a number of things I want answered. First, how long have you been a host?"

"Am I obligated to tell you such a thing?"

S-256 questioned the woman in a lighthearted manner, however she didn't budge even at the provocation.

"I cannot force you to do such a thing. But the fact of the matter is, I'm trying to get things done here. I have my goals, and my parasite has hers. And I'm sure you're the same."

[Oh? So you're now referring to me as a parasite?]

"Is that not what you are? Or perhaps you'd prefer for me to refer to you as a human?"

[Parasite it is.]

The mouth which formed at the cheek of the woman conversed with her in this strange manner.

They were neither friends nor enemies, and their relationship had evolved in a strange way.

'The way they talk... it's as if they are annoyed with one another's existence, yet at the same time as if they are long time companions who have been through hell and back together.'

This was the thought that George had as he watched this disturbing interaction between the woman and the monster within her.

'Who knows. Perhaps they have.'

"Fine then. Perhaps if I tell you a bit then you'll be more open to informing me."

"Oh. Mistress, I've learned a bit about him from that cop there. He's a serial killer."

"Ah, is that so? Good job, Bella. Can I call you Bella? I think it's a nice little nickname for you."

"Call me as you wish."

"Alright. What else did you learn?"

"According to the cop, that man was arrested a few months ago. He was talking to himself the entire time in jail, so he likely met Number Three before then."


Turning back as she stopped walking in place, Sylvia looked to both men with surprise.

"Is that true?"

"Well, it's true from my end... at least. Although just because-"

"October 24th, 2035."

While the cop stumbled with his words, the red haired man cut him off as he spoke in a serious tone.

"That was when you met her?", Sylvia asked with a raised eyebrow, already suspicious.


However with the shaking of his head, the man lifted his hand as he showed it to all present.

And as he did so - Sylvia witnessed it.

A ring of flesh was missing on his fourth finger - cut out from his hand.

"That's our anniversary."

At this statement, Sylvia found her eyes widening as a realization dawned upon her.

"You... you... were dealing with these things... even before the world ended?"

"Do not call her a THING."

However with a slicing tone, the man attacked the woman with his words as his eyes darted towards her with bloodlust.

"She is a Lady. Just like any other."

Walking around Sylvia as he put his hands behind his back, the man began a lecture.

"If I forgot our anniversary, then she would murder me - just like any other woman in the world. If I forgot the day we met - September 23rd, 2035, then she would flay me alive - just like any other woman in the world. And if I were to compare her to a woman like you..."

As the man wrapped himself around Sylvia, the woman tensed up as he spoke in a manner completely devoid of sanity.

"Then she would gouge out my eyes, so that they would only be focused on her."

And with a threatening tone, the man whispered into the ear of the woman.

"So do not refer to her as a THING."


She was terrified.

Yes, Sylvia was terrified.

However even as she was filled with terror, she was confident.

The fear which was instilled into the woman was no different than that which she held to the very creature within her - for the man who spoke to her in such a menacing tone was perhaps someone even more fearsome than the creatures that controlled them.

For a mere man who had managed to harness and control such power.

And yet, even though she knew this, even though her very soul trembled at the sudden change in demeanor of the man, even though the feeling of absolute inferiority seemed to eat away at her very heart, something else was at play.

For this terror was not as horrible as it should have been.

'Is it that... I am merely becoming accustomed to being faced with unsurpassable enemies?'

This thought crossed the mind of the woman, yet she immediately put off such an idea.

That was not the case.

The fear which she experienced as Number One took control of her very life was one which she could never quite get used to, and the horror which this man inspired was no less.

Yet even if such a thing were true, Sylvia found herself able to control it.

She found herself able to control and contain the fear which would have otherwise rendered her motionless.

"Forgive me for my rudeness. Then... you've been associated with this Lady for years now?"

It took everything for Sylvia just to utter these words without flinching, yet she did exactly that.

As if the overwhelming fear was not present within her, she was able to fake such a statement while completely masking every sense of emotion.

For she was a businesswoman.

A liar.

A thief.

A deceiver.

And even if she was no actor, acting was a requirement for the life she had lived.

'Yes... my entire life... it's all just been an act.'

Closing her eyes, the woman stepped forward, away from the man as she strode with a false confidence.

'And perhaps... this destroyed world is merely a new stage.'

And then, without freezing, the woman spoke as all eyes seemed to gaze upon her - unsure of what she was about to do as she put on a show of arrogance.

'I wonder what kind of performance I'll be giving from this point on?'

"If that is the case, then would it not mean that you had some part in the destruction of this world?"

With this statement, the officer and even the navy blue haired girl seemed to tense up as they gazed at the red haired killer, who merely chuckled at the new demeanor which the woman had taken.

'No... I should not wonder about such a thing.'

"Regardless of whether I was aware of such a thing, I have always had a single goal."

Stepping forth to meet the woman, the red haired man was also overcome with a sense of sincerity as he spoke.

"To please the woman I love."

Holding out his hands as he motioned to the bloodied floors and rotten corpses around him, the man laughed to himself.

"This? I had no part in this, nor did the Lady. Yet even if I had no part in it... I will say one thing with confidence."

At that instant, the man changed.

Half of his face shifted, while the other remained the same.

The right half was that of a male, while the other half shifted to that of its female counterpart - the whites of the eye becoming blackened and the iris becoming as red as blood.

And then, in unison, both a male and female voice spoke.

["The previous world was one worth destroying."]

With these words, a silence overcame the group, however this silence was overcome quickly by the response of the black haired businesswoman.

"I completely agree."

With a nod, the woman too laughed to herself - insanity tainting her voice.

"Heh... yes, I completely agree. Indeed... change is something which is difficult to accept at first, however it is only by being forced out of our comfortable situations that we can move ourselves to somewhere better."

Speaking to the four - or perhaps the five, if Number Three was counted, Sylvia derived from mere rational thought as she spoke.

"And perhaps the entire world had to be destroyed in order for it to become better."

However, cutting off her own sentence, the woman immediately shook her head.

"Yet I do not believe that humans will all of a sudden improve themselves just because the world has been ruined. For humans... will always be corrupt... filthy... disgusting... and selfish beings."

Once more, the woman nodded as she closed her eyes - keeping them closed all the while as she spoke.

"And in such a wretched situation, perhaps that filthy nature will only be further revealed, rather than changed."

Then, opening her eyes, the woman smiled with a devious grin - revealing that her irises had become completely green.

Veins tattered her eyes, yet the whites remained white, however the color of her previously navy blue eyes had suddenly changed to an emerald shade.

"But that is acceptable."

Suddenly, the woman grabbed her own throat, and her sharp nails seemed to dig into her flesh, drawing blood.

"For when such a wicked nature is revealed..."

At that moment, the woman gripped her own neck, twisting it with the flick of her hand in such a manner that her head was lodged sideways with a crack.

"It is all the easier to topple."

Then, with a 90 degree tilted head, the woman laughed.


And falling to the ground, the woman felt everything become woozy as the immense pain seemed to numb.

'I will not allow this performance to derive any further, One.'

With these thoughts, the words of the woman reached the creature within her mind as her vision became black.

'After all... I am the one writing the script.'

And coming to a strange realization, the woman thought these final words.

'And my editor is someone who has gone through hell and back to ensure that the performance is a success.'

[Good Job, Host.]

With this response, Sylvia immediately knew that she had made the correct decision.

[It seems that you've finally figured out the secret... to your death.]

And with these words from her captor of mind, doubt was sowed into her heart.

[But will you be able to use it in your favor?]

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