《Mark of the Lash》Up The Ridge
For perhaps the first time in days, after traversing through the water and muck, through the winds and the chill, through the shadows and everything that splashed within them, Cruck’aa had stunned them all by announcing that he’d finally found a proper road – a real road, formed by the travelers that’d stomped their way across the Evermoors – a road that had been drawn out, in a thick line, on the map that Jo had stashed in her pocket – a road that was actually real.
And it was up a Gods damned ridge. Salvation for their weary, soggy feet was only ten feet away, yet those feet looked like miles.
Serena huffed, hands on her hips, head craned to stare up at the miniature cliff. Jo and Pavel flanked her, mirroring her pose, while Doriyah stomped alongside the bottom, inspecting the rocks and dirt with a careful eye. Behind them buzzed the bog, its waters still around their calves, though none of them paid it any heed. Except…
“I ain’t going around.” Doriyah proclaimed, starting Serena before she could look back. “We here. Let’s just figure it out.”
“And if we can’t?” Jo asked as he marched past her.
“Oh, we will. And it would be easy!” He shouted, causing everyone to jump. “If someone would just magic some god damn vines down the wall!”
His words echoed over the ridge, his only answer.
“Gods damned fucking pigeon…” Doriyah muttered, marching back.
Serena sighed; to the surprise of no one, Cruck’aa had launched himself up and over the ridge, leaving the rest of them on their own. He’d kept muttering something about the road and where it led – Nesme, if she remembered right – and wanting to check on…something, but that didn’t excuse his behavior. But what was new with him?
“I’m going to strangle him, Nine Hells.” Doriyah continued to mutter, stopping at a spot, and staring up. “Stick a log up his ass and fucking roast him –”
“Curse later.” Jo said, walking over. “See any place to climb up?”
“It shouldn’t be too hard.” Pavel trailed over, standing behind them. “You could probably haul yourself up there.”
He pointed at something, invisible to Serena’s eyes, but clearly visible to Jo and Doriyah, who immediately launched into ideas, thrown out faster than the wind. Her eyes glazed over as jargon began to tumble out, a hurricane of words that all seemed…well, made up to her. Probably from their ‘military days’ or whatever they called it. None of it mattered though. She wouldn’t need the help. But…
Her heart fluttered. Licking her lips, Serena sucked in a breath, and turned around.
As was usual these days, Werond stood apart from them, watching the proceedings with tired eyes. That tired gaze flicked to Serena, freezing her in place, sending a jolt through her chest.
Bahamut’s Teeth, what was she supposed to do? Each passing day marked another failed attempt at closing the rift between them, and with each of those failures, that familiar numb crept ever closer, widening the hole within her chest. It was a slow suicide for Serena, one that would end not in her death, but…
She winced, scratching at her chest, as though she could rip the numb off like a scab. Better not to let herself fall down that path again.
“Hey uhm…” She forced herself forward, fumbling with her signs. “I was just planning on uh…teleporting up there, and I thought that, well…once I’m up, I can help you up? Would that…would you be fine with that?”
Werond only stared, her tired gaze boring a hole through Serena. After a moment, however, she nodded, shoulders slumping as she did. Serena started, heart tearing through the numbness in her chest as it shot into her throat.
“O-Okay!” She signed. “O-okay, alright, uh –”
She turned on her heel and ran back to her friends, unwilling to let the moment go to waste.
Oblivious to the breakthrough behind them, Doriyah had already begun his ascent, the fiery maned giant halfway up the ridge, bits of rocks and dirt cascading down after him. Jo glanced at Serena when she halted beside them, though Pavel kept his head craned as he watched Doriyah’s ascent.
“He find a way up?” She asked.
“It’s not hard.” Pavel said. “There’s a lot of footholds, from the looks of it. Should be easy.”
“Making it look easy.” Jo replied. “Got muscles the size of my head, he was never –”
Halfway up – around ten feet above them – Doriyah yelled and launched himself towards the edge, grabbing it with both hands. Grunting, he hauled himself up and over, disappearing entirely.
“Where is that fucking bird?!” He bellowed, voice cascading over the ridge, startling a few birds into the air.
“He’s not going to help us.” Pavel said with a sigh.
“Course he’s not.” Jo said as she stepped up to the ridge. “Serena, if you start going up after me, I’ll –”
“Tell Werond, I’ll be okay.” Serena signed, suppressing a shiver as Werond stepped up beside her.
“Won’t be if you don’t listen. Now –”
But Serena tuned her out, fingers twisting into familiar signs; the world blurred, and she was suddenly above them, standing on the edge of the ridge, silver mist hanging in the air where she once was. Pavel jumped, head flipping back and forth, though Jo looked unimpressed.
“Forgot about that.” She said, looking up at her. “He up there?”
Serena twisted around; in stark contrast to the swamp below, the beginnings of a forest towered over her, trees growing thick the further she stared into its depths. A worn, dirt path lay right in front of those trees, curving into them on her right, and continuing back alongside the ridge on her left. The ridge itself continued for quite some distance, winding out of sight, disappearing into the trees. Doriyah, however, was nowhere to be found.
“Nope.” Serena peaked back over the edge; the ridge offered an amazing view of the swamp behind them, marred by the grey waters and hideous trees that blanketed the hellscape. “I don’t know which way he went either.”
“Bet I’ll hear them arguing when I get up there!” Pavel called, leaping up ridge with a grunt. “Just – be up in a second!”
“Careful!” Jo broke away from Werond and scrambled up after him. “Don’t need you – falling down!”
Serena hovered over the edge, wringing her hands as her friends hauled themselves up the rocks. Unsurprisingly, neither of them needed help as they crawled over the edge, though the anxiety she felt wasn’t directed at them. Her gaze was still stuck on Werond, who stared up the ridge with narrowed eyes.
“Right,” Pavel said, dusting himself off. “now where do you suppose they went?”
“Up the path, I imagine.” Jo nodded towards the trees. “Just don’t –”
A deep voice boomed through the forest, followed by a shrill shriek; the sounds of argument drifted towards them a moment later.
“Ha! Told you!” Pavel yelled, taking off down the path. “Gotta make sure they don’t kill each other!”
“Pavel! Wait, don’t –” Jo’s words cut off to a sigh as Pavel disappeared into the trees. “Gods damnit, can you get Werond up on your own?”
Serena glanced back and nodded, shivering slightly at the annoyance that filled Jo’s eyes.
“Good. Stay safe and get her up quick. Just follow the shouting when she’s up.”
Without waiting for a response, Jo took off, the forest swallowing her as she chased after Pavel. Serena watched the spot where she’d disappeared, wondering if any of the noises she could make would be audible, then flipped back towards Werond –
Who was already halfway up the rocks, face screwed up, arms trembling as she slowly pulled herself up. She paused to catch her breath, sucking in gulps of air, giving Serena enough time to crouch down and offer her hand, heart lodged in her throat.
“Careful – don’t –” She signed.
Without looking, Werond’s hand shot out and grasped Serena’s; she yelped as Werond pulled her to the ground, her head flying up, eyes wide, as she began to fall back.
Serena grabbed the ledge as she was pulled forward, barely anchoring herself before Werond fell further. Her arms strained as she held Werond in place, who struggled to keep her balance, death gripping the rocks with her other hand. For a moment, all they could do was grunt and breathe through clenched teeth, neither gaining any ground.
Bit by bit, and with each labored breath, Serena pulled Werond closer to the rocks, until finally she regained her balance. With a grunt, Werond continued back up the rocks, never letting go of Serena’s hand. Sweat beaded down her face as her arms screamed in protest, her entire body trembling, yet she refused to release her grasp until Werond reached over the edge and grasped the sweat stained grass beneath her.
Serena’s hands shot to her shoulders, and with one final heave, Werond popped over the edge, sprawling out beside Serena as she collapsed to the ground. For a moment, all they could do was lay there, staying up at the uncaring sky above, chests heaving as they fought to catch their breath.
Eventually, Serena raised her hands, arms still trembling.
“There’s…easier ways…of offing me, you know?”
Werond’s head snapped towards her, eyes wide as Serena stared back with a weak grin – and she burst out laughing.
It was a laughter born deep within her chest, one that echoed into the sky above. So sudden was it that Serena couldn’t stop her own giggles from bubbling up, getting deeper and deeper until she joined Werond in uncontrolled mirth, their chorus beating back the exhaustion that weighed them to the ground.
It went on for far too long, but it felt good – as though every ounce of her stress was drained away, flung to the winds as she and Werond finally shared a simple joy again. She didn’t mind when her chest began to ache, or when the giggles kept her from breathing, or when Werond, still giggling, playfully punched her in the shoulder. All of it felt so wonderful after being gone for so, so long.
As the giggles between them bled away to silence, as the ache of laughter faded into yearning of times past, squeezing her heart in a vice, Serena’s hands began to move on their own, words pouring from them before she realized what was happening.
“I’m sorry about the troll.” She signed. “I just – panicked and moved before thinking and I’m sorry Werond, I know you asked for space and a break but you just mean so much to me still and I could just sit and see you hurt and I can’t just not be with you because I care for you so much and –”
Werond’s hand shot out and grasped Serena’s wrists, locking them together, and cutting off her signs.
She started and looked over, surprised to find neither annoyance nor anger in Werond’s amber eyes, but instead…understanding? At least, her small smile seemed understanding, even if it lacked the warmth Serena so desperately craved.
When she released her hands, she let them drop to her chest, watching as Werond pulled her hands back and signed against her chest.
“T – O – O – M – U – C”
“I…” Serena furrowed her brows. “What? You mean…me caring about you?”
Werond glanced at her and nodded.
Serena held her gaze but couldn’t find her words. How was it too much? This is what you were supposed to do. Put the ones you loved above yourself – that was the right thing to do! Bahamut’s Teeth, even if it wasn’t, how could she not? Werond was…Werond, and not caring for her would mean that she’d go back to being alone, and she couldn’t do that, she wouldn’t do that, she –
Warm, gentle fingers brushed her face. When Serena flinched back to reality, they withdrew, and curled into more signs.
“C – A – R – E.”
Werond made a four with her fingers, then poked Serena’s chest.
“1 – S – T”
Serena could only stare, utterly flummoxed. Werond grimaced as she deflated but shoved herself to her feet all the same. Body trembling, arms aching, Serena mirrored her, waiting for an explanation that never came.
“Uhm…I don’t know what you…” Her signs trailed off as Werond shook her head. “O-okay…but are we…alright now? Is there something…”
Werond sighed but nodded all the same; she gave Serena another small smile, one that launched her heart into her throat.
“Okay! We…uhm, we should probably catch up with everyone else then!” She pointed down the path that curved into the trees. “They went down that way, should be able to catch them!”
Werond nodded and gestured for her to lead the way; Serena was all too happy to oblige, falling in line with her as they made their way down the path. She couldn’t help but beam; it felt good to walk together again.
It felt even better to finally walk on something that wasn’t water and mud. Despite the road being nothing more than a strip of uneven dirt, it was almost enjoyable to walk upon, compared to the watery hell behind them. Then again, walking with two broken ankles would still be better than trudging through the bog.
But it wasn’t just the road that lifted Serena’s spirits, nor that Werond was walking beside her once more, though that was hard to beat; it was instead the realization that they’d finally pulled themselves out of the wilderness and inched back towards civilization, however far that might be, and all the comforts it brought with it. For once, things seemed to be looking up.
The road gradually curved further into the trees, the forest growing thicker the further they walked. It reminded Serena a bit of the smaller forest they’d traversed, back in the bog, back…gods how many days ago had that been? Time had begun to blur, much as the shadows of the trees did, forming darker patches further from the path. The canopy directly over the road, however, remained thin, and with the light filtering through the leaves, it was almost a pleasant walk…if she ignored winds of argument that blew down the road.
Werond poked Serena in the ribs; when she glanced over, Werond nodded up the path and rolled her eyes. Serena grinned and copied her, heart fluttering ever so slightly.
The path turned sharply to the right, the trees obscuring any sign of their friends, their voices growing louder with each step. Serena couldn’t make out what they were yelling about, but as always, Cruck’aa’s shrill voice was the loudest. She cringed as they turned the corner, hands halfway up to her ears as –
Werond gasped and flinched back, yanking at Serena’s arm, and pulling her back.
Barely a foot off the road, their friends stood in a semi-circle around the corpse of a man, strung up for all to see. Rope had been bound to its wrists, stretching its arms above its head, anchored between two trees. The chest had been slashed open, with large flaps of skin, grey and rotting, pulled to the sides, stretched out like hideous wings, held in place by a few ribs carefully pierced through the arms. The rest had been broken but not ripped out completely, forming red-white spikes that jutted to the sides. None of the corpse’s organs remained, all laying in a brown, rotting heap at its knees, and –
Bahamut’s Teeth, its head was missing.
Serena cringed as her stomach churned, but she found herself unable to look away. Werond pulled away and vomited behind her, hopefully off the path. Everyone else, however, seemed unphased with the gore on display, each keener on continuing the argument at hand.
“And I’m telling you,” Doriyah said, voice raised, nudging the corpse with his boot. “that a troll obviously did this. How could you not see it?”
Which was, as always, more ridiculous than the last.
Feathers ruffled, talons outstretched, Cruck’aa advanced on Doriyah, emitting a series of furious squawks from his twisted beak. Doriyah, in turn, stepped back and grinned, but was cut off as Jo leapt between them.
“Enough! Both of you!” She yelled, before facing Cruck’aa. “Ignore him for once, gods above!”
“How can I?!” Cruck’aa shrieked. “All he does is say utter nonsense!”
“Hey, I say other things.” Doriyah piped up.
“Ignore him!” Jo stepped closer to Cruck’aa, pushing him away. “Had a theory on this, right? What did you think it was?”
“I don’t think, I know!” He spat, one of his beady eyes twitching. “Barbarians did this! Red Tigers!”
“And those are?” Behind Jo, Pavel leapt in the way of Doriyah, somehow holding him back.
“What – a tribe that lives in these woods, obviously! They’ve been doing this,” He gestured behind Jo. “for decades! Just never this far out normally!”
“Why not?”
“Because of the patrols from the towns! Gods, who do you think keeps them in check?!”
“So something changed then?”
“Yes! That’s what I’ve been saying!” Cruck’aa shrieked. “Considering what we found earlier, it’s obvious that other towns have been hit! Which means –”
“That they can’t protect against troll attacks!” Doriyah yelled over Pavel.
Cruck’aa shrieked and flew over Jo, landing on Doriyah like a feathery attack dog. Serena stepped back as Doriyah’s yells mixed with Jo’s and Pavel’s, the three of them becoming a flurry of motion as they seized Cruck’aa, trying in vain to rip him off of Doriyah.
Sighing, Serena turned away from the chaos; Werond was still hunched over behind her, leaning over a pile of –
Grimacing, she snapped away the vomit, the mess disappearing with a sucking noise. Werond flinched and straightened up, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
“You okay?” Serena asked.
Werond shook her head, pointedly refusing to look behind her.
“Yeah…I know it’s gross, but it’ll be okay. As long as you’re with me, you’ll be safe.”
Werond nodded, though she still looked unconvinced as she spared a brief, if regretful, glance towards the cacophony behind Serena.
“Trust me, I know it looks scary, but we’ll be fine.” She waved a hand. “Worst comes to worse, just hold onto me, and I’ll teleport us–”
Her hands froze, signs falling apart as the realization hit her like a fist in the face. Werond stared at her for a moment, before her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she buried her face into her hands.
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