《Unkillable Will》Chapter 7 - ???


The light from the sun shines on my face, too bothered I merely shade my eyes with my hand, I know I cannot linger here forever. These calm few seconds are so relaxing, a solace I wish could stretch into infinity.

My right hand lifts towards the heavens, fingers splayed towards the sun. Specks of earth dance down from my hand, through the soil that covers my hands, I see my suit, dirtied from the previous battle, and red stains, only there to remind me.

I start to remember, to remember how it all happened. My right arm falls in defeat, expecting it to just fall onto the dirt, I feel it land on metal . I stand.

The black suit which is attached to my skin was not designed to be out in the open with, the yellow lines around my body made of wire , and the red patterns which were mostly around my arms made me stand out. But I am not too worried of any life in this area, after all I killed everyone in the surroundings. And this place was never meant to be a battlefield. It was a simply unimportant set of land that every so often saw battle, mostly from the scouts of each side making sure it stayed desolate.

I walk through hills of corpses and metal, every so often a sight more harrowing than the last. An ocean of scraps that look like waves, and in between the few open spots the sun shines beautifully, it would truly look like a spotless sight, if it weren’t for all the corpses and rats eating the remains of pilots. Moving forward I scare some of the weird looking rats away.

A body stands out among the others, it’s suit similar to mine, a body I’ve been looking for. I grab onto the remnants of her arms and fold them around my neck, I know where bring her…


Numb to any feeling I begin walking down a path that has been made through by use, I kneel, carefully laying her down and remove her helmet. This will be the last time I’ll have to use the path.

I gather some dirt, with bare hands, and begin to shroud her lifeless form, I can barely recognize that it’s her. Her identity fading into the soil. But I know it’s her. even if she looked unrecognizable from her face, the helmet was a testament of her identity . It has to be her. With her body concealed beneath the earth, I gently place the helmet, her last remnant, atop the makeshift grave.

I was reunited with everyone now. In front of me rest the bodies of my last friends. I decide to go by them one at a time.

John, whose quiet determination radiated calm, always keeping to himself but his silence radiating his trust in his team. He was his team’s get out of jail card, always putting himself in front of the problem. It was something that was taken for granted, he was the first to die.

Clark , John’s best friend. Clark went along her older sister to war, hoping to be the one to protect her, he became the guardian angel of the team, an analytical strategist, from afar always knowing what was happening in each stage. he did not like me.

The last among the bodies was Phoebe. My memory of her a bitter-sweet torment, she was the one that got out of her way to help me, through my stupid mistakes it was her that silently helped me fix them behind everyone’s back.

To her left was Jake’s helmet, the one that enjoyed giving me the hardest time, to him everyone was fun to tease. Phoebe really liked Jake, but would not ruin the team by admitting her feelings, hoping that maybe after everything was over, she would have an opportunity. Now she will never get her chance.


Phoebe’s younger brother Clark who went along her sister to war, hoping to be the one to protect her older sister he became the guardian angel of the team, an analytical strategist, he did not like me.

John, whose quiet strength radiated calm, he always kept to himself but his silence spoke for him. He was our shield in moments of peril, always putting himself in front of the problem. It was something we took for granted, he was the first to die.

To think of them all here together one last time, my tears finally start to appear.

I don’t feel anything from them, nothing.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t feel my own.

They were my only escape from this harsh world, and now they were all gone.

These 4 corpses were my family, next to them were 2 empty graves, one for someone I would bring here myself under any circumstances, and the other one after I accomplish my goal.

But I am disturbed in my mourning, the sounds from far away start to finally enter my ear.

No they were always there, but I just couldn’t hear.

Some sounds like thunder, some of unstoppable forces hitting into each other.

One of scarring anguish, sounds far too familiar to my ears.

So I turn towards it, but there is nothing but mountains of metal

I begin to walk towards my goal.

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