《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 128: Gold-Hearted F(r)iend



Making the first move, Tascus conjures a massive pentagram and fuels it with his near limitless mana. I prepare to block his holy attribute attack, only for a desperate voice in my head yell, “Get away!” I instantly oblige … just as a column of dark mana brushes past me. Every bone in my body rattles from the blast as it continues to puncture half a dozen rooms. Livid, Tascus takes to the air and conjures an even wider magic circle overhead. Recognising the symbols, I create a just before his attack.


A chill runs down my spine as I instinctively release my mistake. My surroundings go dark right as hundreds of thousands of shards pummel the area. This isn’t a “rain”; it’s a torrent, and I’ve been caught out with nothing but an umbrella.

“, , !”


Naturally, the entire floor gives way and I enter freefall while being pressured from above. Switching to the Pseudo Ravager, I create a and kick off it to escape his area of attack, enduring a brief stint in his barrage of needles. As I land on my feet, Tascus descends from the massive hole with his arms outstretched.


With a burst of dark mana, Tascus dismantles the entire area, brick by tainted brick, to conjure twin twisters of grinding stone. He proceeds to wield them like massive whips as I leap from wall to roof to pillar in rapid succession. With every area destroyed, he adds to the destructive vortex. It’s getting harder and harder to keep away from his rapidly growing swings. That said…

“! !”

… all the additional mass is slowing him down, allowing me to weave between the crushing twisters.

“! !”

With a loud crack, I fire a powerful bolt of lightning directly at Tascus. Relinquishing control of his spell, a hundred tonnes of debris suddenly fall to the ground, filling the entire room with dust. His dense mana is still clouding my , but that must have-



A strained roar fills the air as all the airborne dirt is cleared in an instant. To my chagrin, I find he is safely inside a pitch-black . Worse, I failed to even damage his spell despite borrowing Helena's offensive magic.

Deactivating his bubble, Tascus levitates all the surrounding stones then claps his hands in a firm grip. No points for guessing. I cast and to avoid the oncoming masonry, but while I’m in the air, Tascus suddenly appears in front of me, with a supercharged fist.


“! !”


Puncturing through my guard, I’m sent hurtling back at neck-break speeds. I hit the ground and lose another chunk of HP, but bounce right up to evade Tascus’ .

HP: 56/208

MP: 9/190

Damn it!

The hallway, to your right!

Without missing a beat, I run towards the exit while weathering a volley of . Pre-empting my movements, he throws one at the doorway ahead, but I slide between the collapsing stones without losing momentum. Sure enough, there is a control terminal at the end, but I can sense Tascus behind me, standing on the other side of the blocked entrance.


Barrelling down the straight passage, Tascus fires a massive blast of dark mana that disintegrates the rubble and fills the dimensions of the entire corridor. I cast before diving at the terminal, desperately slapping the buttons on the board. My barrier disintegrates in an instant, and from the corner of my eye-



... The terminal in front of me crumbles to pieces, but I’m still in one piece. Looking around, I’m no longer in the doomed corridor but an empty room with several exits. After a long silence, I finally let out a drawn out sigh of wholehearted relief.


Are you alright, Tyler?

I’m fine, Helena. He broke my humeris, but it’s nothing can’t fix. Honestly, I’m more worried about our next encounter. Even if I recover my HP, the Pseudo Ravager’s soul is already crumbling in my hands.

At the very least, he can’t follow you directly. It’ll take him time to find the right quadrant.

True… but I need him to keep using his blessing. I’ll go after him once I recover enough MP.

Please don’t. It’s suicide, Tyler.

It’s our best shot at winning, because at the end of the day… Tascus is only human. Without the Ascension to implant a magic core, no mortal could ever handle as much mana as he does, which means he’s burning himself from the inside out. Moreover, it would help… the others…


… N-no way.

There is a sudden change in the air as an indescribable sense of unease congeals in my marrow. Following the subtle shift in the winds of mana, we stare down one of the long corridors, seeing nothing but knowing full well what’s in that direction. Suddenly, the lights along all the walls gradually dim, plunging everything into darkness.

H-he knows…

But how!? Did he detect his mana lingering on your body?

I don’t know, Helena… Where is the closest terminal he could have used to get here?

On the other end of this quadrant. You have to move quickly, Tyler.

Right. Where is the overlapping subspace with the second kill room?

Go to the corridor on your left. Reach the end then turn right. It’s the third room along that passage.

I give a mental nod before venturing on the designated path. Just in case, I activate as I make my way across the long stretch. The path is half a kilometre long and a part of my mind is screaming at me to leg it, stealth be damned. I can almost imagine the mana in the air becoming murkier and murkier as I force myself to take muted steps. What’s not in my head however…

Do you feel that, Helena?

Yes. There is a slight trembling in the walls. And I think it’s getting stron-


A dozen or so feet behind me, a massive beam of dark mana bursts from the side of the wall. I twist my head around just as another beam crashes through, only several paces away. My skull goes cold as I abandon all pretence of stealth, just as another blasts nicks the tail of my cloak.


That bloody maniac! He’s trying to snipe me from the other side of the quadrant!

T-Tascus can definitely sense you! There has to be a mark somewhere!

Yeah, but I don’t know what! !

I warp a short distance ahead to avoid his oncoming blasts. His shots start appearing in front of me, so I cycle through my stock of assassin souls to daisy-chain . I’m almost-

Oh god, it’s them!


Those cultist souls you collected from Catorrem! He’s tracking you through their lingering Marks of Piety!

Goddamn it! I’ll- Oh.

As I reach the end of the corridor and turn the corner… I find Tascus glaring at me from the other end. In a heartbeat, he teleports up to my face while winding an overhead fist. With a silent roar, I dive forward and under his empowered strike. However, the moment his fist touches the floor, it unleashes a massive shockwave that sends me tumbling down the hall.



Damn it, my leg-

Look out!

As I clutch my fractured femur from outside my cloak, Tascus is already preparing another . I’m feeding on the Pseudo Ravager’s soul residue, but it's-


“ Hngh!”

All of sudden, Tascus clutches his chest tightly. So tightly that he’s digging his metal gauntlet into his wounded flesh. Wracked with pain, the gums around his clenched teeth are starting to bleed as he braces against the wall with his shoulder. The black markings crawling across his body are leaving red welts in their wake.

This is…

About time. He overused his pact again, and now, he’s in far worse shape than before.

Then use this chance to withdraw! You have to recover your-

No, Helena! I need to deal as much damage as possible. I can’t squander this opportunity!

“! !”

Launching myself towards him, I immediately switch back to the Pseudo Ravager before I land in front of his dishevelled form. The undead’s soul is barely a tenth of its original size, but all I need is just one. Clean. Blow.





“… You insolent fraud. Did you really think I didn’t know what you were planning? Did you really think this is enough to stop ME!?”

Pushing me back, I watch in bewilderment as Tascus pulls himself together before charging at me with unchanged ferocity. Did he fake his condition? No, he’s puppeteering his own body with ! Even with healing magic, he’s ignoring his muscle tearing and internal injuries just to keep up his flurry of blows!

“I carry the dreams… and sacrifices… of more than a thousand believers!”

HP: 42/208

MP: 5/190

“You… are but… one heretic! While we…”

HP: 31/208

MP: 5/190


Damn it, I can’t keep up with his attacks. He’s only getting stronger… No, that’s not it! My equipped soul is-



HP: 12/208

MP: 5/190

By the time I regain my bearings, I realise I’ve been kicked through a wall and into a wide, empty room. My bones are fractured. Multiple alarms are blaring on my HUD. My skull tilts and I watch as Tascus walks into the room, with a supercharged in his hand.

T-Tyler? Tyler, get up!

I know, Helena, although I’m barely capable of moving.

Then switch with me and use my unique skill! Just give up on your last plan.

Sorry, but even if I wanted to, I don’t have the mana to use it.

Then absorb my soul fragments and-

Risk destroying you forever? Treat you like another resource?

I’m only a shallow reflection, Tyler. One that is too far-gone.

No, Helena. I see you… just as you have always seen me. Besides, it’s already too late.

No more banter. No more mercy. This time, he’s well and truly exhausted his patience. As I force myself to stand upright, Tascus raises his deadly spear.


Crackle, crackle…

“Huh…? UGH!”

… when all of a sudden, he falls to one knee and braces against his . However, he immediately switches to his hands as his fabricated weapon crumbles into particles. His eyes flick from side-to-side before slowly widening as he turns to look behind him. The third halo from his pact is becoming hazier and hazier, before fading away altogether. It’s not alone either, as his other halos are also becoming more indistinct.

“T-this… this is-”

“Heh. Hahahahaha…”


“Nothing. Nothing at all, o great Hierarch. But that’s exactly why… you don’t know the first thing about solidarity.”

Crowded around Minna’s unconscious form, we listen carefully as Enbos’ voice is projected from his unsightly pet. It is a relief to hear his voice, and judging from his lax tone, he seems to be doing fine. Of course, being the eccentric undead he is, he catches everybody off-guard by revealing it is all a recording. I hide a faint smile as Sen’s and Norf’s mood suddenly ease while Hachirou plops back on the floor. However, his following words were by no means light nor comforting.

(You see, I finally know how to take down Tascus, but… I’m going to need all your help. To save Maximillian.)

Hearing Maximillian’s causes me to stiffen. Everybody else reacts more to Tascus’ mention as we all fall into a brief silence. Seemingly anticipating our sentiment, Enbos’ recording also falls quiet, allowing us to digest the full import of his request. While I do not doubt the author of the recording, I’m truly concerned about his determination. Now I know why he left a recording.

“S-seriously, he’s so… *Sigh*,” mutters Sen.

“Is this real?” asks Norf.

“Only Enbos can command Mr Bonny,” explains Hachirou as he picks the creature up. “And I don’t smell any other scent aside from his.”

“The runes are also too peculiar to be anyone else’s but his,” I add. “In any case, we should hear him out.”

(… Maximillian has already been captured. Honestly, he never stood a chance against Tascus without knowing the source of his strength. Even after knowing, he’s still a broken- I mean, overwhelming foe to face. That’s why I’m hoping you can tip the scales in my favour. At the very least, you all need to know the truth behind his Pact.

You see, Tascus’ is not a god-given blessing: it’s a scam. By offering a part of their soul, it allows the bearer to impart a on others before eventually receiving a so-called boon. Once their blessing evolves, they’ll impart marks of their own and the cycle resumes.

In practice, all the mark does is create a spiritual connection that transfers strength from the newest members up the chain of command. The earliest converts will reap the accumulated power, with Tascus benefiting the most. Worse, since he has full-mastery over his Pact, he can forcefully withdraw mana from everyone under his thrall.)

“O-oh my God…”

So that’s what the cultists were doing at Tiel Plains. They were offering their strength to their hierarch! D-didn’t Maximillian say there were at least 500 cultists left in these caves? Even after all our fighting, Enbos will still be facing a one-man army.

“Damn it, Enbos, that’s too much even for-”

(Now, now, I know it sounds like I’m way in over my head) says Enbos, anticipating Sen’s reaction, (but forcing him to use his Pact is actually my best shot at winning.)


(You see, if I anger Tascus enough to start endangering the lives of his followers, he will drain them of all their strength and leave them in a vulnerable state. Of course, I’m not asking you to take on an entire barracks, no matter how weak they become. The goal is to use that window to free the proverbial lion-)

“Maximillian,” I utter alongside Enbos.

(... and from there, he can take out Tascus’ inner circle and destroy his mana network. See? Easy as-

… No, I won’t make light of this request. It’s still the most dangerous thing I have asked, and will ever ask, of all of you. I don’t know what condition you’re in, I hope you’re all in rude health. But if it really is impossible… just leave.)


(Don’t feel obligated to help me. Especially you, Hachirou. You all have your own adventures, and quite frankly, this is mine. Besides, the plan is more of a contingency anyway. I still have a forty – no, sixty – percent chance of killing him on my own. If you want to leave, just find the door with the triangle sign then go to the end of the corridor. But if you want to help… take the door with the circle and find the great hall.

… I wish I could say more, but there’s not much “memory” left on this blasted emblem. So let me get this off my sternum: I’m sorry I ever suspected any of you. Sen, Minna, Norf, Lili, Hachirou… No matter what happens tonight, I feel blessed to have met you all.)


(Recording… end.)

As the message ends, the undead rodent curls into a ball in Hachirou’s unsteady hands. There is a heavy silence in the air as we look between Sig’s corpse, our battered bodies and the unconscious forms of Minna and Eric. Eventually, Sen raises a question to Hachirou.

“Hachirou… Do you think Enbos was telling the truth? That he has a sixty percent change of beating Tascus?”

“H-honestly Sen, I don’t think he knows himself.”

“*Sigh* Yeah. That’s what I figured,” he says while staring at the ceiling. “Daybreak is coming. All of us are in bad shape, and Minna and Eric… they need proper treatment.”

“Then let’s return go back to camp and ask the holy knights to-”

“H-Hachirou, you’re forgetting about Maximillian’s last instructions,” I explain. “He explicitly ordered his men to destroy the exit once the hostages are safe, or if his assault fails to kill Tascus.”

“W-what are you-”

“What Lili is trying to say is that the moment we report their hierarch has failed, they’ll just bury the entire place. If we want to help Enbos, we have to do so amongst ourselves.”

“T-that can’t be right, Sen. Surely the knights would want to rescue their own prior.”

“I want to believe so too, Hachirou,” I answer with downcast eyes, “but you’ve seen firsthand how ruthless they can be.”

“T-then, w-what should we do?”

“No idea, Hachirou… but I can’t leave Minna and Eric in this godforsaken place.”

“S-Sen, you can’t possibly be considering-”

“I KNOW, Hachirou! I-I… I really know.”

Clutching his head in one hand, Sen’s anguished gaze is fixated on Minna. Norf also appears troubled as his mouth hangs open, struggling to find the right words to say. Hachirou appears determined to help his friend, while I-I…

My heart suddenly stops as Sen then turns to me in silence. He’s pleading for guidance… but what do I say? What can I say? Across a hundred scriptures, what wisdom should I…

… No, there is no chapter on sacrificing others. Not in my mind nor the Word’s. More than a cleric, the person that Sen needs to hear from most… is a friend.

“I want to save everyone.”

“Then, what do you reckon is the right-”

“Neither, Sen. Neither.”

As I say the most obvious thing in the world, Sen looks at me with wide eyes. While I do not know the correct path, I want to believe there is another way. Suddenly, Sen’s eyes seemingly focus as he then turns to Hachirou.

“We’re going back. We need to inform the strike force where the kids and prisoners are being kept.”

“I-I see…”

“… so whatever you do, do not mention Maximillian’s current predicament.”


“Why are you so surprised? Lili implied as much herself. They won’t seal the cave so long as they don’t know their prior failed. Once they bring in the rescue force of adventurers and soldiers, I’ll do my best to talk them into Enbos’ plan.”

“But Sen, surely there will be holy knights accompanying-”

“No, it could still work, Hachirou,” I then realise, “Mr Kell said there was another subspace of the cave, which means after we save Enbos, he can open that second exit. The important thing is bringing those adventurers here in the first place.”

“There is a chance that won’t happen, Sen,” says Norf suddenly. “The holy knights might just carry out the rescue themselves.”

“Even so, we have got to try. I want to help Enbos by any means possible.”

“D-do you really mean it, Sen?”

“I’d be lying if I didn’t have reservations, Hachirou. My mortality is one thing, but if Minna woke up to find I got myself killed… it would hurt her more than words can describe. Still… Minna always saw me as a hero. If I were to turn my back on a friend now, what kind of hero would I be? It might be my usual recklessness, but this time, I’m going in with my eyes wide open.”

Stunned by his conviction, Hachirou then thanks Sen profusely, the tears behind his mask evident for all to hear. Honestly, it’s not a great plan but one I can wholeheartedly respect. After Norf gives Sen a nod of approval, they move to carry Minna and Eric on their backs while Hachirou and I stagger behind. Time is of the essence. The sooner we get back, the better the chances of rallying a bigger force.

However, Hachirou suddenly stops mid-step and turns back to look down the corridor.

(Hachirou? What is it?)



“… A penz for a pint?”


“A penz for a pint?”

“What are you-”

“A fablar for a feast.”

All of a sudden, a disembodied reply echoes throughout the pass. Sen and Norf immediately lower their companions then draw their weapons, but Hachirou gestures to them to stand down.

“A penz for the poor?”

“A fablar in my pocket.”

Distant footsteps can now be heard on the stone floor, and from one of the adjacent doorways, half a dozen city guards emerge. They seem to be some of the forces who were separated from our initial group, but it’s clear from their demeanour that they are far from lost.

“You impress me, kid,” says one of guards wearing a visored helmet. “I don’t mean to brag, but I’m pretty confident in my skill. How on Garea did you notice us?”

“It’s your brew,” answers Hachirou, pointing to the bottle at his hip. “It has the same smell as the drinks that’s only served at your, um, guild.”

“I see. *Sigh* As expected of the pint-sized pygmy of the legendary duo that downed our entire house.”


“Erm, excuse me for interrupting, but who the heck are you? And what is your relation with Hachirou?” asks Sen.

“Easy now. My identity is irrelevant, but you may call me “Sergeant Damien”. We’re acquaintances, or rather, friends of your mutual acquaintance,” he says as he walks over to the deceased Sig.

Hachirou’s body suddenly stiffens as “Damien” kneels down to look at his former associate.

“*Sigh* You really are a dunce. You should have stayed clean. “Jonathan” wouldn’t have minded if you did, but now, there is no one to carry your torch.”

“There is.”

“Damien” looks back at Hachirou, silently evaluating his battered form. After a few seconds, he turns back to Sig and reaches out to his bloodied collar.

“We heard his final transmission, so there is no need to explain,” he says as he removes a small pin. “All of you are now “part of the choir”. That’s Sig’s way of saying our interests align and that we should work together.”



“By the spirits, that would be great,” breathes Sen. “If you are as skilled as Sig, then Enbos’ plan will definitely-”

“U~nfortunately, my jobbers,” says Damien, “it’s not as simple as any of you think. We did some scouting, you see, and your friend’s idea still seems suicidal. Even if they become as weak as infants, they still have a bunch of undead to with. Moreover, Tascus went out of his way to invite members from other cults. No offence, but I honestly can’t fathom why your friend thinks you can pull it off.”

“I see.”

When Enbos suggested that scheme, he must have had my in mind. However, with my mana as low as it is, I can’t possibly sustain it long enough to slip past everyone and save Maximillian.

“Like Sen suggested, we’ll have to bring in more men from the outside. Problem is the adventurers are looking as gutless as skeletal mice. Not sure how on Garea you’ll win them over.”

“I can damn well try.”

“Ha! I’m starting to see why Sig took to all of ya. Don’t worry though. It’s not as though we’re out of luck. I have some of my own boys waiting outside, and they can slip in and clean everything up.”

“R-really, Damien.”

“Yeah kid, so let me get one thing straight with the rest of your pals…”

Although we can’t see the change in his eyes, his sudden bloodthirst is unmistakable. Sen and Norf almost react, but they stop themselves as they realise the difference in strength.

“You might be part of the choir, but you are not part of the guild. Normally, I’d knock out everybody except the kid, or perhaps entertain a more permanent option. But out of respect for my old colleague, I’ll settle for a non-disclosure agreement with you all. Understood?”


(… Um, Hachirou?) I slowly whisper. (W-why do I feel that your acquaintances are not the most upstanding kind?)

(I-I understand how you feel, Lili, but as a pair of travellers with secrets, Enbos has had to tread in grey areas.)

(I-I see.)

“… Hm? Hold on a minute, isn’t the only bridge into this place being guarded by a holy knight? How do you plan on sneaking your guys pass him?” asks Sen.

“Oh, that’s simple,” says Damien as he takes out a communication orb. “We just kill him.”


Forget grey, these guys are pitch-black!

“Hello? Do you hear me, Viper? Take aim at Holy Knight Evans and-”

“Wait, wait, wait, wait!”

All four of us interrupt Damien as he is about to order the kill. He looks at us with a flash of annoyance, obviously reconsidering his earlier threat.

“T-this is a holy knight we’re dealing with, right? If you fail-”

“I find a mithril-tipped arrow can kill most things, Mr (Sen) Carris, and we have our best sniper aiming between his eyes.”

“B-but one of his companions might check on him and-”

“The holy knights are already stretched thin, preparing for an attack from Tascus’ surrounding forces. They won’t bother to check on a higher-ranked member. But if you’re so worried, kid, I suppose we can worm into the cultists’ information network and trigger a premature engagement as a distraction.”

That’s even worse!

“L-let’s not be hasty to waste an opportunity, Sergeant Damien. There is one thing I want try before you commit to removing him.”

Catching his interest, Damien lowers his communication orb while my companions look at me with nervous eyes. I then walk over to Hachirou, and to his confusion, I reach out to Enbos’ pet and frisk my fingers in its chest cavity. Sure enough, there is a golden emblem wedged between its bones.

“T-this is?”

“It’s the enchanted emblem that belonged to Brother Michael. Enbos reworked its magic core to record his message, but it still functions as a communicator. Hachirou, did you perhaps overhear Brother Michaels identification code when he was reporting to Maximillian?”

“I did. I-I think it was M3TAT-000N.”

“Thank you, Hachirou. And just now, Sergeant Damien,” I say as I turn towards him, “you said you could falsify Tascus’ attack order. Does that you mean you have a means of imitating others?”

“… We do.”

“Then my idea can work. Sergeant Damien, could you contact Brother Evans while imitating Brother Michael?”

“I see. That’s brilliant, Lili!” exclaims Sen.

“Like hell it is,” lambasts Damien. “Do you really think you can imitate a random holy knight well enough to trick his own brothers?”

“No… But I understand their inquisitor more than I’d like to admit,” I say softly. “If you repeat my words, I believe we can convince the knights to aid us. Besides, there is no risk if I fail. Y-you can just… eliminate Brother Evans if I do.”

I’m shocked I am saying such a thing. It’s a callous and uncharacteristic remark, and yet it might be the only way to save Brother Evans. Damien still appears immensely sceptical, but after a brief sigh, he gestures to hand over the emblem.

“If I’m not mistaken, he sounds something like this?”

“Thank you.”

“Save it. I’ll only repeat what you say, but the moment he suspects something we’re shooting him,” he says as he passes his communication orb over to his subordinate.

“Are you ready, Lili?”

“I don’t know, Sen. But I really meant it when I said I wanted to save everybody.”

Still, I’m having a hard time formulating the words in my head. I feel more pressure now than when I had cast in the middle of battle. Clearly, Enbos’ audacity has rubbed off on me… but is it any different from before? Even without my mana, I’m still…

“… Reporting in, Brother Evans. This is Brother Michael. Do you hear me?”

(I’m receiving you. Identification?)


(Identity confirmed. Praise the Lord you’re still alive, brother.)

“Likewise, but now is not the time for pleasantries. I have urgent information to share.”

(I see… Go on, Brother Michael.)


(Brother Michael?)

“Michael’s soul has passed on, Brother Evans. This is… Liliana Ascleson speaking with you.”

Naturally, Damien doesn’t repeat these words as both Sen and Hachirou intercept his attack. At the same time, Norf throws a knife to knock the “guard’s” communication orb out of their grasp. A battle is about to break out, when all of sudden, we receive a reply.

(I’m listening, Lady Ascleson. I’m thankful you didn’t keep up that charade.)

“Hold up! Sheath your weapons, everybody!” calls out Damien.

“… Thank you, my brother,” I say as I recover the emblem. “Did you already know?”

(I won’t disclose, but know that you have done yourself no favours. Whether you are truly sincere, or this is the most devious machination I’ve ever encountered, I’m willing to hear.)

“Then I will not dither. We have critical information about the cultist hierarch, and drawn a plan to defeat him. All I ask is that you listen before you decide to believe.”

I begin reciting Enbos’ message, from Tascus’ pact to our desperate and foolhardy plan. Although I keep the details brief, my throat has never been drier and my legs are feeling unsteady. I never knew I could be so tense from using my true name.

… No, it has nothing to do with “Liliana”. It’s because “Lili” has become more than a mask. “Lili” has become myself.

“… The main thing you need to know is that Maximillian has been captured, and he needs your help to free him. Only then would Tascus’ ritual be ruined.”

(I’m sorry, Lady Ascleson, but our orders are to destroy this bridge once the captives are saved, or if our prior fails. I am duty bound to-)

“It won’t work. Tascus already has another means of escape. I’m not sure if Brother Mavel has already told you, but this place is made of overlapping realities. Even if you destroy one bridge or cave, there is another that is untouched.”

(I see. *Sigh* So that only leaves one option.)

“Yes. So-”

(… to destroy the entire mountain while keeping the labyrinth shrouds in place. With our current relics and personnel, that is not beyond possibility. It seems you are close to the exit, so please vacate as quickly as possible.)

“Brother Evans!”

(I’m sorry, Lady Ascleson, but we have our protocols. As the scriptures say: “In neglect, the undergrowth shall encroach on your Path.” So, we must: “be diligent and reap the tangled sprigs.” Even if it means losing Brother Iudico, such shall be his final will.)

T-this is bad. Whether the priory destroys the mountain, Damien has Brother Evans shot or the cultists are tricked into launching an assault, all paths lead to death. It’s futile to appeal to the priory’s better nature. Their sense of justice and interpretation of the Word are far too predisposed. In the end, Maximillian’s reforms-

“Is it really? Is that truly what Brother Iudico wants?”

(You cannot sway us, sister. Not even for a saint-born as esteemed as you.)

“But Maximillian could. And he’s tried. I know that for the past six years, he’s endeavoured to change the priory’s ways, all in hopes of convincing others of your divine justice, but most of all, yourselves.”


“T-to be honest… I don’t think anything he’s done has changed what you fundamentally are: a blade designed to strike fear in our own flock. Maximillian acknowledged this and yet still he refused to lay down his spear. He wanted to prove to everybody that the Cleansing Swords could do more than punish. That all of you could also inspire… hope. But if you go through with Rever Point’s destruction, regardless of whether it stops Tascus or not, it would just be another tragic tale. So I beg of you, brother: please stand alongside us.”

Brother Evans continues to remain silent as I allow him time to consider my words. Sergeant Damien and his guards appear tense, and honestly, I’m surprised they haven’t already ordered the hit. Either Sergeant Damien is more tolerant than he appears or Brother Evans is too on guard to be easily dispatched. Looking to my companions, Sen and Norf gives supportive smiles while Hachirou offers an encouraging nod. Although Minna is unconscious, I can easily imagine her smiling alongside them.

(… *Sigh* If you had kept pretending to be Brother Michael, I would have second-guessed myself.)


(Brother Michael was one of our most promising members, who joined after Maximillian became prior. It hurts to hear you say the priory hasn’t changed, because me and the other veterans saw that ideal future through him. Like you, he understood our prior’s vision and supported his reforms. But now, he is gone, and Brother Iudico has started slipping back into our ways of old.)

“If you cut off Maximillian now then that future really will be over. Rarely are God’s trials presented so clearly, brother, but I truly believe this is the priory’s moment of truth. So please…”



(… You’re right, Sister Ascleson. We can’t extinguish this hope for our future brethren. I will have to discuss this with my brothers, but God willing, the Cleansing Swords shall clear the way for a miracle.)

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