《Fallen Moon》Chapter 32: Sacrifice
“She’s safe,” Angel closed his eyes letting out a sigh of relief. By now, Raven was back in werewolf territory. The curse and the barrier he put on Blaire should have expired. He had to hurry, he took a quick shower to wash off Raven’s scent. He wrapped a towel around his waist. There wasn’t time to put on clothes. He had to get to Blaire’s room fast. He snuck into her room, took off his towel and got in bed with her. He had a curse on her that would make her think that he was with her the entire night. She had no memory of him handcuffing her to a bed and leaving her trapped in her room. Otherwise, she’d have him killed.
“Hey,” Angel brought her over to his chest and kissed the top of her head.
“That was quite a night,” Blaire kissed him. “I can’t believe we spent the entire night having sex.” They didn’t, that just what the curse he put on her made her believe. He hated that he had to do that to her to cover up his date with Raven. But he didn’t have much of a choice. He’d sit here pretending to be the perfect husband if only to keep himself from getting killed.
“Well,” Angel ran his finger through her hair. “The war’s tomorrow so I figured before we went out to battle. I’d take this opportunity to provide my wife with infinite pleasure.” Blaire went to climb on top of him before she could. Her bedroom door flung open. “Shit,” Angel quickly pulled the blankets up to cover them both. This person was-, “My Lord, this is highly inappropriate. We were just about to-,”
“At ease, Angel,” Lord Alexander spoke. Blaire glared at her father angered by his intrusion. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you and my daughter together before. But sadly, romance can wait, it’s time to complete your training. The war’s tomorrow and I want you ready for battle. So hurry and get dressed.”
“Sorry, I have to go.” Angel got out of bed. He picked his towel off the floor and put it around his waist. Blaire crawled over to him trying to remove his towel. “Blaire, I can’t leave your father waiting.” He swatted her hands away.
“Not even for a quickie,” Blaire offered. “I just want to suck on it a little. Just for a little while, I mean after the treat you gave me last night. I feel like I owe you one.” She reached for his towel but he stepped back. “Fine,” She crossed her arms. “Just go, don’t expect me to suck it later.” He rolled his eyes and left her bedroom.
Angel returned to his room and began getting dressed. This is it, his last training session with Lord Alexander. After this, Lord Alexander would expect him to be ready to take his place as King of the Vampires. He’d expect him to be stronger than him. Everything Angel’s learned was going to be put to the test. But this training wasn’t for him to take Lord Alexander’s throne, this training was so he could protect Raven from all the struggles that lie ahead. Sooner or later, their relationship would be exposed. He had to be ready for that. Once the truth came out, both werewolves and Vampires would want them dead. So at this point, he’d take what training he could get. He’s been training with Scythe since the day he was announced as General. Now, he was going to receive as Scythe liked to call it a crash course on his training.
“Good, you’re here,” Scythe took out his sword. Angel stood at the secret training ground beneath the castle. “As I said before, we don’t have time to do this the slow way, the war is tomorrow and I need to make a proper king out of you today.”
“I know,” Angel took off his shirt and dropped it on the floor. “You and Lord Alexander agreed that the next king should be a combination of both your training styles. The two of you hold a strong friendship and it’s that friendship that keeps our kingdom strong. The two of you believe by combining that strength into one person. You’ll create a worthy king that would surpass Lord Alexander himself. That’s the goal right?” He walked over to a sword that was sheathed on the wall. He grabbed the sword and prepared himself for his final test. “So, what’s the game plan, do I fight you first and then Lord Alexander or,”
“Wrong,” Fate stood at the doorway. “You’ll fight all three of us,” He walked over to Scythe’s side. “I’ve seen you fight Angel, I know how strong you are and how much you’ve progressed. The goal here is to see you at your full strength. In order to see that,” He took out his sword. “The odds have to be stacked against you. If you can beat us, you can beat anything Lord Grimm throws at you. It’s more than that,” He smirked. “We can’t have our future king losing to someone like Liley, you’ve attracted strong foes Angel. As sweet as your sexy ass is, it can’t compete with a Liley.” He held his sword out to him. “I hope to fix that.”
“Okay,” Angel stepped forward. “Though,” He took a defensive stance. “I’d rather you refrain from talking about my ass.” Lord Alexander created a sword out of diamond. This wasn’t going to be easy, Scythe was hard to beat, Lord Alexander was hard to beat, those two combined with Fate. This was going to be one hell of a test. Remember, he’s doing this for Raven, he’s fighting for her and as long as he’s fighting for her. He’s unstoppable.
Angel swung his sword at Fate, he blocked, defected his blade and created a barrier knocking Angel back. While Angel was backing up, Fate slammed his blade down, a straight shot of energy fired off his sword and at Angel. He rolled out of the way and charged at Fate. Before he could get close, Scythe jumped in front of him.
“You have to be quicker than that my Prince,” Scythe began dual wielding Katanas striking Angel at rapid speeds. He blocked with his sword each cut like a razor nicking at the sharp edge of his blade. Metal chipped off his sword as Angel continued to block. Wait, Scythe was only a distraction the real attack was coming from.
Angel’s eyes widened as a straight shot of energy came at both of them firing off Fate’s sword. Scythe dodged at the last second leaving Angel exposed to take the full force of Fate’s attack.
“Shit,” Angel tried to block it with his sword but the force broke the sword into pieces and sent him tumbling across the ground. His jeans had tears in the knees and his body was covered in bruises. He ignored the damage and rolled to his feet. “Incoming,” He quickly did a backflip as Scythe came down with an attack from above.
A strong burst of wind fired off Scythes swords creating a whirlwind of blades around him. The blades expanded, slashing at Angel’s arms as he blocked. His feet skid back and Fate jumped in slamming his sword down on top of Angel. He sidestepped Fate’s attack just as Angel was about to seize the opening. Lord Alexander shielded Fate with a wall of diamond. Angel’s bare fist punched the diamond with full force doing no damage to the diamond but his knuckles were bleeding.
“Son of a-,” Angel gasped as Fate struck through the diamond to cut him. He ducked, touched what was left of the diamond wall Fate cut in half. A curse infected the diamond giving Angel control of it. The diamond shattered, firing off needles at Fate leaving cuts on Fate's body. Cuts which Fate began healing.
“I have to turn the tables quick or I’m fucked. I guess playtime's over.” Angel dodged as Scythe tried to cut him. He caught Scythes arm with a quick twist of Scythes wrist. The sword fell out of Scythe's hand and into Angels. Once he had the sword. He kicked Scythe into Fate while he was healing. He put a curse on himself that boosted his speed but lowered his defense. He charged at Fate, slashing him but Fate blocked locking swords with him
“You know out of all the guys I’ve had the pleasure of locking swords with. You’re one of my favorites.” Fate puckered his lips as if he were giving Angel a kiss. “So handsome, so tell me is that ass free. Because,” He pushed Angel back.”I’d love to visit.” Fate went to cut Angel down.
“Gross,” Angel deflected Fate’s attack and slashed him on the chest with his sword. Fate touched the gash on his chest his fingers stained in his blood. “Save that gay shit for Scythe, I’m not interested.” Fate tasted the blood on his fingers and smiled at Angel.
“Oh baby, you sure know how to turn me on.” Fate charged at Angel. “Let’s see what you got.” He kept striking at Angel, he blocked two of his strikes, dodged the third with a flip landing on Fate’s blade forcing it down. He jumped off the blade and struck Fate in the face with his knee. Fate backed up as blood gushed from his nose. Angel ducked Scythe’s attack from behind. He spun and punched Scythe in the ribs and struck him in the jaw with a jumping uppercut. Scythe hit the floor landing on his back. Angel blocked being struck by a diamond dragon created by Lord Alexander. The attack forced Angel against the wall with the dragon's teeth lodged into his arm tearing at his skin.
“Bitch, please,” Angel glared at the dragon. The dragon started screeching as the curses planted in Angel’s blood ate at the insides of the dragon's mouth until it turned solid black. Angel closed his hand seizing control of the dragon. The dragon rushed toward Lord Alexander who created a second dragon to counter Angel’s. The two dragons exploded leaving diamond shards all over the floor.
Angel rushed toward Lord Alexander with his sword in hand. Lord Alexander gathered the shards turning them into swords that surrounded Angel. He fought with all twelve of the swords deflecting them as Alexander tried to create an opening in Angel's defense. While Angel was blocking the swords. Scythe tried to cut Angel. His eyes widened. Scythe’s ability, anything he cuts he can control including the blood in a person’s body.
“Nice tactic but it won’t work,” Angel slid between Scythe’s legs. Once he was behind Scythe. He kicked Scythe in the back, he crashed into the wall. The twelve swords all went to strike Angel at once, he sunk into the ground using a curse causing them to miss. He rose out of the ground returning to the same spot.
“Clearly you’ve improved,” Scythe wiped the blood from his lip from hitting the wall face first. “But as strong as you are my prince, you’re still outmatched. The kid gloves are off,” He wiped his blood on the blade. The streak of blood became a streak of lighting. He fired a lighting dragon at Angel.
“Good, because I was getting tired of you holding back.” Angel leapt over the serpent-like dragon. It swooped around trying to constrict him. Angel ran up a pillar doing a flip, the dragon struck the pillar destroying it. Angel landed on his feet. The dragon shot a burst of lightning at him. He blocked it with his sword and threw the lighting aside.
A fire dragon swooped in from Angel’s right trying to devour and burn him alive. He jumped back causing both dragons to clash and take each other out. Before the clash Fate created a barrier to keep them apart but also protecting Angel from them.
“He’s learning,” Lord Alexander smirked. He snapped his fingers. A diamond dragon tore through Fate’s barrier. Angel prepared to block but the dragon became diamond chains with shackles. The shackles caught Angel’s right arm, left arm, right ankle and left ankle. They began pulling at Angel’s limbs forcing him to drop his defense. “Scythe, my dear friend, Fate, let’s wrap this fight up shall we?”
“As you wish my Lord,” Scythe pulled out his Katana. The sword broke, turning into a giant metal dragon dressed in silver. Angel's eyes widened. Lord Alexander coated Scythe's dragon in layers of diamond, strengthening it. The shackles began to pull Angel's limbs apart, stretching out his arms and legs. “Fate, if you will please,”
“I thought you’d never ask,” Fate shielded the dragon with a barrier. “On three. One,” Fate smirked. Angel kept trying to break the shackles. If that dragon hit him, it was over. “Two,” The dragon bared his diamond cloaked fangs at Angel. “Three.” The dragon rushed toward Angel ripping through the ground.
“I’m not done yet,” Angel put curses on his wrists and ankles. The curse ate at the diamond forcing it to free him. He fell to the floor as the dragon kept heading toward him. It let out a loud screech so loud it caused Angels ears to bleed. “There’s no time,” He jumped over to the sword he stole from Scythe. He picked it up and closed his eyes.
“Here goes nothing,” Angel attached his ability to the sword. He could feel the curses gathering on the blade. “Now visualize,” He could see the curses molding into a large serpent-like dragon. Its scales black as coal, covered in thousands of small curses. He opened his eyes and the dragon formed behind him. “I hope this works,” He fired the dragon at theirs. The two dragons clashed, their dragon started screaming as the curses on Angel’s dragon merged with its body, eating through the barriers, through the diamond, until the dragon was completely consumed by curses. The dragon fell to the floor at Angel’s feet becoming mere dust.
The sword in Angel’s hand shattered into pieces unable to withstand the effects of Angel’s curses. He glared at the three of them as a curse conjured all over his body. This curse temporarily boosted his strength, defense and speed. Fate went to meditate soon after a dragon formed behind him. It held Fate in its arms, shielding him with a barrier. This trick, Angel rushed toward Fate as smaller dragons covered in paralysis shot out of the dragon’s mouth. He dodged it jumping to the left to the right then he leapt at Fate.
“I’m afraid it won’t be that easy my prince,” Scythe shot a tidal wave from his sword. Angel blocked, the curses on his arms absorbed the damage and faded. He appeared in front of Scythe before he could attack. Angel punched him in the jaw. Scythe tumbled across the ground. He tried to get up but couldn’t.
“One down,” Angel dodged as three of Fate’s dragons tried to bite him. He punched through the barrier created by the dragon using a curse that allowed him to break through anything he touched. He grabbed Fate’s shirt and pulled him through the barrier once he was out. Angel punched him in the face as hard as he could, knocking out Fate. “Two,” The curses on Angel’s body faded along with it. His strength, defense, and speed returned to normal.
“I guess that just leaves us,” Angel took heavy breaths. He had used so much of his ability throughout the fight and it was starting to take its toll. He had to finish this quickly. Though fighting Lord Alexander wasn't going to be easy. Not in his current state but he wasn’t about to give up. It all came down to this. The master versus the student.
“There’s no denying your strength Angel. However,” Lord Alexander casually took off his leather coat and stood before Angel shirtless. His body was toned and layered with a sheen layer of diamond over his skin. “The fate of my kingdom and everything I’ve spent centuries building rests on my decision. Today, Angel, for the first time since our training began.” A diamond sword formed in Lord Alexander’s hand. “I will not hold back, I owe it to my people to make sure the next King is stronger than the first. You’re like a son to me and you’ve done well in making me proud. But when it comes to my duties as King, I must make the right choice. Surely you understand.”
“I do,” Angel closed his eyes. “Enough talk, let’s finish this.” He charged at Lord Alexander, a diamond pillar formed out of the ground. He evaded it only for it to explode, slicing Angel's skin with diamond dust using it as if it were sand. Angel sunk into the ground to avoid the particles and came out of the ground behind Lord Alexander. He tried to punch was struck a diamond wall instead. The wall exploded knocking Angel back.
While Angel was backing up, Lord Alexander began slashing at him with his sword. He reached into his pocket taking out a combat knife deflecting the king’s sword knocking him off balance. Before he could take advantage of the opening. Several diamond swords rained down from the sky.
“Shit,” Angel put his knife in his mouth holding it with his teeth as he did a back flip into a hand spring into several flips. He spun while in mid air using his teeth to etch a curse onto the knife. He released it from his teeth catching in his hand and threw it into Alexander’s shoulder. Once he was hit, a curse formed on him blocking from using his special abilities.
“If we do this,” Angel began jumping up and down, boosting his adrenaline. “We do this as men, no abilities just skill versus skill. Let’s go father,” He held up his fists. “That is unless you’re scared,”
“As you wish,” Lord Alexander slid Angel’s knife over to him with his foot. “Pick up your knife Son. You’re going to need it,” He grinned. Angel picked up the knife and braced himself for the king’s next attack. “I’m about to fight you like I would my own brother.” He appeared in front of Angel. He blocked his sword with the knife.
The King used his free hand to punch Angel in the ribs. Once he hit him, he struck Angel in the nose with a headbutt. He caught Angel by the throat and slammed him down on his back. He tried to stomp on Angel's ribs. He rolled out the way and got back on his feet. He swung his sword, Angel ducked and punched Alexander twice in the ribs. He followed up with a powerful right hook to his face afterward. Angel struck him with a roundhouse kick busting Alexander’s lip.
Angel swung at him with his knife, Lord Alexander dodged two strikes and deflected the third with his sword. He spun trying to cut Angel, he jumped onto the sword forcing it to the ground he ran up the edge and tried to slash him with his knife. Lord Alexander grabbed Angel’s wrist and forced him to drop the knife. He struck Angel with a palm strike knocking him into the wall. While he was against the wall. Lord Alexander picked up his sword and swung it at Angel. He ducked the slash. The sword left a mark on the wall as a result.
“An opening,” Angel leapt and struck Lord Alexander underneath the jaw with a powerful rising uppercut. Lord Alexander hit the ground landing on his back. The king went to get up but Angel held his knife to his throat before he could. “Looks like,” He smirked. “I win, your highness.”
“Well done,” Lord Alexander smiled and ruffled Angel’s hair. “You’ve made me proud son, you’ve earned your right to my throne. There’s nothing more for me to teach you.” He walked over to his sword and picked it up. “The throne is yours.” He held his sword out for Angel to take from him. “As further reward for putting up with my rigorous training, I’d like you to lead us into battle. As heir to my throne,” He smiled as Angel’s lingered on the sword. “It is important that everyone sees you up there leading us. Make me proud, Angel, I know you’ll be a far better King than I was.”
“Lord Alexander, I-,” Angel paused. It was an honor to take his father’s sword. An honor he didn’t deserve for, he was lying to him. He had no desire to be king. No desire for this war to happen. He wasn’t a committed son in law, he was cheating on Blaire with Raven. That’s where his heart lies and that wasn’t going to change. He couldn’t accept his sword. He didn’t deserve it but regardless of his feelings. The sword was placed in his unworthy hands.
Soon after, the doors to the training ground flung open and two guards busted in stopping their conversation.
“It’s Liley, she’s here,” The Guards spoke. “She doesn’t look pleased.”
“Excuse me, I must attend to this. Lead the way,” Lord Alexander followed the guards. Scythe and Angel went to follow him but he stopped Angel. “Last you and Liley crossed paths she tried to kill you, it’s best you wait here. Scythe, come,” Scythe nodded and they left with the guards.
“Lord Alexander’s sword,” Angel’s lingered on the blade in his hands. It was easy to tell this sword was crafted by Scythe made especially for the King, his best friend. A sword Angel still believes he didn’t deserve. But it was here in his hands, he had no choice but to accept it.
“Something wrong?” Fate asked, placing a hand on Angel’s shoulder.
“I can’t accept this,” Angel handed Fate the sword. “I’m no heir, I’m a fake, I’m lying to the king because I’m dating a werewolf behind his back. If he knew about Raven, he wouldn’t have given me this sword.” He started to walk away.
“Look Angel, nobody has the balls to say this but I do so here it is.” Fate let out a sigh. “If you continue down this path of dating Raven you’re going to die. It’s time to stop living in a fantasy where everything works out because it doesn’t. Not everyone is entitled to that happy ending Angel but you can have it. Right now, take the sword Angel.” He held Lord Alexander’s sword out to him. “Take the throne because here’s the harsh truth of what happens if you don’t.”
“Blaire gets the throne and destroys everything her father worked so hard to build. I can’t let that happen and the only person here who can stop it is you.” Fate explained. “We need you, Angel. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices in order to do what’s right. There’s no one else, it has to be you so please take the throne for all of us.”
“But Fate, if I do that I’ll lose Raven, I can’t be king and be with Raven. They’ll never accept it and I can’t lose her.” Angel argued. “She’s everything to me Fate, I can’t sacrifice that, I can’t.”
“You’ll be King,” Fate argued. “There will be other girls. She’s just one girl Angel. A girl that if you pursue you’ll die. So stop being stupid and take the throne. It’s better this way, trust me, you’ll lose her regardless there’s nothing you can do about it. So, take the throne and save yourself from that pain. You don’t want that pain, trust me, it hurts more than you know.”
“But to just give up,” Angel balled his hand into a fist. “No, I’m not giving up, I won’t lose her Fate. I won’t, I’m not going to sacrifice my relationship with Raven over a throne I don’t even want. I never asked for any of this.”
“Neither did we,” Fate argued. “You think we like asking you to make this sacrifice. You think we like being reminded that if you don’t take the throne. Everything we fought for. Everything our king, our Elder, fought for. All of it is just gone. Because Blaire is going to ruin everything. No, Angel, we hate it, we hate that our kingdom has been reduced to begging in order to save what we built. But we don’t have a choice, okay. We need you. Like you needed us.”
“Look, Fate, I want to help I do but you’re asking me to-,”
“Blaire can’t take the throne Angel. She just can’t. Let me let you in on a little secret.” Fate let out a sigh. “Do you want to know why I hate Blaire so much? The real reason, Angel. It’s not because she’s spoiled, it’s not because she’s a power hungry bitch. It’s because,” He rested his back against the wall.
“Before I met the Elder-,”
“Wait, you met the vampire Elder.” Angel pulled out his knife and put it to Fate’s throat. This was it, his ticket to ending the war. The Elders are the key. If he found the Elder, he could put an end to all of this. “Where is he?” He held the knife closer to Fate’s throat.
“How cute,” Fate smirked. “Don’t forget we’re sibling students. Everything Scythe taught you, he’s taught me.” He held a knife to Angel’s stomach. “The only difference is, I had more time to train with him. So back the fuck up before your guts spill out in the floor.” Angel lowered his knife, Fate stuck his knife back into his boot.
“Our Elder is dead,” Fate leaned against the wall. “I was there when he died. We were close.”
“I see so, he can’t help,” Angel let out a defeated sigh. Another dead end, the war is fast approaching and yet he still hasn’t found a way to save him or Raven. He couldn’t give up, there has to be a happy ending on the horizon for them. He just had to keep looking. Perhaps, the answers lie in the past.
Fate knew the Elder so maybe he could help Angel find a way to reach Lord Alexander and Grimm and hopefully find a peaceful solution to this war. It’s clear neither Elder sought to fight each other, so the problem lies with Grimm and Alexander. Surely as Lord Alexander’s father, there had to be something from The great elder Soren’s past he could use.
“So what was the Elder like?” Angel asked.
“He was kind,” Fate answered. “He always sought peace, especially with the humans. He was also one to never one to get involved in politics or any of Lord Alexander’s affairs. So I doubt he would have helped you with your being in love with a werewolf problem. Maybe if she were human but even that’s a stretch.”
“I see,” Angel let out a sigh. “So even if he was alive. He wouldn’t be much help.” Fate nodded. “That sucks. So, tell me more about the Elder.”
“Soren kind of liked to beat to his own drum. So,” Fate shrugged. “The throne or the role of Elder never really suited him. But that was his role and he played his part as best he could without sacrificing his freedom. I mean if you really think about it.” He crossed his arms. “Soren was among the first vampires. He didn’t know much about who he was or what was expected of him. But everyone expected him to be this all knowing vampire who knew all there was to being a vampire. When in reality he was still trying to figure that out for himself. All this pressure and it was there just by him being born a vampire. Could you imagine what that must have been like?”
“I’m sure, it was difficult.” Angel lowered his head. “Feeding on your first human for people like me. It was a big deal but being the first vampire to ever do it and not even understanding why you did it or why you craved human blood in the first place. I’m sure it was terrifying.”
“I think that’s why Soren was so partial to humans. I mean our Elder,” Fate leaned against the wall. “was fascinated by humans, he adored them and was even jealous of them at times. He hated how vampires never aged. He felt because of our immortality. We’d never be able to understand the importance of time. We’d never be able to value the small moments like a human can. Compared to them, our way of living is dull. Because a year to us is nothing, ten years, twenty years, it doesn’t matter, it’s just time. But to them, it means something. That’s what Soren admired most about them.”
“When we first met I was-,” Fate placed a hand on his head. “No, it’s still too soon, I’m sorry Angel. I have to go,” He rubbed his temples. “Forgive me,” He took off running.
“Fate?” Angel went to follow him but Fate rushed to his and Scythe’s room and slammed the door shut. He tried to open it but it was locked.
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