《Blue Road》Episode 24 (Part 3)


Richard made it to the lobby; he walked closer to the magenta carpet in the center of the room. The entire area had white walls, a long ceiling, an archway with a black and red mural, and pillars standing on each side of the walls. Lots of people walked by, making hairs stand on the back of Richard’s neck. He’s invisible, sure, but the idea of it running out in a place like this made his stomach turn. Richard had to hurry before he was too late.

The elevator opened across the room. Figuring this could get him to his destination quickly, he made a rush toward the elevator before it closed. Richard waited along with another man in a black and white suit. Richard glanced over as he had a silver briefcase in his hand. Could that be the right one?

As Fawn phased through the case to check inside, Richard reached over to try and take it from the man. His finger slipped as he accidentally pressed a button that activated the case to open, causing documents to fly out. The guy in the suit freaked out as he picked the papers up, having no idea how it even happened. Fawn and Richard checked the documents, only to find they’re unimportant to them.

Hmm, this doesn’t seem to be the right case. Richard thought. I can’t imagine Charlie needing any of these files for any reason.

Richard nearly forgot what he was doing. He glanced over at the man before cowering in fear and rapidly pressing the exit button, desperate to try and escape the elevator. Sweat drops trickled down Richard’s face as he looked down, noticing the ability was wearing off. Once the elevator opened again, the two made a break for it.

Richard ran across the hallway and found the door leading to the mayor’s office. Thinking the briefcase might be in there, he hurried inside. Fortunately for him, the large office room appeared to be empty. The walls had a dark orange shade to them, wooden and dull brown flooring complemented the rug in the middle. A small desk with a nametag, lamp, and documents rested in the center of the room. Some cabinets and a wheelie chair stood next to the bureau.


Behind the counter, was a long stretch of glass windows, one could walk up and examine the city from afar. Richard looked out from the window. Everything looked so small from up here. No, he’s wasting time and had to search for the case before losing his ability. Richard checked from every nook and cranny, searching high and low for the missing suitcase, but came up short.

From the other side of the door, a muffled conversation talked about someone intruding the tower. His heart dropped. He had to hurry before it was too late and he got caught. Where could that case be? Richard looked down and gasped, knowing his invisibility spell was about to run out. His head snapped around at the doorknob, slowly turning. Richard glanced all around the office, trying to find a decent place to hide. His immediate course of action was to hide under the desk just as the door opened.

It was cramped underneath this small space, but Richard knew that there was no turning back now or else he’d get caught, so he’d have to put up with it for now until the figure left the room.

“I can’t believe someone’s broken in!” They slammed their hands on the desk, giving Richard goosebumps.

That voice, it’s got to be Maxie.

He peeked a little from his hiding spot just as the mayor picked up a phone and dialed a number. When the call came through, he pressed a button on the dial.

“Why hasn’t anyone taken care of the problem yet?!”

“We’re dealing with another issue now.” Another voice replied from the dial’s speakers. “Hopefully, their lackeys don’t invade the place while all of this was going on.”

“Ok, take care of that. I’ll see if I can find this perpetrator myself.” Maxie let go of the button and walked away from his desk.


Richard crawled closer to the window to peek at them again, this time looking down. He didn’t expect to witness the mayor’s men getting into a fight with Ken’s gang members on the bottom floor near the entrance.

Huh, a distraction to lead them away from the office. Richard deducted. Thanks for the help, you guys.

As Maxie turned back around, Richard quickly crawled back underneath the desk. The footsteps got closer, and Richard’s throat tightened. Maxie pulled the wheelie chair and took a seat to recollect and calm himself down. Richard sighed in relief, then panicked as he covered his mouth.

Maxie looked down under the desk as he smirked. Richard yelped as he jumped back and bumped his head on the top of the bureau.

“A-ha, I found you.”

“Oh, no.” Richard got out of the desk and backed away, rubbing his head. The invisible power had already run out. He got himself in a tight situation, with the man in power standing between him and his objectives.

“What are you doing in my office?” Maxie thundered, pointing at him.

Richard gulped, knowing that he can’t back out of it now. “I know you have the suitcase.”

“So, you’re siding with Charlie?”

“What? Who said I was?”

“Don’t you lie to me, terrorist.”


“Voice is a dead giveaway. You and your posse are trying to destroy—”

“Me? You’re the real threat!”

Maxie wrinkled his nose. “What are you talking about?”

“To keep your position in check and power, you ordered your troops to kill important people that might’ve threatened your business.”

“What?! Coming from someone who’s caused so much mayhem with your super strength and electric powers? At least I’m trying to keep this city safe!”

“I find it hard to believe that was your only motive.” Richard glanced at Fawn. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

Fawn stayed quiet as she stared at him for a moment. Her eyes widened as her face softened. She turned to face Richard.

“This guy, he’s telling the truth. He’s not the one behind all this.”

“A-ha!” Richard exclaimed. His smile faded, taking what she said in full. “Wait, what? But he’s got to the murderer! The clues fit him, don’t they?”

“You think I’m a murderer?” Maxie questioned, appalled by the remark. His tone grew bitter. “Oh, I see now. You’re on the scientists’ side, aren’t you?”

Richard raised his arms in defense. “No, I’m not!” Wait, he doesn’t work for them either?

“I don’t believe you, I’m going to call—”

Maxie’s laptop turned on and activated a hologram. A shadowy figure appeared and stared down at the mayor, with the only thing visible being the eyes.

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