《Severing Time & Space》Putting the Clans in Their Place, Part I


Hou Jingshu sat on a chair and stared at her brother. Hou Chao had not woken up at all since arriving at the castle. His eyes were wide open and he mumbled incomprehensibly, but he was not there. It was like his mind was far away. The doctor said he had been given an alchemy pill that increased his strength at the cost of his sanity. To cure him, they would need a fifth tier alchemist with a heavenly flame to refine the Mind Returning Pill, but they lacked both the ingredients and the alchemist.

“Big Sister, are we not gonna go outside?” asked Yōuměi. The large panther lay on her stomach and looked quite meek as she stared up at Hou Jingshu with her heterochromatic eyes.

She smiled down at the magical beast. “I’m sorry, but I’m not really in the mood to play right now.”

“… I understand,” Yōuměi said softly. “Master would get like this sometimes, too.”

“You mean Wu Jian?”

“Hmmm. Master was very gloomy for a long time. He tried to pretend nothing was wrong whenever he was with someone, but as soon as he was alone, he’d go all quiet and just… sit still. Sometimes, he’d stay still for hours. It was boring when he got like that.”

She must have been referring to what Wu Jian was like after his clan was killed. Anyone would become gloomy if they had to watch as their entire clan was destroyed in a single night. It was honestly a miracle Wu Jian had retained the kindness she had known him for when they were younger.

“You know… I never liked you,” Hou Jingshu said after a moment.

“What?! You don’t like me, Big Sister?!”

“I’m not talking to you, Yōuměi. I’m talking to my brother.”

“… Oh. That’s okay then.”

Hou Jingshu glanced at the panther as she settled down, then looked back at her comatose brother. She frowned.

“You were always mean to me when we were younger, and your bullying only got worse as we grew up. I’m sure part of the reason Father sent me away was because of how awful you were to me. I won’t lie. I hated you with all my heart. I hated the fact that you constantly blamed me for our mother’s death. It’s not like I asked to be born into this world… but you’re still my brother. You had better pull through this. I won’t forgive you if you don’t.”

Hou Jingshu grew silent again. She had spoken to Hou Chao many times in the past few days. Sometimes she talked about her day and sometimes she complained or shared her worries and fears. She didn’t know why she bothered. Perhaps some part of her longed to have a familial relationship with this man, even though he had treated her like garbage up until now.

Someone knocked on the door.

“Your Highness, Yu Chenguang, Hua Xue, and Mei Xilan have returned,” said someone from the other side. It was one of the maids, though she didn’t know which.

Hou Jingshu stood up. “Come on, Yōuměi. Let’s go see how their mission went.”


Yōuměi stood up and followed Hou Jingshu out of the room. They walked through open hallways showcasing a panoramic view of the palace’s gardens. Streams of gently flowing water ran through the gardens. Such a peaceful scene felt at odds with their current situation, and Hou Jingshu wished she could remove this beautiful scenery by the roots.

They found the trio in question standing just outside of the inner courtyard, which was located in a large building in the center of the palace. The gate leading into the inner court was known as Dragon’s Gate. Massive and imposing as it loomed over the courtyard, Dragon’s Gate was currently sealed tight. Only the emperor could open it.


“Your Highness,” Yu Chenguang bowed. Hua Xue and Mei Xilan followed suit.

“How did your mission go? Were you successful?” asked Hou Jingshu.

“We were successful in evacuating the citizens and scorching the land. The Four Great Pavilions will not be able to acquire provisions from our kingdom. However, I was unable to prevent them from invading our borders,” said Yu Chenguang.

“We already knew it would be impossible to defeat them at the start. Our greatest chance at victory is forcing them into an extended battle. We must endure until the Heavenly Sword Sect can overcome the problems they are facing abroad and send aid.”

Hou Jingshu had already sent word to the Heavenly Sword Sect of their troubles, and even if she hadn’t, they would have eventually found out. The Saintly Sword Sect had also informed her that they would ask the Heavenly Sword Sect for aid and send their own forces to reinforce her. She was just waiting for them to arrive.

“I wish we could have at least killed one of their ancestors,” Hua Xue said.

“The fact that all of you came back alive is more than I can ask for,” said Hou Jingshu.

“Has Jian Wu not returned from the Zhou Kingdom yet?” asked Mei Xilan.

Hou Jingshu tried not to twitch as she smiled. “I’m afraid not.”

“That’s unfortunate. I was hoping to see him.”

“The yellow river will freeze over before I let you be alone with him.”

“Stop this, Mei Xilan. Your current actions are unbefitting a woman of the Ice Phoenix Sect,” Hua Xue said coldly.

“Apologies,” Mei Xilan said with a bow.

Hou Jingshu sighed. She didn’t know what it was about this woman, but she really did not like her. The reasons eluded her, however. It was like something about Mei Xilan just rubbed her the wrong way.

Everyone looked tired. Yu Chenguang had bags under his eyes, stood with slouched shoulders, and was having trouble focusing. How long had he gone without sleep? Hua Xue and Mei Xilan were better off, but even they looked ready to pass out.

“My Lady, Húndàn Wang of the Saintly Sword Sect has arrived, and he’s not alone. Your older brother and mother are present, too, and he has also brought someone from the Heavenly Sword Sect.”

“I see…” Hou Jingshu murmured. She turned back to the others and sighed. “I was going to suggest you three get some rest, but would you like to meet with the Heavenly Sword Sect’s representative first?”

Mei Xilan opened her mouth to say something, but Hua Xue pinched her hand. The young woman stifled her words.

“I think we would, yes,” said Yu Chenguang, speaking for the three of them.


Hou Jingshu led her three guests to the outer courtyard, where a small group of people were waiting.

The first person her eyes landed on was her older brother. He didn’t look any different now than he always had. He wore the same refined clothes and had the same arrogant look on his face, but she felt like she was seeing him for the first time in a long time. Even though nothing appeared to have changed, she couldn’t help but feel like something was different.

Standing next to him was a tall, elegant woman with a cold bearing. Her hair was dark but carried hints of purple that made it stand out, especially when the light hit it. She had pale skin and blue eyes the color of the sky. Such eyes would have normally been warm and inviting, but these were not. The blue and white hanfu she wore lacked sleeves. Her shoulders were laid bare. However, two detachable sleeves were tied to her arms with golden bands. A black bodice wrapped around her waist, hooked together with a pair of diagonally connecting belts.


So Fengli Cai really is here. She has not been here since before Father fell ill. I’m surprised to see her here now.

A little ways from the woman was Húndàn Wang. He looked no different now than he had the last time they had seen each other, but now he wore the hanfu of a Heavenly Sword Sect outer court disciple. Beside Húndàn Wang was the person who could only be the representative of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

He had ice blue eyes, dark hair tied into a ponytail, and feminine features. Pretty boy was the word she would have used to describe him. Even his body seemed lither than most of the men she knew, though she could tell from his posture and bearing that it would be unwise to underestimate him. She couldn’t feel his cultivation either. That meant he was stronger than her.

Next to him was another man. The arrogance in his expression was offputting and the way he eyed her up and down with a blatantly lascivius gaze made her recoil.

“Greetings, representative of the Heavenly Sword Sect. I am Hou Jingshu. You would normally speak with my father, but he is still bedridden, thus, I am acting as his representative,” Hou Jingshu said as she offered a traditional martial bow.

The man returned the bow. “Well met, Your Highness. My name is Zhe Fēnglì. I am the son of Sect Master Zhe Dāozhe. You already know Húndàn Wang. The other man beside me is Bèipàn Zhě. I came at the behest of my father to uphold our centuries old alliance.”

Hou Jingshu was surprised the sect master had sent his son, but it was a pleasant surprise. Sending his son to aid them meant the sect master was their troubles seriously. No one would send their son into a warzone otherwise.

“You’ve had a long journey. I’m sure you are tired and hungry. Come, let us dine before we discuss more important matters.”

“Very well. We shall do that. But first, may I ask that you introduce me to your companions?” Zhe Fēnglì eyed Yu Chenguang, Mei Xilan, and Hua Xue, then turned his gaze to the giant black panther sitting at Hou Jingshu’s feet. She also glanced at her companions. Mei Xilan and Hua Xue were wearing their veils now. It was traditional for them to wear those since women of the Ice Phoenix Sect were all quite beautiful.

“Of course.” Hua Xue gestured toward her group. “With me are Yu Chenguang, Commander of the Shang Kingdom Imperial Army. The two beside him are Mei Xilan and Hua Xue of the Ice Phoenix Sect. This one right here is Yōuměi. She is a dear friend of mine and the traveling companion of my lover.”

Zhe Fēnglì looked stunned for a moment. “You have a lover?”

“I do, but let us not speak of that right now. My personal life is not important.”

“Of course. You are right.”

Hou Jingshu ordered a maidservant to have the kitchen’s staff prepare a lavish meal, then walked with the others to the outer courtyard dining hall. She would have normally taken her meal in her private residence. However, men were traditionally not allowed there. The only reason Wu Jian had been allowed to come and go as he pleased was because of the tacit understanding that he was her lover. Even then, some of the maids had given her reproving looks.

Not that she cared.

They had dinner in the Hall of the Dragon’s Mouth. It was traditionally where the emperor ate with his ministers during important meetings. Hou Jingshu had not eaten there in a very long time since she rarely played a part in the politics of this nation. After her father fell ill, there was even less reason to eat here.

“This food is quite delicious. I see your chefs have mastered the art of creating food with a balanced diet,” said Zhe Fēnglì.

Their dinner for that evening was bird’s nest soup, pecking duck with a glaze sauce, and horned rabbit--a magical beast with very delicate meat. The horned rabbit was hard to cook. However, as it was meat from a magical beast, it contained a lot more nutrients than most other foods. The horned rabbit had been braised with a variety of vegetables grown by the palace’s personal gardeners.

“I am pleased our food suits your palate,” said Hou Jingshu. She took a bite of the horned rabbit and smiled as the meat melted on her tongue. The tenderness of the meat complimented the soft vegetables.

“It has been quite some time since I have had our chef’s cooking,” Fengli Cai said.

“I hope our food is still to your liking, Mother,” said Hou Jingshu.

“It is palatable.”

This woman was technically not her mother. She was her father’s wife, but just like Wu Taohua had no blood relation to Wu Jian, this woman had no blood relation to her. Mother was simply the title that Hou Jingshu had been forced to use out of respect for her authority as the emperor’s wife.

Hou Jingshu always had mixed feelings about Fengli Cai, whose cold personality and distance made her seem unapproachable. Being in her presence always made Hou Jingshu feel like she had done something wrong. She had also heard from the maids that Fengli Cai was very resentful toward Hou Jun since it was essentially his fault she wasn’t allowed to cultivate past the Human Limit Realm.

The meal was ate mostly in silence after some initial conversation. Meals between friends could be rowdy and fun, but a meal of this nature had a certain gravitas to it. There were rules that must be followed and protocols people must adhere to. Hou Jingshu made sure to act in a manner befitting her status as she ate.

She only spoke once the plates had been taken away and a maid bearing a tray of tea served them.

“Now that we are fed, I believe it is time we discuss matters concerning the Four Great Pavilions and their unlawful invasion of the Shang Kingdom,” said Hou Jingshu.

“I agree. However, I have some unfortunate news that I must inform you of,” Zhe Fēnglì began, expression grave. “It isn’t just the Four Great Pavilions that have invaded. On our way here, we discovered that the Zhou Kingdom has also invaded. An army of roughly fifty thousand Zhou Kingdom cultivators have made their way past The Great Wall.”

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