《The Rise of the Skeleton Warrior》Chapter Three


He didn't know how much time had passed as he stacked everything into separate piles. The three bodies had been dragged into a hole he found, making them visible only if one were actively searching for them.

He left the ax untouched since he couldn't lift it. The dagger had crumbled to pieces after he killed Slone, so the only weapons her had left were the Bow and the broken staff. Both items had intriguing messages that appeared when he examined them.

[Basic Hunting Bow] A bow made from Kilt Wood. It has a flexible body and is primarily used by the Elves, a tribe known for their hunting expertise. However, anyone can use this basic hunting bow.

[Staff of Gredion (Broken)] A wooden staff made from the bark of the Druiden Tree. The red gemstone is common among Conduits who can purify mana gems. The staff is broken and cannot be wielded.

The bow turned out to be the only useful weapon since he had exhausted all other options and remained uncertain of his own capabilities.

[Would you like to view your Status? Yes/No]

He perked up when the message appeared. Did it respond to his thoughts? Even though he hadn't explicitly mentioned "Status," could the system associate related words and provide information? If that were the case, it would simplify the process of discovering things. 'Yes,' he replied.

A large blue screen materialized before him.

[Name: Cade Winters]

[Title: Hero]

[Race: Skeleton]

[Durability: 100%]

[Power: F (8)]

[Defense: 1]

[Strength: 2]

[Agility: 3]

[Stamina: 2]

[Stat Points (SP): 13]

[Skills: None]

[Bank: 0G, 0S, 0C]

As he examined the displayed information, not everything he saw made sense. However, he was relieved to see that he still retained his name, which saved him from a small identity crisis. Everything else left him feeling confused. He attempted to mentally verbalize the names of the attributes shown, but nothing happened. It appeared that not all aspects of the system were connected through thoughts or words.


Since the display resembled a computer screen, he was curious to try something. He tapped on [Title] to see what would happen. As soon as his bony finger contacted the smooth surface, a separate display appeared.

[Title] Possessing a Title is extremely rare. Each Title is exclusive to its bearer, representing their ambitions and goals, accompanied by specific abilities that contribute to those aspirations. Currently, sixteen beings are known to possess a Title, and four of them have established an organization committed to safeguarding the public from both internal and external threats. Exercise caution when encountering other Title bearers and avoid conflicts, as only the survivor emerges victorious.

[Hero] The Title of Hero is a divine blessing that grants protection against medium-level curses and mental attacks, along with bestowing a certain degree of luck. When you entered the world as a Feng, your mind was clouded, and your memories sealed. However, thanks to the Hero blessing, the curse obstructing your psyche has been lifted.

Cade pondered over the nature of the Title privilege he had acquired, wondering what actions he had undertaken before his death to be bestowed with the ability to lift curses and block mental attacks. He acknowledged that the luck he now possessed had contributed, albeit to a small extent, to his survival in the recent battle. He hoped that the luck did not run out when he would need it most. With that aside, he focused on the other screens before him.

[Race: Skeleton] As a skeleton, embodying a form devoid of flesh and organs, you not only transcend worldly attachments and limitations but also the inevitable passage of time. You exist in a perpetual state of bareness, stripped of the physical and emotional aspects that come with being 'alive', untouched by pain, pleasure, and bodily sensations that once governed your experiences.

[Durability: 100%] Your skeletal form is currently very fragile and susceptible to damage. You must exercise caution to avoid physical harm. Even minor impacts or external forces could pose a significant threat to your structural integrity. You can acquire skills that can help with strengthening and boosting your over skeletal frame, as well as equipping gear and armor.


[Power: F (8)]

[Defense: 1]

[Strength: 2]

[Agility: 3]

[Stamina: 2]

[Stat Points (SP): 13] Stat Points can be allocated to enhance your attributes. These points represent your potential for growth and improvement in various areas. Consider strategizing how to distribute them wisely to bolster your strengths or compensate for weaknesses.

[Skills: None]

After reading the Stat Point description, Cade understood that defeating his adversaries earned him SP that he could utilize to enhance the traits necessary for his growth and increase in power. Even though there was nothing in his Skill section, he didn't let that bother him, as he had a feeling that it would change sooner or later. For now, he wanted to focus on what kind of effect raising the different traits would have.

Cade's primary focus was on improving his defense, considering it to be his biggest challenge as a skeleton. He disregarded all other displays and concentrated solely on the traits and SP. Although unsure of how it would work, he engaged his mind in the task. After experimenting with various methods, he found that mentally verbalizing his intent yielded the best result. By mentally stating, "Add five SP to defense," a display appeared, visually representing his thoughts and confirming the allocation of SP to his defense trait.

[Defense: 1 -> 6]

The moment the display materialized, Cade noticed a subtle hum resonating within his skeletal frame, yet upon inspecting himself, he found no visible differences. Perhaps the changes were internal, as he couldn't deny that he felt something.

Instead of allocating all the SP into defense, he decided to distribute two SP into each trait, viewing it as an even transaction in his mind. The displays helped in visualizing the changes he couldn't physically see.

[Power: F (8 -> 21)]

[Defense: 6 -> 8]

[Strength: 2 -> 4]

[Agility: 3 -> 5]

[Stamina: 2 -> 4]

[Stat Points: 8 -> 0]

Even though he felt content with his traits elevated traits, Cade's curiosity piqued about the threshold Power would need to reach in order to transition to the next level, assuming such a progression existed. Nevertheless, his attention shifted to the final section of the Status display—Bank—which hinted at the presence of an economy in this world, wondering how easily he would grasp and utilize it.

As he sat on the ground, he carefully reviewed all the information displayed and went through it again to ensure he understood everything. He decided to closely monitor his Rank, Stats, and Skills as they progressed and leveled up, while keeping the other details in mind and not obsessing over them.

Feeling content with his understanding of the system, Cade stood up and approached the two piles he had made earlier – one for clothes and the other for weapons. After assessing the items, he concluded that he could only make use of the equipment worn by Slone. He put on the boots and green tunic, and then placed the bow and arrow satchel on his back. He wasn't concerned about how he looked; the important thing was to avoid being exposed in this unfamiliar world.

Although the system hadn't provided him with all the information he desired, Cade felt confident with what he had learned so far. With that newfound confidence, he was ready to venture out and explore whatever lay ahead.

But for now, his first task is to find a way out of the cave.

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