《Spiteful Healer》Chapter 181: Kaef'aktos


Chapter 181: Kaef'aktos

“So… you doing alright?” Quinn asked Aegis as the two walked side by side into the main hall of the Palace, Viella leading them by walking a few meters ahead.

“Huh? Yeah… just… sucks.” Aegis shrugged.

“Was teasing about the portal, by the way. I watched the fight. Most raid bosses scale themselves up based on how many enemies engage them, and those eye attacks looked hard enough to coordinate without having a ton of players bumping into each other. Probably would’ve made it worse.”

“Couldn’t be worse, we failed.” Aegis replied.

“Nah. You didn’t fail. Look…” Quinn motioned to the pillars and walls of the palace around them. “City survived.” She smiled. “I bet this new Warlord will see it that way too.”

“I hope so.” Aegis replied. They continued through a few more hallways after the main hall until finally arriving at a beautiful, glowing white door covered with engravings. Viella opened it and motioned Quinn and Aegis inside, where they found themselves stepping into a large circular office with a dull gray desk near the far wall.

The walls themselves were lined with bookshelves, and paintings that depicted Kur’aktos, Kagil’aktos, and another older elf with a white goatee which Aegis could only assume was Koff’aktos.

Sitting in a chair behind the desk sat a teenage-looking Dark Elf, with short spiky black hair and a jawline that resembled Kur’aktos. [Warlord Kaef’aktos(Elite) - Level 95] stood above his head, but even without the name Aegis could see the resemblance between him and his father Kur’aktos.

The moment that Aegis and Quinn stepped into the room, Kaef’aktos stood up and bowed to them respectfully.

“Ah, you are here. It’s a pleasure to finally meet a surface dweller.” Kaef’aktos said with a polite smile as Aegis, Quinn and Viella stopped on the other side of the desk. “Please, have a seat.” He motioned to a set of dull grey wood chairs that were glowing faintly, sitting off to the side of the room. Viella quickly pulled the chairs up for Quinn and Aegis to sit opposite him. “I was expecting Aegis, but I don’t believe I know who you are…” Kaef’aktos said while reaching his hand out to shake both Aegis and Quinn’s, which they quickly obliged.

Rather than answer herself, she gave a nod to Aegis as if to tell him to answer on her behalf.

“Oh, right.” Aegis cleared his throat. “This is Quinn, leader of the Night Hunters. The leading guild on the surface, for the Kordas Kingdom. The Kordas Kingdom rules the surface of Kalmoore and she has come to speak on behalf of the King.” Aegis explained as he took a seat, the others doing the same.

“I see. It sounds very official.” Kaef’aktos replied with an awkward smile. “To be honest…” he began tapping his fingers over the top of the empty desk. “I don’t really know what I am supposed to do from here…” Kaef’aktos said as his eyes began to glaze over.

“Do what you think is best. Speak your mind. You are our leader, now.” Viella replied.

“Right… uhm…” Kaef’aktos hesitantly looked up at Quinn and Aegis, who both waited patiently for him to speak up. “Just a day ago, we were told that a Lord from the surface wished to have a meeting. To potentially trade. It was a lord who already had Dark Elves living on his land alongside his people. It sounded too good to be true…” Kaef’aktos looked up at Aegis briefly before staring back down at the desk.


“My father hired the best sages to confirm it. To look into this land of Rene, using farsight and scrying magic. It was difficult, but, he was able to confirm that one named Aegis did indeed rule over the lands of Rene, And there was indeed a Dark Elf living amongst his people. There was still one problem, though…

My father was no fool. He knew something was wrong with the timing of the meeting. He knew it was likely that the Seekers were involved, given the recent poison creation, and the prison break. He was certain, in fact, that something was up, and that it was a trap…” Kaef’aktos explained.

“But then… why did he still agree to meet me?” Aegis asked.

“Because he believed that if there was even the slightest possibility that you could improve the lives of our people, he had a duty as our Warlord to take that chance. Plus, it was an opportunity to have the seekers expose themselves, so we could root them out once and for all. He put a lot of faith in the power of his and Krael’s Mithral weapons to deal with whatever was thrown at him.” Kaef’aktos replied as he briefly glanced up at Aegis, before looking down at the desk once more. Aegis saw the conflict on Kaef’aktos face, then looked to see Quinn give him an encouraging nod to speak up.

“He was right.” Aegis cleared his throat, speaking loudly and confidently while straightening up his back. “We were manipulated into thinking the only way to speak with Kur’aktos was through the seekers. That fault is my own, and I hope you’ll forgive me for it. But it was only ever my intention to establish good relations with your people, and if possible, help improve the lives of the Dark Elves that live in this city.”

“The seekers have been a plague upon this city for the last 100 years. The fact that you’ve managed to have them expose themselves, and then assist in their defeat, is not something that has gone unnoticed by our people. If you had not acted the way you had, it was unlikely we would’ve been able to rid ourselves of them.” Kaef’aktos replied.

“But, I wasn’t able to do it without losing many of your people along the way.” Aegis replied while himself turning his head down at his feet.

“I was there when Kur’aktos sacrificed himself for his people. He did so because he knew full well that his son would still be here to take his place. And that it meant a better future for the Dark Elves. I have no doubt that he is looking down on us now, proudly.” Viella spoke up again, smiling at both Aegis and Kaef’aktos.

“Right…” Kaef’aktos nodded back weakly. “So, how is it you could improve the lives of those living in this city? My father was inexperienced with leading and was always trying to learn more about how other cities were run, but unfortunately he only ever had his own father as a mentor, and he wasn’t a very good one.”

“Well… do you want me to speak honestly?” Aegis replied as he glanced between everyone.

“Yes, please do. I will not be offended.” Kaef’aktos replied with a determined expression.

“I understand it is dangerous in the underrealm, but the people living here are being given very limited freedom. Forcing them into jobs they can't choose themselves, and with such intense work schedules, gives people little time to enjoy their lives. Standard work schedules on the surface are 8 hours on, 16 hours off, with usually two 24 hour periods in between with no work at all.”


“Really…” Kaef’aktos immediately pulled out a parchment and a quill and began scribbling things down, taking notes on what Aegis said.

“I imagine, due to Dark Elves not needing to sleep, in addition to the imminent and constant threat that the city faces due to its location, you’d want to increase the duration of work shifts to keep your people safe, but, I’d suggest you increase the rest time and allow your people to choose their professions on their own.”

“Right, interesting…” he desperately continued to scribble it down.

“Also, imprisoning every surface dweller and Plashrim will guarantee that you never form any good outside relationships. You were right to be cautious of cultists and malicious individuals, but there are spells and divine magics that can be used to detect them, so that you may isolate the truly evil ones from the wayward travellers. I imagine a number of those in your prisons currently are innocent of any wrongdoing, and it’d go a long way if you moved them into our custody so that we could review and confirm for you if they are indeed in need of incarceration.” Aegis motioned to Quinn.

“Yes. If you were to join the Kordas Kingdom, we would share with your people a list of wanted bounties, and in turn you could do the same with us. In addition, you’d be free to export any prisoners to our capital city.” Quinn spoke.

“Escorting prisoners up to the surface seems like it’d be needlessly risky…” Viella replied apprehensively.

“On foot, yes. That is why one of our first orders of business would be the construction of a portal altar, that would allow teleportation between your land, Rene, and the capital of Kordas. That would allow anyone with the magic capable of forming portals to easily transport individuals between those three locations, among others. You, of course, would maintain control over whether or not the portal altar would be usable.” Quinn explained while motioning to Kaef’aktos.

“Wait… you mean…” He stopped scribbling and looked up at them with wide eyes. “I’d be able to step through a portal and explore a city on the surface? You would welcome us, and my people, to do so?” Kaef’aktos asked with disbelief.

“Yes, of course. It might be best if you initially ease into surface life through Rene,” Quinn motioned to Aegis, “as Lord Aegis has already taken in a number of individuals from all over the world, including those from another island entirely. They are much more open to outsiders. Overtime, I’m sure that the people of Kordas will grow to be more comfortable with seeing Dark Elves, though.” Quinn explained, but as she did, tears began to swell up in not just Kaef’aktos eyes, but Viella’s as well.

“It was always my fathers dream to allow our people to escape the darkness of the underrealm.” Kaef’aktos replied as he wiped the tears from his cheeks, and seeing him like this, Quinn and Aegis couldn’t help but both smile. “It’s as simple as building a portal altar…”

“Yes. Of course, it would be best if you agreed to become a part of the Kordas Kingdom, though. That would entail a 5% tax on trading between the cities, but we would be able to offer you any manner of resources, from food, stone, wood, and iron. In return for whatever unique delicacies, crafts and materials that you have available for trade yourselves. I’m sure there are many things you have in abundance.” Quinn said.

“Of course. I would have to talk with our Master of the Tree, and the Quartermaster, though.” Kaef'aktos replied excitedly.

“Right, those things can be discussed after. I brought someone with me as well, another member of my guild, that could arrange the details of trade with your people. That is, of course, if you agree to join the Kingdom.” Quinn asked.

“Yes. Yes, I would like to join.” Kaef’aktos replied enthusiastically.

“My lord, are you sure you wouldn’t like to take more time to think on this?” Viella replied hesitantly.

“I’m certain. This is what my father would have wanted.” Kaef’aktos replied with determination.

“Well, it’s as simple as signing a few forms. Viella’s right to hesitate, though. You should read over them first.” Quinn said while glancing between Kaef’aktos and Viella briefly. She then pulled out of her inventory several scroll cases, and from them she took out rolled up parchment which she slowly unrolled onto the desk in front of Kaef’aktos.

“Right, okay. Yes, I will read into these first.” Kaef’aktos nodded back, then looked up at Aegis and Quinn. “I cannot thank you enough for this opportunity. You do not know how much it means to our people. This… it represents hope.” He smiled.

“Whether or not you agree to join, we can construct the portal altar. I brought with me a few builders, and the necessary materials. All we’d need is a work project assigned by you, and we could get started.” Quinn said.

“Right. Yes, of course.” Kaef’aktos replied as he started waving his hands around, and promptly sent out a work project invitation to both Quinn and Aegis which they both accepted.

“Wonderful.” Quinn smiled as she stood up, prompting Aegis to stand up as well. “I will get started on the construction of the portal altar, on the ground level of your city. In that time, please read over those documents and let me know when you’ve come to a decision.” Quinn said.

“Yes, of course. Thank you very much. It was a pleasure meeting both of you.” Kaef’aktos replied, standing up and bowing politely. They all shook hands very quickly, then Aegis and Quinn turned and left the office. Before the door had even closed behind them on their way out, they overheard Viella and Kaef’aktos going into an intense discussion. Once the door had shut, though, Aegis stopped walking forward and turned to Quinn.

“We sure this is a good idea?” Aegis asked Quinn.

“What do you mean? Expanding the connected power of the Kordas Kingdom to all of Kalmoore is ideal, for both us players and the NPCs.”

“Yeah, but… it’s like they said. Dark Elves have typically not gotten along with the other races when it comes to the NPCs. I’ve seen it first hand already. Heck, even the Arallians and Kalmoorians were having some trouble getting along, and most of them are human.”

“Yeah… There’s been a lot of conflict with the NPCs lately…” Quinn trailed off in thought on Aegis’ words. “But, it’s up to us as leaders to make sure everyone gets along. Especially you,” she playfully nudged his shoulder, “Priest of Eirene.” She smirked. “You’ll be heading back to Rene now, I presume?”

“Not yet, there’s stil-” Aegis was interrupted by the office door behind them opening, and Kaef’aktos came walking forward eagerly.

“Ah, good. You are still here.” He said with a smile as he spotted them, Viella trailing behind him with a nervous look on her face.

“Is something wrong?” Aegis asked.

“No. Well, sort of. Me and Viella began to discuss, and, well…” He paused and looked at her, and Aegis saw them both looking quite apprehensive. “Your suggestions of how our people should work less sound great, but it reminded me that we have lost not just my father, but the power he used to keep us safe. The mithral weapons disappeared along with him when he died.” Kaef’aktos said, and immediately Aegis and Quinn’s eyes lit up with anticipation.

“Wait.” Quinn suddenly shouted, holding her hand up to stop him from talking. “Are you planning on sharing information about Kur’aktos’ mithral forging?” Quinn asked.

“I… possibly… yes…” Kaef’aktos replied hesitantly.

“That art has been lost to all surface dwellers, on all islands. It’s extremely valuable information. It’s been earned by Aegis here, but, no one else.” Quinn explained as she glanced up to see Aegis’ livestream viewership suddenly shooting up to 450,000. “I’ll back out of this conversation, under the condition that you turn off your livestream for it.” Quinn said to Aegis.

“Really?” Aegis looked at her surprised. “Tullan’s gonna be pissed, though…”

“Yeah, but, I just piggybacked on your quest for the sake of Kordas. It wouldn’t be right to steal your quest rewards too, when I didn’t earn them.” Quinn shrugged.

“That’s…” Aegis looked Quinn in the eyes and saw the sincerity in them. “Okay. thanks.” Aegis nodded back at her. “Sorry guys.” Aegis said to no one in particular, then turned off his livestream.

“Okay. Finish your conversation without me. I’ll get started on the altar.” Quinn bowed politely to Kaef’aktos and Viella, before turning and leaving them in the hallway.

“What was that all about?” Viella asked with a look of confusion.

“Nothing, she’s just not a blacksmith or refiner like myself.” Aegis cleared his throat and eagerly looked back to Kaef’aktos with a sparkle of excitement in his eyes. “So, you were saying?”

“Yes. Right. With my father gone, we have lost our most powerful weapon to protect our people. He had managed to locate the knowledge needed to mine, refine and forge mithral. Unfortunately, I am not able to utilize this knowledge in my current state…”

“Are you sure you want to do this? Kur’aktos was always worried about this falling into the wrong hands…” Veilla interrupted him.

“I am sure. This man saved our people once. If he is able to utilize this knowledge and forge a new set of weapons for me, he would be saving us again. I would be able to protect our people just as my father did.” Kaef’aktos replied with a determined look in his eyes. “I will share with you the method in which to properly mine, refine, and forge mithral.”

Quest: Use the knowledge that Kaef’aktos shares with you to mine, refine, and forge a pair of Mithral shortswords for the new Warlord of the City of the White Tree.

Objective: 0/1 Mithral Shortswords Delivered

Quest Giver: Kaef’aktos, The City of the White Tree

Reward: [Amulet of Pure Light]

Difficulty: Extreme

Restriction: Quality of both shortswords must exceed 50%.

Never in his time playing the game thus far had Aegis ever hit the accept quest button faster.

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