《Unlucky》Untried: Prologue


Junior Administrator stood before the tribunal, their usual healthy, bluish hue looking ashen and gray.

“As set forth in the Integration Regulations, you have the choice of two punishments. The first is to return back to Exibar. Your family’s name and honor will be questioned, but maybe they have the wealth to survive the scandal. The second option is to personally make amends for the damage caused.” System Leader’s voice washed over the room, communicating his distaste for the younger spawn’s choices.

“No true harm has befallen the inhabitants of this vessel, despite your best attempt at mutiny. But the seeds of mutiny have been planted, and those are often more dangerous than anything else. On top that, 2 assimilants have been lost through your actions, which will upset the Faction and represents a loss of wages for everyone aboard.” System Leader let the words hang for a moment, causing Junior Administrator to squirm slightly under the pressure.

“In light of that, the only actions that would fulfill the requirements of the second option is for you to travel to the Outskirts after the anomaly and make sure they don’t return.”

A gasp sounded throughout the room. Though System Leader was known for their resolve, nobody present had ever heard of such a harsh punishment for a spawn of the ruling Faction.

“The choice is yours. What will it be?”

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