《Dungeon Hunter》Dungeon Hunter - Chapter 81-83


Chapter 81-83

Chapter 81-83: Angels

After checking the Tree of Origin, I also made sure that the Japanese dungeon’s internal affairs were continuing smoothly .

In particular, I recently imported treasure to Japan’s dungeon so the points there had increased . The average of 40,000 a month had increased to 55,000 so the effects were already visible . There were many people getting rich in Japan .

Guyo the fairy in Japan’s dungeon was alone so he worked hard . The points were used to make a ‘maze . ’ The walls and multiple paths made it much simpler to hide the treasure . This was obviously different from Yihi .

‘The goblins are still dominant . ’

It was possible to identify the current state of the creatures in the dungeon with one glance . The number of goblins was in the six digits and there was a 0 . 03% possibility of a variant occurring . It meant only 3 variants had been born . Champion goblin, arc goblins etc…this statistic was quite useful .

Once the Tree of Origin started working properly, I was looking forward to seeing the ‘uniqueness’ work on the saber tigers .

‘It is unfortunate that the saber tigers don’t have the dominant position yet . ’

Tsk! I clicked my tongue .

The number of goblins was significantly more than the saber tigers . It was because the costs and breeding rate itself was different . The lowest grade goblin could be purchased for 25pt white the saber tigers cost 5,200pt . The goblins could give birth to over ten at a time while the saber tigers were limited to half a dozen .

In many ways, it was forced to take more time .

“Invest 500,000 more points . I will give you permission to use it . ”

“Really? I’m glad!”

Guyo jumped with excitement . Guyo had been anxious after I transferred to the dungeon . But I ended up giving him permission to use half a million points so various thoughts of how to proceed passed through his head .

I said in passing .

“In the future, you will be granted further opportunities . Yihi, Guyo and any fairies I get in the future . ”

“I can do well . ”

Guyo quickly nodded .

I was slightly disappointed with Yihi so Guyo was more reliable right now . Of course, I would watch for a long time rather than make an instant judgement . Yihi and Guyo were so different from each other that there were advantages and disadvantages .

My eyes shone .

‘I should further grow my power . ’

I was stronger than one demon . However, I lacked power compared to a faction . The situation was like that now . I burst out in the lead and needed to build that as much as possible without losing power .

For now, it was going smoothly . But I wouldn’t be able to completely disregard the factions in a few more years .

I needed my own army! Just imagining it made me invigorated .

There was a little bit on my mind .

The past 2 years . There was little to threaten me at the moment .

But my perception changed after ‘they’ came through a hole in the sky .

* * *

-A special event has been triggered .

Event, ‘Angel Hunt’ has begun .

Seven dimensional gates have been created to earth . Angels will appear through the gate and instinctively strike the dungeons . An angel’s attack has the opposite property of a dungeon barrier and can neutralize the dungeon . If the barrier is broken then the existence of the dungeon itself will be at stake . So please be careful .

The event rewards are as followed:

1 Dominions Angel Hashmal – 5,000,000pt


3 Virtues Angels – 1,000,000pt

10 Powers Angels – 300,000pt

50 Principalities Angels – 100,000pt

1,850 Angels – 5,000pt

Hunt more angels . Protect the dungeon and Dungeon Core from the angels . If an angel reaches the Dungeon Core then they will declare it as a ‘Holy Land . ’ Holy Land will reduce the strength of all demons while the capabilities of the angels will rise .

Then, I wish all players good luck .

A long message window emerged suddenly . At the same time, cracks started to form in the sky .

I was deeply flustered .


My expression wrinkled . My fists clenched tightly and my lips became dry .

The cracks were forming in the sky above Korea . It was one of the seven places on earth selected .

But, strange .

I was disconcerted that the angels would appear already . In addition, it didn’t make sense that one of the gates would appear in Korea .

‘It was supposed to start after 20 years……’

The angels had also appeared in my previous life . It happened when the war was in full swing . More than half of the earth was ravaged and there were approximately twenty demons remaining . The most powerful who had been filtered . They even had many creatures under them . Once the dimensional gate appeared, the angels were very easily defeated .

It was literally a ‘bonus event . ’

In the 30th year, the archangels and seraphims had destroyed two dukes but it took quite a while . Above all, the dimensional gate never opened in Korea .

‘Things have changed . ’

What was this? The future . Why?

‘I…because of me?’

My stiff expression couldn’t relax .

It had only been 2 years . Several small actions could have an impact on the future but I might have influenced it . There was no way to comprehend why the future had changed .

I climbed to the top of the dungeon and looked up at the sky . After a while, the gate ornamented with jewels to make it look like the ‘Celestial Door’ opened and angels came pouring out .

The Celestial Door opened and angels appeared . The number alone was enough to impact the spirit . The pure white wings and shining ‘ring of light’ above the head symbolized an angel’s presence .

The angels in the sky looked around . They were a little confused and couldn’t easily move . It seemed like they hadn’t expected it as they carefully started searching all over the place . The Celestial Door behind the angels disappeared without a trace .



The people on their way to work or driving cars were all staring at the angels in the sky . They gave off intense light when appearing so it was natural for attention to be focused on them .

Some angels raised their hands . Their hands produced a silver light then formed giant parabolas .

It looked just like a radar . And it actually was a radar .

The angels seemed to detect something and moved en masse . The angels were facing Bukhan Mountain . The place where South Korea’s ‘dungeon’ existed .

I started frowning .

‘What to do?’

An intense holy power could be felt from the angels . Even if they fell to the streets, I would fail to capture all of them .

I stayed at the dungeon’s outer walls and gazed in the direction of the incoming angels .

‘Dominions Angel Hashmal . ’

I remembered the phrase that floated in the message window .

Hashmal . An angel who spread God’s wishes . An angel who couldn’t be easily defeated . Numerous creatures and demons suffered with the arrival of Hashmal in my previous life . She emitted a light so dazzling that the eyes couldn’t withstand it and flipped the battle around several times with her ‘recovery . ’


By the way…it was obvious that the angel with huge holy power was the Dominions Angel Hashmal . She happened to fall through one of the seven gates into Korea .


I couldn’t just watch as they attacked my dungeon . But ‘how much I should show’ was the problem .

It was obvious that the owners of the dungeon in neighbouring countries would detect the intense holy magic . It was truly a crisis .

The demons didn’t know I was in South Korea . I couldn’t let them know . Grand Duke Upa would lead his faction to come and pressure me . Nobody could know my location for my absolute safety .

It would be a large restriction on the time I needed to grow . The circumstances meant I might need to prepare for an all-out war .

At the very least, I wouldn’t be able to use Gigantes . This was because I already revealed that power in the Demon World Auction . It wouldn’t be safe for Krasla and Chrisley . The same was true for the griffin . If a high class creature emerged then they were likely to think of me first .


3 kilometres . The distance between the angels and the dungeon .

‘No time . ’

It was already happening . I couldn’t avoid this and wait for other people to take care of it .

Anyway, I wasn’t sure of the situation but it wasn’t a small matter .

A reversal . I could ride this event to rise properly . Conversely, I could twist my ankle and drop all the way to hell .

So…I couldn’t proceed alone .

I got up from my spot .

I took out two square, iron plates from my magic bag . They had a distinct silver colour . I bit my finger and dripped the blood onto the two plates .

Yiing .

At the same time, the silver plates absorbed the blood and started to shine .

-The auto-golems ‘M1’ and ‘M2’ have been activated .

‘M1’ and ‘M2’ were the strongest golems produced tens of thousands of years ago . Somehow the blood, heart and breath of the devil was ‘stolen’ and transplanted into it .

The iron plates soon started to take the shape of armour . Two knights in full silver armour soon appeared . The size was 1m 80cm and was similar to my strongest golems . It was common in appearance with the golems and faithfully followed its master’s words .

It was one of the five items I bought in addition to Sloth, the Statue of Abundance, the Body of the Earth Dragon, Astral Code, Sage’s Leap, Smile of the Sun and Tear of the Moon .

I opened Mind’s Eye to confirm the detailed specifications .

Name: M1, M2StatsStrength87Intelligence0Agility86Stamina84Magic Power57 Potential: (314/314)

Uniqueness: Completed from the beginning . There is no more need for growth and there is no sense of self since its intelligence is 0 . But the golem gives its best performance under a powerful master .

Skill: Stampede (U)

A warrior specialized for fighting . The physical abilities were on par with a high class creature . The low magic power meant damage from skills would be great but there was no worries if it could avoid the skills . Stampede (U) was also a hidden card that could be used against enemies . Stampede would devastate the enemies the moment the golem activated it .

It didn’t end here .

I pulled out one more vial from my bag . ‘Wind Powder’ was another one of the five items bought at auction . Depending on the amount given to the target, it could give a subject the ‘Fly (R)’ skill . Just like the name, it could the ability to fly .

I threw the Wind Power at the golems without any hesitation . M1 and M2 would use it according to my commands . It would be enough to allow them to face the angels .

-The angel attack has begun .

The dungeon barrier has received cumulative damage . The rare rating of the dungeon has increased the durability of the barrier . But it will eventually be destroyed if it receives attacks for too long .

-Barrier Durability 4,999,341/5,000,000

-Barrier Durability 4,998,871/5,000,000

-Barrier Durability 4,998,094/5,000,000

The messages continuously popped up . I placed my hand on the Dungeon Core and activated my magic power .

“Gather all the intermediate creatures on the 1st floor . ”

The words were used to move them . I conveyed my will . The dungeon rating added to my power .

‘Hide my power . I don’t know if the rest of my strength will suffice……’

It wouldn’t be a problem if it was just the angels . The problem was the demons heading to South Korea . I wasn’t ready yet . Time was needed . I couldn’t use my main power .

-Barrier Durability 4,996,099/5,000,000

The durability of the barrier was reducing rapidly . It would last two days at the most . The barrier would be worn out in a couple of days .

‘I’ll give it a try . ’

I clenched my fists and moved my feet .

The people were bewildered . A huge door appeared in the sky, angels poured out and began to immediately attack the dungeon . They weren’t showing hostility towards humans so they must not be enemies .

Humans should help . Or leave it to the angels . Opinions were divided between these two options .

If it was really ‘angels’ then it was natural for them to strike the evil dungeon . But South Korea was already battered by the monster wave so they couldn’t easily move . If there was an error in judgement once again then things would get out of control . An obviously bleak future would unfold . South Korea that was slowly becoming a stable society fell into the abyss of confusion again with the appearance of the angels .

“Let’s help the angels . They are God’s messengers . ”

“We shouldn’t go against the Dungeon Master . What if they fail? Then it really is the end . Won’t innocent bystanders be hurt?”

“If we help then they can win . It is better than being slaves!”

“No . How can we even help?”

It was tense .

The gap between the two was narrowing .

There were those who worshipped the noble Dungeon Master after the monster wave . The Dungeon Master was an existence that couldn’t be touched . The pressure given off by the Dungeon Master was huge .

Then the angels mysteriously appeared and showed them tangible hope . However, they couldn’t easily move . There were those who firmly believed the angels were God’s messengers . But the things they could do were very limited . They could only cheer with words .

But then they heard the following news .

“China, Philippines, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Indonesia…a large number of creatures are approaching from those directions . Citizens are asked to immediately evacuate to a safe place . ”


The air-raid warning sirens rang . All the TV channels organized to discuss the ‘risk . ’ In particular, the emergence of the large number of creatures that were heading to South Korea . Using a satellite gave them an estimate of roughly tens of thousands of creatures heading to the country . The countries they moved through wouldn’t be able to stop them .

In addition, it was determined that many of the creatures were really strong . It was concluded that they were all heading to South Korea .

“The end…it is the end . ”

Congested roads . A man who heard the news from the car radio muttered . He jumped out of the car and looked up at the sky .

There were hundreds of wyverns flying in the sky .

* * *

Incense of Valour .

Water Droplets of Victory .

Beads of Passion .

The remaining three of five items purchased at the Demon World Auction . The items were purchased with a large scale attack in mind and the synergy of the three was good .

Incense of Valour increased the strength of his allies by 1 for one day . Droplets of Victory raised agility when diluted with water while Beads of Passion increased stamina so they were all buff-type items . Regardless of capabilities, they were general purpose items that were effective to use .

The incense and water droplets were consumable items and these items were more valuable in the second half . In a later time, I wouldn’t be able to purchase it even if I had points . It seemed like I had to use these products immediately .

‘I didn’t expect to use it so quickly……’

Dungeon’s 1st floor .

The intermediate ranked creatures were sorted by type . According to estimates, they roughly reached 1,500 . This was a major power .

70 nagas .

83 werewolves .

92 lizardmen .

47 dark elves, minotaurs and mammoths and 40 dark bears .

563 saber tigers .

The rest were accounted for with the trolls, lich, pyrocks, 4 advanced golems, dwarves and a few variants .

Still, that power was only specific for the ground . The sky was an almost impossible situation . However, the angels weren’t just hitting the outer walls . Soon angel troops would descend to the ground to enter the dungeon .

I was prepared for that . The intermediate creatures were no match for the angels . The 1,500 creatures gathered here were to block the angels and creatures .

‘I also left Krasla, Gigantes and the griffin on the top floor . I unconditionally have to protect the Dungeon Core . There aren’t just angels . ’

Demons and their creatures were gathering from the neighbouring countries . They were also dangerous .

Their armies were coming so it was apparent that this was a big event .

‘If it wasn’t for Hashmal then I would take advantage of their empty dungeons……’

My forehead wrinkled .

It was certain that demons would appear with their main power . If only the dimensional gate and the Dominions Angel Hashmal hadn’t appeared in South Korea then I could use the opportunity of the empty dungeons .

It really was tough .

I needed to think of all variables in order to cross the stone bridge . I couldn’t just go on adventures . I needed to focus on keeping South Korea’s dungeon no matter what . If I lost South Korea’s dungeon then my dream of becoming the devil would end up very far away .

“Chrisley . This will be your heavy responsibility . ”

“My Dungeon Master, don’t worry . I have made some creatures from what remains of the body of the earth dragon .

Chrisley knelt on one knee and told me .

Her Undead Manufacturing (Ex U) skill . It was applied to the body of the earth dragon . There were seven advanced 1Lv creatures behind her . They were strong and reassuring supporters in this situation .

“You have to command the creatures to repel the invaders . Keep this in mind . ”

“I will keep it in mind . ”

The demons weren’t likely to become suspicious even if they saw Chrisley . Her appearance had vastly changed from the time she was trapped in the cage . Like a firefly under the full moon . Moreover, the quality of her magic power was much higher . It was impossible to think she was the same person .

“But…My Dungeon Master . How are you doing to prepare for the attacks on the outer walls?”

Chrisley glanced at me and asked .

I looked at the entrance of the dungeon and said .

“I will use everything available . ”

* * *



An explosion of light . The dungeon barrier was in danger . Light gathered in Hashmal’s hands and struck down from the sky like lightning . The light coming from the thunder strike meant it was difficult to open my eyes properly .

Hashmal then stretched out her six wings .

The beautiful figure was enough to cause bliss . Hashmal’s presence could be felt even from far away .

The holy power extended from the wings and wrapped around the angels . It was to increase the recovery of the angels .

Hashmal looked around and stopped the attacks .

There were the Virtues Angels and Powers Angels as well . The Principalities Angels were holding bows of light and there were more than 400 angels . An absurd amount of power to attack a dungeon .

But Hashmal seemed to be frowning at something . Hashmal made a beautiful and cold expression and raised her hand . Then 200 angels and 4 Principalities Angels descended to the entrance of the dungeon . Their aim was to hit the exterior and interior of the dungeon simultaneously .



Not long after entering the dungeon, the screams of the creatures could be heard . The angels were cruel . The light weapons brutally killed the creatures . The troops entering the interior seemed to be sufficient .

Hashmal waited a moment before resuming the attack on the outer walls .


A black needle entered Hashmal’s body . A strong poison seemed to spread through the body but Hashmal purified the poison in an instant by spreading her wings . Once the needle was removed, she turned her head to look at who launched it .

“Damn demon! I told you to aim for the neck!”

There were several hundred wyverns . There were demons laughing among them .

Hashmal quietly muttered something . Then a bright light poured into the air and hundreds of spears were created . The intensity of each spear was enough to cause a critical hit!

The demons’ expressions wrinkled like they were chewing poo .

“Damn . Spread out!”

The demons on the wyverns were leading thousands of creatures like transparent insects, dark warriors, banshees, death knights, etc . The number of demons reached thirteen .

Thirteen…a ludicrous number for South Korea’s narrow land mass . The good news was that they were only aiming at Hashmal and the angels . But no one could know what would happen after Hashmal and the angels were hunted .

“Dellat! I never thought someone so attached to Okullos’s hip would come here!”

“Shut up, Anastasia . I can still smell the awful scent of Pandemonium’s sperm from you . ”

“What? You bastard!”

In addition, the demons gathered were from various factions . They wanted to show off their faction’s power .

In the centre were Hashmal and the angels .

Chwang! Chwang!

Hashmal continued making spears of light . The demons were filled with admiration at the strong force .

“As expected from the Current Carrier of Light . ”

“I am wasting time arguing with you . ”

But greed flowed from their eyes .

There were only a small number of strong angels . This was a chance to get a large amount of points . They couldn’t miss it .

The demons and their creatures started to attack . There were more than 100 attacks aimed at Hashmal but they barely did anything .

And the angels received strikes from the creatures . Their faces were smashed and limbs cut off but they quickly recovered thanks to Hashmal’s power . It was like the angels were immortal so the demons were astounded .

Besides…demons were demons . They forgot about fighting with each other and focused on the main concern . They couldn’t die half-heartedly after coming all this way .


“Observe the angels!”

“Help God’s messengers!”

While they were diverted by the angels, the creatures suddenly received a shower of unexpected attacks . The demons turned their heads to confirm the opponent .

“The lowly humans have lost their fear . ”

Hundreds of Awakened wearing skull masks had appeared . The proof of Devil Hunters . The Awakened were all wearing different colours .

However, the demons just laughed .

Bugs . Nothing more and nothing less . It was an army of bugs that was showing resistance but that was all . The demons just needed to step on them . They wouldn’t be able to resist until the end . Rather, this meeting just gave them more points .

Ridicule could be seen in the demons’ eyes .

* * *

A few hours ago……

I realized that I was in deep trouble on the top floor of the dungeon .

-The functions of the Dungeon Core has been restricted thanks to the advent of the dimensional gate . The Store of All Things can’t be opened .

This message window greeted me .

‘An unfriendly system . ’

Time was lost . The system would have been friendly if it notified me of the event some time before it occurred .

In my previous life, angels had appeared long after I lost my dungeon . Therefore I didn’t know that the store couldn’t be used .

It didn’t matter how many points I had . I was convinced this was why so many demons suffered against the angels . They weren’t prepared in advance . It made matters worse . But I couldn’t panic .

After calling the creatures to gather, I quickly left the dungeon .

I made a short stop at Heaven’s Will . It was my first appearance after a long time so I ignored the attention I received .

I opened the door to the Devil Hunters room on the 2nd floor . The scene that became visible…the team members were all watching the large TV in the centre .

“Eh? Captain-nim!”

Yoo Eun-hye was the first one to notice . Edward was right behind her . The other members quickly rose and bowed .

“Where did you go…no, I won’t wonder too much . ”

Lee Ji-hye sighed . She led the raid group whenever I wasn’t present . The dark shadows under her eyes told of her suffering .

“How much stock of the masks do we have?”

“Skull masks? There are 500 piled up in a warehouse right now . ”

“Watch them . I’m sure the number of masks will be lacking later . ”

Yoo Eun-hye frowned .

There were 500 . I shook my head and said .

“Take all the masks . ”

Lee Ji-hye thought it was strange .

“What do you want to do?”

“Help the angels . Attract all guild members under the name Devil Hunters . You may use my name . Those people coming to help will wear the mask . ”

“The Awakened who aren’t in our guild might oppose . ”

The black skull mask was the symbol of Devil Hunters . It was uncertain if other guilds would wear it .

“Make a prior announcement . There is no time . ”

“The emergence of a large number of creatures…will it be okay?”

“If we aren’t okay then no one else will be okay . ”

A short answer . But it was enough .

Devil Hunters was Korea’s strongest raid group but they were also at a global level . The members were united by that pride . People knew it as a 1 person raid group but they shook off that stigma .

“I understand . I will move quickly to threaten the guild masters . ”

Lee Ji-hye nervously licked her lips .

She seemed to have made a decision as her expression became determined . It wasn’t difficult to use the name of Devil Hunter’s leader if she had Kim Yong-woo’s help .

“I will come back in 3 hours . ”

I turned and walked away while Lee Ji-hye shouted urgently .

“Yes…? W-wait a minute! Captain-nim, you will really come back in 3 hours?”

* * *

Uljin, Gyeongsang Province .

It was the next place I headed to after leaving Gangnam .

I could fly there in just 30 minutes using the Wind Powder . It was thanks to my high magic power and agility .

‘I’ve come to the right place . ’

I slowly came down from the sky .

I was accompanied by the mist type creature ‘shade . ’ It looked like rain clouds were covering my entire body . I absolutely couldn’t let my appearance be recognized .

There were round shaped buildings scattered around . Humans called it a nuclear power plant . A collection of vast amounts of energy . A place that held enormous power . A human technology that I had to give recognition to .

I laid my hands on the thick cement walls and felt something boiling up . It was artificial but it felt quite good . It was a source of power that made my mouth water . Lightning God felt it and started to actively move .

‘I planned to touch it after a few years but it can’t be helped . ’

South Korean leaned heavily on the nuclear power plants . If too many power plants died out then humans would disappear . Of course, I didn’t care how many humans would die but it would slow down the growth of the Awakened .

I had planned to eat it in the future . Over the next three years, humans would create ‘new energy’ from the core of the creatures . They would use it as the driving force to live without nuclear power plants .

A valuable replacement energy . The cores obtained from creatures was due to the flow of magic power in the dungeon . If the creatures were killed outside the dungeon then cores would still drop . But the cores of such creatures were rubbish . The demons once spent a large amount of points to research it .

In any event…I had to move forward my original plan involving the nuclear power plants .

It was due to the event .

“Lightning God . Eat away . ”

Lightning God popped out as soon as I said this . Its body instantly flew inside the power plant . It was only interested in the ‘source’ of the power .

Lightning God opened its mouth widely and ate the source .

A message window flashed .

-‘Lightning God’ has consumed a tremendous amount of power .

‘1GW’ will be added .

I frowned slightly .

‘The efficiency isn’t good . ’

1 gigawatts . It meant that Lightning God could only be active for 1 more minute . Maybe because it was externally assimilated but the efficiency was the worst . But it was better than nothing .

Besides, there were still a few nuclear power plants remaining . There were a few more nuclear power plants in the Gyeongsang Province where I could obtain energy .

I wanted that taste again and moved .

After going to seven power plants in 2 hours, I managed to raise my original ‘16GW’ to ‘21GW . ’ The efficiency was lowered every time the energy was devoured but I still managed to raise it . And I received the following achievements after eating the last power plant .

-A tolerable achievement!

A number of the country’s facilities have been destroyed . South Korea will now suffer from serious power shortages .

300,000pt will be given .

I nodded .

I had expected an achievement from the moment Lightning God started . It was nice to get points but they were useless right now…I needed power that would help me gain the lead in this crisis .

‘21 minutes . ’

That was how long I could use Lightning God .

I would only call it when necessary but the duration had still increased . It would be difficult to get a steep rise in power even if I went to more power plants .

At this point, I needed to return . The dungeon barrier’s durability was steadily being carved away .

‘It is a bit hard if I only use Lightning God . ’

I was confident in fighting without Lightning God . I needed to make sure it wasn’t detected the moment I used it . But I needed it .

This was the best I could do for now .

I murmured to myself and flew into the air again .

* * *

I looked up at Hashmal .

Pure white wings . Appearance full of majesty and dignity…an outwardly beautiful and flawless sight . But she was a Dominions Angel and ‘evangelist’ who carried the light .

Hashmal was tricky in my previous life . An angel who tormented the demons for 1 year and 6 months . The most formidable thing was her stunning recovery . In the end, Grand Duke Ariel needed to use her patented skill ‘Abyss Sword’ in order to defeat her .

‘I was laying low . ’

At that time, I did not go into the battlefield . I just watched the demons fighting from a distance . I would use my own discretion about when to interfere…looking back, those were all excuses .

But at this moment, I was looking at Hashmal for a different reason .

Goose bumps . A holy power that made my skin crawl .

I immediately opened up Mind’s Eye .

Name: HashmalOccupationDominions AngelTitle* Current Carrier of Light (Epic, Intelligence and Magic Power +6)StatsStrength89Intelligence87 (+6)Agility87Stamina83Magic Power92 (+6) Potential: (438+12/471)

Uniqueness: An angel that will spread light to the world .

Skill: Propagation of Light (Epic), Barrage of Light Spears (Epic), Thunder of Light (Epic)

[Relative Comparison]Hashmal

Strength 89 Intelligence 93 Agility 87 Stamina 83 Magic 98 Potential (438+12/471)

Randalph Brigsiel

Strength 93 Intelligence 77 Agility 88 Stamina 86 Magic 96 Potential (392+48/500)

Incense of Valour, Water Droplets of Victory and Beads of passion gave me +3 stats but I was still slightly behind Hashmal .

Total stats were 450 . Even if there was a limit when alone, that strength…an existence that could collapse the balance . She even had three epic grade skills . It was something that required at least 5 million points .

‘I won’t be a pitiful demon again like the first time . ’

The number of creatures gathered here was almost ten thousand . Hashmal could defeat most of them but would become exhausted . It still wouldn’t be easy for the demons to win . There was a large number of angels assisting Hashmal .

I needed to make a decision that would do more damage . If Hashmal was weakened then she would be easier to handle .

“Observe the angels!”

“Help God’s messengers!”

The 500 Awakened charged forward . Their capabilities weren’t great but…it was a situation where numbers could give empowerment . A trickster suddenly appeared on the tightrope between Hashmal and the demons .

“Captain-nim . It won’t turn out well if we don’t scatter soon!”

Yoo Eun-hye said .

The momentum of 500 masked people appearing was good but that wouldn’t last long .

“Don’t leave my side . Just handle the incoming creatures . ”

I had no thoughts of moving significantly .

I only had one intent .

My original purpose was to conceal myself among the Awakened . Abstain from using as much magic power as possible . No one should notice me . Seal everything else while using only one power .

“Turn them all to charcoal, Lightning God . ”


The emerged Lightning God asked .


I pointed my finger .


Lightning God cried out and started heading towards the demons and creatures .

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