《Dungeon Hunter》Dungeon Hunter - Chapter 61-63


Chapter 61-63

Chapter 61-63: 15 Day War

Rock Creek Park, Washington, United States .

A large number of creatures poured from the entrance of the dungeon that covered 3 . 65 square kilometres .

Hundreds of intermediate 2Lv spider like creatures called arachne and the advanced 3Lv arachne queen that governed them .

Their size was different from general spiders . One of them was two metres while the arachne queen was more than double the size .

The arachne moved on their 8 legs and started to surround the soldiers .

South Korea had an unprecedented strong monster wave so the United States had committed a massive force to surround the dungeon .

In other words, they were well prepared .

“Start the attack!”

The soldiers simultaneously attacked the arachne . Thousands of bullets bounced off the outer shells of the arachne .

Although they had faced general lower grade creatures, the arachne were intermediate grade . The solid outer shell easily stopped the bullets .


The ground shook as a claymore mine buried in the ground burst .

But unlike the bullets, it was effective .


A surprise blast . A few of the arachne lost their legs and torso . This was followed by snipers firing at the eyes of the arachne . On top of that, there was an outpouring of attacks from the tanks .

It became a scene of carnage . It was expected since they had inferior strength to the creatures .

The queen moved through the battlefield and woke up all their senses .

The queen soon scattered an intangible, odorless hormone around her . The arachne responded to their queen through their sense organs and soon moved to specific positions .

This allowed the giant spiders to march while avoiding the mines . They were followed by a pile of light, silver coloured thread .


“F-flesh! My flesh!”

The threads melted down anything that it touched .

The strong acids of the spider webs melted the human bodies and even the armoured tanks .

The arachne moved rapidly at 80 km/hr and rapidly covered the humans . The strong jaws then bit off the heads or limbs of the humans .

The legs were also a formidable weapon . The soft bodies of the humans were slashed by legs that were as sharp as a knife .

“Fire support request, Alpha Charlie 221 Bravo Delta 445 . We are engaged with at least 200 creatures . Requesting close air support . ”

Soon after the radio request, several hundred jet flights flew over .

The time it took the jet fighters to reach the dungeon was 3 minutes .

Tung! Tung! Dududududu!

The fighters flew low and commenced machine gun fire . The bullets that could even pierce the thickest iron alloy directly hit the arachne .

Dozens of arachne responded quickly by aiming their web but it didn’t reach .

The queen with eight legs looked at the sky filled with jet fighters with her eight eyes .

Kiik! Kiiik . A command was released with her hormones and the arachne legs started looking like a spring .

Then they jumped up in the blink of an eye . A formidable jumping power that allowed them to reach 100 times their body length!


The arachne sat on top of the fighters and teased it with their sharp, front legs . The lives of the pilots were instantly claimed the moment the window was gone .

* * *

London, United Kingdom .

It was late evening and people were sleeping .

No one noticed when the monster wave began .

Rattle . Rattle .

The advanced 3Lv creatures called ‘Shadow Sinners’ moved with the chains on the leg sweeping the ground .

Kuoooooh .

Hundreds of creatures were moving in the moonlight .

* * *

Bern, Switzerland .


Hundreds of beasts were gathered in the centre of the city .

Pant pant pant pant…

With a wolf’s legs and the body of a lion, the intermediate 3Lv creature Chimera!

Over 300 chimeras were located in the burning city .

The chimeras seemed to be having dinner by eating the corpses .

* * *

Greece, Athens, Copenhagen, Denmark, Peru, Lima, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Ankara…

Monster waves started all over the world and it was called a disaster .

The creatures brutally trampled on the humans and their dignity .

The strength and damage of the monster wave varied from country to country .

The powerful army and firepower were helpless but the Awakened were on the rise .

Facing this disaster, the people prayed for Heroes . The Awakened started to move in accordance with that hope .

* * *

The 2nd monster wave in South Korea had been evaluated as the most powerful .

As a result, people often brought up the name Devil Hunters . In particular, there was a lot of interest in the mysterious leader .

This story wasn’t just confined to South Korea . All the world leaders were watching South Korea . The Dungeon Master’s appearance and unprecedented events afterwards meant it made the history books .

After multiple monster waves broke out, their interest changed to desperation as they asked Devil Hunters for support .

No, to be exact they asked for help from the leader of Devil Hunters .

He took down an advanced golem almost by himself…the army couldn’t take care of advanced creatures so it was natural to ask him to handle it .

In addition, the Awakened were sensitive about who was strong and they all said ‘the leader of Devil Hunters is a powerhouse . ’

But…the guild master Kim Yong-woo who received the requests for support was forced to worry .

They would pay for the support of Devil Hunters so that wasn’t Kim Yong-woo’s problem .

The problem was the main character .

‘There is no time to delay . The pressure coming from the government isn’t a joke . ’

These days, Kim Yong-woo’s phone was disconnected .

If he didn’t then his phone would receive millions of calls! There was no way he could answer all the calls .

But Kim Yong-woo was under intense stress because he couldn’t accept the proposal of the important figures . He already had a few premature grey hairs .

His lips were bloody and his nails were chewed down .

‘This decision is too big to make alone . What do we do if there is a number of advanced creatures?’

The problem was the advanced creatures .

The army could only respond to general and intermediate creatures . Of course, it was difficult when there were a high number of them but the attacks of the advanced creatures were greater in quality .

They were impossible to fight against without nuclear weapons . However, many dungeons were in the country’s capital so it was ridiculous to drop a nuclear weapon on it .

But the Awakened also weren’t prepared . Especially if they needed to face 200 advanced creatures .

There was a limit to the power of Heaven’s Will . There was only a 50% chance of winning .

Naturally Kim Yong-woo had a deeply furrowed forehead .

Just as he was about to get on his feet .

Snap! The door opened and his dream appeared .

Kim Yong-woo felt like passing out as he saw the face .

He hesitated before lifting both hands .


I raised an eyebrow at Kim Yong-woo’s reaction .

It felt like bugs were crawling over my body .

“Tell me where the support requests are coming from . ”

Kim Yong-woo’s eyes started shining at my words .


His mind was going back and forth but he quickly understood me .

Anyway, he had no complaints since he had past experience with me . I wasn’t someone who would waste time on words .

Kim Yong-woo instantly stood up .

“Hmm hmm . The United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland, requests have just come from these three places . ”

“The United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland…”

“Accepting the United States’ request will give us the most benefits . ”

“I shall choose . ”

My tone was firm .

Kim Yong-woo closed his mouth .

‘All three places have dukes stationed there . ’

The United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland were places that contained the dungeons of dukes . It meant they were determined to produce monster waves .

2 years was enough to gain information about the human’s firepower and build up sufficient creatures to win .

‘Now isn’t a situation where I can comfortably beat Ariel . ’

The Duke that created the monster wave in the United States followed Grand Duke Ariel .

In my previous life, Ariel had sticky ties with the other demons . In addition, the demons that followed Ariel were extremely tenacious .

If I touched that monster wave then they might search until they discovered my identity .

If the dukes noticed then Grand Duke Ariel would definitely know . I needed to act in restraint . If I didn’t then the past might repeat .

It wouldn’t be good .

I decided to leave Grand Duke Ariel and her associated demons alone .

‘Duke Suguph is stationed in the United Kingdom . Duke Suguph . A demon belonging to Grand Duke Upa’s faction . ’

Grand Duke Upa .

In many ways, I had a twisted fate with that demon .

I was puzzled for a moment .

‘Weren’t Upa and his demons forbidden from attending the Demon World Auction? Then there is no need to cause a monster wave at this time . ’

I worried about it for a moment before an answer popped up .

‘He must have put everything on Pakan Griolli . Upa made a promise . ’

I could understand the series of events after Pakan Griolli left the Demon World Auction . Duke Pakan wouldn’t have confronted me of his own accord . Pakan Griolli blocked me according to a command .

But Upa didn’t have any compassion for his followers .

I opened my mouth after clearing up my thoughts .

“Devil Hunters will go to the United Kingdom . So prepare it right now . ”

Grand Duke Upa and the followers in his faction like Pakan Griolli . I would tear out Upa’s wings .

I would cut away his remaining wings .

If I made a mess of the flagship dungeons then it would take a considerable time for them to recover . And those with damage was bound to lag behind for a while .

At the same time, I was intensely curious .

Could Upa fly around with only one wing?

* * *

The Devil Hunters rode on a private plane .

After accepting the United Kingdom’s request, a plane was immediately prepared for us .

It was urgent so they prepared the plane in advance despite not knowing if we would accept the request .

It took exactly 8 hours and 30 minutes to reach London’s Heathrow Airport . We arrived 4 hours quicker than the usual flying time .

The dungeon was about 20 km away .

After arriving at Heathrow Airport, Devil Hunters emerged from the plane wearing black skull masks .

“Welcome . South Korea’s Heroes . ”

The British ambassador greeted them after they left the plane .

I got to the point instead of shaking hands .

“Where are the creatures that we need to handle?”

* * *

The cries of pain and despair spread throughout the city .

People had gone insane from the shades and held knives, causing the terrible tragedy of them killing each other .


“Die! Drop dead!”

The adults and children were going crazy .

One child stabbed an old man in the leg while an adult male bashed a child’s head in with a pipe . A woman was breaking a man’s neck .

A massacre .

Was this hell?

The shades were parasitic shadow creatures that gnawed away at the human spirit . It was an intermediate creature and could be called the natural enemy of humans .

“W-why? Why is everybody suddenly acting like this?”

But not everyone was controlled by the shades . The Awakened with a strong mentality or a certain level of intelligence could oppose it .

Then the shadow sinners ventured out .

The sound of iron could be heard in the distance . The shadow sinners were evolved forms of the shades .

But the shadow sinners could deal a strong physical blow to the ones who shook off the mind control .

The iron sphere they swung would destroy everything they touched . A greatly confused man was looking around the streets .

The shadow sinners could aim accurately despite being hundreds of metres away .

The iron spheres connected to iron chains were thrown…and kung! The man was crushed into an unrecognizable shape .

Kwang! Kwa kwang!

This seemed to be the starting point as dozens of jet fighters appeared in the sky with missiles . However, the shadow sinners technically only had half a body . Attacks without magic power wouldn’t work .


The shadow sinners had another big feature . They could see what would happen in the next 1 second with a very high probability .

They abused this move to swing their iron spheres at the jet fighters . The advanced shadow sinners weren’t threatened at all by the fighter jets . Their perception was far from common .

“These monsters!”

It was the last flurry of the fighter pilots .

The fight looked violent at first glance .

The shadow sinners could see for 1 second with high probability but there was no guarantee the iron spheres would hit . And the distance of the iron chains was only 500 metres . The shadow sinners couldn’t respond easily to attacks outside that range .

A few fighter pilots determined the distance . But it was difficult to escape outside the range .

The shadow sinners and shades were the best combination to deal with the firepower of humans .

The shades would affect the pilots trying to escape the range of the shadow sinners . After their madness mind control was used, the infected pilots started to attack their allies .

It quickly turned into an air battle .

The flow couldn’t be reversed once it changed .

The chaotic pilots flying in the sky were smashed by the iron spheres .

Their numbers declined sharply over time . In the end, the fighter pilots just became food . The ground troops were committed but were caught by the shades .

“Ah…god willing!”

Those who had their spirit broken fell to their knees and prayed for God .

They closed their eyes and hoped it was a dream .

However, it didn’t take them long to realize that the creatures were the reality . ‘Intense pain’ was used to bring the humans back to reality .

Everyone cried out as they were forced back to reality .

Then a group wearing black skull masks appeared .

A place blooming with madness, anger and despair .

I admired the sight .

Duke Suguph from Upa’s faction knew the exact weaknesses of humans .

He had the idea to use the shades .

The shades were definitely efficient among normal humans . Intermediate creatures were expensive to breed but Suguph considered it a luxury purchase .

‘Shadow sinners…’

The advanced creatures were even sent out to handle the Awakened .

Expensive advanced 3Lv creatures that cost 150,000 pt .

I could tell by this configuration that he used more than 500,000 points for the monster wave .

He purchased it while thinking of gaining points from the Awakened in the long term . This type of firepower against normal humans could also be a type of investment .

The shades and shadow sinners could be used to pull points from this place for a few more years .

But if Suguph’s plan collapsed in the beginning then the damage would be enormous . In that sense, Suguph had no luck .

“The shades are parasitic shadows . They will cause confusion to people with less than 30 intelligence . People with less than that should maintain a distance . ”

“What about the ones throwing iron spheres?”

I shook my head .

“I will take care of them . ”

“Will you be okay?”

The two types of creatures seemed powerful .

The higher ranked creatures would be unpredictable .

“Shouldn’t we trust in Captain-nim? Ahyu! This is why you are new hires . ”

Yoo Eun-hye clicked her tongue .

After the current flowing in her body disappeared, Yoo Eun-hye displayed a more straightforward personality .

I looked at the area that was like hell .

“Stop them before there is more damage . Get moving!”

* * *

The 10 year old Edward was lying underneath a pile of ruins .

His parents started showing delirium symptoms out of the blue . He had grabbed his newborn baby brother and locked them in a room when the building had collapsed .

The dust settled . But he woke up with intense pain .

“Rooney? Rooney, where are you?”

He called out for his brother Rooney but couldn’t even hear a whine . Edward’s lips were cracked as he tried to move his body .

However, he couldn’t move . His legs . They didn’t hurt . He was still terrified . A crushing fear . Edward moved his head and tried to find the whereabouts of his brother Rooney .

“Please . Rooney…are you hiding because you are afraid of mother and father? They are originally good people . It is just difficult because they have to work hard . So please…”

Edward had raised Rooney .

His parents were always busy so Edward gave him formula, changed the diapers and comforted him when he cried .

In addition, there were times when Edward stayed home alone with Rooney . Someone else might feel annoyed at taking care of a child but Edward didn’t . Rooney felt like a reward .

Then he discovered small hands among a pile of shattered buildings .


But he couldn’t move his body . Edward didn’t lose hope and opened his mouth .

“Wait a bit . People will be coming to rescue us . ”

Edward hurriedly turned his head . He could see people fighting each other . Monsters wielding iron spheres . Buildings were crumbling and there were corpses everywhere .

Edward was young so he still didn’t have a firm concept of death . He thought they were just ill and lying down .

‘Everybody isn’t sane . ’

But he could tell that people were in an abnormal state .

A uniformed soldier entered the vicinity . Edward waved and started shouting .

“Hey! Help us!”

But the soldier’s eyes were out of focus . He looked at Edward and aimed his gun .


“W-what are you doing? Help us . Please get Rooney first . Please . He is still young so he can’t escape . ”

The soldier laughed and didn’t remove his gun from Edward . But while he tried to pull the trigger .


Something flew towards the soldier’s body from a distance . There was a tight compression and blood scattered everywhere .

Edward’s eyes widened .

The monsters wielding iron spheres . A monster had come flying from the sky .

Just as the monster was trying to get up from the ground .

“Tough bastard . ”

A black skull masked man suddenly appeared like he had teleported . The man held a strange looking sword .


Then the monster and iron sphere split in half . The monster screamed loudly as it was split apart .

After 10 seconds, the monster disappeared without a trace .

Edward stared blankly at the scene before shouting .

“Ah! Ajusshi, please help me . No, please help my brother . His name is Rooney . He is young and can’t escape . ”

The man stared at Edward and said .

“Don’t you feel the pain?”

“Huh? Ahh . A doctor told me that I don’t feel any pain . But that isn’t important right now . My brother Rooney…”

“Your brother is dead . ”


Edward knew the meaning of the word death . However, he didn’t have a distinct impression of death .

The man understood and brutally explained it to him .

“It means he won’t be able to move . Forever . ”

I had handled 2 shadow sinners in approximately 30 minutes .

Of course, if I used my power then 10 minutes would be enough . My total stats added up to 410 . The shadow sinners only had 340 stats and wouldn’t even be able to catch my ankle . However, I was pretending to be an Awakened so there were some constraints .

I handled two shadow sinners and saw the young boy .

His lower half was completely crushed by the building . At first, I thought he was numb but the child’s face showed no signs of pain . I was curious and opened Mind’s Eye .

Name: Edward WindsorOccupationWarrior (Hero)TitleNoneStatsStrength14Intelligence34Agility 15Stamina17Magic Power32 Potential: (112/441)

Uniqueness: None

Skill: No Pain (Ex R)

Great potential .

It was about 20 points higher than Yoo Eun-hye and was one of the highest I had seen among the humans .

But I was more surprised by the child’s name .

‘Edward Windsor? One of the 10 Heroes, Edward Windsor?’

Edward Windsor . Duke Slayer!

He was the direct cause of brutally killing 10 of Grand Duke Pandemonium’s dukes . Even though his raid groups were wiped out, he managed to survive and obtain 10 Dungeon Cores .

But I never heard that he was a paraplegic .

Maybe he overcame it with a skill…right now he still had the face of a naive boy .

Meeting in this way . Coincidence or destiny?

Edward asked me .

“S-such a thing? Rooney was just born…”

I was worried for a brief moment .

It looked like he prized his brother very much .

I could use Chrisley’s undead resurrection and a doppelganger skill to deceive him . This would allow me to fully use one of the mighty 10 Heroes .

However, the aftermath would be terrible if he discovered the truth .

Edward Windsor . A talent that couldn’t be missed .

I decided to tweak the direction a little bit .

“Death can come to anyone regardless of age . However, your brother is dead because of the creatures . Those guys making people go crazy are the ones who killed your brother . ”


Tears gathered in Edward’s eyes .

“So now Rooney won’t move?”

“Yes . ”


Forever . ”


Edward screamed as tears fell down his cheeks .

Just then, rain fell from the sky like a fairy tale . The dark clouds seemed to represent Edward’s feelings .

He was crying alone . And as Edward’s cries died down, I opened my mouth .

“Do you want revenge? Fight against the monsters that killed your brother and parents . If so, nod your head . I will give you power . ”


“A power that can kill the monsters . Power for revenge! Do you want it?”

“M-monsters…I want to kill . ”

Edward nodded .

Then he slumped down . He was stunned .

I looked at him and laughed .

“Welcome to the Devil Hunters . Edward Windsor . ”

There really was a chain of fate .

Edward didn’t know .

The monsters that killed his brother and family .

I stood in the midst of those monsters .

And I was the exceptional one!

* * *

Edward’s lower half was completely crushed . It wasn’t at a level that modern medicine could control . A common potion also wouldn’t work .

My team was puzzled as I brought Edward .

“A new member . ”

I said curtly . They knew not to question me . I ignored them and brought Edward to the plane . The British ambassador expressed his thanks again but I ignored it .

In the end, we blocked the monster wave in the United Kingdom . Now was the next turn . My plan was to interfere with the demons getting points as much as possible .

Edward didn’t wake up .

He was a young child suffering from a strong shock .

Thanks to his 34 intelligence, he was immune from the shade’s mind control .

Yoo Eun-hye and Lee Ji-hye felt pity and started nursing Edward . They wiped his sweat when Edward was screaming from a nightmare and changed his underwear when he peed .

Edward was unconscious for 3 days before waking up .

“W-where? Where is my brother Rooney?”

Edward immediately asked for his brother after waking up .

The members were all wearing magic tools for translation . The items that emerged the most from the dungeon were those enchanted with translations .

Yoo Eun-hye could understand Edward’s words through her left earring . Yoo Eun-hye’s words were automatically translated as they reached Edward’s ears .

“Hi, Edward? Your name is Edward right? Nice to meet you . I am Yoo Eun-hye . ”

“Where are my parents? Who are you…?”

Edward looked around .

It was an unfamiliar place . He also felt a bit dizzy .

Yoo Eun-hye and Edward weren’t the only ones in this place . Other people he wasn’t familiar with could be seen as he turned his head .

Yoo Eun-hye gave a benign smile .

“We are the Devil Hunters raid group . Our leader rescued you . Don’t you remember?”

Edward trembled .

At the same time, he grabbed his head like he had a headache .

“Ah…! T-then it wasn’t a dream?”

“Yes . I would also like to think it is a dream . You have gone through a lot . Still, it is over . ”

“I didn’t think so . This is reality…”

Edward tried to turn his body .

But he made a puzzled expression as he realized his lower body wasn’t moving .

“First, it is urgent to treat you with a potion . I wanted to send you to a big hospital with modern medicine but Captain-nim had the opposite opinion…ah, don’t worry . Everything depends on the will of the individual . You can become better if you work for it! There will be a doctor with us and just tell me if there are any difficulties . Huu!”

Yoo Eun-hye sighed with pity .

She had gone through something similar so she could sympathize .

Edward woke up after 3 days and during that time, Devil Hunters had taken care of the monster wave in Sweden .

Necessary items and a personal physician were available for him . The doctor shook his head while watching Edward’s state . There was a lack of facilities but he took care of anything urgent with the first aid kit .


The door opened and a new figure appeared .

Edward’s eyes widened .

It was the man who grabbed his hand as Edward was falling down a cliff and asked ‘do you want to live?’ It was like the devil was offering him power .

Now it really couldn’t be called a dream .

That man wouldn’t be in Edward’s dream .

This was reality . The ghastly reality!

Yoo Eun-hye got up .

“Captain-nim! Don’t leave a patient on the plane . He is a 10 year old child . The urgent crisis was passed over with the potion but…Psychological help…”

“You woke up . ”

The man said .

Edward looked at the man .

An overwhelming presence . It was a first . A strangely unreal atmosphere was around the man . Questions about why he was here swirled in his head .

He inwardly panicked . No pain . Edward couldn’t feel anything so his mind was in overdrive . Edward’s instincts could determine what type of man this was .

But he never felt like this before .

The other day he was in a very confused state .

Edward’s face spasmed as he tried to talk .

“Who is ajusshi?”

“The one who will give you strength . ”

The man said without hesitation . He spoke like it was the obvious truth .

Edward remembered that day .

“Monsters…the strength to kill them?”

“If you don’t want it then tell me . Commit suicide right now . ”


Yoo Eun-hye was aghast .

Edward was baffled . He was 10 years old . But even peer pressure had a limit . It was too soon to work through everything .

And the man spoke like he didn’t care .

“I’ll show you . The power you can have . ”

* * *

Athens, Greece .

A dungeon ruled by an earl . The population was only 10 million but the earl belonged to a Grand Duke’s faction .

I wanted to cut off Upa’s hands and feet . I didn’t care about the earl .

I moved without hesitation once the request from Greece was received .

In Athens, a monster wave consisting of gargoyles, harpies and sleep moths was in full swing .

Due to their limitations, Greece didn’t have superior military power . There was a large number of lower creatures so the situation could be difficult to handle .

“Taking care of the gargoyles is simple . Cut their throats . They won’t recover and will instantly turn to stone . The harpies have a weak point at the joints connecting their shoulders . Keep this in mind and it will be helpful while fighting . The sleep moths aren’t aggressive and will hardly ever attack first . ”

There was a briefing during the flight . But I explained it once again .

Edward was watching me from a wheelchair . Lee Ji-hye pushed the wheelchair .

Yoo Eun-hye needed to raise her stats and gain some experience .

I looked at the faces of the team members and said .

“Sweep them all up . ”


The crew cried out simultaneously .

They started to move in predetermined teams of two .

I worked alone . Even if someone followed me, I still had the habit of working alone .

Rather, Krasla had such a role . Krasla was fulfilling that role for Yoo Eun-hye . Krasla could properly support Yoo Eun-hye while she was growing .

I took out Wrath .

Then I walked slowly towards the approaching creatures .

Edward was watching from behind with confusion .

The man’s movements .

As the battle went on, the bodies of the creatures were scattered around him .

Sometimes a wonderful image could be seen .

The man swept up hundreds of creatures in 10 minutes .

Edward only stared at the man .

‘Can I get that strength?’

Edward couldn’t believe that a man could move like that . It was happening right in front of his eyes but he couldn’t believe it .

The Awakened .

People who had recently emerged .

Their numbers grew steadily and news was always heard about them . Due to the influence of his parents, Edward used to watch the news every evening .

People gained power all of a sudden so wouldn’t that cause plenty of violent crimes?

Dozens of actions against the police or robbing a bank…in the United States, there was the impression that the Awakened weren’t helpful .

Plenty of Awakened were shot or arrested .

Humans were social animals and it was no different for the Awakened . Those with power were forced to live with ordinary humans so there were bound to be ‘limitations . ’

In fact, Edward had seen some Awakened . They were quite strong . Bending steel or running 100 metres in a few seconds .

But they were nothing in front of this man’s overwhelming strength . He was unmatched among those gathered here . An existence that could stand alone . The man didn’t seem to have any limitations .

‘No . My legs are broken . I can’t move like that . ’

Edward felt his chest become tight . He was still unsure about the man’s question .

Certainly, the man’s movements were amazing . However, he was skeptical about whether he could obtain that power . Edward was surprisingly cool-headed in this regard .

This was reality . Edward had seen unrealistic elements like the creatures but he failed to realize he could break his limits .


The man silently headed to Edward .

Edward didn’t say a word .

He headed to 5 more countries with Edward . He always watched that man fighting while in a wheelchair . It was like eyes were painted in the back of the head .

The enemies who killed his brother . The ones who caused the changes to his parents .

He had a fierce hatred for the creatures . He felt miserable as he could only watch .

The man didn’t say anything to Edward .

He just demonstrated .

But Edward’s walls were gradually collapsing .

The man was an immovable force . It might be unrealistic but it felt like he could make the impossible happen . He wanted to get power like that .

After Europe, the Middle East and Saudi Arabia, Edward finally said .

“Captain-nim . Give me strength . The strength to defeat the monsters . ”

Rather than the man imposing his choice on him, Edward decided to move himself .

Finally, the walls had cracked .

The war stopped after 15 days,

* * *

The method to become stronger was simple .

They had to want to become stronger .

But this required a strong impetus .

The driving force behind Edward was anger . The problem was the courage to break the wall itself . He had to be willing to move his limits .

Now he had nodded his head . A good spirit filled with enthusiasm .

I left Edward . He craved strength and would work hard . Even if he was a child, Edward Windsor was still one of the future 10 Heroes . I was sure he wouldn’t disappoint me .

Edward Windsor was longing for power .

At the same thing, I felt a strange feeling .

Unfortunately, Yoo Eun-hye wasn’t one of the 10 Heroes . She had a similar strength but that was all . In contrast, Edward Windsor was a name that everyone acknowledged .

Such an Awakened had entered a demon’s hands .

This feeling was close to bliss .

The feeling of getting my hand on an expensive toy . I would assemble the toy to fit my taste buds .

The legs wouldn’t be a problem . An elixir was enough to fix it .

One of the 10 Heroes in the future…

Would he be finished under my hands?

I was really looking forward to it .

-After 30 minutes, you will be transferred to the Demon World Auction .

You can be accompanied by one creature .

And the Demon World Auction as well .

It was just like my expectations .

I smirked as I looked at the message floating in the air of the dungeon’s top floor .

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