《Dungeon Hunter》Dungeon Hunter - Chapter 41-42


Chapter 41-42

Chapter 41-42: Group Training

Exactly one week after the audition .

The day after the results were announced, I ordered Devil Hunters to convene .

‘There is a wide assortment in the group . ’

I looked at Krasla and the six people gathered in front of the guild house early in the morning and nodded .

Four of them were new . They were new hires who passed the recruitment .

There was a reason I gathered them so quickly after the successful candidates were announced . It was possible due to the work I did in advance .

All four of the Awakened were on the verge of failing until I gave them high scores It was natural for them to follow me into Devil Hunters . Although it was only temporary .

This wasn’t a bad thing for them either .

“Captain-nim . Yoo Eun-hye and Lee Ji-hye…ah, no, what should I call you?”

One of the four temporary members said . He was Kim Chun-won .

A bard with a title regarding cursing .

Now he was in his mid-twenties but his mouth couldn’t stop cursing .

“Come . ”

But I didn’t answer and shook my head .

Along with Yoo Eun-hye and Lee Ji-hye, I had the required tournament criteria of 8 people .

I would win the championship with an assortment of people .

Furthermore, the tournament had a significant scale according to Kim Yong-woo . It was the introduction of the first ever rankings and each Awakened had a chance to earn some merits .

If so, I needed to be on top . It would be easier to obtain good Awakened if I was known as the strongest in South Korea .

Victory was quite important but I couldn’t reveal everything . There needed to be an emphasis on human capabilities . I needed to obtain the title of the strongest but I couldn’t move in a manner impossible for humans .


As expected, it took less than 3 minutes for two women to talk to him .

Yoo Eun-hye and Lee Ji-hye .

At the same time, the four new member swallowed their saliva . Yoo Eun-hye had a youthful cuteness while Lee Ji-hye was an intellectual beauty .

It was no wonder why the men gazed at the rare beauties .

Yoo Eun-hye ran over and lightly hugged me with tears in her eyes .

Jjirak! Jjirak!

I could feel electric currents . Yoo Eun-hye’s passive was triggered .

Now it didn’t even tickle me . I had the Lightning God Technique . Although Lightning God was sleeping, the power was still dwelling inside my body .

Yoo Eun-hye’s passive output wasn’t higher than the power in my blood .

“I knew you were alive!”

Yoo Eun-hye wiped her eyes on my suit .

I had gone back and forth to the dungeon with Yoo Eun-hye many times . Maybe it was because I wasn’t affected by her passive but she carelessly revealed her emotions .

“Welcome back . ”

Lee Ji-hye also made a welcome expression . It seemed like she hadn’t slept as her makeup hid dark circles .

“How have you been doing?”

“Well . ”

“First let’s move to a different place . ”

The eight people needed to gather power .

I forcibly removed Yoo Eun-hye and led them to a pre-reserved cafe .

* * *

A luxurious cafe located on the 2nd floor of a building .

There was a large table in the centre where eight people were sitting . On the table were cups of coffee or drinks and homemade cakes .

He had reserved it for the whole day so including the owner of the cafe, there were only nine people present .

Except for the owner, the other people were the members of Devil Hunters .


“Ya, as expected of Captain-nim! You are really different!”

Kim Chun-won quivered and made a fuss .

In contrast, Yoo Eun-hye, Lee Ji-hye and Krasla’s reactions were calm . It was only renting the cafe .

After the turmoil subsided, I said coldly .

“I think there will be many questions . But first, you guys have joined due to the ranking competition . And of course, I don’t expect a lot from you . ”

Yoo Eun-hye had been trained by entering the dungeon but this time there were four new members . They were tools to fill the insufficient numbers……

What could I expect from those that would be used once and then thrown away?

Of course, their potential was higher than average or they had special skills or titles . If the Devil Hunters were needed for an emergency raid then they would join . They could also fill in the numbers for regular raids .

After watching for a bit, I would decide based on the result whether to temporarily include them or not . Even after the competition was over, there would be a variety of people I could use for temporary work .

The excellent ones could be formally adopted as members but I honestly had no great expectations .

One of the new hires frowned like he was chewing shit .

“Captain-nim . Aren’t your words too severe?”

“You will regret it . We each have our own rhythm as Awakened . ”

Complaints poured out from the new hires .

Yoo Eun-hye and Lee Ji-hye knew my skills to some extent so they kept their mouths shut .

“You would have already been dropped if it wasn’t for me . ”


The new hires stared dumbly .

I talked with a cold smile .

“However, you can’t just participate using the name of Devil Hunters . You should have basic skills . Starting from tomorrow, I will train you for 3 weeks . This is a confirmed issue and can’t be avoided . ”

The inside of the cafe was quiet .

“It won’t be that . ”

I sipped an Americano while enjoying the aroma .

They had decided to participate but there was no hurry .

It was enough if only Krasla and I participated . Both of our skills would be acknowledged but the entire group Devil Hunters needed to be recognized . It was necessary to make sure the rest of the members were moderately trained .

I put down my cup .

Then Lee Ji-hye who had been looking at me asked .

“Captain-nim . Can you roughly describe the ranking competition?”

It wasn’t a big deal if I told them so I opened up .

“The ranking competition itself is simple . Eight people in a raid group are gathered to fight the opponent . Depending on the results, we will be given a ranking . But this ranking competition isn’t just limited to Heaven’s Will . Famous guilds will be participated so this will have an influence on the future rating of the Awakened in South Korea . ”


The expressions of the new recruits changed . It was the first time they heard about the ranking competition involving other famous guilds .

“…We will unconditionally win . ”

Lee Ji-hye determined the contents of my words and said with a sigh .

“By the way, who is the person next to Captain-nim?”

Yoo Eun-hye who had been watching quietly asked about Krasla . They wondered about the man with black skin .

“Krasla will train you . His primary weapon is a spear but he can use other battle techniques . ”

“It is good to meet you . I am Krasla . ”

Krasla spoke for the first time .

The eyes of the members widened . It was surprising to hear Korean spoken in that voice . Dark elves often had a beautiful voice and Krasla did as well .


“Wah! You have an amazing voice!”

Yoo Eun-hye spoke her honest opinion .

“Are you sure of his skills? He seems to be lacking spirit!”

But voice didn’t have anything to do with capabilities .

Kim Chun-won shrugged .

Krasla seemed quite thin . This was also the nature of the dark elves . Even if they exercised, they wouldn’t gain muscles . Krasla didn’t budge . He continued sitting silently like a stone statue .

I just laughed .

“You will see tomorrow . ”

He wouldn’t be able to say such words after a day .

One million copies of Kim Chun-won couldn’t even compare to one Krasla .

I had time to relax after that statement . The atmosphere quickly became harmonious with occasional laughter .

But my ears could already hear their screams .

* * *

A pension in Ganwong-do, Chuncheon .

Behind the blue mountains and rippling river existed a well-appointed open air training ground for Devil Hunters .

Everyone cried out ‘Wow!’ from the clean air and vast nature as they slept overnight . But that good time passed quickly .

The moment they changed into comfortable clothes, their hell began .

Krasla greeted the new members while holding a red spear!

He said with no expression .

“Bring out your weapons . ”

“What did you say?”

Kim Chun-won was a bard but he had a dagger at his waist and the other members also brought out their weapons .

“First I will see your skills . And any person that manages to hurt me will be excluded from training in the future!”

“You! What a ridiculous guy . ”

Kim Chun-won licked his dagger with his tongue . He was feigning an evil impression . The action was meant to intimidate .

Of course, Krasla was still expressionless .

“Don’t get excited . As Captain-nim pointed out, your capabilities are insignificant . First of all, I’ll check the magic……”

Lee Ji-hye calmly analyzed the situation . Then all of a sudden, Kim Chun-won took off his jacket and rushed forward with madness in his eyes .

“You cocky bastard! I will kill you, you fucker!”

He sliced all around the upper body!

Kim Chun-won used the momentum .

His first performance of licking the dagger seemed to have failed . But he couldn’t see the body anymore . He hadn’t expected it after rushing with the dagger .

However, he didn’t know about Krasla’s strength .



Kim Chun-won spun 360 degrees and fell to the floor . Krasla had struck him hard in the legs .

“Don’t get excited……”

Lee Ji-hye sighed .

Krasla moved fiercely like a hurricane .

“Get ready everyone! Water Sphere!”


Her occupation was a water magician .

Water flew from Lee Ji-hye’s staff and smashed into Krasla .

The remaining three members attacked with their weapons but it was already one step too late .

Ppak! Ppak! Ppak!

The sound of popping occurred three times until only Krasla and Lee Ji-hye were standing .

It happened in the blink of an eye! An overwhelmingly ridiculous situation .

Lee Ji-hye had a bemused expression before she laughed and lay down her staff .

“I surrender . ”

At the same time, there was one person missing .

‘She is needed . Where has she gone?’

The captain had gone somewhere separately with Yoo Eun-hye . At this moment, Lee Ji-hye felt envious .

Then Krasla looked at Lee Ji-hye and clicked his tongue .

“You can’t do that!”

* * *

At the same time .

I was at the foot of a valley with Yoo Eun-hye .

“The water is clear . Captain-nim, take a look at this . ”

Yoo Eun-hye enthusiastically watched the water bubbling in the water .

She would receive training with the members but something needed to be done first .

Right now she couldn’t control the passive skill ‘Electric Current (N)’ . I wondered if it was possible with the Lightning God Technique .

Additionally, the valley was very rich in lightning attribute .

Usually more than 3 sides of the valley were blocked so there were many cases of the energy emitted from a lightning storm being trapped . There was a high probability that I could find the answer here .

The residual lightning energy in the valley would have a synergy effect .

“Yoo Eun-hye . We didn’t come here to play . ”

“Hik! I understand! But why did you only take me?”

Yoo Eun-hye smiled and playfully asked .

There were multiple occasions of hunting in the dungeon but there was no sign of that this time .

I spoke like it wasn’t a big deal .

“From now on, you will see your passive skill Electric Current . ”

“I have a passive skill?”

Yoo Eun-hye asked with confusion .

There was nothing to hide so I spoke the truth .

“Recently I mastered a lightning skill . I should be able to match the wavelength of that skill with Electric Current . If it works then the trigger of your passive will disappear . ”

“Really? So now you are a lightning skill user! Ah, it is like that . What are you going to do Captain-nim? Will you hold my wrist like in martial arts novels? No . Then there would be no need for you to take me to a place like this . ”

Yoo Eun-hye spat out words quickly .

I stared at Yoo Eun-hye’s face .

“First of all, take it off . ”

“Oh, so I need to take it off . Take off……”

Yoo Eun-hye suddenly retreated with surprise . She hid her breasts with both hands and glared at me .

“I’m disappointed, you’ve been so bad Captain-nim!”

“I don’t know what you are talking about . I’m not interested in your body . ”

In fact, it was as I said .

Yoo Eun-hye was a beautiful human but she was incomparable to Chrisley . It was the same for her body as well . Chrisley had a superior body .

Of course, the standards of beauty was different . She had her own charm but I didn’t feel the need to touch her . Let alone the difference in colour . If I wanted something then I could get it anywhere .

Yoo Eun-hye made a perplexed expression .

“Then why do you want me to take it off?”

“I need to take a close look at how Electric Current flows outside your body . That way I can distinguish the wavelength . Outside and inside, both sides are needed . ”

“Is that why we entered the valley?”

“This area is rich in lightning magic power . It is a place where Electric Current can be maximized . Will you take it off now?”

“I understand . But do I have to take off my underwear?”

“Underwear can stay . I only need to look at the flow of Electric Current . ”

There was no need to see the whole thing . Exposing two thirds of her body would be enough to examine the wavelength direction .

Yoo Eun-hye asked doubtfully . She put down the hands covering her breasts .

“Aish! You really surprised me when you told me to take it off . ”

“You don’t have to worry that I will feel lust towards your body . ”

“Heol…then isn’t Captain-nim blind?”

“That answer is a joke . ”

‘It isn’t a joke……’ Yoo Eun-hye mumbled . It felt like a toothpick had been mercilessly stabbed into my lungs . But she didn’t do anything . A team member couldn’t question the captain of the raid group!

Yoo Eun-hye glanced at me a few more times before closing her eyes . And she slowly raised her sweatshirt from the bottom .

Soon her smooth skin was revealed . I could glimpse her ribs and Barbie like breasts .

She was wearing white underwear and Yoo Eun-hye proudly placed her hands on her hips .

“Hmm hmm . Are you enjoying the sight?”

“It is a pity about your breasts . ”

“…I’ve very sorry! Sorry that my breasts are small! I am still growing! Soon you will be begging to see it!”

Yoo Eun-hye sat down and pretended to cry .

I pushed Yoo Eun-hye .


“Fu! Fu! W-what are you doing?”

Yoo Eun-hye who fell into the water strongly protested but I didn’t pay attention .

“Shut up . I will examine your body . ”

“Huh? Huk!”


A strong current was flowing through the valley!

The electric current flowing in Yoo Eun-hye’s body and the residual energy in the valley combined to show a wide effect .

“W-what? What is this?”

Yoo Eun-hye’s body shook as she asked with confusion .

“Just sit still . ”

“Don’t come! Ah, no, Captain-nim! This isn’t a joke! No matter what Captain-nim……”

I had the Lightning God Technique so I stepped into the river in the valley . And there was no effect as I walked up to Yoo Eun-hye .

Yoo Eun-hye stared at me blankly .

I said flatly

“Didn’t I say it? I have a lightning skill . ”

“I-is that right? Great, Captain-nim……”

“From now on, I will work on matching the wavelengths . Close your eyes and concentrate on the skill . ”

“Loyalty . I will do as you say . ”

Yoo Eun-hye instantly relaxed .

I placed my hand on Yoo Eun-hye’s breast .


“Quiet . ”

Yoo Eun-hye bit her lips .

I moved the power stored from Lightning God Technique into Yoo Eun-hye’s body .

It would be easier if Lightning God was awake but right now it was sleeping due to eating all the magic power . I had to do the task by hand .

‘It isn’t as hard as I thought . ’

Was it because of the Electric Current skill? I could clearly see the direction of Electric Current inside Yoo Eun-hye’s body .

I followed the direction of Electric Current . It was moving randomly rather than in a cycle .

The passive skill couldn’t be controlled but of the direction it was flowing in . It was possible to adjust and correct it to a certain extent .

“Imagine a faucet . The amount of water released would be adjusted according to each twist so you can control the skill . From now on, remember what I am telling you and how it feels . ”

Yoo Eun-hye needed to feel how Electric Current moved .

The method of controlling Electric Current was given to her .

Even the slightest knowledge would cause a wide difference . It was up to Yoo Eun-hye whether she accomplished it or not .

‘The skill rating might rise . ’

Yoo Eun-hye had received the protection of a lightning spirit .

It wasn’t impossible to change or raise the rating of the skill .

I inwardly spurred on the task .

* * *

“Looking at the shoulders before attacking . This is correct . The shoulders will move shortly before the weapon is wielded . But looking in the eyes of the opponent is more certain . If you can perceive the subtle differences then victory is yours . ”

“There is clearly a transition point where the opponent will switch between defending and attacking . Identify it . It will be easier to hit . ”

“Linkage . You just need to the right link . If you pull them one by one then you will be able to face a strong opponent . ”

Krasla lectured the people .

The members were gathered together while Krasla diagnosed the way they used the weapons .

“You have short hands . A thick sword like a bastard sword would be suitable . ”

“You lack flexibility in your wrist . This is a fatal weakness for an archer . Shouldn’t you use a crossbow instead?”

“…Why is a bard holding a dagger? Self-defense? I’d rather you hold a harp . That would be better . ”

His knowledge was beyond that of Yoo Eun-hye and Lee Ji-hye .

The next day, a blacksmith arrived to get the dimensions of the body and custom weapons were produced . The weapons arrived exactly three days later and Krasla’s ruthless sparring was established .

“Attack all together . You should move according to your particular level . But the conditions are the same . Anybody that manages to hurt me will be excluded from any training!”

They couldn’t say no .

Every day was a series of hell training where they couldn’t do anything . In addition, there was no possibility of their levels lowering .

Everyone had fire burning in their eyes as they held their weapons .

Bam! Peok!

But there was still a large slamming sound .

Everyone was sick and tired as they stretched out on the floor while Krasla lectured them .

“It was good that you read me . However, you responded too fast! This will give the enemy time to judge you . ”

“Kim Chun-won . There is no answer . A total impasse . I might recommend to Master a quick suicide . ”

“A magician has to believe their colleagues! They will act as proper shields so you should freely use your magic . You should trust in them a bit more . ”

The training continued the next day, the next day and the next day .

Eventually the new members were affected by the heat .

“It’s a scam! Our levels can’t match you!”

“We are just punching bags! He just wants to break us!”

“Hehe . Hehehe!”

Kim Chun-won was half insane . Kim Chun-won’s spirit was becoming increasingly strange as Krasla defeated him . He had been conceited but now he encountered someone much stronger than him .

Of course, that wasn’t just confined to Kim Chun-won . They were learning how to deal with a very strong opponent .

Naturally it was hard .

Once Krasla pushed them in the lessons, it was then the turn of Captain Randalph Brigsiel .

“It is electric massage time . ”

The complexion of the members turned pale . The training was hard but not enough to make them want to die .

But the electric massage was different . It was so terrifying that they really feared death! Just thinking about it made them want to die!

The electric massage could be called a hell massage . Kim Chun-won had the bad luck to be the first target .

“Just relax . ”

The most terrible words came from the mouth of the commander .

Relax by going to the afterlife?

Kim Chun-won felt an instinctive fear and turned to run but Krasla appeared out of nowhere and grabbed him . Kim Chun-won grudgingly had to give up .

In fact, the electric massage itself wasn’t a big deal . It felt like power was inserted into the body to relieve the muscles .

But the problem was the pain before that started .


Kim Chun-won bit his lip and didn’t make a sound .

The captain finally let go .

“It is strange since it took longer than usual . ”

But that ended instantly .

“Next . ”

There was no one who would volunteer . They were too busy looking at each other .

Kim Chun-won thought bleakly about their future .

They were like new, laboratory mice caught in a cage . A hole to escape out of didn’t exist .

However, there was one exception . One person had no worries .

It was Yoo Eun-hye .

“Ah, cool!”

Only she was free from the harmful electric massage . It was due to her lightning skill .

Eyes followed her with envy and jealousy .

Yoo Eun-hye just laughed awkwardly at them .

Thus the short and long 3 weeks passed by quickly .

* * *

Today was the last day of training .

There was an excited mood . They were finally free from the hell training so there was a bright smile on their faces .

And I finally had the time to check the system .

I opened up Mind’s Eye to look at the status window .

I first looked at Yoo Eun-hye .

Name: Yoo Eun-hyeOccupationHero (Lightning Magician)Title* Dozen Lightning Strikes (R, Magic +4)StatsStrength28Intelligence56Agility26Stamina25Magic Power 55 (+4) Potential: (190+4/423)

Uniqueness: Has received the protection of the spirit of lightning . A state received after being hit by lightning and standing on the door between life and death .

Skill: Lightning Bolt (Ex N), Electric Current (R, Passive)

[Before and After Comparison]

Strength 20 Intelligence 44 Agility 15 Stamina 14 Magic 49 Potential (138 (+4/423)

Strength 28 Intelligence 56 Agility 26 Stamina 25 Magic 59 Potential (190 (+4)/ 423)

Only a few months . There was a remarkable growth compared to the first status window I saw .

Furthermore, the rating of Electric Current and Lightning Bolt had risen . Especially in the case of the passive with the power efficiency was strengthened .

I turned my head and checked Lee Ji-hye this time .

She also showed significant growth .

Name: Lee Ji-hyeOccupationHero (Water Magician)TitleNoneStatsStrength24Intelligence44Agility23Stamina29Magic Power48 Potential: (168+277)

Uniqueness: None

Skill: Water Sphere (N)

[Before and After Comparison]

Strength 22 Intelligence 41 Agility 18 Stamina 26 Magic 35 Potential (142/277)

Strength 24 Intelligence 44 Agility 23 Stamina 29 Magic 48 Potential (168/277)

It was fairly steep compared to when I first met her in the dungeon . It was good growth considering her low potential .

In addition, the four new members showed a satisfactory growth for only 3 weeks . Their physical abilities had increased from 3~8 .

But it wasn’t simply their stats that had risen . They learned the basic foundation behind using their weapons . They were absolutely different from before .

All of them looked confident .

They might have wept for 3 weeks but there was no comparison for before .

‘I think they are ready . ’

Ranking competition, Heaven’s Will!

Finally my group was perfectly equipped .

‘These guys should be properly listed on the roster . ’

I would eat those people from Heaven’s Will .

Devil Hunters would bite those fellows .

Of course, I hadn’t forgotten .

The names on the list that Kim Yong-woo gave me .

I would sweep them up in the ranking competition……

I faintly smiled .

Taking care of it with my own hands?

I looked forward to the ranking competition in a few days .

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