《Villager Three》#53: Decision


“That is enough!”

A resonating voice erupted throughout the arena as bolts of fire rained from the sky, incinerating the monsters while leaving the spectators untouched. Sir Karl DuFeu strode into the arena, followed closely by Lillian. The Automata seemed placid as always, but the Dragon was literally spitting smoke and fire in rage. Judging by the disheveled state of his robes, he went through trouble of his own on his way to the arena.

The announcer started speaking with a shaky voice, directing people to exit the arena. Students with badges on their chests helped guide people out, keeping the crowd orderly while also keeping them away from the arena stage.

“’Bout time,” Ailsa drawled as Karl approached, her posture relaxed but her eyes glaring daggers at him. “Where ya been, scaley boy? We got tha bad guys ready fer questionin’ already.”

“I got held up,” Karl grumbled, flicking his sleeves. “I couldn’t show favoritism and attend any of the matches, so they set a trap around my office where I was watching the feeds.”

“Clearly we have some weeding to do,” Lillian said.

“Betrayed from within, eh? Rough,” Ailsa said with a disapproving shake of her head.

“It’s a topic for another time,” Karl said, glancing over to where Kira was wedged between Brigit and Dani, with Ribbon on her lap. The girl had never seemed so delicate and small, her eyes reddened and puffy, her face pale. She had a blanket wrapped around her, but parts of her shredded clothing were still visible. Luckily she’d already received medical attention and didn’t have any injuries. “How is she doing?”

“Not great. She just stopped cryin’. Poor kid never had someone tryna kill her before, and it’s gotter shook. But…” Ailsa hesitated, scratching the back of her head. “Apparently, someone helped her out, aye?”

“The other contestant?” Karl asked in surprise, but Ailsa shook her head.

“That lad’s on the verge of death, Kira’s assailant took him out first. he’s still in tha medical tent. Nae, Karl, the one who helped Kira out… Wore a full hooded cloak and a mask. A wooden mask.”

Karl’s blood ran cold. He leaned in close to Ailsa, brow furrowed. “What kind of wooden mask?”


“Smooth. Whitish. Eyeholes only. Nae carvin’s. She said they moved like a dancer, spinnin’ her around tha combat ta keep her safe.”

“A Fae?!” Karl hissed, covering his mouth with one hand in shock. “She was helped by a Fae?!”

“A young’un, aye, judgin’ by the smooth mask. They musta been here with a mentor, since smoothlies ain’t allowed out on their own, but…”

“Why were Fae here in the first place? Why did they help her? Has she ever made a Deal with them?!” Karl whispered urgently, and Ailsa shook her head again.

“I asked, but Kira said she never seen someone like that. And ye cannae make a Deal with a Fae without knowin’ they’re Fae, that’s parta tha Deal, aye? And they didn’t speak ta her at all, just saved her and left. I never even saw them through tha smokescreen that bastard made on the stage.”

“They didn’t ask for anything in exchange? No Deal? Just helped her out?” Karl’s voice was muffled from the hand he still held over his mouth, his toe tapping to show his agitation. It was an unusual situation.

No, more than unusual. It was unique. Unheard of. Fae were mischievous little meddlers at times, but they never did anything without receiving something in exchange, with terms agreed upon beforehand. They were nearly as bureaucratic as Humans!

But they also usually kept themselves hidden, only showing themselves when it was beneficial. Contacting them was nearly impossible - one didn’t approach the Fae, the Fae approached them.

Could someone have intervened on her behalf? Made a Deal to save her? That implied it was someone who knew when she’d be in danger, but why would someone with such knowledge rely on the unpredictable Fae? Or did someone make a Deal to keep her under surveillance and protect her indefinitely? Someone who wouldn’t know Karl was doing the same with his Shadow Guards?

There were too many unknown variables. He’d have to probe the other councilors, and investigate anyone who had an interest in Kira. Having Fae involved made everything much more complicated.

“At least she doesn’t seem to owe them anything,” Karl finally said with a low, drawn-out sigh. “She isn’t bound by an unfair Deal.”


“That’s a comfort, fer sure. They’re known ta be pretty sneaky when they want somethin’, tha question is… what they be wantin’ this time?”

Karl nodded, his face grim. “And who’s paying the price?”

Kira felt sick to her stomach.

Her heart kept racing no matter how many deep breaths she took, and her hands wouldn’t stop trembling. She barely heard Brigit suggest they head back to her dorm, barely registered the trip back. She thought someone might have carried her, since she couldn’t control or even feel her legs, but she didn’t know who. Tears blurred her vision yet she couldn’t muster the strength to lift her arms and dash them away.

She blinked, and found herself in front of her bathroom door. Brigit was holding a towel and some clothes, and asking gently if she needed help. Kira looked down at herself and saw she was covered in dirt and blood, realizing Brigit meant for her to shower. She managed to shake her head, took the towel and clothes, and went in the bathroom.

Kira stiffly shed her clothes, let down her hair, then touched the metal covering her torso. The mercurial bismuth probably saved her life. As a show of respect, she used 【 Earthshape 】 to carefully mold the metal into a cube, then washed it in the sink. She set it on the toothbrush shelf next to the mirror, then got in the shower.

She turned the dial to make the water hotter, and hotter, until she could finally feel a little warmth through the numbing cold that permeated her skin. Despite the steam filling the room, her body kept trembling from chills that she felt down to her bones, so she turned the heat up further.

Mechanically she grabbed the scrubbing sponge and lathered it with her favorite liquid soap. Then she scrubbed. And scrubbed. And scrubbed, until her entire body was bright red from the force of the exfoliation.

The wounds were healed at the medical tent, but she could still see the blood in her mind. Could still feel the silver blade slicing her flesh, feel the dirt in her mouth, in her eyes.

Kira could tell she was crying again because her tears felt cold compared to the shower water. They stung her face, making her realize she’d split her lip at some point.

It wasn’t a monster trying to kill her, something just following its instincts to protect its perceived territory. It was a person, someone with intellect and personality and probably a family and friends of their own. Someone Kira had never met before. A complete stranger.

And that complete stranger decided, for one reason or another, to end Kira’s life.

Was it going to keep happening? Were people she didn’t even know going to keep deciding it was better off for her to be dead?

If she caused trouble just by existing… Were those people really wrong?

Maybe they were right. All she ever did was cause trouble, so maybe…

Maybe it was better for her to be dead.

Kira sank to the ground, hugging her knees and letting the water flow over her, the sound of the shower drowning out her broken sobs.

Brigit and Ribbon had lunch ready by the time Kira emerged from the shower. Both the Drakke and the Kobold tried their best to keep up a lively conversation, but Kira couldn’t manage more than half-hearted sounds in reply to anything they said to her. She appreciated their effort though, since she knew they were worried and trying to cheer her up.

Though she couldn’t taste the food, Kira made sure to eat everything Brigit put on her plate. Afterwards, they asked if she wanted to go see the games and fun events set up outside, but Kira shook her head. It was still early in the day, but after everything that happened, she wanted some time alone.

She told them with halting, slow words that she’d be fine, she just wanted to rest. Talking was a struggle for her on a good day, and it definitely wasn’t a good day. Brigit and Ribbon exchanged glances, asked a few times if she was sure, then finally left.

Kira let out a long, low sigh.

Then she started to pack her things.

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