《Spiteful Healer》Chapter 158: Visitors


Chapter 158: Visitors

1 Week Later…

Anazia, with her hood up, found herself standing outside of the Military Command Barracks within the city of Kordas. It was nestled near the surrounding walls of the castle of Kordas, with a large wide staircase inviting players and NPCs alike inside. It was the very same building utilized for the leadership intermediate quest that Aegis had visited some time ago.

As Anazia ascended the staircase to enter the building, she saw other players passing by around her, mumbling and grumbling to one another about the difficulty of the quest.

She continued through a set of large open double doors into the main entrance hall. The hall consisted of a long wide carpet down the center that led to the intermediate leadership quest room at the end of the hall. The carpet was flanked by large decorative pillars holding up the tall ceiling, and on the walls to the left and right were numerous doors leading into other rooms.

There was an abundance of Kordas guards standing around stoically, particularly in front of one pair of double doors on the left wall which Anazia was interested in.

When she approached the guarded doors, the non-elite NPC guards paid her no mind and she was able to swing it open and enter undisturbed. Beyond the doors was a wide, downward staircase with a cold draft blowing up from it. Torches lit the interior as she descended the stairs, the light from outside no longer reaching this part of the building.

Once she reached the bottom floor, she was faced with another secure door with two more Kordas guards standing in front of it, and stepped through to enter a square chamber with dark gray stone walls, floor, and ceiling. There were little to no decorations or furnishings, but several doors leading out of the room on each wall. A desk sat on the far wall with a pale elven NPC sitting behind it. The desk was covered in stacks of bounty posters and other documents that the elven NPC was working on.

Still, Anazia did not stop, nor was she stopped or interacted with by any of the NPCs in this room, guard or otherwise. She continued through one of the many doors to enter a long, wide stone hallway.

This hall had barred doors on the left and right that one could easily see through to view what was beyond them. Each door leads into a small prison cell with a plain bed, training equipment, a bookshelf, a single lantern, desk, and chair. Every cell she walked past was identical to the next.

Some of the cells had red names floating above their iron barred doors - players names who were intended to be locked inside the cell. Despite the floating names, though, as Anazia passed by each cell she noted that none of the players were present. Every single one of the cells were empty, the players who were serving sentences inside the Kordas prison were logged out of the game world.

All except one, as she reached the back of the hallway to a cell with the red name [Emerill] floating above it in her interface. With her hood up to hide her name, she moved herself in a position to stand in front of the door and looked inside.

Emerill, wearing his normal white leather armor minus his cloak and weapons, was using a training dummy provided for him in the room, striking at it bare handed, training himself. As she watched, Anazia looked into the corner of her eye at her interface at a debuff that had befallen her character.



All experience gained within the Kordas Prison is reduced by 25%. Spells and skills are disabled while within the Kordas prison.

There was no duration on the debuff, it was permanent and location based. Despite the experience debuff, though, Emerill was opting to continue to try and improve his character.

“You know, you can work out in the real world as well. It also improves your body there, too.” Anazia commented to Emerill through the bars. He looked in her direction to acknowledge her presence, but didn’t stop training. “No? Not interested in touching grass?”

“I don’t recognize you. Which guild are you from?” Emerill asked her between his heavy breaths - he was pushing his stamina nearest its limits and was taking minimal breaks to let it recover.

“Who says I’m in a guild at all?” Anazia replied. “Cloaks are pretty handy for hiding that, huh? It’s too bad about yours. Bet you want to go get it back, right?” She asked, but he went quiet again. She tapped her foot as she waited for a response, but staring at him brought her no new information.

“You were so talkative when I saw you on that stream, but now suddenly you are disciplined and tight-lipped. Something about that streamer must’ve really made you angry, huh?” Anazia tried, but still no reaction.

After a long drawn out silence, there was suddenly a booming cheer that echoed from the floor above them. Despite the dark gray stone around them, it was faintly audible through the ceiling. Both Anazia and Emerill’s eyes traveled upwards in the direction of the roof of the prison briefly, before glancing at each other.

She then watched Emerill as he stopped training and began fidgeting with his interface. After a few clicks around by waving his fingers in front of his face, he scoffed at the air.

Anazia squinted at his odd behavior and reaction and decided to do the same thing, fidgeting with her interface to send a message to Artaphernes.

“What was that noise? Did something just happen? I thought the Airships wouldn’t arrive until later today?” Anazia messaged him.

“Aegis and his party just hit level 100 from grinding. Everyone in Kordas watching him did a weird, countdown celebratory cheer. That’s probably what you heard.” Artaphernes replied. Reading it, Anazia couldn’t help but do an eyeroll.

“Speaking of Airships. They’re here early.” Artaphernes added.

“Good luck.” Anazia replied.

Artaphernes stood atop the Skyport of Kordas alongside Christoph, Quinn, Herilon, Sapphire, Tullan, and Trexon. They were not alone - the port was crowded with excited players, and the guards were having a hard time keeping everything in order.

From atop the tower they had a good view of the city of Kordas and some of the surrounding farm lands, but that is not what anyone was looking at.

Far off in the distance, in the air above the island of Kalmoore, approached two large airships sailing smoothing through the clear blue cloudless afternoon sky. The Airships were not approaching from the same direction, nor were they perfectly in sync, but they were close enough that they’d be arriving at the skyport and docking almost simultaneously.

“Here they come…” Sapphire mumbled anxiously as she bit into a carrot.

“Ready for this?” Trexon turned to a nervous looking Quinn

“Sometimes I really hate this game.” Quinn said under her breath as she shook her head to herself.

“My guys are all around this building.” Artaphernes turned to Christoph. “I’ll be handling the big wigs and the entourage that's heading for Rene and the Monastery. We’ll track most of the passengers that stay within the city of Kordas and report on their behavior. With any luck, they just do some shopping before heading back to the Airship when it departs in a few days. I want you to be watching the Black Lion guild leader. Don’t lose track of him, and try not to be seen. Anything suspicious, anything at all, and you act on it or report it, got me?” He instructed Christoph.


“Relax, I got it. You’re really into this stuff, huh?” Christoph asked him.

“Dungeons and adventures are of no interest to me. Spying and espionage? I live for this.” Artaphernes smirked excitedly back at him, causing Trexon and Tullan to chuckle. A moment later, though, there were deafening screeches and squeals coming out of the mouths of the nearby players.

Feng’s Airship, adorned with red banners hanging off the sides that depicted a pair of white crossed katanas, had gotten close enough that Feng himself was visible, standing on the side of the Airship with several of his guild members looking towards the Skyport tower.

Just by seeing him, his numerous fans were losing their minds, jumping up and down and waving at him excitedly.

[Feng - Level 183] stood above his head. He was wearing a white and black traditional hanfu with two sheathed long thin blades on his waist on either side. He was waving and smiling down at his fans as they screamed excitedly up at him. He looked young, with fair skin and a slim build. Human, with short black hair.

His ship was the first to reach the skyport and slowly pulled up to the pier opposite the Sky Darling. Quinn looked to the Sky Darling and saw Leonard, too, was out on his deck and excitedly waving at Feng and trying to get his attention.

The Kordas guards had their hands full keeping the pier clear of players, but when Quinn and Tullan approached, the guards allowed them to pass and walk forward across the pier just as the crew of Feng’s airship had hopped onto the pier to tie off the ship and lower the boarding plank.

“Greetings, and welcome to Kalmoore.” Quinn smiled up and waved at him. She became painfully aware of the red livestreaming number above his head, sitting at 4.6 million. Just seeing it sent a nervous chill down her spine.

“Hello.” He replied politely with a bow down to Quinn. “You must be Quinn, I have heard much about you.” He added as he began his descent down the ramp onto the pier. Behind him followed several of his guild members. “I apologize for the inconvenience our visit must be causing you.” He added shyly as he motioned to the crowds of squealing fans ahead of them.

“No need to apologize.” Quin smiled back. “This here is Tullan, he handles all trading for the kingdom.” She motioned to the nervous dwarf next to her.

“Oh, no need. We did not come on behalf of the Lanuskian Kingdom. Our cargo is just players who are eager to visit these lands for the short while that we are here. The nature of our visit to speak with you and Makaroth, and the player Aegis. And complete some quests in the Monastery of the Stars.” Feng replied.

“I understand. However, in regards to Ae-” Quinn began to reply, but her voice was drowned out by an even louder, deafening cheer. She annoyingly turned her head and saw that the 2nd large Airship was now docking on the third skyport pier.

It was just as large as Feng’s airship, sporting a similar design, and standing off of the side was the short dark haired Makaroth, with his swords poking up over his broad shoulders, fastened on his back. His high level, fancy looking armor was under the tabard of the Sages’ guild he wore, the front of the tabard depicting a stone with swirling white lines wrapped around it. He, too, was waving at his fans with a big dumb smile.

“Ah, there is Makaroth.” Feng commented as he waved up at him. Quinn, however, detected a hint of content in his voice, and looked back to see that it was taking a great amount of effort on Feng’s behalf to maintain his smile in the face of Makaroth. “Is there some place we could chat in private, where it isn’t quite so noisy?”

“Yes, of course, I’ll arrange for you and Makaroth to be escorted there once you are done greeting your fans.” Quinn replied with a polite bow before she took her leave, pushing through the crowds of screaming fans on the pier. She eventually made her way back to where Herilon, Sapphire, Trexon, Artaphernes and Christoph were standing huddled together.

“It’s a bloody nightmare. Simulation or not, Imma have permanent hearin’ damage.” Tullan grumbled to the others.

“Sapphire, you’re on Feng. Lead him to the Castle once they’re done here. Trexon, you take Makaroth. Herilon, I want you to go to Rene ahead of their entourages and keep an eye on Savika. Work with Rene to keep her safe. Tullan, you’re with me.” Quinn instructed all of them and they gave obedient nods before splitting off.

“Bring your A-game, Christoph. You’re standing in for one of my best trackers, Anazia. So I expect you and your guildmates to work your ass off.” Artaphernes patted Christoph on his shoulder.

“Oh, great, so no pressure then.” Christoph replied mockingly.

It took some time, and a great amount of effort for Quinn to reach the gates of the Kordas’ Castle with Tullan, nearly an hour later. The crowds of fans for both Makaroth and Feng were numerous and noisy, and extended beyond the perimeter of the Skyport Tower itself and well into the surrounding streets.

Thankfully, through the help of the many Kordas guards, Quinn was able to escape them alongside Sapphire who led Feng by himself, and Trexon who led Makaroth by himself, ahead of the crowd.

“Quite a plain castle. Have you not invested the wealth of Kordas into improving it? Aesthetics of the King’s castle greatly improves the quality and worth of the kingdom and its citizens' productivity.” Feng commented as he looked up over the walls of the castle up at the towers that were visible.

“No, we maintain a low tax rate and utilize the funds to pay our players and NPCs.” Quinn replied as she gave a wave to the guards on the walls, signaling them to open the gates. A moment later, the large wooden doors leading into the Kordas castle began to creak open.

“Modesty is sometimes better.” Makaroth nodded. Behind her on her left stood Feng, and behind her on her right stood [Makaroth - Level 191]. But without having to turn around, she could feel the tension between the two high level players.

Once the gates were open, she led them through into the interior castle gardens, but motioned Sapphire, Tullan, and Trexon to hang back, which they did with obedient nods.

Quinn, Feng, and Makaroth all stepped forward through the gates, and once they had the guards began to shut them behind them. The moment the castle gates shut, the screams and cheers from the streamers’ fans became somewhat muffled, much to Quinn’s relief.

“This way.” Quinn motioned the two forward through the beautiful Kordas castle gardens. They traveled along a wide paved stone path flanked by flower bushes and statues depicting various elegantly posing beasts carved out of white marble. Quinn led them through the garden up to the front entrance of the Castle, the doors held open for them as they approached by the two Kordas guards flanking its entrance.

Once inside, the three found themselves standing in a large hall with many doors, but Quinn quickly led them to the nearest door on the right. She shut the oaken wooden door behind them once they’d all entered.

They were in a small room with windows looking out into the castle garden, a round table in the center with several simple wooden chairs around it.

“This is a waiting room for guests into the castle, but it should provide enough privacy for us to chat.” Quinn motioned them towards the chairs. Feng was eying the plain, undecorated walls around him as he slowly sat down in one of the chairs. Makaroth, on the other hand, kept his eyes curiously on Quinn as he took his seat, until finally Quinn sat across from them.

The viewership of both of the big name streamers had gone up to nearly 5 million a piece, much to Quinn’s dismay, but she tried her best to ignore it.

“I understand the two of you are here to complete quests for your newly recruited Eirene priests. That’s no problem with me, so long as you don’t cause any chaos on this island.” Quinn said before clearing her throat. “I am curious what it is you wanted to speak to me about, though.” She eyed the two of them.

“Yes, I suppose it must appear odd that we both chose to arrive here together.” Feng nodded at her.

“It’s no coincidence.” Makaroth crossed his arms. “As you know, the time between the two abyssal invasions was six in-game months. If we assume that the time gap was a cooldown, it means there’s about two and a half months until the next invasion will begin.” Makaroth explained as Quinn suddenly got very serious.

“Now that we know a player is responsible for the invasions, we must be suspicious of everyone. However, we all witnessed your bravery as you stood against the Arallian invasion and saved countless lives.” Feng said as he and Makaroth exchanged looks. “We thought it best we share what we know with each other about the invasions, and the abyss, to better help us all protect our lands from potential upcoming invasions.”

“I see.” Quinn nodded.

“What else can you tell us about your experience with the invasion, as someone who was personally present during one and lived through it?” Makaroth asked as he and Feng leaned forward over the table and stared at her intently. Quinn’s eyes traveled between the two of them for a moment.

“I’m sure you’ve already watched the footage. Unfortunately, there isn’t much beyond what you saw that I can tell you.” Quinn shrugged back at them.

“Hm.” Feng pulled back and sat straight with a look of disappointment. “Perhaps the player Aegis would have more insight? He has shown himself to be very clever.”

“Perhaps, but, unfortunately, he is very busy at the moment.” Quinn replied as she eyed Makaroth nervously and saw him glaring at her.

“Oh, come now. Surely he can take a break from grinding wraiths to have a chat with us?” Makaroth replied.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Quinn glared back at him. With their eyes locked on each other briefly, Feng looked between them curiously until Makaroth eventually huffed air and chuckled.

“Very well.” He smirked.

“That is a shame, I was hoping to thank him for his discovery in the Mosmir Hive. It is thanks to him that I have this beautiful void silk hanfu. Do you know if he has discovered how to raise the Mosmir hatchers, yet? We’re having trouble with them.” Feng asked.

“I don’t know, we don’t talk much. He’s not a member of my guild, or any guild on this island, and I tend to leave the players of Kalmoore alone to do their own thing.” Quinn replied as she leaned back and crossed her arms, now somewhat annoyed at the two streamers.

“I see.” Feng replied while pulling his lips to the side.

“But I’d love to hear what you two have discovered about the abyssal invasions.” She leaned forward and looked at the sudden expressions of confusion on their faces.

“What have we discovered?” Makaroth asked.

“Yes, you said you came to share information with me to prepare for them, right? Surely that means you guys have something to contribute?” Quinn asked, and they both continued to look confused. “Or, did you just come here to get information for yourselves?”

“No, of course not. We have come up with some strategies we believe will be effective against the invasion, should it come to our islands, or yours.” Feng replied.

“Yes, given how the creatures behaved during the last invasion, and the first. Have you fortified your island stones?” Makaroth asked her.

“Yeah. After the first invasion. There are walls and siege weaponry built around four of our island stones.” Quinn shrugged.

“Oh. What of the fifth?” Feng asked.

“The fifth stone is hidden.” Quinn replied.

“Hidden?” Makaroth asked.

“Yes. Its location is kept a secret, and will remain a secret. I was suspicious from the get-go that invasions were player driven.”

“But the royalty of each island all know where the island stones are, don’t they?” Makaroth answered.

“Yes, and I’ve instructed them to not tell anyone, not even me, of the fifth’s location. Since invasions are player driven, it’s possible they do not have means to locate the stones themselves. Having one hidden could possibly, by itself, be the most effective method to defend against the invasions.” Quinn shrugged. “Surely you guys thought of something like that already though, right?” She eyed them with a raised eyebrow.

“Unfortunately it is hard for us to keep things like that hidden.” Makaroth motioned to his live streaming icon proudly.

“And a bit hard to undo revealing their locations. I hadn’t thought of keeping one hidden. That is clever. Kalmoore players lack style, but make up for it with their cleverness, it would seem.” Feng smiled at her.

“It sounds like there isn’t much information for guys to share, then, huh.” Quinn pulled her lips to the side and shook her head disapprovingly at the two.

“I suppose not. But don’t be afraid to ask us for help if you suspect your island is being targeted.” Feng replied politely as he and Makaroth stood up from the table.

“And, if I ask for help, will you come?” Quinn replied. The two streamers once again exchanged looks briefly.

“Of course, if we aren’t in the middle of anything already.” Makaroth shrugged.

“Right.” Feng nodded along.

“Wonderful.” Quinn sighed. “Now, about your current visit. I assume you’re just here to complete the Shattered Healer quests for your new Eirene priest players. Anything else?”

“Nothing else, if Aegis is unavailable.” Feng replied.

“You brought with you on your airships quite a number of unscrupulous players. Do you know of their intentions on Kalmoore?” She added.

“Many players from Savringard were eager to visit the peaceful lands of Kalmoore, but the majority will be returning with us on our Airship when we leave. We ought not to be here longer than a week.” Makaroth replied.

“Yes, it is the same with my Lanuskian passengers.” Feng nodded.

“Great. We’ll be keeping an eye on them while they are here. In the meantime, I hope you two enjoy your stay here in Kalmoore. I, on the other hand, need to do some catching up in levels.” She pointed up at her nameplate above her head, displaying her level at 152.

“Congratulations on completing your advanced class quest.” Feng smiled at her.

“Thanks.” She smiled back.

“We promise to be out of your hair so that we may all go back to leveling as quickly as possible. The stronger we are, the less susceptible we will all be to any abyssal invasions.” Feng continued.

“Right.” Quinn nodded as she moved to the door of the room and opened it, leading Makaroth and Feng outside. The three made their way back through the castle gardens to the front gates of the walls surrounding the castle and waited as they were slowly opened for them by the nearby guards.

The moment the gates began to creak open, the fans of both Makaroth and Feng waiting outside began squealing and screeching excitedly once more.

“Enjoy your stay in Kalmoore.” Quinn waved them off as the two streamers went back to being streamers. As they disappeared into the crowds, Quinn walked beyond the threshold of the castle walls and waited for the gate to shut behind her, while Tullan, Sapphire and Trexon moved to stand with her.

“How’d it go?” Trexon asked curiously.

“I wasn’t expecting them to be completely useless. But, really. They just wanted to use me and Aegis as sources of content.” Quinn shook her head in disbelief.

“So, nothing useful?”

“Nothing at all. It seems like, if an invasion comes to Kalmoore, we’ll be on our own.” Quinn replied as she crossed her arms and tapped her feet on the paved streets, staring out at the squealing fans in front of her. “All we can do is get stronger. Organize another guild raid for experience, schedule it for after these two leave our island.” She instructed Trexon.

“I’m on it.” He nodded back.

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