《Blue Road》Episode 22 (Part 4)


The video showed off the science convention again, back before the lightning destroyed the whole place. Fawn looked out the window and noticed the gray skies circling around them. A streak of red lightning came down, causing a spark of flame to appear, blocking their view.

“Hey, what’s going on over there?” She questioned.

The other Richard looked over and gasped. “Oh, no...” He muttered. “Fawn, get out of there!” He pushed her out of the way before the lightning struck him in the back. His body fell to the ground as his eyes went white.

Fawn, her mother, and everyone else looked over, horrified.

“NO!” Fawn cried, rushing over to his lifeless body. Her mother rushed over to pull her back.

Soon, lightning came through to the rest of the building. Rubble toppled down, crushing individuals as the fire spread across the area, trapping other people inside.

Donna held her tight as Fawn cried into her chest. The mother looked around, hoping to find a safe place. When she spotted a closet door, she ran over to put Fawn inside it.

“Fawn, you need to hide in here until things die down.”

“What? But what about you?”

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll try to lead the chaos away, just stay quiet.” Donna whispered as she closed the door. Fawn ran over and attempted to pry it open but couldn’t do it, no matter how hard she tried. She overheard a conversation and pressed her ear against the door

A figure busted through the walls with a grimace. They held a bat and wore a mask that covered their eyes.

“So, we meet again.”

“Do your worst.” Fawn’s mother stood her ground, her face contorting a grimace. “I’m not telling you or ‘M’ a thing.”


“Don’t you dare speak ill of the boss’ name! If you don’t comply, then we’ll have no choice but to...”

“Go ahead, I don’t want to hear you or work with you anymore.”

“So be it.”

The masked figure wielded their bat. Another masked figure showed up from behind the walls and cast red lightning toward the bat, lighting it on fire. The person with the bat took the fiery bat and charged at her.

After the video cut away, the two figures looked over the dead bodies in the wreckage.

“That’s what they get.” The first person mocked them as they cracked their knuckles and neck. “Mission accomplished.”

“Ah, good teamwork.” The second figure acknowledged. “Wouldn’t you say, Carlos?”

“Of course, all thanks to you.”

“Let’s split up and search the area.”

Carlos glanced over with a sinister smile on his face.


Mindy covered her mouth and backed away. “No way...” She fell on her knees and buried her face with her hands.

She knew him for a long time, as the only person who stayed by her side and put up with her stubborn and know-it-all personality. Mindy thought he was a little weird and annoying, but didn’t mind him all that much. After meeting up with him after all that time, she didn’t expect him to backstab and use her like he did. Not only that, but she didn’t think Carlos would do something like murder.

What happened to Carlos that made him act like that? Or had he always been this way, but hid it so well until now? If it was the latter, how did she not notice it this whole time?

“I can’t believe this. Why...?”

“Are you going to be ok?” Lily asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.


No! Why would he do this? I thought I knew him well…

“So, do you see now?” Lucy remarked. “Does this look familiar to you?”

Reginald’s body grew numb as he watched the video play out. “Yeah, it is.”

“Wait a minute, I recognize him.” Richard gasped, realizing something. “That’s the guy who turned me into the blob in the first place!” He ground his teeth. “When I get my hands on those two...”

“Hold up, how’d you learn to decode those containers?” Rick inquired. “Were they not leaked?”

“Well, the thing is,” Lucy scratched the back of her head. “Remember when Lily mentioned the videos being leaked? I worked with the ones behind that.”

“What?!” Everyone asked, flabbergasted.

“I have multiple part-time jobs. Some of them are cover-ups, others I work alongside people to get the job done.”

“Huh, how about that...” Richard said.

“Now I know who’s responsible.” A voice muttered.

An officer tipped his hat, pulled out a dart gun, and fired it off. Mindy snapped around as the dart headed toward Lily. She sprinted and pushed her out of the way before she got hit. Mindy cried out in pain as she skidded on the floor. Everyone gasped and checked up on her.

The other cops took wind of the double agent and chased after him before he could escape.

“Someone, call the ambulance!” Lily exclaimed.

“I’m on it!” Lucy shouted, pulling out her phone.

Richard and Reginald said nothing but exchanged worried glances, having a bad feeling the agent worked with Carlos, trying to sabotage their missions.

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