《The Nine Tails of Alchemy Series》The Second Tail - Forty


The stillness was like a fog that slowly closed in around me. I felt my heart quicken as the shadows materialized into figures draped in black; their blades gleaming in the starlight. I watched helplessly as they crept forward and silently dispatched the guards one by one, their swift and precise movements almost poetic.

The last disciple fought desperately, but there was no use in trying to protect the orrery in the hall of origin from the cloaked figure's destructive powers. The temple shook as it crumbled, chunks of stone and ash raining down from the sky like a dark blanket.

As I watched the destruction of my temple, I felt a soothing hand stroking over my head and back. Looking up, I saw Tris standing tall above me, his face an emotionless mask. Without a word, he scooped me up into his arms and strode into the night, carrying me safely away from the destruction.

I whined, a soft, vulpine whimper, as I peered back over the god's shoulder. All my work, my books—all gone, but for what? Why?

Trismegistus's words echoed in my head as he strode across the sky, his feet finding purchase on a bridge of starlight. “Fear. They fear what you will become, and what will become of them with the re-emergence of my followers.”

Tris carried me across the star-filled sky until I could no longer see the mountain peak where our temple once sat. Now, I stared down at a city, lit up by twinkling street lights. I was mesmerized by the sight of it, so alive and vibrant - a stark contrast to the temple we had left moments ago.

"But there is still hope," the god holding me said. He gestured to a large building near the center of the city; the statue of an elven woman atop it had her arms raised above her head in supplication. "The second hero—a martyr, a traitor— and that is the Academy of Elemental Magic. It will be your salvation if you destroy it."

"Destroy it? Why?" I asked, my head spinning from the sight of it all.

"It is an academy of heretics," Trismegistus lowered his hand, resuming his gentle caress of my fur. "Heretics who seek to destroy us and our ways. I built this city as a bastion of knowledge, a place of academia, such as you are striving to build atop your mountain."


“Rivera,” I huffed, wriggling in the god's hold, but he refused to release me. "This is why you wanted me to pick this city during the meeting with Haiden and Icarus, isn't it?"

"Anubin, Vēdiovis, and I each have a vested interest in the three cities to which we directed our clergy to claim," Tris admitted with a wry smile.

"And what about Caruan?"

"That city was Celeste's creation; it was the first city built within this world. Her sons and I, as the leaders of the three pantheons, followed with the creation of our own cities."

My tail swished lazily as I took in all of this new information, the implications of what he was telling me starting to sink in. Tilting my vulpine head up, I turned to the god and asked, "What is my reward if I do this for you? What do I get in return for reclaiming your lost city?"

The god gave me a knowing smile before he answered, "A city restored to its former glory—that should be enough of a reward."

"Running a city sounds like a lot of work," I feigned a yawn, snuggling into the god's hold, my eyes drifting shut.

"Then give it to the guild you seem so fond of; as my followers, they have as much right to it as you."

I let out another yawn, burying my muzzle into the crook of his elbow. "You know, being in fox form isn't all that bad. Maybe I should try living as my common vulpine kin do. Take a holiday from all the stress of being a priestess."

Trismegistus sighed loudly, and I cracked open an eye to peer up at him. “Kelnose is in the catacombs beneath the city; if you wish to free him, you will need to reclaim the city.”

When I didn't respond, the god turned away from Rivera, striding across the night sky in the direction of the mountain peak where the temple we had watched be destroyed sat unscathed.

"I knew you were faking it!" I let out a high-pitched yip as we reached the temple. "You wouldn't just stand around twiddling your thumbs while someone destroyed your only temple."


"It wouldn't be my only temple if my high priestess wasn't a lazy fox."

"It wouldn't be your only temple if you would simply give me the divine quintessence I need to create new anchors."

“You do not need me to provide what you already possess,” he grumbled, his hand closing around my scruff as he hoisted me up in the air, holding me at eye level. “Did you not steal fistfuls of my fur? You’ve enough to create dozens of anchors if you’d put in the effort. ”

My body went lax in response to the god's hold on my scruff. My twin tails curled around my lower body, while a soft whimper escaped my throat as golden eyes glowered at me.

Tris sneered, his voice filled with condescension. “Lazy.”

“I don't know how to create a divine quintessence with it; I've been trying!”

"You tried once, then never again!"

"I forgot okay! Is that what you want to hear, Tris?" I huffed, scrunching my muzzle in a pout. "My mind is fucking broken! I'm trying my best to be a good high priestess. Is that not enough for you?"

His expression softened and the god pulled me close, pressing his chin against the top of my head. "It's enough, it will always be enough." He sighed, "even if the temple is destroyed, others can be built. It will simply be troublesome for a while. All I want is for you to succeed, that's all I care about."

"How long?"

The god could hear the worry in my voice, even if I tried to hide it. "Three weeks," he said, "you'll have three weeks to reclaim Rivera and restore it before those within the city seek out an alliance with others who would see our temple destroyed."

"Three weeks," I murmured, my heart sinking at the thought of time slipping away so quickly. "And they aren't even the only ones I need to worry about, right?"

The god smiled down at me, and I knew he was trying to comfort me. "No, they are not."

"Is it the city as whole or just the academy?"

"It's a bit of both," he admitted, his smile disappearing. "The city officials are also the ones who run the academy. They'll be quick to join forces with anyone who promised them power."

"Do I just kill them? Or is there something else I need to do?"

"You need to take control of the academy and destroy the statue. They are siphoning power from it to empower themselves. Without it, they will be unable to oppose you or the temple. Once that is done, the city will be yours."

I nodded, "Can I blow it up?" I asked, tilting my head up to look at him. "Just boom and done?"

Trismegistus laughed, "As long as the statue is destroyed, I care not how it is achieved."

"Alright," I said, steeling myself to the task at hand. "I'll do it."

The god pressed his forehead against mine and I felt a warmth settle over my body. His voice was soft and gentle as he spoke. “Go forth, High Priestess of Philosophia Naturalis and reclaim what is ours.”

And with that, he released me, and I felt my vulpine body falling through the sky. The wind rushed past me, ruffling my fur as I cursed Trismegistus, who only laughed in response to my words. Moments later I was back in my bed, the god's laughter ringing in my ears and the dream fading away as I tried to make sense of what had just happened.

"Didn't we agree there would be no holy expeditions or grand quests?" I muttered to myself, groaning in frustration as I rolled onto my side.

"Screw reclamation, I'm burning the city down," I sighed, before settling into my pillow and closing my eyes. I had three weeks to reclaim Rivera and ensure the safety of the temple, no matter the cost.

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