《Number 7》Chapter Number 93 - A Promise, A Proposal, A Problem.


'I'm exhausted...'

After a week of work, Randov found his muscles aching unlike ever before.

When people like to flex their muscles, they often will show off how much they can lift or bench.

Why is this?

It's because this is the maximum amount that one can handle with their body.

However even when holding something light, if one is told to simply hold it in place for a prolonged period of time, then even this light object will soon appear to be heavier than even the heaviest of weights.

After moving box after box, Randov understood well that strength was not measured just in terms of how much one could lift, but also how long one could endure.

However, the man who was their boss was not a complete tyrant.

While Randov did have to work six days a week in order to obtain his pay, he was at least granted a single day off each week.

'Thank goodness... if I didn't get any days off at all...'

Perhaps he would have lost his mind.

"Hey. You wanna go collect our paychecks?"

Placing the last box, the beautiful girl spoke to Randov with a snarky smile.

While the work was grueling, the people around him were perhaps the only saving grace of this place.

They weren't too sociable at first, and they all seemed to be somewhat irritated with their lives, but even so Randov grew alongside them as he came to realize one thing.

These people were simply doing what was necessary.

Some were dropouts from school who were simply too dumb to finish, who had been kicked out of their parents homes and forced to work. Others were orphans who grew too old to live within the orphanages.

Not a single person here was proud of their life.

Not a single person here was content with the way things were.

Yet even so, each person here was focused on one thing - surviving.

Surviving until the day in which they were old enough to obtain a real job.

While the law banning child labor was meant to ensure that students stayed in school, the language within this law was not written so as to prevent those who didn't obtain a high school degree from getting a job.

Certainly, it would be more difficult. As a matter of fact, it would likely be extremely difficult to obtain any sort of higher level work without a high school diploma.

However even so, these children had one thing to look forward to - and that was escaping this place.

Even if it was only to be transferred from one hell to another, then at least perhaps the flames there would be a bit tamer.

"Here you are."

"Eh? This... this is the weekly pay? This... this isn't even enough to pay my rent!"

"Then I would suggest you find somewhere with cheaper rent. Ah, but you are always welcome to stay within the warehouse itself... if you are willing to allow me to take half of your check as payment."

However, unfortunately for Randov, such a hope was a diminishing light which seemed farther and farther away the more he gleamed towards it.

"I... see. Then... please do so."

"Very well."

This man seemed to have everything planned.

He had a perfect system where he could work his employees to death without any complaints or issues.

Even when these ones grew old enough to find jobs on their own, there would always be more children around this City who had nowhere else to go.


And he would prey upon those people until the day he died.


"Hey. You wanna go on a walk? We do have tomorrow off... so we can sleep in all we want."

Inviting him after they had received their pay, Irina looked at the boy with a tired smile, her pitch black eyes as gorgeous as ever.

Her hair seemed to sway as she undid her ponytail, which was always tied so as to not interfere with her work.

"Ah... yeah... I guess... that sounds like a plan."

And so, the two headed off.

"You know... you don't talk much about yourself.", the girl stated with a dry smile.

"And you don't talk much about yourself either.", the boy responded promptly.

"Are you from... Joraten?", the girl asked, curiosity lighting up in her eyes.

"You seemed to avoid that topic before, but now you're curious?", the boy responded with a light laugh. "Well, I think I was born there, but I have no memories of that place."

Glancing at the girl, the boy pressed her.

"And yourself?"

"I... escaped on my own."

"You what?"

"My parents... I don't know whether they're still alive or not... but they didn't agree with the Supreme Leader... and the Soviet soldiers were beginning to search houses for loyalist rebels... so they threw me into the forest and told me to just keep on running. I ran... and I ran... and I ran..."

As the girl talked, the boy listened patiently as her voice seemed to choke up with emotion.

"And I ran and I ran and I ran.... in the snow, in the rain, in the cold... it didn't matter. I ran until my legs were blue and my lungs were frozen... and then I passed out... and I woke up in this City."

"You... don't even know why?"

Widening his eyes in surprise, the boy looked over to see that the girl had tears in her eyes as she nodded her head no.

"I have no idea... and yet..."

"Wait just a minute... Supreme Leader!? What happened to the Royal Army? The Commander... and-"

As Randov spoke these words, the girl looked at him with an expression of terror.

"How... how do you know about that group?", she whispered, looking around to make sure nobody else was listening.

"They... well, somehow I was associated with them. I'm not sure how or why... but that's what I'm trying to find out myself."

"I... see..."

Calming her own breathing, the girl backed off.

"Don't say his name too loud. I suppose we are in this country, so it's not that much of a problem... but back in Joraten... according to the Supreme Leader who took control of the nation... he is nothing more than a demon who refuses to die."


Grabbing the shoulders of the girl, the boy looked her straight in the eyes.

She was beautiful, yet even more so than that, he glared at this weak girl who wiped her tears as she trembled in his arms.

"Tell me everything. About yourself... about Joraten... I have to know."

"Why should I tell you such things?", the girl questioned as she backed away from the boy.

Taking a deep breath, the heart of the boy stirred.

Never before had he encountered someone like this.

Never before had he encountered someone who was so strong yet so vulnerable.

And within him, a desire stirred to protect this girl.

From whatever horrors she had experienced within their previous nation... and whatever she may experience in this one.


"Because if you tell me... then I'll use that information to protect you."

The boy's voice trembled as he said this - something which was far out of line for him.

Never before in his life could he possibly have imagined himself saying such words, yet for whatever reason, he was swept up.

"I... will tell you."

Whispering this statement as she averted her eyes, the girl then looked up to face the boy.

And then, ever so slightly, she smiled.

"But you'd better keep your promise."


The information which Randov received from the girl was shocking.

He knew that a raid was led on the Royal Palace years before, but apparently this raid was what began the installation of a new order - the Soviet State of Joraten - led by none other than Karl Strax.

This man had written a book titled "The Will of the People", encouraging the common person to rise up against the tyranny of the Kurgistak family who had ruled over the nation for generations.

After Lestor Kurgistak had taken the throne, things turned to chaos quickly as this man failed to rule his newly acquired nation properly - thus leading to the writing of this book, and the start of the rebellion.

However it was not until a raid on the throne room in which Lestor was killed, and with him died the monarchy that he represented.

Kraig Strax and his followers were promoted from the leaders of a rebellion to the rulers of a nation overnight, and this new order was established.

From there, it was a reign of terror.

They had already been threatening people who didn't sympathize with their cause, and especially those who held loyalty to the monarchy despite the bad treatment of the people, however when they took over the palace the entire nation was flipped upside down.

A new army was formed, and this national army composed of those loyal to the Soviet State of Joraten invaded every City in the nation, purging any and all who dared to speak out against them.

And Irina's parents were some of those targets.

Before the raid on the Royal Throne, they had been active in speaking out against the rebellion, however they soon realized that such bold words would come back to haunt them, and so on the very day when the castle fell, they sent their child to run away - to escape into the nation to the South in the hopes that their daughter would one day find prosperity.

However the only thing she found was a lack of work, and the coldness of the streets.

Eventually she had made her way to this place and at least found some work, but it tore away at her mind as she worked hour after hour, week after week.

And eventually, she broke.

Holding her hand to her forehead with that pathetic smile, tears fell down the face of the girl as she looked Randov in the eyes.

"If you don't keep your promise... then I'll just have to keep on doing this... day after day... week after week... until someday... I'll die.", the girl whispered as she clutched the shirt of the boy, who was at a loss for words.

Then, slowly, he wrapped his arms around the girl, hugging her tightly as he brought her close.

"I won't allow such a thing to happen."

With a newfound desire, the boy found something beyond his ambition.

Up to this point, his only goal had been to find out what had happened to his parents, and what was going on with this Commander.

However now, after hearing the story of this girl, many of those questions had been answered - yet many remained.

Even so, he felt as if his desire was partially filled, yet there was still an emptiness which remained.

However, even more important than getting those questions answered was protecting this girl.

"I'll... become the head of a Company... and I'll make it so that you have something greater to look forward to in your life before you die."


Weeks passed.

Weeks turned to months, and months approached an entire year.

And as the one year anniversary approached, Randov felt himself become more and more exhausted.

He made enough to survive.

As a matter of fact, since his employer took half of his payment while providing a place to live, everything else which was not spent on necessities such as food and clothing he was able to save.

However this didn't mean that his life was easy by any means.

Working 16 hour shifts was grueling, and each day that passed took a greater and greater toll on the body of the boy.

His muscles weakened day after day, and he felt himself getting older with each passing day - despite his young age.

Only a 10 minute break was permitted for eating, and so any grocery shopping or other errands would have to be done after the shift was already completed.

Any preparation of food which was to be consumed during this time would have to be done outside of work hours, lest payment be revoked for the week.

If one didn't work all six days of the week, and if one broke even a single one of these rules on any of those days, the weekly payment would not be given - and as such, Randov learned quickly that mistakes were not allowed.

However - despite living in such wretched conditions, there was a single saving grace.

Each day he was able to see the lovely face of Irina.

Just speaking with this girl was enough to push Randov forward, and even though they grew more and more tired of their lives, the fact that they were together in this mess was what allowed them to keep going each day.

"Hey... looks like this is the last one for the day."

"Yeah... looks like it."

With a tired smile, the two lifted the crate together as they brought it to the loading area.

"Hah... hey... do you... want to go walk somewhere?"

"Hm? Ah... yeah, I guess we should do our shopping for the week... I'm too tired to do it any other day, so let's get it done before the weekend is over."

With bags under their eyes, the two headed off as they walked side by side.

Exiting the warehouse, the unlit streets greeted them as they walked through these darkened alleyways.

"Haha... gas station is the only place that's ever open at this time... wonder if the old man will be working there again tonight?"

"He probably will be. It'll be good to say hi to him again."

Devoid of any personality, these two could do nothing more than make smalltalk, the work having taken a great toll on their minds.

"So... I've got something to show you."

Reaching into his pocket, the boy stopped the girl for just a moment as he took a flashlight out, placing it on the ground so that the two could see one another.

"What is it? What are you doing in the middle of the streets here? Can't it wait?", the girl pressed, however the boy shook his head.

Then, holding forth his closed fist, he turned it around as he held it towards the girl.

"Open it."

Looking at the boy with confusion, the girl slowly reached towards the hand, unraveling it to reveal a piece of glass in the shape of a gemstone - attached to a ring made of iron.

"It was the cheapest thing I could find... but I was able to save up for this."

Kneeling down, the boy looked up to the girl with a firm expression.

"Will you accept it?"


With a gentle smile, the girl took the ring, placing it on her ring finger.


Standing up, the boy placed his hands on the shoulders of the girl, grinning with excitement.

"I've set up a ceremony... we can hold it on the Holiday. I'll invite everyone from the warehouse, and we can do it properly... it won't be anything expensive, but it will be legitimate."

"Thank you... Randov."

Hugging the boy tightly, the girl spoke with weakness in her tone, deeply grateful to the boy.

"Thank you."

Holding her back, the boy looked forward - a fierceness overtaking his expression.

"I promise you that I'll get us out of that place... even if it's the last thing I do."


"Irina. Your work has been... lackluster recently. Has something happened to... distract you?"

The following week, Irina found herself standing before her employer, glancing away as she avoided any eye contact with the man.

"No... nothing like that.", she whispered.

"I don't believe that... but very well."

Writing out a check, the man added an extra zero as he slid it over to her.

"Consider this a bonus... for the upcoming holiday. I trust that you will be free that night?"

Her eyes widening, the girl began to tremble as shock overtook her.

Opening her mouth to respond, the girl froze in place.

"You ARE free that night... are you not?"

"I.... am."

As the girl whispered this, the man grinned as he nodded, folding his hands in a satisfied manner.

"I see. Very well. Then... I'm sure you know better than I do what you are to do. You are free to go."

With the wave of his hand, the man motioned for the girl to head off.

Exiting the room, the door closed as the man was left on his own.

'So she's gone and fallen in love with a boy... how delusional. To think that her mind could be filled with such dreams... well, I suppose crushing them will be the simplest way to control her.'


It was late at night, on the eve of the Holiday.

Everything was prepared.

Work had finished already, and the boss had even let everyone take only half a shift on that particular day.

Perhaps he was in a particularly good mood.

Gathered in a small park, with some chairs set up and an official to perform the ceremony, the workers of the warehouse were all present.

All except one.

"Congratulations, Randov. I'll be cheering for both of you in the future."

"That's right. You know... soon enough I'm going to be quitting, so keep it up until you can leave yourself."

"Same. This is kinda like a goodbye party for some of us... so I don't mind putting in a little to help with the costs."

Surrounded by good friends and partners, Randov's heart was filled with emotion as he realized what great bonds he had formed through the hard hours they had worked together.

"Haha... but now all that's left is for the lady to arrive. Where is she anyway? Trying to make a big appearance?"

"I'm... not sure myself."

Looking around in confusion, the boy felt an uncertainty in his heart.

And then, for just a moment, his vision seemed to go black.

'Eh? Am I... seeing things?'

[Oh Randov... you poor thing. Don't you realize what has happened?]

[How pathetic.]

[How terrible.]

[How pitiable.]

[How truly... saddening.]

Two voices.

One filled with compassion, and the other filled with arrogance.

Both were the voice of a female - and they both sounded the exact same - with their tone aside.

As if they were from the same person.

[Well, I suppose this is why I created this world in the first place.]

[To watch you people suffer.]

"Hey Randov! Look!"

Then his vision returned, and his eyes were clear.

The voices disappeared, as if they never existed in the first place, and he returned to his senses.


"Randov! Huff.. huff... huff..."

Running towards him was another boy, one of the people he had worked with for a long time.

"What is it, Nick? Calm down. Take a deep breath, then tell me-"

"Irina... Irina... I just... I just..."

Barely able to breathe, the boy seemed to be choking up on his words as he looked up to Randov with sorrow.

"I just saw her... heading out with the boss."


At that moment, something shattered in the heart of Randov.

As if it were made from glass, a crack spread throughout it, splitting off at a thousand places until his heart was left in a thousand pieces.

"What... do you mean by that?", he whispered.

"I... I was going to collect my paycheck... and after I collected it from the boss... she was waiting outside for him.... the boss left with her... and I wondered what was going on... so I followed them."

With furrowed brows, the boy held his forehead in anguish as he told Randov the tale.

"And... he took her into his home."

"Where is she?"

Grabbing the collar of the boy, veins spread throughout the head of Randov as he spoke with a deadly rage.

"Where... is she?", he puffed.

"I... I can take you there! But... but... I don't think there would be any point-"

"Take me there. Now."

At that moment, every single person was silent.

The official merely watched this without a word, and not a single other person present said anything as the two rushed off.

Many simply sat there, wondering what had just happened, however it soon dawned on them.

"I guess... the wedding is off...", someone stated.


Not a single person present was able to admit to themselves the implications of what they had just heard.

"I suppose I won't charge for this disaster.", the official stated as he packed up his things. "Please give the boy my condolences."

With this, the wedding ended.

However the night was only beginning.


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