《The Nine Tails of Alchemy Series》The Second Tail - Twenty five


I watched the dark robed man examining the shelves of poisons, lightly touching each vial as if he were caressing a lover. His delicate fingers were adorned with rings, each one more intricate than the next, and I wondered if they held some sort of dark power.

"What do you seek, High Priest Haiden?" I asked, my words cutting through the silence of the room. "I'm sure you are not here simply to look at my potions.”

The dark priest chuckled, his face hidden in the shadows of his hood. "No, I am not." Reaching into his robe, Haiden pulled out an old, worn looking book. "I believe this will help you with your mimic research," he said, placing it gently on the desk in front of me.

I allowed my gaze to skim over the book before I glanced back up at him. "What is it that you want in return for this?"

"A poison," he replied, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Any in particular?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"La mort nécrotique."

My eyes widened as I stared at him. "That potion is not one that has been shared." I said, my voice barely a whisper. I hadn't mentioned the potion to anyone since its creation, yet he knew.

"A man such as myself knows many things," he said, his voice no more than a whisper. "That poison falls into my patrons domain, and I have been tasked to acquire it."

I looked away, considering his request. La mort nécrotique was a heinous concoction, one that I had created through the use of necromantic taint. I wasn't sure if it was right to give it away so freely.

"Will it remain in your hands alone?" I asked slowly, looking back at him.

He nodded. "It will not be shared and it shall be used on a single predetermined target; one vial is all I require."

"Can I ask who the target will be?"

He chuckled again. "You can, but I will not answer."

I sighed and looked away again. "If I refuse to part with the poison?"

"Do not make this more difficult than it needs to be, Kadia. We are allies, not enemies."

I looked back up at the man, my gaze warring with his. I knew he was right, but this poison had potential for great destruction and I didn't want it to be used frivolously.

"Very well," I finally said, my voice resigned. "I will part with a single vial of La mort nécrotique, but if I hear of it being used in any way other than stated, trust that you shall be hearing from me and it will not end well for you."

He laughed, the sound low and menacing. "I'm almost tempted to test you, High Priestess."

"Do not," I replied with a glare. "You will regret it if you do."

He held up his hands, a smile on his face. "I accept your terms."

With a quick nod, I reached up and removed the necklace from my neck. Dangling from the gold chain was an intricate nine-tailed fox pendant. Taking it in my fingers, I channeled transmutation magic and reshaped the gold to reveal a small vial of dark poison hidden within.

I placed it on the desk in front of him, meeting his gaze. "La mort nécrotique," I said, pushing the thumbnail sized vial towards him. "Take it and be gone."

The man in front of me nodded his head respectfully. "You have my gratitude, High Priestess."


I said nothing as he pocketed the poison and left the office. When he was gone, I collapsed back into the chair and let out a deep sigh. "Tris, tell me I didn't just make a mistake," I said, my voice resigned.

But my god remained silent, and I feared that I had indeed made the wrong decision. Only time would tell if it would come back to haunt me. I just hoped that it wouldn't.

La mort nécrotique wasn't a simple poison, that single tiny vial contained a portion of the death quintessence which had been created from necromantic taint and it was thrice as powerful of the taint necromancers used to corrupt the cores of living beings.

Reaching across the desk, I picked up the book. Its cover was blackened and its edges were tattered. The words 'The Forbidden Art of Mana Core Augmentation' were etched on the front in golden letters.

Intrigued, I began flipping through its yellowed pages. From what I read, core augmentation seemed to be a skill used by dark mages. Core augmentation could increase one's control over magic and even grant extra abilities. It was also a much faster way to absorb mana, though it also carried the risk of damaging your core.

I read on, discovering that a dark mage could augment the cores of different creatures to gain access to different abilities, such as elemental magics. Using this method they would have no need to learn spell arrays, but they would need to continually find creatures with increasingly powerful cores in order to strengthen their abilities. I also noted that it was advised against using creatures of different or incompatible natures.

I closed the book, my thoughts swirling. I hadn't been aware of core augmentation before, but reading that book opened up a new world to me. Though it was an interesting and useful skill, I was hesitant to use it for my own gain- the risk to my core was simply too great. However, if used correctly, this skill could help me with something else.

Closing my eyes, I breathed in deeply. I had gained knowledge from this exchange, but at what cost?

A soft knock at the door broke me out of my reverie. "High Priestess, a man by the name of Brodel has arrived and is requesting a meeting,” a voice called from outside the office.

I cleared my throat before calling for Meissa to enter. “Come in, Meissa.” I had been expecting Brodel, but it seemed the time had come earlier than anticipated.

The dark elven priestess entered my office and continued her report. "There are also half a dozen disciples who accompanied him, and they have entered the hall of transmutation under the guidance of Miss Roswyn."

I nodded in acknowledgement, and my gaze traveled to the book on my desk. "Send him in," I instructed Meissa as I placed the book away safely in a drawer.

The door opened again, and a tired looking old man shuffled in. He bowed respectfully before me. "High Priestess Kadia, it is an honor to meet you." he said warmly.

Inclining my head, I took a moment to study the old man. Much like Tris, Brodel wore the guise of an old man, with his kitsune features hidden from sight. A robe of purple with different arrays embodied on the fabric hung from his thin frame, and in his hand he held a staff with a large transmutation amulet atop it.

"I have been waiting for you," I said, my voice steady and composed. "I trust you have come prepared?"


He smiled, his eyes twinkling as he nodded. "I have waited many years for this day," he said.

My lips curved in a slight smile, "Is that so?"

With someone so devoted already among his followers, why did Tris not make this man his high priest? I pondered as Brodel continued.

"Yes, High Priestess Kadia," He said with a solemn nod. "I have long wished to see our temples once more open their doors, and to reestablish our ways. I knew when our patron sent me that dream, that this day would come."

"What dream was that?" I asked, intrigued.

Brodel's brown eyes were intense as he spoke, "My patron sent me a dream before visiting the temple. It featured an eerie red fox with nine tails and purple eyes that exhaled toxic gas melting all in its path. With one swish of her tails, she brought down a shower of stars that rained fire upon the city beneath it. Afterward, the fox ran through what had been reduced to ash and a new city emerged from where she'd passed."

"I can do none of those things," I said softly, lowering my gaze from his.

“To aid you on your first steps on the path to reach this greatness is an honor," Brodel declared, standing tall as he stared at me. "Blessed High Priestess, I address you in reverent prayer. Please accept my offerings from a devoted mind and soul. May you grant my plea and guide me in gaining knowledge that befits our realm. Devout I am to Philosophia Naturalis."

I allowed a small smile to pass my lips and responded, "Welcome be thee, Brodel, Priest of Philosophia Naturalis." I felt the connection of clergy snapping into place between us. "Should there be any you seek to claim as your own to guide, bring them before me, and they shall be yours."

Brodel bowed his head in acknowledgement. "I have several I have brought, but only one is worthy. The others may show worth in time, however they are yet to show the ability to gain greater knowledge for their own." He said before he lifted his head again. "Shall I seek out the Priestess Meissa for a tour of the temple?"

"I have a desire to stretch my legs, and to see these disciples you've brought," I replied, glancing down at my robes. "However, I require some time to prepare myself. You may pursue the books here until I return."

Brodel smiled, eyes scanning the shelves which lined the walls. “I shall happily await you here.”

Inclining my head with a smile of my own, I quickly showed him how the shelves operated, and informed him he was welcome to re-organize any books, or arrays he felt should be moved.

“These books cannot be removed from this room, but a copy of all the books here are located within the private rooms of each clergy member.” I explained before taking my leave, eager to take a quick bath and change into a less formal outfit for the tour. The robes I currently wore were intended for ceremonial events and meetings with clergy of other gods, not strolling around the temple.

As I walked away, I heard Brodel begin muttering to himself about the best way to re-organize the shelves. From the way he gazed at the books, I was sure he would be content to wait however long it took for me to change into a fresh set of robes.

When I strolled back into my office twenty minutes later, it was to find Brodel sifting through the pages of a book with an expression of dissatisfaction on his face.

“Is something amiss?” I queried, causing the old man to look up from his book with a sigh.

His head shook with a low chuckle as he said, “This book is one cherished by the academy since it was believed there were no other copies. But here it is in its original untranslated edition.”

"If you are referring to the Academy of Elemental Magic in Rivera, I can tell you that High Priestess Hemera donated a number of books when it first opened. The book you are looking at were the originals those books were copied from," I said, gesturing towards the shelf he was standing by. "Elemental magic is related to transmutation and comes under our patrons' jurisdiction; thus it was only right that the temple supported the academy."

“Few recognize it as such,” Brodel said, inclining his head. “There are those at the academy who believe that the individual elements belong to others. Things have changed a lot in recent years.”

“There are many whose domains cross into those of our patron," I commented, my lips twisting into a wry smile. “However, now that you have mentioned it, I must ask: will there be an issue with your departure from the academy? From what I have heard of the magical academies, they would not be pleased if an instructor departed to teach elsewhere."

Brodel returned my smile and set the book he held back onto the shelf. "There might have been some difficulties if it weren't for the recent events in Airus. Word spread quickly that, within proximity to the city, even the most basic of elemental magics were unusable. They fear that a dispute with you would lead to losing their ability to use elemental magic, so they are happy to send those wishing to learn transmutation elsewhere. It's not considered a great loss, as transmutation is not popular among the students."

I nodded, pleased that I would not have to deal with the academy causing problems over my taking Brodel away.

As I exited my office, the priest trailing behind me, I scoffed and declared. "They are foolish to ignore transmutation; It offers so much more potential."

A smirk found its way onto Brodel's face as he joined me by the banister, both of us gazing down at the hall of origin. “Transmutation is not exactly popular with those who attend the academy," he began, "Most prefer to specialize in one element instead of having to understand them all."

I thought back on a conversation I had with Conrad, one of the guild's sorcerers. "I am familiar with a water mage who used an assortment of rings for his magic," I said, glancing over at Brodel as I spoke. "Each ring empowered and directed different spells, but he could also cast them without these tools if he focused on the desired effect and paid a higher price in mana."

As I spoke, it occurred to me that this was analogous to transmuting without an array - necessitating greater focus and costing additional mana.

"It is indeed," Brodel confirmed as we made our way to the stairs. "However, for those who focus on a single element, the magic requires far less mana than transmutation, which uses a mixture of different elements."

I mused contemplatively, remembering my encounters with a group of three girls who had once tried to entrap and steal from me. Even more outrageous was their audacity in placing a bounty on my head for an ignominious sum.

"What about fire and lightning?" I asked, my eyes meeting the man's. "I once met a dark elf who cast spells with activation phrases of 'fireball', 'fire blast' and 'thunderous retribution'. I am curious if this was a transmuter or an elemental mage."

Had Viv been a transmuter? I hoped that she wasn't, for if so, she would likely show up in my temple. Having thieves among my disciples was not acceptable.

A frown crossed Brodel's face as he queried me, "Are you certain the activation phrase was 'Thunderous retribution?'"

I paused to consider it before nodding in affirmation. "Yes.”

"By what name was this dark elf known?"

"Vivian, although she preferred to go by Viv,'" I said.

Brodel's voice was cold and his posture rigid as he spoke, "This girl here used to attend our academy. She stole several magical arrays created by Fire Master Helstar- I'm sure you've heard of her, Priestess, could you tell us where exactly did you come across Vivian? Helstar would find the information to be of great value."

Contrary to his words, I had not heard of Fire Master Helstar, but in the face of his pressing inquiry, I decided to fill him in on what I knew. The thought of Viv and her friends being hunted down by an angry fire mage amused me, but I kept a serene expression on my face as I replied.

"I encountered Viv and her companions in a town called Hathus," I said. "They were staying at the same camping site as me for a short time."

"My appreciation to you, High Priestess. If this knowledge serves in recovering Helstar's notebook, I am sure she will be very thankful."

Although having a fire master indebted to me would be beneficial, my decision to inform Brodel of Viv's whereabouts wasn't motivated by that possibility. I simply wanted revenge and had no intention of pursuing her across the continent myself. In weeks past, powerful fire arrays may have enticed me into such an adventure, but with all the resources available at the temple readily accessible to me; it was unnecessary.

After granting Brodel a tour of the priest's quarters, which featured his own personal office, workroom and bedroom, I proceeded to show him around the staff tower that was located directly opposite from the one given to clergy.

As I guided Brodel through the alchemy and astrology towers, I intentionally steered clear of any conversations with the disciples who occupied the libraries.

“Each tower follows the same layout,” I explained to Brodel before going on to tell the priest how I had structured the disciples' access and my plans for the future.

“I am most impressed by the order and structure of the temple, High Priestess.” Brodel nodded in approval at my explanation.

“Thank you for your appreciation,” I replied modestly.

Leaving one of the courtyards, we made our way back to the hall of origin, where I caught sight of Roswyn running up the stairs to the second level. She then proceeded to start knocking on the locked door of my office.

"Down here, Roswyn!" I called out to the gnome.

Whirling around, Roswyn hurriedly ran back down the stairs towards where Brodel and I stood, nearly stumbling over the trailing hem of her robes in her haste to reach us.

"High Priestess!" Roswyn exclaimed, her breath coming in short gasps as she stumbled down the last few steps, almost crashing into Brodel who had caught her in the nick of time.

Gently propping her up, Brodel gave me a questioning glance as I quietly chuckled before speaking, "Roswyn is one of our temple's transmutation disciples," I introduced before turning to look down at the gnome. I scrutinized her disheveled state and questioned with a raised eyebrow, "What is it that brings you to my door in such a rush?"

"Priestess Meissa needs your presence in the transmutation tower; the new disciples are causing a fuss."

I nodded at the gnome's words before turning to Brodel and saying, "Would you prefer to handle the matter? They are your students after all."

"I shall," Brodel said with a curt nod.

Gesturing for Roswyn to lead the way, I motioned for Brodel to follow her. "As discussed previously, please do not mention my title and simply ignore my presence to begin with. I would like some time to observe the disciples before they become aware of who I am," I instructed.

"Of course, High Priestess." Brodel nodded as we followed Roswyn down the hallway that led into the tower of transmutation. "Miss Roswyn, might I enquire what the cause of the fuss is?"

"They are demanding to be allowed residence in the temple," Roswyn said, as we rounded the corner. "But that isn't offered to outer disciples."

At a brief glance from the priest, I quickly nodded, affirming Roswyn's statement. "Unfortunately, due to our temple's space limitations, only those of higher rank are able to stay within its walls."

"There is only one I will take on as a direct disciple, and two more I would grant the position of inner disciples," Brodel said, running a hand through his beard. "However, it is a long trek from the nearest town to the temple."

"It is my intention to provide accommodation on the plateau surrounding the temple," I explained, giving him an overview of my plans for the academic village I wished to build.

Brodel thoughtfully considered the situation before casting a knowing glance my way. "Let this be an opportunity for growth," he suggested with a wry smile. "I will show them how to construct one building as a starting point, then encourage them to form an assembly line of sorts and build more buildings together - four walls and roofing are no difficult feat."

With enthusiasm tingling in my veins, I attempted to remain composed as I communicated my vision of the buildings. "I want them at least three stories tall. The area is not expansive, so it's best we maximize our use by building up; however, the temple must still be the tallest structure."

"Constructing taller buildings is a relatively straightforward task, yet interior floors and walls require an intricate array of support structures," the priest explained.

I thoughtfully nodded as Roswyn cleared her throat before speaking, "If we create the exterior of the building with stone, then the guild carpenters can construct walls and floors for the interior out of wood."

After reflecting on how I wanted the buildings to look, it became clear that wooden flooring would lend a sense of coziness more so than with all stone structures. Fortunately, there were plenty of trees in the vicinity.

Approaching the entrance to the tower of transmutation, I stepped back and motioned for Brodel to take point. Inside we easily found Meissa, who stood surrounded by a group of noisy individuals who spoke over each other.

Looking around the room, I noticed Kip at a table in conversation with an unfamiliar figure and as Brodel began berating his students, I moved over to where Kip was seated.

"Look who's finally come out of the lab,” Kip teased, glancing up from his conversation with a grin.

"Good evening, Kip. Care to introduce me?" I asked, gesturing towards the man sitting with him. As I peered at the man sitting across from him, a faint feeling of recognition ran through me.

"Kadia, fancy seeing you here. Though I shouldn't be surprised; you were the one who taught me about Trismegistus in the first place, after all.” The man greeted, standing up to offer a hand. “How have you been?”

"Ah- good, I've been good." I responded, still trying to force my brain into action and remember where I had met him before.

"Do you already know each other?" Kip asked, raising a brow at me, and I struggled to keep my expression from showing anything beyond a polite smile.

“We met in Hathus a few months back,” the man in front of me told him, and as he went on to explain how we had met in the desert village's market, I fought the urge to bang my head on the nearest bookcase. It was Nadir!

I had met Nadir before I became the high priestess, and he was the one who taught me about the existence of transmutation arrays in exchange for learning about Trismegistus from me. I got my very first array from him.

Shrouded in a vibrant purple tunic donned with glimmering golden transmutation arrays on the sleeves, and sans his scraggly beard, Nadir had transformed from the disheveled figure I encountered months ago in Hathus. His hair was tied back in a neat bun, and his tanned skin glowed beneath the flickering light of the library. He looked different; almost dignified.

“It is so lovely to see you again, Kadia.” He said, and I couldn't help the hint of a smile that played at the corner of my lips.

“Likewise, Nadir.” I replied with a nod of acknowledgement. "Did you come with Brodel?” I asked, getting a nod in response from the man.

"Indeed," he affirmed, shifting his gaze to observe Brodel as the priest spoke to the disciples. "Just like we discussed before I left for my journey, when I returned to the academy I informed other students of what I had learnt. It turns out Master Brodel concealed clues about our patron in the books he assigned and becoming a disciple was actually an obscure test that we needed to pass."

I pondered that for a moment, following Nadir's gaze to where Brodel stood. When I had met Nadir, he complained about the lack of proper lessons on transmutation at the academy, stating that they were all directed to spend their days reading in the library with no real guidance.

It would seem that Brodel's intention was to use that to weed out those who did not truly have the desire to learn, just as I had planned to do with the disciples coming to study alchemy.

"I'm guessing, from your robes, that you must be one of the disciples here as well?" Nadir asked, his voice pulling me from my thoughts.

Kip chuckled, opening his mouth to speak, but I cut him off, saying, “I am serving our patron” in a vague tone and giving the dwarf a warning glare.

Nadir smiled and looked ready to say something further when Brodel called his name from across the room. With a quickly murmured farewell, he hurried over to where the priest stood surrounded by the disciples. Meissa stood beside him and our eyes met briefly before she turned her attention back to the disciples.

I had already informed everyone that I didn't want to be publicly referred to as the high priestess in front of new arrivals. I wouldn't outright lie, but I planned on simply letting them draw their own assumptions about my position.

Very few people knew what I looked like, and no one would be inclined to think that a kitsune with only two tails was the high priestess.

It was common knowledge that strong members of my race could use illusionary magic, so my goal was to eventually be found out as the high priestess, and to give off the impression that I was using illusions to appear as a disciple.

If the disciples spread rumors that the High Priestess would take on different forms to mingle amongst them, I could foster the image of being more powerful than I really was, which should deter those who might take advantage of my weaker state.

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