《The Vespidian》Arc 3 Mecha Fairy and the Scrubs, Chapter 2
Vespidian Arc 3, Chapter 2
Sub was talking while I was trying to think. It was very distracting and for some reason she sounded just like Molotov. 'Captain's log, Stardate 8272011. The USS Ma Dick has been captured while on routine patrol! The evil Probeulon Empire has broken through our outer defenses. The crew yet fights on, but it is only a matter of time before the robo snakes reach the bridge. I can hear the screams of the fallen as they are taken for probing. The vile Probeulons will not get their hands on our data reserves. They must never know where the Kitten Kingdom is located! Should they breech the bulkhead the dead man switch will go off and the whole ship will self destruct. Life support failing. Robo Snake 5000 breaking through the door! All hope in humanity is lost. Despair setting in, urge to kill rising... From hell's heart I stab at thee!'
Oh, god damn it! Just shut up in there will you? I am trying to stay sane here! Are you trying to help or not? When did you become a Moon Whaler? What are you chasing the great white Robo Snake? Never mind forget I asked and just sit in the corner. For the third time today I circled the room, pacing was a good way to think, but running was even better. I could feel the cabin fever setting in. This was no way to live. I had fallen into something of a rut and was literally insane. I did the same things every day in a routine to fend off having to think about this madness, somehow I thought I would get a different result. Problem was it was making it worse. My antenna twitched. I could hear them talking on the other side of the glass. These cunt rag scientists.
“So what is she doing now?”
“Same thing she does everyday at this time. She circles with hunger, five minutes till lunch.”
“She really is a creature of habit huh?”
“Yes she does the same things everyday in the same order. She is very meticulous about it too. According to the schedule she will retreat to the back of the cell for privacy ten minutes after she eats.”
I pressed against the glass glaring out and started banging my head against it. When they noticed several screamed and jumped back. I pointed at them making threatening gestures, giving them four middle fingers and yelling, granted they can't hear me. “Fuck you! I ain't doing this shit for your enjoyment.”
“Right I forgot she could hear us even through that sound proofed window.”
“Will this disrupt her pattern?”
“Only temporarily give it an hour and she will be back on schedule.”
I snarled at them and vented fogging up the glass. I had spent entirely too long in this damned cage. I wanted out, I needed out and not to be taken to another lab for a probing session. It was almost as though they were trying to drive me insane. Molotov was not even this bad at the least she talked to me like a person! If I could just leave when I wanted then there would be almost no problems. The need to work off some more steam was gnawing at me, so I started doing more weight lifting. My vents opened filling the room with my intoxicatingly feminine and masculine scent. A rage was building inside of me. Every pump of the arm did not help alleviate it but rather agitated it. The mandibles ground together and I hurled the weight at the glass. Two hundred pounds flung by all four arms did not even crack it. It bounced off with a resounding thud. I started punching the glass to no avail. About a month ago I broke the first pane of glass and they replaced it with this almost unbreakable thing. My vents burst open again in frustration. The room had become swampy as it usually did when I was getting into it and I knew that soon the air grid would open to flush out all the moisture and send in dry air.
The observation window was covered by fog and there was no way to see outside or inside. They would vent the room. They always did, they were far too curious to not and I would make my move when they did. There was something that I realized after all this time, I could escape from here by going through the air ducts. I had held on this long hoping that they would release me, but that did not look like it was going to happen. You want something done, you do it yourself. It was only a matter of waiting and sure enough the grid opened in the wall, sucking in the foul air. I lunged and all four hands ripped the metal covering off, it took half a second to scurry inside.
The tunnels shifted and the wind rushed past me. A giant fan loomed ahead, spinning faster than I could see. My claws anchored me in place while I considered my options. Slowly I edged closer until it was in reach. I forced myself to throw up and acid bubbled out of my mouth, I hocked it like a loogie and it splattered all over the whirling fan. My stomach acid can melt metal. Neon Nurse was crying about it, I had dissolved a few of her snakes with prolonged exposure. That only made her more innovative though and now all her Robos are acid proof. A hissing sound rose and the fan became unstable before the blades separated into scattering shrapnel that slashed down the vent. A groan rose from my lips and a dull pain spread when my left top arm was torn off by the whirling metal. I grasped it up and set it back into place watching the muscles reconnect. I was so angry I did not even feel it.
The low whine of some alarm was going off. I continued clattering through the vents looking for a way out. It felt good to not be watched. I sat down at an intersection just taking a deep breath. There was something about a tightly enclosed space that I could move around in. It made me feel at ease. The darkness was interrupted by a light glaring up from a hatch cover in the floor. Voices were drifting up.
“Why the hell is the alarm going off?”
“It looks like they were poking that freak over in labs too much and it snapped. The damned thing is on the loose.”
“Oh you mean Vespid or whatever her names was. Wait isn't she the one that was eating dogs and stuff?”
“Yeah that is the one.”
“Fuck me. Let's hurry up and get armed I don't want to run into that thing.”
I scurried to the light gazing down and contemplating what to do. The idea that I could kill these people came to mind, it would be easy too. All that it would take would be to burst out of the vent with my legs anchoring me in place and drag them back up. Just like a monster in a horror movie. I will show you all for torturing me all this time! My evil grin nearly spread off the sides of my face. I wonder how human tastes? Something was tingling inside of my head... it felt wonderful. I shook my head hitting it a few times. No killing. What the hell is wrong with me? Is it some predatory instinct or something? Sub what the fuck is going on in there? She was quiet oddly. Normally she is a goddamned chatter box. I continued along passing over more hallways and people. Conversations varied and I did not care about them. Over a certain room I heard Neon Nurse talking with someone.
“I told you this would happen! It is written clearly in all my reports. She does not like confinement. She is smart and adaptive you know. If she was not easily distracted she would have done this weeks ago.”
Dreamer said with her usual condescending tone. “She is unstable we cannot release her.”
“She is not a threat to the public. It is unreasonable to continue this containment. If we had let her out earlier she would not have been driven to this. Please, I know her. I can talk her down and if she does attack at most she will take one of my robo arms.”
“Who is the psychological expert here? Now look there is so much wrong with that girl's head I do not even know where to start. She is a ticking time bomb. Director make a decision.”
“Director you have to see reason here. This is driving her mad. How would you feel if you were trapped in a room and only let out to be experimented on. It has been more than two months already. Quarantine should have ended a long time ago.”
“You say that like you are not one of the major people who torment her.”
“I at the least listen to her and my research is for her well being. I do not even know who most of these new people are anymore. Who the hell keeps inviting more researchers? They are agitating her and treating her like some beast.”
“I can't help it she refuses to even talk to me.”
“Dreamer you are the one inviting more?!”
“What about it?”
A strong, gentlemanly voice interrupted them. “Enough squabbling. I agree with Neon Nurse here. It is inhumane to keep her locked up. Even a dog needs a walk you know. Find her and we will discuss where she will be assigned. Fire Chief put in a good word, but so did Crimson Sweeper. That being said we are going to have to keep a close eye on her and there will be counter measures.”
I did not know who this director guy was, but he seemed pretty level headed. My talon raised the vent cover and I dropped down behind them. Dreamer and Neon Nurse jumped, behind them was an old looking man. He had a craggy face and wore a black top hat with monocle. A well maintained twirly mustache twitched above his lip. Red coat wrapped him tightly and it had flaps in the back. He raised an eyebrow at me, tea cup in hand. He was not scared nor all that surprised by my presence. The man took a long sip before setting it down and centering the cup. This guy was classy as fuck! Who is he, Dapper Dan?
“Vespidian. I thought I heard something up there. You heard our conversation?” He asked with a swish of his mustache.
“Most of it. I don't want to cause problems, but they are treating me like an animal in there. Director?" My voice started out strong but then started to waver. It was hard to keep from crying. "Please I will be good! I will wear a leash or something. I just want out. Don't send me back.”
“Director is my position here. My hero name is Ringmaster. Yes Scientists tend to do that. I will allow you to be lifted from quarantine. I had been thinking about it for a while now, but Dreamer here keeps insisting that you would cause problems. Typically she is right when in regards to one's mental health, but seeing as how we are having a pleasant conversation and that you are willing to compromise I see that she has been over exaggerating.”
“Director you can't be serious! If we let her loose she is liable to snap, and rip someone in half. She might start eat children in the streets. The press will go mad and the fallout would damage everything we have worked for!”
“Fuck you. I don't eat people or pets. Why do you hate me so much?” I glared at that bitch and her damned slutty magician outfit.
“I am trying to help you! You have symptoms of more than twenty psychological disorders! You have many of the traits of a psychopath. I have seen what you do when you play those games. It is like a kaleidoscope of insanity in your mind!”
“Really? You are bitching about my game? I will have you know those things are very therapeutic. It is not real, I know the difference between reality and a game. What you think I am going to just kill people for no reason?”
“You would do it for a reason, a deranged unstable reason, but a reason none the less. It would probably make a lot of sense in that scrabbled head of yours too. That does not mean that your rationality is right. If anything it makes it worse.”
“I could say the very same thing about you.” I glared back.
“I don't kill people.” She nonchalantly replied.
“Yeah you just murder their minds.”
“I do no such thing.” She rolled her eyes at me.
Ring Master spoke up. “I think it would be best if the two of you had a bit of space for now.”
“Alright fine have it your way.” Said Dreamer, throwing her hands up. “When she snaps and she will. She will turn into one of the worst serial killers the country has ever seen. It could have been prevented if you had just sent her to the Institute. Don't come crying to me after it is too late. Do whatever the hell you want, I wash my hands of this.”
She stormed out of the room and the door slammed shut. Good riddance, bitch. I am not some killer. Everyone has urges to fuck someone up, but that is normal. It is not normal to actually do it. Take your freaky deaky mind fucking somewhere else! Neon Nurse smiled vaguely poking her tablet towards me. I looked it over, schematics for something? A suit maybe or a robot. It looked like a sexy robo nurse.
Ringmaster looked me over. “Well if she is going to be seen by the public we can't have her looking like that.”
“What is wrong with the way I look?”
“Have you seen a mirror lately? You will give children nightmares.”
I nodded. He had a point. “What did you have in mind?”
“We have a few options. We considered just painting you pink or something, but then we realized how it would look. Needless to say night terror inducing. The other option would be that we hide you from view.”
“Hide me?”
“Neon Nurse has come up with a plan to cybernetically enhance you. There are two routes either she armor plates you or you wear a suit that Fire Chief has been making.”
“I don't think I am ready for anything permanent like cyborg augmentation. I want the suit.”
“You do realize you are a six and a half foot bug woman right?”
“Yeah but it is like getting a tattoo, I am not ready for that kind of commitment. It would hurt a lot too, I don't like pain.”
“A Rank 5 regenerator does not like pain? I do not know what to say about that.”
“What? Just cause I grow stuff back does not make me some masochist. I mean what hurts, hurts you know.”
“No you don't seem to understand. Usually regenerators are addicted to pain. It makes them feel whole when they pull themselves together after an injury.”
“Oh yeah that. I forgot about that. Pain is not my cup of tea. My power does not work like that. So in other words that is their problem. That is one serious kink though.”
He asked pointedly. “So then you like to hurt people?”
I thought on it for a long moment, scratching my spiked chin. “I suppose I do. Granted I only do that in games.”
“You snapped Neon Nurse's neck, tore off an arm and a leg, on more than one occasion I should add. You broke Dr. Arbor's arm and have stung her twenty seven times in the past month. On many occasions you have assaulted researchers.”
“And they deserved it.” I said pointing two hands at her and the other two at him. She blushed a little and nodded in agreement. “Have you ever had a robo snake shoved up your ass, no lube or nothing? Dr. Arbor well she knows what she is getting into, hell I think she likes it. Speaking of which I have half a mind to dismember every single one of those scientists who have been torturing me this past while.”
“You lay a finger on any of them and you will be labeled a villain.”
My mouth creased into that horribly wide grin, it felt fitting. “Oh I know. I won't do anything, water under the bridge. But if they fuck with me from now on, well I am liable to rip a spine out. At this point they should have a goddamned schematic for my body. The only ones I will allow to continue their research is Neon Nurse and Dr. Arbor, but only when I am damn well ready. I want those other leeches out of my sight or I will burn them off. Don't you toy with me. I came to you guys and I even chose you over going with Molotov yet you did these abominable things to me. I want compensation. Also if anything like this happens again I will murder every last person who is responsible. I don't care about the consequences.”
“Very well, most of them were only taking advantage of the unique situation you had presented. It is understandable however you should not be making threats. Especially at me, I just saved you. A little gratitude would be appreciated considering that you are about to get a Super Suit. Though I do regret allowing this predicament from going on so long you should know though that your pain and suffering yielded vast amounts of information.”
I clapped slowly and said sarcastically. “Oh how delightful. I am real proud.”
“No need to be sassy. I would be very careful of fire if I was you. You will not regenerate burns.”
“I know about fire. Tell me something I don't know.”
“Fire is the bane of all regenerators up until rank 6.”
“Wouldn't I just get cooked like a lobster? Nothing to burn on the outside.”
“According to tests you would overheat and vent. The carapace would then allow your innards to be scalded and hold the fire inside.”
“Well shit. That sounds scary. Wait how do you know this... oh god you guys did that to me while I was sedated didn't you?” They both nodded. I wearily asked. “The suit is fireproof right?”
“It is. Well you should go back to your room and rest up for tomorrow. It will be a busy one. Fire Chief will brief you. I assume you want to be on his team?”
I nodded. “I do. Why does Sweeper want me on his team?”
Ringmaster smiled leaning on his cane. “He wanted to use your talents as an investigator of sorts. More or less raids on criminal hideouts. Where as Fire Chief is more of response to things. Fires, car accidents, missing person cases, search and rescue when an earthquake hits, that sort of thing. Sometimes you would be called in to aid in capturing villains.”
I thought on it. “So basically it is a choice between cleaning the streets and helping people in distress? I don't think that I trust Crimson Sweeper enough to join his team. I mean that sounds dangerous. I would love to deck some villains, but I might take things a little too far. Don't want to kill people you know. I am better than that.”
“That is good to know. By the way you will be needing a therapist.”
“I don't need no damned shrink.”
“You do and do not worry it is not Dreamer or anyone even related to her. This is not a request. If you do not comply I will have you thrown into a high security cell.”
“Fine. Fine.” I said crossing my arms. “I will see the damned shrink. So when do I see this person?”
“Just wait in your room and I will send them by tonight. After this it will be once a week.”
I clicked my tongue. “Sounds reasonable.”
“Then you start tomorrow.” Said Ringmaster looking at the red light flashing in the corner of the room. “Neon Nurse, escort her back to her room and tell them to turn off that stupid alarm.”
She nodded and we left. I got pretty far from my room, somehow I ended up three floors up. Vents are wily things, seems like a good idea to remember that. No wonder monsters love them in the movies. Can a bug creature be a hero? I can't believe I actually get to cosplay honestly I never thought I would be able to again after this happened. I wonder what my super suit looks like? I bet it is fucking awesome. Guess I will find out tomorrow, can hardly wait. Assuming of course that I can survive the quacks.
The adventures of an Oni, who wishes to see just how big the world could be.
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