《Ancient Bones: The Changed Ones book 1 (Post-Post Apocalypse LitRPG)》Non-Story interlude: Blurb time


The Runecasters Trilogy - Rune Finder

No one really knows why magic slowly vanished across the centuries. Of course, most people don't even know magic exists. But once the First Runemaster exhumed his first lexicon at the turn of the 21st century, it's been a secret rather than a forgotten thing.

Today, the Order slips between the cracks of society, practicing and developing the art of Runecasting, slowly recovering ancient and lost knowledge. The secret society doesn't need strange and ancient enemies. The human failings are enough to make for interesting times, in the Chinese sense of the phrase.

Marcus Skyler's entrance into the Runecasting world is making a splash. By luck or talent, he's acquired the reputation of Rune Finder, one who finds the right stuff. The Order isn't old enough to be conservative, but norms establish themselves quickly. Skirting them is okay, though.

As long as you bring in results.

It's an Urban Progression Fantasy, with a slightly visible dash of gamelit mechanics under it.

Nexus of Reality - Helping Hand

When you get blown up in a gas explosion in a fast-food joint, you'd expect a nice, quiet reincarnation somewhere. A God having to apologize for an error or something.

What you don't expect is to end up naked in the middle of a dark void, with nothing except a dozen square feet of gravel under your feet. Even if you apparently don't need to eat or drink, it's not... a pleasant proposition.

Figuring out the rules isn't going to be easy when your world is limited to a piece of rock floating in nothingness. Notably, once you figure those rules change all the time. But the hardest thing is learning not to care too much about reality.

A concept story, inspired by ancient Minecraft mods (where you could open up a portal into a completely empty dimension, and try to build whatever), with a dash of Sarah Lin's Weirkey Chronicles, and a pinch of the MMORPG Crowfall's lore. It's a serial Isekai, where a guy cannot fully escape the void, and ends up in many worlds, cultivation, litrpg, classic fantasy, alt-hist, etc., always returning to his emptiness. Very serial, and probably very dark if you really think about it.

Journey to the East - The West Coast

The Starfall rendered most of North America toxic to a normal existence. The seven remaining states of the USA are now a backwater and the main resource of a once proud superpower is now people. Notably, Prospectors, who can survive the deadly influence of the Fall, harvest Beast Cores for the benefit of the rich in emergent countries who survived the destabilization of the world order.


But for every Prospector, there are dozens of candidates with no other prospects and the companies who hunt the wild beasts for their mutated Cores have their pick of the best of the best. When a training and selection session turns badly, Tommy Saltus commits a cardinal sin. He implants himself with an advanced Core without approval from the higher-ups of the company he's training for.

And when you remove a Core from someone, they die fast.

A sci-fi tale, with a dash of hard progression stuff, reframed into a, say, less fantasy form.


Pssst? Want a Class Stone for a better class?

I can help you with that. I know this guy, he’s leveling the class and works on the cheap because he gets more work that way. Good stuff, even if he has to work slow due to early levels. Good selection because the less he repeats stones, the faster he levels.

Got mostly physical, of course, but who can afford mage classes, right?

I can get you 20% under normal prices. Even maybe 25%, depending on what you look for. Check these? Ever seen a Black Knight stone? That’s a Black Knight stone, you can find it shown in the reference tomes if you doubt it.

So what do you say, kid? Want some?

Morgan Sentar has a money problem, and she’s found a solution to pay her debts. If you have the right combo of skills, you can take the cheapest Class Stones around and reshape them until they look like higher tier ones. Who cares if they give the wrong class, or even fail – the customer can’t tell until they use them and gets stuck. And if they fail, then they're even better off as they retains their current class anyway.

But Morgan has a bigger problem than money, actually.

Her counterfeits work. In fact, they do work better than the original they’re supposed to be.

And she’s about to discover there can be worse problems than being in debt to the biggest crime consortium in Red City.

Some pure litrpg fantasy world.

The Fastness - Stranger in a Strange Land

If life gives you a lemon, all you can do is squeeze it at least for some vitamins.

Leon Chapman was expecting a nice, if not wildly exciting, article about astrophysics and particle detectors. What he didn’t expect was black fissures opening into reality and dragging people in… until he got grabbed as well.

Dumped into a dreadful winter wilderness, with a handful of shanghaied people from all over the world, he needs to survive first, and ask questions later.


But at least one question needs to be asked now.

What is the meaning of the mysterious box of text he sees appearing in his mind when he thinks about it.

What if the entire Earth gets Isekaied? A base-building litrpg story.

Portal Raiders

The Clock is ticking!

Anytime you run a Portal into a Dungeon, you may never make it back. That’s the deal.

But it has to be done. Vanguard XIV Kyle Verr knows that very well. His squad goes in, extracts Cores, and runs away. So that his world, his shattered Earth, lives through another day.

You don’t make it to Vanguard XIV by taking too many risks, but you don’t make it by taking none. Then that day, you don’t come back, in order for your team to do so. You die, knowing you helped, you made a difference.

Or maybe not.

Take a base of X-Com sci-fi, add a splash of cultivation, a cube of magic, squirt some progression fantasy, sprinkle a dash of gamelit and drop a few Portal slices. Shaken, not stirred. A cocktail with a unique twist.

A standalone progression fantasy novel. Written just so that the last sentence can mangle the classic "But now, I am the master."

The Magnificent Seven - Copper

What does a human need to become a Dragon?

Getting dragged across dimensions by a mysterious divinity? Try again.

Being hit by a wayward truck and reincarnated in a different world? Nope.

But at least you’re getting close. Being at the wrong time in the wrong place, or maybe the right time in the right place, that’s what it takes. Oh, and a freakish meteorite.

Cassius Vange is a nobody. Until he wakes up, remembering only a flash of light, and finds out he’s now a dragon. With every scientist, mad or not, trying to figure out how it’s even possible.


There are seven in total like him.

Just a pure fantasy concept: dragons on modern days Earth. Each of the seven shorter novels would happen more or less in parallel and focuses on one of the points of view from each Dragon as their stories unfold in parallel:

USA – Connor Vange – ♂︎ Orange/Copper Dragon (Acid).

China – Jiang Jie – ♀︎ Green/Jade Dragon (Wind).

Niger/Yoruba – Ekundayo – ♂︎ Black/Ebon Dragon (Steam)

Switzerland/French – Gisèle Gaume – ♀︎ Yellow/Gold Dragon (Fire).

Nepal – Abhishek Basnyat – ♂︎ Purple/Amethyst Dragon (Poison).

Ireland – Seán Hely – ♂︎ Blue/Sapphire Dragon (Cold).

Brazil – Carolina Luz Ferreira – ♀︎ White/Crystal Dragon (Light).

Isekai Master

Pissing off the Pantheon of gods – or ancient Cultivators, which is pretty much the same thing – of your world is not a bright career move when you're just the latest of such.

But for Da Senlin, or Stor Skov, or many other names he's had before, that might be different. Because he knows something the old fogies do not. He knows the power of Isekai.

There are significant drawbacks to abandoning a world, and ending up on another to start your life from scratch. But as they say, live and learn. And Ihlathi Elikhulu, or whatever name he’ll pick next intends to do both, in great quantities.

Each time he's been on the path of the Great Forest, he's been better. So what could possibly go wrong?

You know those stories where a character from Earth gets reincarnated into a medieval fantasy world and starts introducing technology? What if he were to introduce... cultivation instead?

The Old World (temp title)

Quantity has a quality of its own

Sacrifice to your city’s deity patron, and be rewarded. That is the rule, for as long as each of the cities of Mesopotamia have stood. One grand sacrifice to receive a divine Skill that will define your station in life. Your other sacrifices may improve it, but that unique moment when you receive your Skill is the most important time of your life.

But what most Kings know is that each God and Goddess will grant a different Skill. Thus is borne war, to conquer, to capture and bring back the idol of each divine figure to a "proper temple", to your city to make it stand above all others.

Abazu is no king. He has no army, no conquest in sight.

He has a better plan. Why steal idols when you can sneak into temples? Seven major gods, seven minor gods. Fourteen Skills. With this, he will stand above all men and no one will ever threaten him.

If only each sacrifice did not cost more than the previous one, for all of the divine ones are jealous that another was chosen by you before them.

And one is very, very jealous if you worship any of those fourteen...

The Old World is a history-inspired progression fantasy, with light gamelit elements. Skill collection and evolution, in the bronze age. (Also, don't expect complete historical accuracy. Mesopotamian Bronze Age is a mess)

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