《Ancient Bones: The Changed Ones book 1 (Post-Post Apocalypse LitRPG)》Extra Non-Story Bonus: The Treaty of the Union of States


The Treaty of the Union, original unabridged version of 2084

The Union of the States is a contract between equals, no matter their size and importance.

We recognize that each State is sovereign, yet bound within the greater society that is the Union. Each State brings its strengths to the Union, without dissolving in it.

States owe each other mutual defense and support, within their ability.

Any State that fails to comply with the terms of the Treaty of the Union shall have no recourse against actions taken against it by others. Disputes between the States must first be brought to the Union capital’s Senate, where the Senators of each State will gather to examine grievances, judge impartially on their merits, and achieve a final decision. Decisions achieved by a full two-thirds majority of the Senate shall not be appealed.

All citizens of the States of the Union are free and equal. They have the inalienable right to move and choose the place of their lives, and none can dispute them.

The laws of the State in which they reside will apply to them, regardless of birth.

No citizen can be stripped of any of their rights without due process according to the laws of their State.

All citizens of the States of the Union are free and equal. No law prescribing a difference based on sex, or species, shall be permitted within the States.

No law allowing slavery shall be permitted within the States. Emergency measures pertaining to the survival of the State may allow the practice of forced labor outside of criminal punishment, but only on a time-limited basis. The Senate of the Union has the sole authority to determine a peril pertaining to the Union itself; each State is sovereign to determine threats to its own survival.

No law pertaining to the ownership of a sapient shall be permitted within the States.

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