《Blue Road》Episode 21 (Part 5)


“How’d you—?” Reginald shook his head and put his knife away. “Doesn’t matter, I’m not giving up without a fight!”

He took out a square from his pockets and extended it to a briefcase. He opened this brown suitcase, pulled out shurikens, and threw them in Richard’s direction. Without moving, Richard used his arms to grab and crush them to pieces.

Reginald jumped in the air and threw a smoke bomb in front of him. Fawn detected where he hid as the guy threw another shuriken through the clouds. Richard ducked under the object but didn’t notice a ball of chain with spikes charging towards him. He dodged the spiked ball and grabbed the manacles connected to it, yanking it out of his brother’s arms as the smoke disappeared from their sights.

Reginald took out a long staff, and pole vaulted off the floor to attack from above. Richard side-stepped and dodged the pole. He swung the ball of chain around, giving Reginald an opportunity to strike the guy while his guard was down. Richard swayed it faster and then thrust the ball closer. Reginald slid under the spiked ball, as he took out the knife to cut down the shackles, causing Richard to lose grasp of the weapon.

Reginald charged at him with the staff in hand, but Richard blocked all the blows his brother could dish out. He then grabbed the pole and whacked his younger brother upside the head, knocking him back across the room and hitting the wall. Reginald groaned and rubbed his head as he got up from the collision.

He took out his knives and charged at him. Richard blocked his knife attacks with the two pieces of the staff as they traded blows with one another until Reginald knocked the staff pieces away. When he had an opening for a split second, Richard took that chance and gave him an uppercut, sending him flying across the room and tumbling across the floorboards.


Reginald got up; his body winced from the scraps. He looked over as Richard got distracted by something, lowering his guard.

Seeing this opportunity unfold gave Reginald an idea. He dusted himself off and walked closer towards him.

Richard took on an offensive stance. “What? Are you still itching for another beating?”

“What are you doing? Aren’t you going to kill me?” Reginald asked, raising his arms.

“What? No way, besides, what can you possibly do at this point? I got more powers, abilities, and reinforcements than you. You don’t stand a chance against me at this rate.”

Reginald rolled his eyes and scoffed at him. “Oh please, is that all that matters to you? Even now, you’re trying to beat me at something.”

“No, that’s not—”

“I don’t need to worry about beating you, and you know why? Because I always win in the end. Face it, I’m better than you in just about everything. Talents, looks, and even popularity. Even our father favored me more than you for a good reason.” Richard clenched his fists as he continued to listen to this guy blabber on. “You couldn’t handle it well and tried to take it out on everyone else instead. I don’t know why you were stupid and reckless back then. I guess karma struck back at you as you now live in shambles. How ironic.” Reginald pointed out. “Then again, you did deserve it for—”

“Are you going to continue mocking me?” Richard interrupted, as his blood boiled to its tipping point. “How about you shut your mouth?”

“No, don’t!” Mindy warned him from behind the holographic box. “He’s just trying to—”

“You’re all bark and no bite, aren’t you, Reginald?” Richard asked, not listening to Mindy at all. The surrounding aura grew stronger. “I’m going to wipe that arrogant smile off your face, and then laugh as you get what’s coming to you.”

“You want to fight?” Reginald continued to taunt him. “Bring it on.” He took a defensive stance and motioned for him to come closer, fueling his brother even more.


Richard grew more arms in his body as he turned red. He stretched his arms to chase after his brother. Reginald bent down and held his knife in the air as the many blue limbs swarmed around him. Reginald concentrated on what he set out to do, as he jumped and spun around in the air. He used his weapon to slice the multiple arms in his wake.

Richard used his remaining arms to chase after Reginald at a faster pace, prompting the man to give chase. He ran around the building as the arms kept going after him. The whiter-haired sibling jumped off from one arm to the other as he led them into entangling one another.

As Richard pried his arms free, he had enough of this guy’s nonsense. He dashed over to try and grab Reginald from up close. Fawn used a part of her power to create portals and let the arms go through. Reginald took notice of this and ducked from the punch, making the impact hit his big brother in the face.

Richard spun and tried to keep his stance. He rubbed his face, trickles of blood poured down from him. He glanced up as Reginald charged at him, only this time, he pulled out an electric taser. Richard grinned, thinking how foolish his brother was going to be once it sets fold. He lowered his guard, closed his eyes, and raised his hands up. Reginald smirked, switched the taser with the switchblade. He took a stance and jabbed his stomach with the handle of the weapon. Richard’s breath was cut short as he clutched his stomach tightly. The surrounding pain hit him and his nerves all at once.

Fawn panicked, trying to calm him down and ask if he was alright. He fell on his knees and coughed up blood from his mouth, failing to keep it together. While distracted, Reginald ran to pick up the staff pieces and connect them together. He turned on a heel and pole-vaulted to kick at the upper part of his body, causing Fawn to fly out of Richard and phase out of the building.

“NO!” The sisters screamed. Lily fell to her knees and buried her face, while Mindy turned the other way and bit her lip.

“Who’s all bark and no bite now?” Reginald boasted.

With a snap of his fingers, the doors slammed open as a bunch of police officers stormed inside the building with their weapons at disposal.

“Officers, take him away,” Reginald ordered them. He walked over to deactivate the device, which kept Mindy and Lily in place. “I almost forgot, I did promise I’d release you once I won the match.”

Mindy glared at him. “You won’t get away with—”

“Get down on the ground now!” An officer warned her.

“You can’t make—”

Shock encapsulated her body as her eyes drifted away, and she fell to the ground.

“We warned you,” Reginald muttered as the officers surrounded the two.

Jim nudged James with his elbow. “See? I told you everything would work out. It was my idea, so I should get the credit for this.”

“Whatever.” James rolled his eyes, just about done with this case.

“At least we got this all sorted out,” Rick said. “Let’s get going.”

As the cops brought the unconscious Usukui Puru over to their vehicles, Lily watched the scene from a distance. Her heart dropped as everything unfolded into chaos. She shoved her hands in her dress pockets and sighed, pulling out the blue container. Alone in the area, she had to think about her next course of action. For the sake of herself, the container, and those close to her.

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