《Number 7》Chapter Number 90 - The People


'He won't be satisfied with that result.'

'It may seem like I won... but that isn't the case.'

'I only delayed the result. And now that I've pissed him off... the consequences of loss are all the greater.'

Had Randov not done what he had done the previous day, he would have been expelled from this school, and that would be that.

He could have just transferred to another school and started a new life, however the sniper had made something very clear.

'If you can't even overcome this problem, then you're not worth investing in.'

Randov couldn't allow his value to the Commander go down.

He couldn't allow a loss which could possibly lead to his abandonment.

Right now... he was a piece.

A pawn.

The weakest, most useless piece, which would be sacrificed and thrown away with the blink of an eye.

Therefore he had to build himself into something worth protecting.

Something which other pawns would be sacrificed in order to protect.

And if he could not prove his worth... then he would be sent to the chopping block.

This much, Randov understood.

With this mindset, he headed to school the next day - prepared to receive any form of torment until this little skirmish was forgotten.

And only after he had been forgotten - would he strike back.



Day after day.

From that day forward, Randov's life became a series of battles - ones in which he was destined to lose.


His entire body ached, and there was not a single spot on him which was free of bruises.


He had won.

That day, from his position, just being able to escape that courtroom without being expelled was a victory.

Yet even though he had won a single battle, there was much more he would have to endure if he wanted to win the war.

His teacher had noticed the beatings, and had even taken Randov aside in order to counsel him.

"Is that boy harming you again!?"

Yet each time, Randov said nothing.

Surely, she had good intentions.

She knew what was going on, and wanted to stop it.

However Randov knew already that this was not her battle to fight.

It was his.

She had already involved herself, and at the advice of the principal she had reluctantly stayed out of the matter from that point onwards.

"If you pursue that woman, without doubt you will find yourself in an inescapable position."

Biting her tongue and choking down her complaints, the woman could do nothing more than sit back and watch.

"Are you certain you don't want me to do anything?"

She had asked this to the boy, time and time again.

Yet each and every time, he did not respond with a single word.

'If he asks for help... then regardless of what punishment awaits me... I will help.'

The woman had told this to herself.

Yet each time she approached the boy in order to assist him, she was reminded over and over with that horrible glare of his.

'I don't want your help.'

Thus, the woman watched as this student was pushed into a dark place - unable to do anything.

'Is this really what I should be doing?'

'Should I truly be sitting back and letting him get hurt like this?'

These thoughts plagued the woman, yet over and over, she remembered that trial.

Even through the most unconventional methods, this boy had only managed to survive expulsion from the school.

'There... is nothing else I can do... unless I'm willing to put everything on the line.'


She told herself this.

And it was the truth.

Yet even so, the woman patiently waited for the day in which the boy would approach her for assistance.

However, such a day never came.

"If you can't solve this problem on your own, then you have no chance at achieving your goals."

For this statement, made by the red haired sniper who had taken him in, had picked away at his mind.


"Hey honey, why don't we meet up later?"


"Meet me tomorrow at the coffee shop down the road. My treat."

Sneaking through the crowd in the hallway, Randov overheard a conversation being made in the distance.

The voice was unforgettable.

How could he possibly not recognize it?

"I'm... really busy today..."

"Ah. I think you misunderstood me. That wasn't an invitation."

The boy known as Brian lowered his tone as Randov slowed his pace, listening in on the conversation.

"It was an order."

"I... alright..."

Thus, the girl agreed.

And thus... Brian found his opportunity.


"Isn't this place nice? What do you think?"

"I... my parents are probably wondering what I'm doing out so late. I usually come straight home, and-"

"Shh... just enjoy the atmosphere. It's mature, isn't it? And expensive."

A waiter approached the two young children, handing them menus as the boy began to glance over it.

"I'll have a coffee. Black."

"And for the madam?"

"I... will have a pumpkin spice latte, add 10 scoops of sugar, double milk, double flavoring."

"Very well. I will be back with your orders shortly."

The boy attempted to show off his mature side, however the girl responded with an excessively sweetened order.

"Ah, that's right. You can't have things like this very often. You know, with me by your side, you could have things like this all the time. My father is very important, you know."

"Is... is that so? What is your father like?"

While the girl was clearly uncomfortable, she seemed to be willing to take advantage of the situation.

"Well... I can't say that actually. But let's just say he's someone... who has a lot of power."

"So why are you going to school at a place like this?"

The conversation picked up between the two as Randov listened in from across the restaurant.

For whatever reason his hearing was particularly honed, as if he had been born into battle.

"Well, I suppose because this place... no matter how dirty... It's my home. It's where I will always be. Or at least... that's what I would like to say. But maybe in the future I'll move up to one of those."

Pointing to a skyscraper in the distance out the window, the boy grinned as the girl looked up with amazement.

"Do you really think that you could do that?"

"Of course."

With a confident chuckle, the boy placed his arms behind his head.

"Do you want to be by my side when I do?"

Taken aback at the proposal, the girl was at a loss for words.

Hesitating for a moment, she opened her mouth to speak.

"Your orders, Sir and Madame."

However this was interrupted by the waiter, to the irritation of the boy.

"I hope it is to your liking."

While the boy looked as if he was about to spill the coffee on the man in a fit of rage, somehow he stopped himself from doing so and calmed his mind.

"Where were we? Ah right... So what do you think?"



Trailing off, the girl who seemed to be taken aback just moments before now hesitated.

"I'll... think about it."

A critical hit.

- - - -

From afar, Randov continued to stalk the boy - just as he had done for the past few weeks.

Each and every day, he had been beaten.

Yet after a while, he had learned a lesson.

To keep his enemies close.

Eventually, he would find something, somehow, some way - something which would grant him victory.

"I see."

Twenty minutes passed, and without issue the boy paid the bill before leaving with the girl.

'Perhaps today won't be that day.', Randov thought as he stood up, swiping his hand by the table from which the young couple had just left.

Heading to the bathroom, the boy looked at himself in the mirror.

'No... that hasn't been decided yet.'

Heading back out, the boy passed by his own table, reaching into his pocket as he pulled out a bill before heading out the door.

Glancing back to the waiter, who was currently cleaning off the other table, the boy waved with a smile, obtaining permission to leave without a word.

"Have a good day, Sir."

"And you as well."

With this statement, Randov left the restaurant, heading in the direction which the couple had left.

Only the waiter was left to clean up both of the tables.

'Tch... that boy who was trying to impress the girl was certainly talking big, and yet he can't even leave a tip? And yet that other boy, who seemed to be as poor as a rat...'

Glancing onto the table, the waiter took note of the payment which had been left from the bald child.

‘Left something like this.'

Sitting on that table was a 100 Sin bill.


"Hey, do you wanna go do something?"

"I... think I should be heading home."

"Oh come on... just a little fun, right? It's still early."

"It's almost dark out. I should really be-"

"Look at how beautiful the setting sun is."

The boy seemed to become more and more irritated as things seemed to not go the way he wanted them to, however with each thing that diverted from his own plans, the boy continued to force his own way by ignoring the words of the girl.

"Well... I suppose it is beautiful...", the girl sighed as she gazed into the distance.

Walking along those streets which were now emptied after the rush of the day, the two found themselves surrounded by peace as their surroundings became darker with each passing moment.

"Yes... but it isn't as beautiful as you are. Is that too cheesy?"

"Haha... what's with that?"

"You don't like it?"

"No... no, it's not that..."

The mood seemed to shift as the boy grabbed the hand of the girl.

"Let's just walk."


Thus, they walked.

They walked.

And they walked.

And they walked.

Until at some point...

"Um... where are we?"

It had already darkened.

The two were now somewhere unrecognizable, shielded by the buildings around them as they made their way through an alley.

"Hey. Do you love me?"

"Eh... I... that's so sudden... I can't-"

"Come here."

Grabbing the face of the girl, the boy kissed her.

"EH!? Let... let go of me!!"

Pushing the boy away, the girl stumbled back with fear clear in her tone.

"You didn't like that?"

With irritation evident, the boy stepped forward aggressively, the smoothness which he showed just moments before having disappeared.

"I... I didn't like that! Never do that again!", the girl shouted.

However she soon found herself pressed against the wall.

"Why do you resist?"

"AGH!!!! HELP!!!!"

In an attempt to slip away, the girl was grabbed by the boy as she fell into the pavement, her arm in his hand.

"What do you think you're doing? Didn't you just eat on my dime? Didn't you just spend the entire afternoon with me!? Where do you think you get off screaming and running like I just popped out of nowhere to assault you?"

With disgust evident in his voice, the boy raised his hand as he slapped the woman.


"Selfish woman... after all the fun I just gave you, I deserve a reward."



"Stop!!! My face!! My face!!! AGH!!!"


What proceeded then was a beating.

"If you're not going to do as I ask... then I'll just mess up that pretty little face of yours so that you won't be able to do this again."


'I got it...'

'I can't believe it...'

'I got that... all on video...'

Randov ran.

He ran and ran, his heart pumping with vitality.

Saving the girl?

There was no chance he would be able to do something like that.

No, it would likely make everything worse.

He would step forward, and everything would become worse not only for himself, but also for her.

But with this video, so long as he escaped alone, both his problems and the problems of that girl would be resolved.

'This evidence is decisive... but... the fact remains. There was already evidence of that boy beating me up. However...'

This was different.

A boy in a fight with another - and one who fought back, at that - such a thing could easily be written off as self defense even in a worst case scenario.

But there was something greater which made the evidence in the hands of the boy all the more threatening.

'This is in MY hands.'

The evidence which had been in the hands of the school was subject to the decisions of the school.

To put it simply, the school would never post such a thing online publicly.

If it were used in court as evidence, bribes and other measures could be used to eliminate it, or to edit it in the favor of whoever had more power.

Yet what if the court was no longer a judge, but rather the people of the internet?

Those on the internet were harsh and judgmental, and no amount of apology or money would change them.

'This is the power of... true democracy. Government by the people... of the people... for the people... heh.'

Looking at the evidence in his hand, the boy knew what to do now as he headed to his destination.

'But there is one dangerous thing about a democracy.'

Turning the corner as he headed towards a slightly more wealthy area of the slums, the boy found himself coming across a small neighborhood.

Approaching one home in particular, the boy stood before it as he knocked on the door.

"Brian!? What are you doing out this late!? The door is open! Just get in here!"

The voice of a woman called out - one which Randov was sick of hearing.

Yet even so, it was just the voice that he wanted to hear.

'The people are retarded.'


"Wha- what are you doing here?"

With cucumbers in her eyes and a bathrobe covering her body, a woman answered the door with a towel completely wrapped around her hair.

"Good evening, ma'am. Well, I know this is something quite surprising, so I didn't particularly want to show up unexpectedly like this... however the matter is something which concerns you quite urgently. If you would be so kind as to get dressed... I believe you would regret not speaking with me."

"What are you..."

Thinning her eyes as she removed the cucumbers from them, the woman closed the door so that it was only a peek open.

"Very well. Give me a few minutes."


An hour passed.

"Come in."

The door finally opened after the boy had been sitting there for much longer than just a few minutes, however this much was expected.

The woman was now fully dressed, perked up with all sorts of makeup and her hair had been completely done in the amount of time that Randov had been forced to wait.

Even so, the woman gave off a far different aura than the one which she had the first time Randov had met her.

Sit at the table. Do you want something to drink?"

"No, thank you."

With a strange amount of hospitality, the woman's tone had changed - and this was because she realized it.

Something was up.

This boy, who was the enemy of her and her son, had shown up at her doorstep uninvited, and had stated that it would be in her best interest to speak with him.

Of course she would be on guard.

Only a fool would shoo the boy away, for there was only one reason why someone would appear in enemy territory.

If they were completely certain of their victory.

'What is this boy hiding... what is he trying to pull here? I'll find out momentarily.'

Sitting across from the boy, the woman glared at him as she opened her mouth.

"Did something happen to my son? Where is he right now?"

"Do you not know yourself?"

Raising an eyebrow at the statement of the boy, the woman tried to comprehend what he could possibly mean by this.

"I see. So you don't know where your son is going all the time?"

"What do you... what are you saying? Why would I bother to keep tabs on every place that my son goes?"

With a nod, the boy confirmed his suspicions.

"I almost pity you. But in the end... I don't. After all, if you don't care enough about what your son is doing to keep tabs on him, then wouldn't it be your fault if he were doing something WRONG?"

"Are you implying that my son could be doing something wrong?"

The tension in the atmosphere immediately thickened as an accusation was made, however the two continued to feel each other out as they spoke, not daring to rush things in this mental battle.

"You seem to have some sort of insurance... something that stops you from getting into any trouble with anyone, regardless of what happens. And if I were to venture a guess... I would say it has something to do with blackmail."

The woman immediately became quiet, staring down the boy as she awaited his words with a deathly glare.

"Be careful what you say, boy. You're in MY house. Don't you understand that?"

"I understand that very well. Which is why I have gone out of my way to come into your house. You see ma'am... I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to negotiate."

"Negotiate... eh?", the woman spit, thinning her eyes even further in suspicion. "What do you want?"

"It's simple. I want your son to stop bothering me. That's all."

"That's all?"

"That's all."

Thinking for just a moment, the woman put a hand to her chin.

Then after a moment, she looked back at the boy.

"You know, I don't know what to say."

With a smirk, the woman became confident.

"Whether you're a fool who underestimated me, or whether you're a genius who somehow managed to come here with something worth enough to force me to bargain... haha... well, those are the only two possibilities here."

Glancing to her nails as she noticed a chip, the woman took out a file as she began to attend to herself.

"So which one are you? The fool, or the genius?"

"I suppose we'll find that out, won't we?"

Pulling out a phone, the boy began to play with it before sliding it over to the woman.

"Do you know what the cloud is?"

"I may not be a kid like you, but I at least know that much. More than that... how on earth can someone like you have something as expensive as this?"

"That isn't important right now. Take a look at the video I've opened up. Just so you know, that video is already saved on the cloud, so even if you destroy that phone or whatever, the content will still remain where I have it saved."

Thinning his eyes with confidence, the bald child spoke in a manner completely unlike a child, threatening the woman bluntly.

"You should already know that all it takes for something to be posted online is the click of a button. One single post... and everyone in the world can see something. And if such a thing were to happen... then no matter how many times you deny the truth, EVERYONE will know it."

Slowly picking up the phone as she glared at the boy with the look of death, the woman pressed the play button.

And she watched.

Slowly, her tense expression became one of irritation, and by the time the video came to an end, the woman was gritting her teeth in anger.

"So this is what you've presented against me... smart boy. I'll give you a bit more credit than I did when I first met you. That much is for sure."

Sliding the phone into her pocket, the woman stood up as she grabbed her own phone, dialing a number.

"Hey. I need you to come home. We've got a bit of a problem. Yes. Yes. I'm home. I'll be waiting."

The woman must have been calling her son home.

This was the thought that Randov had.

The son would be called home, and after coming to an agreement, things would return to normal.

As for why the woman kept his phone in her hands, it must have been to prevent Randov from doing anything rash before negotiations had completed.

'This... will end in my victory.'

Closing his eyes, the boy allowed himself to relax for a moment.

What a mistake that would be.


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