《Ancient Bones: The Changed Ones book 1 (Post-Post Apocalypse LitRPG)》Appendix: the Changed Races


All Changed races of man follow the same basic rules.

Each individual starts as a base template for that race. About 2 to 3 years after puberty, the template completes into a full status:

- One to three stats receive one extra point

- One to three pairs of stats get picked, one stat losing one point, the other gaining one

- The end status has a total stats of 91, regardless of the race.

In order of apparition in the story and extras:

Humans STR 15 AGI 15 DEX 15 AUT 15 PER 15 EMP 15

Total: 90 + 1 extra stat

(chapter 1)

Humans are the old-style, relatively unchanged species. They still exhibit the variety of phenotypes that characterizes humans. Stats will range from 12 to 19 in the extremes (-3 to +1+3).

Dwarves STR 16 AGI 15 DEX 16 AUT 14 PER 15 EMP 14

Total: 90 + 1 extra stat

(chapter 10)

Dwarves are a small, stocky species, rarely over five feet. Unlike the popular legend, they’re almost completely hairless, with the only visible hair being in the nose and ears.

Native country: South Rocky Mountains, Northern Americas

Erlangs STR 14 AGI 14 DEX 14 AUT 16 PER 16 EMP 16

Total: 90 + 1 extra stat

(chapter 11)

Named after Lord Erlang Shen due to the third eye they sport, the species is mostly present on the Asian continent, and all Erlangs present in the Americas are migrants, without a sizeable community.

Native country: Sichuan Province, Asia

Wendigos STR 17 AGI 15 DEX 15 AUT 13 PER 16 EMP 13

Total: 89 + 2 extra stats

(chapter 24)

Cold-blooded furry species. Wendigos are obligate carnivores that live in cold temperatures. They are relatively sluggish when the temperature rises high.

Native country: Northwest America

Minotaurs STR 16 AGI 16 DEX 15 AUT 14 PER 13 EMP 14


Total: 88 + 3 extra stats

(Extra: Old Angeles)

The minotaurs get their name from their massive size (usually over 7 feet) and their two-feet long horns pointing upward, which develop from nubs soon after puberty. Those horns regenerate rather quickly, growing by up to an inch per week, and there is a thriving market for powdered minotaur horns, usually as a potency medicine.

Note: Most powdered minotaur horn is fake. Always make sure to purchase from minotaurs themselves.

Native Country: East/Central Northern America

Dryads STR 13 AGI 16 DEX 15 AUT 16 PER 15 EMP 15

Total: 90 + 1 extra stat

(Extra: Old Angeles)

The brown-green dryads are almost non-gender dysmorphic. Non-dryads find it hard to distinguish male from female, as both sexes have small but apparent breasts and very little external genitalia. The species is partly photosynthetic and needs to sleep upright or at least seated. They are pure vegetarians, and cannot digest animal products.

Native country: Central Americas

Thirsters STR 14 AGI 14 DEX 14 AUT 15 PER 16 EMP 15

Total: 88 + 3 extra stats

(Extra: Old Angeles)

Despite their reputation, Thirsters (or "vampires") don't have extra-large canines. They, however, can subsist on a diet of animal blood with an additional protein source, although it is not a necessity, more of a cultural quirk. And they love garlic.

Native country: Northeast America

Fae STR ? AGI ? DEX ? AUT ? PER ? EMP ?

Total: 88/90 + 1/3 extra stat?

(Extra: The Fortress)

Are they even real?

Native country: Europe

Incubi STR 14 AGI 14 DEX 16 AUT 17 PER 15 EMP 14

Total: 90 + 1 extra stat

(Extra: The Society of Delvers)

The incubi are a hermaphroditic species, with mottled skins of a variety of colors. Their general appearance is mostly slender male, although they have both "classical" genitals. Individuals can be both father or mother but are unable to self-fertilize.


Native country: Eastern Coast of Northern Americas

Trolls STR 17 AGI 16 DEX 16 AUT 13 PER 13 EMP 13

Total: 88 + 3 extra stats

(Extra: The Society of Delvers)

The Trolls of the Caribbean are the sole species on the island of Puerto Rico. There are persistent rumors that the baseline human communities that survived the Fall were exterminated by the Trolls during the chaotic decades of the Fall. Trolls are characterized by an immense size - the average Troll reaches 7' tall at puberty - and actually keep growing in size until their old age. An 9' tall Troll is not uncommon.

Native country: Caribbean islands, chiefly Puerto Rico and Cuba.

Kobolds† STR 17 AGI 14 DEX 14 AUT 16 PER 14 EMP 13

Total: 88 + 3 extra stat

(A Small Timeline of the Changed World)

The Kobolds were feathered saurian humanoids. Outside of the scale ridge that crosses their face, they are highly human-looking despite their odd skin and the feather crest that replaces hair. They have live birth of triplets, except for individuals with developed Talents.

The Kobolds are now extinct, exterminated by the Fae tribes of Europe in 2102.

Native Country: Lac Léman, Switzerland

Halioi STR 16 AGI 18 DEX 14 AUT 13 PER 15 EMP 13

Total: 89 + 2 extra stat

(Book 2 Extra: The Wanderer)

Named after the Theoi Halioi, or "gods of the sea", the Halioi are one of the two quasi-aquatic Changed species known to exist. They keep a generally humanoid shape, but with extremely streamlined features, a bulbous domed head, and rubbery skin. Despite legs and arms, they are extremely good swimmers and easily manage 10 minutes of apnea.

It is rumored that the infants are particularly not suited to swimming until puberty, but given their relative isolation, not much is known about that aspect of their biology. Despite the apparent lack of external primary or secondary sexual characteristics, they are indeed a normal dimorphic mammalian species.

Native Country: Island of Lesbos, Medditerranean

Spaceborne STR 17 AGI 13 DEX 13 AUT 17 PER 17 EMP 14

Total: 91, no extra stat

(Side Novel: Ringworld)

No Data Available.

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