《The Author's Will》72 | Time Limit


So much has happened in just those few months...

Standing alone amidst the festival's bustling crowd, the recollection of that discussion plagued Daniel's mind, accompanied by a slow, steady pain in his head.

Vibrant colours swirled in his vision, and the cacophonous thrum of voices pounded against his skull. The lively festivities - which usually filled him with relief to see - were now tainted by the perpetual effects of a demon slowly eating away at his soul.

Such were the consequences of the path he chose to walk. Prince Daniel knew - from the moment he first stepped into that darkness, he could not simply return unscathed. Perhaps his constant pursuit for strength and answers had turned him reckless.

"—Your Highness?"

A voice like silk called to him, snapping him out of the pained trance he was in, for a moment. Turning towards the source, a pair of round, golden eyes watched him both worriedly and reluctantly. Her soft dyed hair fell to the side as she peered into his face with genuine concern.

He's been acting so strange, I can't even ignore it now... Irene thought, pursing her lips as she saw right through Daniel's stoicism. Almost an hour passed since they got to the festival, and everyone had been enjoying themselves. Even Mikael begrudgingly tried his hand in a few games - though it took some convincing.

Yet the whole time, Prince Daniel only toiled along behind them, not even sharing in their fun. Irene had been watching him for some time, and she could tell there was no way the others hadn't noticed it. But no one was saying a thing.

Like a guard or even a phantom - Daniel's presence was hardly noted. Irene knew that getting involved with him was probably something she should avoid - but she couldn't bring herself to watch as he isolated himself from the group with such a distant look.

The way he's acting now is completely out of character... Irene thought, staring up at him pointedly. Is there a reason Mikael and Rayvis are just letting him be...?

Daniel was quiet for a moment. As he faced her, Irene admired the perfectly sculpted features of his face. Even if he was young - he was growing spledidly handsome. That soft, ebony hair that framed his arched brows, curling around his neck beautifully. The smooth, light tan that coloured his skin. She could even see the vague parts of his face that resembled Mikael's; the colour of his eyes and the shape of his lips.

"...Is something the matter?" Daniel asked her, surprised she was interacting with him at all after developing an aversion to him of sorts.

Irene frowned a little bit, but spoke in a rather matter-of-fact tone. "Well... You looked as though you were in pain, so I was concerned."

The prince blinked. As he processed those words, he began to realise something quite interesting. Gazing keenly at Irene, the pain in his head subsided a little - enough for him to smile ever so slightly.

"You were concerned?" Though it wasn't obvious, Irene captured the hint of a teasing tone in Daniel's voice. The way the edges of his lips curled ever so slightly upwards revealed his amusement. "I wonder if I'm dreaming. I didn't think you could have such feelings, Princess."


Nevermind. I guess he's fine, after all.

Irene didn't know why, but she became a little bit offended by the way he said it. "Are you suggesting I'm heartless?"

"Not at all," Daniel chuckled lightly, and his smile was completely unexpected in that moment. "You've been avoiding me ever since the ball, so I figured you resented me for making you uncomfortable."

Irene's eyes widened a little, her cheeks taking on a slightly flushed hue. Resentment?! Isn't that a bit far?

Suddenly she felt bad about ignoring him for this long. Perhaps she convinced herself that was the best way to protect herself - yet unintentionally made the male lead uneasy as a result. "I-I don't resent you at all..." was all she could respond with.

Daniel observed her keenly. He hadn't taken his gaze off her even once. Irene only noticed it in that moment - but the prince was very good at holding eye contact with someone for a long time. Even though it made her heart race to face him for longer than five seconds, he had no trouble watching her. Like she was a small animal, or something.

This is awkward... He keeps staring... She turned her head away, and tried to hide her flustered state with a look of annoyance. "...I just don't see a reason for us to talk." She continued in a murmur, after a long pause.

Daniel hummed softly, but his expression concealed any thoughts he was having. When she glanced up at him, he appeared to be in thought about something.

"I can't help but notice you approach me whenever I'm in a pitiful state," he pointed out, and Irene flinched. "Like back during the victory banquet - when you gave me that earful, and just now. You come over like it's your responsibility to help me in those moments."

As he said this with a smile, Irene could hear the interest in his voice. That voice which was so innocent and childlike back then, crying about his own weaknesses. Now, he was taunting her behind such an unreadable smile - and it was if he'd aged decades, not just a measly four years.

Irene's brows narrowed slightly. "Can you blame me though? You can be quite pitiful sometimes."

Before she could even regret those sharp words, a chuckle escaped his lips. Irene gazed up at Daniel, and his genuine smile nearly shot through her heart.

"Even though that encounter was brief... I'm glad you haven't changed," there was a playful glint in his perfect blue eyes, which shone under the light of the lanterns with rascality. Irene stiffened up when Daniel leaned in toward her, close enough to whisper something to her. "...After all, I still need to return the favour for your kind words back then."

...Oh gosh...

It was in that moment, Irene remembered something. And exactly as the memory resurfaced, the same words were whispered to her in a mischievous manner.

"Just you wait... I'll become stronger and you'll be the first to regret it..." Daniel pulled back, and even though his expression was usually so hardened and emotionless - the light smirk on his face was enough to make Irene's heart race. And not exactly in a good way. "Do you remember?"


...Not only did he end up remembering me, but he recalls every word?!

That threat... Is he planning to punish me for insulting him back then?

Irene felt a little afraid, but there was no malice in Daniel's serene blue eyes. Instead, he seemed to be teasing her, though it was difficult to tell. As she stepped back, Irene quickly averted her gaze. "P-Perhaps you're mistaking me for someone else, Your Highness..."

The prince was well aware she knew exactly what he meant, but decided that was enough for now. Even though he didn't make much of an effort to talk with Irene, and wasn't all too bothered by her avoiding him - this small conversation helped to lighten his mind a little bit.

"...Just call me Daniel," he told her, closing his eyes as his expression returned to an aloof one. And yet, he didn't seem so distant anymore. "There's no need for formalities between us."

Irene blinked. She couldn't tell if this was a good or bad development, but decided to oblige. It felt like the ice between them had melted by quite a lot - especially if he was able to tease her and ask her to call him by name.

"Then... The same for you, please feel free to call me by name-"

"Yes, Irene."

Irene stiffened, hearing him address her so naturally and instantly - like it was something he had been doing all his life. She could feel her cheeks grow slightly red. Why does it feel like he was waiting on standby for that?!

"What are you two idly talking about?" A voice called out from behind, and Irene swivelled around to see Mikael directly behind her. There was a dissatisfied look on his face, but more than that - his body seemed stiff. "If you want to stand around and chat like ladies, you can do that at the estate. Can we hurry up and get this festival over with?"

Mikael's sharp tone was as scathing as always. But both Irene and Daniel could see the severe discomfort on his expression, likely from all the openly blatant stares he seemed to attract. Everyone passing by practically gawked at the second prince as if he were a grand attraction.

Irene frowned, and when she scanned the area for Rayvis and Isabella, it seemed they were enjoying themselves at a stall nearby with some sort of archery games. Something Mikael would normally take interest in, but he was uncomfortable the whole time.

Turning to face the blonde who kept lowering his head to avoid oncoming stares, the princess gently stroked Mikael's arm in attempt to comfort him.

"I guess they all find it shocking how someone can resemble the previous emperor so much..." Irene sighed, more to herself than to the others. She felt bad that he couldn't enjoy himself to his fullest.

Just then — her gaze landed on a small stall a few metres ahead, with an assortment of colourful face masks for both adults and children. Many of them were made to resemble certain animals, such as cats or dogs. As her gaze lingered on the attraction for a moment, an idea bubbled in her mind.

"Let's go there!" She smiled at Mikael, grabbing his hand and practically dragging him with her. He succumbed easily to her lead - mostly because he felt too vulnerable in front of so many people. All the attention made him uneasy.

Daniel watched them disappear into the crowd, without following along. His gaze trailed after both Irene and Mikael - and his eyes were especially focused on the way they held hands so naturally. Of course, it was to be expected they were close enough to have a relationship without many boundaries. Mikael was practically raised with her, and yet it left Daniel feeling somewhat envious.

Perfectly aware of this, the first prince closed his eyes and pressed his lips into a straight line.

No, what am I thinking...? I don't have the right to feel jealous of him... He reflected, after seeing how close the pair were time and time again. It was once Daniel's greatest aim in life to become powerful enough to help his brother. To grow stronger so that one day - he could save Mikael from all that he suffered through. Everything his younger brother endured, merely because he was an illegitimate child.

A childhood promise, settled in his heart. Daniel was willing to do anything to restore his brother's smile.

But before he could even hope to achieve that - someone ended up getting there before him. Mikael had already met his saviour. A certain white-haired girl who came in and not only opened the second prince's heart - but even gave Daniel the push he needed to grow.

Irene Cherliann... Her name remained engraved in Daniel's mind ever since he first discovered who she was. The identity of the girl who brought him out of the dark depths of despair at a young age. The only person to ever tell him that he could live freely and selfishly - becoming the person he wanted to be, and not what others expected of him.

Watching them now, he could see it well. Mikael - who rarely wore his emotions on his sleeve - instantly seemed more at ease with Irene ushering him along to the stall. In fact, that discomfort in his eyes seemingly melted away the moment she took his hand.

As Daniel glanced down at his feet, the loneliness began to seep in again. And slowly but surely - the painful sensation he had earlier began to climb its way through his insides, and fill him with a perpetual agony which was growing more difficult to tame by the day.

...Perhaps all this... Is for the best. He told himself, his long fingers closing in on his palm. Even if I don't manage to make it out alive...

I know they'll take care of things, in my place.




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