《Blue Road》Episode 21 (Part 4)


The man with long white hair got up and rubbed his head. He glanced over at Richard and gave him a sly smile.

“It has been a while now, wouldn’t you agree? Long time no see, big brother.”


“Ah, so you remember me, Richard? I figured as much, you thought you could get rid of me, huh?”

“What are you talking about?”

Lily gasped. “Wait, that’s your brother?”

“I thought you said he died!” Mindy added, pointing at the man standing before them.

“So, did I!” Richard exclaimed.

“Are you two friends with him?” Reginald questioned the ladies. He pointed right back at his older brother. “If so, he’s played you for fools.”

“How can you say that?” Lily retorted.

“Yeah, why are you doing this?” Mindy asked. “How can you try to kill your own brother like that?”

Reginald shook his head and scowled. “If there’s one thing he hid from all of you, it’s that he’s a runaway criminal.”

“Hold on, criminal in what sense?” Lily asked, her voice and body trembling. The idea of someone she thought she could trust being a criminal…

“Dewberry Mansion,” Reginald said. “Does that name ring a bell for you?”

A knot formed around Richard’s stomach, as more memories resurfaced from the back of his mind. He nodded, but didn’t say a word.

“There was a party at the mansion, but everyone ended up dying because of some accident.” Lily told the group. “I read it in a newspaper article.”

“That’s correct,” Reginald said. “However, he is the cause of it.” He pointed at Richard, getting misty-eyed. “This man killed everyone there, including my family!”

Mindy, Lily, and Fawn gasped. They turned to face Richard, who was just as petrified as they were. The knot in his stomach tightened.


“That’s not true, is it?” Mindy asked, covering her mouth.

“No! Why would I do that?” Richard thundered, raising his hands in defense. “Reginald could be lying just to get back at me!”

“Oh, really?” Reginald arched an eyebrow. “Do you not recall the lightning? When it hit the mansion?”

“I do, but that wasn’t me!”

“Who else could’ve done it besides you?”

“But I don’t remember ever using the lightning to do something that petty.”

“Liar, you wanted to get back at us for the night before, even though what happened at the school was entirely your fault.” Reginald clenched his fists and lowered his head. “Which is why I’m going to finish this, once and for all!” He pulled out a knife and marched toward his brother.

“No!” The sisters cried.

They rushed over to stop him, but Reginald pulled out a device from his pockets with his other hand. He pressed the button and threw it in the air. A net popped out and trapped them from the back of a wall like a box-like cell.

“Hey, what gives?” Mindy complained, banging the sides.

“I don’t want you to interfere with my attempts again,” Reginald told them. “Sorry ladies, but I’ll let you out once I finish with this.”

Mindy grit her teeth. She wasn’t planning on going down like this or staying back, doing nothing. She transformed into an Usukui Puru and tried to pry herself out of the area, but couldn’t break it no matter how many times she tried.

“Hey, let them go right now!” Richard ordered.

Reginald scoffed as he turned to face his brother, wielding switchblades. “Only if you defeat me.”

He charged toward his older brother with the knife in his hand. Richard dodged each of the jabs from him as he backed himself against the deck. He leaped over the desk to avoid Reginald stabbing him by hitting the top of the counter. The younger brother pulled the knife out and skidded across the floor. He peeked over the object as Richard took cover from behind the counter. Reginald jumped over to land another strike, but Richard rolled away and ran to the nearest exit. A sprain hit him on his leg as he had to stop in place.


“Wait, let me breathe.” Richard touched his knees and panted.

Reginald didn’t waste time and continued the attack. His older brother kept dodging them, despite the disadvantage he had. The movements were slower, and the patterns became more sporadic

“Stay still, will you?”

“And get attacked by you? No way!” As he yelled that, Richard tripped on his feet and slipped.

Reginald smirked, as he pointed down at him. “Looks like you’re not as athletic as you used to be, but personality-wise, you haven’t changed a bit.”

“No, you don’t!” Fawn’s voice exclaimed. She phased through the building’s walls and flew over to Richard’s body. Once they became one, she boosted his abilities, making his body lighter and more feasible.

“Hey, you cheater!”

“As long as I can keep up with you, then I’m ok with that!” Richard taunted him. “In fact, let me increase my chances.” He closed his eyes and transformed into the Usukui Puru, much to his brother’s surprise.

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