《OCCULT CLUB》✞︎┆⁰⁵· do i ⛥·˚



⛥┊オカルトクラブ ˎˊ˗

┊₍✞︎₎ ..⃗. ꒰ ⁰⁵· do i ꒱ ⛥ೄ ・゚ˊˎ


Vox Akuma's application form:

ᅟ✞︎ "kaichō~!" mysta beamed after peeking inside section B.

only to catch everyone staring at y/n, who is standing by the lockers in the room.

"rias-san!" one of the girls called. "can you fucking talk with your club president?! if you guys don't have funds, don't steal section B's funds!"

mysta's face darkened. "don't fucking cuss at me, mate."

the change of atmosphere when mysta entered gave shivers to everyone.

"what happened, y/n?" mysta asked.

"they accused me of stealing the class funds." y/n mumbled with her fists tightly closed. "i would never do such a thing."

"hah! how would we know? you are a weirdo, after all."

"how much was it?" mysta asked. "the class funds. how much is it?"

"50 thousand yen."

"how did you know?"

the girl gulped. "i-i'm in charge of the class funds."

"oh. then why are they blaming y/n instead of you?" mysta asked. "you should've been the last person who held the class funds right?"

"no! i didn't use it!"

"i didn't say that." mysta innocently said and shrugged. "what a weird choice of word... it was lost, why did you say use instead?"

"mysta, what's taking you so long?" ike asked from the door. "hi, y/n."

"hi ike." y/n greeted back with a little smile.

"is there something wrong?" ike asked and glanced at y/n's classmates.

"ike, you're the smarty pants. figure out who stole the class funds." mysta said nonchalantly.

"hmm? it's probably the one who monitors the class funds right? or the one who started blaming someone who never touched the funds once." ike said. "why? did someone accuse y/n of stealing?"

how did he get that immediately?! everyone thought in unison.

"y/n would never steal money, she's rich enough." ike said as a matter of fact.

"come on y/n, let's have lunch now." mysta said.

"if we see it in y/n's bag, what are you gonna do?!"

mysta turned to the girl. "there's a 50 percent chance you planted it before you find it there, and another 50 chance that you guys already placed it there."

"how much was it?" ike asked after mysta and y/n left the room.

"50 thousand yen." mysta answered. "i'll report it to the detective club."

"the detective club doesn't like me." even though she hesitated, y/n still said it. "our beliefs would always cross... so we don't get along very well."

"it seems like a job for me, then!"

"uh, no?" ike immediately said. "come on you two. just ignore those people. we can report it to the homeroom teacher after lunch."

"yes..." y/n and mysta mumbled.

the two of them arrived at the cafeteria, and vox, shu, and luca were already there.

"yooo! y/n! POOOOOO—!" luca yelled in the cafeteria, but vox held the golden retriever's mouth halfway.

it has again caught unwanted attention.

"hey ike?" y/n called in a low voice that only the two of them can hear.

she held onto his shirt like a child, making him stop walking.


"i'm sorry," she whispered.

"huh? why are you sorry?" ike asked, catching the other four's attention.

y/n looked up to them before she lowered her head. "you guys are getting a bad reputation because of me. maybe it really wasn't a good idea to join my club—"


"woah woah, sweet cheeks, calm down." shu immediately stopped her from speaking any further.

"wow, sweet cheeks." mysta segway'ed.

"we don't care about our image." shu said while chuckling. "all we care about now is just you, each other, and the club. we don't care what those people think at all, so don't sweat it."

"yeah. as much as you were irrelevant to them before, they are ten times more irrelevant for us now." vox added. "don't say sorry, darling. everything's gonna be just fine."

"at least for us six." ike also added before taking your hand and holding it gently.

luca hummed. "we're here now. there's nothing for you to be afraid of." he said with a smile.

y/n's eyes just sparkled with tears and amusement. she nodded at them before they all went to a free table.

the five of them ate canteen food, while y/n ate from her own bento. she also shared it with her new friends while they talk about the latest news and issues the month has to offer.

after eating lunch, the five of them went back together.

· · ┈──────┈⛥┈──────┈ · ·

Mysta Rias' application form:

ᅟ✞︎ club time came...

"huh. she's also not here?" vox mumbled after they all entered the club room.

after classes, they dropped by y/n's section to come with her to their club room, but she wasn't there. they couldn't ask the students where she went since they all tried avoiding them.

"maybe she's with the librarian again?" ike asked.

"aww... did you like it?" y/n asked while stroking the cat's head.

"eat up more. i really made that for you." she added. "once i get a club fund, i'll stop using my allowance on the club and i'll buy you lots of food!"


"mhmm mhmm! i promise!"

y/n just watched the cat munch the food she specifically made for her. after she ate, y/n also gave her water before she continued playing with her.

the cat was abandoned and it lives in the school backyard. but the guard always chases it away so it ended up outside the school, under a bridge.

y/n couldn't bring the cat home, so instead, she gave her a box to live on and she would visit her almost every day.

"aww you want belly rubs?" y/n asked when the cat suddenly laid down on its back.

"i'm sorry i haven't been visiting you much. things were so busy at the club." y/n said. "but since when did you become so fat? are you pregnant?"

y/n carefully analyzed the cat she named nemu.

her nipples are turning pinker. she's more affectionate today too.

"come here," y/n called and carried the cat. nemu didn't even retaliate and nemu doesn't even like being carried.

i left my wallet in my room. she thought and brought the cat back down.

"i'll be back!"

y/n immediately ran back to the school and her room. she immediately took her wallet and ran back down. she even ignored all the stares— if only she could do that every day instead of overthinking about it.

"i'm back!" y/n slid down, only to see a magenta-haired guy petting nemu.


"hmm? leto?" shoto mumbled. "what are you doing here?"

y/n blinked. "i'm here to bring nemu to the nearest vet."

"nemu..?" he whispered and glanced at the cat. "you mean guildy?"


the two of them just stared at each other confused, before they chuckled.


"i've been seeing the cat every other day since i couldn't bring her home." y/n said and sat beside shoto.

"i visit her sometimes as well, but i never saw you." shoto said.

y/n glanced at shoto, only to see him with a little smile and a faint blush under his eyes while petting nemu.

"ah!! kaichō!!" y/n yelled. "you're not supposed to come out of school, aren't you?!"

shoto's face immediately turned red. "y-you too, right?! what are you doing here?! you know i can put it on your record that y-you're skipping classes!!"

"b-but i'm gonna take nemu to the vet!"

the both of them just stared at each other in distraught.

"let's take guildy to the vet." he just said and carried the cat by her armpits.

y/n nodded. "you're... you're not gonna do something to my school record, are you..?"

"i won't. just make sure you won't tell another soul what has happened today." shoto sharply said.

"oh... that's easy. i don't have anyone to tell it to, anyway."

the two of them walked in silence until they reached the nearest vet.

"wait, why did we bring guildy here again? is she sick?" shoto asked and stared at nemu. "... well she is getting fat... but there's nothing wrong in being a glutton?"

"i think she's pregnant." y/n said and made an appointment with the receptionist. shoto just mumbled a long aah before taking a seat.

y/n also sat beside him and waited for their name to be called.

"how was the occult club going?"

y/n's eyes immediately widened. the club!!

she started feeling her phone in her pockets, only to remember that she left it in the room.

shoto laughed. "did you forget about your club because of guildy? that's cute."

"nemu." y/n corrected. "and yeah... oh no... mysta and the others must be waiting..." she anxiously mumbled.

shoto cackled. "it's alright. i'll explain to them for you if i have to."

y/n glanced at shoto, and he was smiling at her for assurance.

"kaichō... that's so rare of you."


"i-i mean—!" y/n sighed. "sorry if i came off so rude... but mostly you're so serious and grumpy at school. and perfect too." y/n whispered her last sentence.

"so i'm really surprised how laid back you actually are! d-don't get me wrong! it's actually a good thing to know that you're imperfect... at least i know you're a real human being."

shoto was stunned. he just shook his head.

"first of all, you're so scared that i might get offended. cut it out." shoto said. "you should've known. we would've been the bestest of friends if only i wasn't so busy preparing for the student council seat."

you blinked. "r-really?!"

shoto was flustered. "yeah! i-i was... i was trying to-!"

"nemu with ms. leto?"

"ah! coming!" y/n said and stood up. "let's go, kaichō."

shoto just looked away before following y/n with nemu in his arms.

after a few minutes of checkup, the vet confirmed nemu's pregnancy with the ultrasound. y/n and shoto were in ecstasy when they learned the news.

"you guys are so cute. how about a couple's bonus for their baby nemu?"

"okay, i'm worried. club period is almost over." shu said as vox walks back and forth in the club room.

"vox, will you fuc—" ike almost raged out but he stopped himself. he took a deep breath to calm himself down while mumbling 'clear skies'.

"vox, calm down and take a seat. i'm getting dizzy just by staring at you." ike said.

"how am i going to calm down, ike? y/n is out of reach. and who knows if something happened to her? especially with those mean girls wannabe around!" vox exclaimed.

"that isn't like you." mysta spoke after being silent the whole time. the four glanced at him like he just said something wrong. "whaaat? he usually deals with something calmly, now he's acting like a little b**** there."

"i'm not in the mood, mysta."

"ain't we all?" mysta said and shrugged.

"look, vox. we're all worried about y/n, and seeing you pace back and forth anxiously is making us more anxious too. if only you could just fucking sit down—!" ike exclaimed before smiling. "that would be nice."

luca then stood up. "i don't know why we sat here for ages when we could've started looking for her." he said and left the club room.

"keep your phones with you." shu reminded before following luca.

the three also went out and went in different directions.

they tried calling y/n multiple times earlier. they just have a hunch that y/n wouldn't miss out on club periods since she's a really diligent person. but when she didn't pick up despite her phone ringing, that's when everybody started overthinking.

what if something happened to her? what if it's those girls again? or what if it's the aliens? it's possible!

"waaaah we have to prepare for her labor soon. she can't just live under the bridge with her kittens forever. it's dangerous." y/n said as she and shoto walks back to school.

the two of them divided the pay since none of them wanted each other to pay fully. and now that they're on their way back to school, the two of them also bought nemu a few necessities.

"we can drop her off to the nearest pet caretaker or whatever you call it."

"a pet adoption center?" y/n asked. but nemu started hissing as soon as she said the words.

"she doesn't like it..." they mumbled.

"we can ask students if they'd like her. or maybe the student council would be permitted to take care of some cats in the office." shoto said. "after all, we have a gecko and lovebirds."

"gecko?! lovebirds?" y/n beamed before giggling. "i didn't know the student council office is actually a zoo."

shoto rolled his eyes. "that's funny, considering that everyone in that room are clowns."

"including you?" y/n chirped with a small grin.

cute. shoto thought, painfully staring at her. "yeah... maybe me too."

"wah... i can't believe i just skipped school with the one and only kaichō. i suppose we won't get in trouble because you came with me?"

"don't expect too much credit."

y/n sighed. "i just hope the club is ok. i left them without saying anything." she mumbled in worry. "i hope they won't be angry... well they could, but i hope it won't be too much."

shoto knew how much y/n values the occult club, of course, she'd value the members too.

"i'll explain it to them for you."

"you don't really have to... i'll take responsibility for it."

after they went back to the bridge, y/n tucked nemu on her nest and left a drink and food.

"nemu, don't finish everything okay? i'll try visiting you again tomorrow." y/n said.

shoto just stared at the lady as she kept talking and scolding the cat for whatever she might do without her around. shoto couldn't help but chuckle at the oh-so-dedicated y/n.

"w-why are you laughing?" y/n asked and stood up.

"i'll take my leave now, kaichō. thank you for accompanying me and nemu," she said and bowed a perfect 90 degrees.

"guildy." shoto corrected. "and you're welcome."

"i still can't believe i skipped school with you. you're so perfect, you know?"

shoto rolled his eyes. "let's go back together."


the two students glanced at the man who suddenly called for her. the man was a bit old, and shoto never saw him at school. of course, it's a citizen in their neighborhood.

"excuse me. what do you need from her?" shoto asked and immediately used his arm to protect y/n after he went to her.

"ah... kaichō, you can go back on your own." y/n said with a smile. "i'll just talk to the old man. i know him, don't worry."

"what? you think i'd leave you with a stranger?" shoto asked in disbelief.

"ah- it's fine! i swear!" y/n said with a little panicking before giving her email to shoto. "there. you can text or give me a call later to see if i'm alright."

y/n ran to the old man before waving goodbye at shoto and nemu. the student council president just stood there, nervous but stunned by the lady's sweet cheeks.

"i remember you from before. you were one of those ladies who performed an exorcism in my best friend's place." the old man said. "i'm hiroto. i have a report to make."

y/n nodded. "did you bring any materials?"

"yes. but i don't think it's sufficient enough." hiroto said. "you see... i'm not related to them, i just wanted to make a report because i think my family is getting caught up by the negative energy... or at least."

hiroto gave y/n a brown envelope. she opened it and took out a few photographs.

"a house..." she mumbled. "tell me more, hiroto-san."


┊⛥ ..⃗. ꒰ ⁰⁵· end ꒱ ・゚ˊˎ


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