《BFB Voting Thingy》Episode 29: Marvelous Marble Match
*The scene opens with Basketball, Golf Ball, and Remote on a bench, talking together*
Basketball: You know, these new teams aren't so bad when I think about it!
*Golf Ball remembers the fallout that happened between her and Tennis Ball* Golf Ball: I wish I could say that too...
*Basketball puts her leg around Golf Ball, trying to comfort her* Basketball: Hey, it's alright. For all you know, you two could become friends again way sooner than you think!
Golf Ball: Yeah, you're right. I just wish this competition was less mentally draining. I'm sure we're all worn out after this long of competing.
Remote: I just wish we could meet some of our old friends again.
Basketball: Same! Maybe if I could see 8-Ball again, or even Grassy... I know he's probably not doing so good after being trapped in who knows where for 7 whole months now!
*Golf Ball does some thinking, and comes up with an idea* Golf Ball: Wait, do you guys remember Roboty?
Remote: Of course! He was part of the mechanical mind alliance! I still miss the poor lug...
Golf Ball: What if we try to send a signal to him using you guys?
Basketball: Woah, woah. How would that even work?
*Golf Ball gets a sheet of paper* Golf Ball: So, firstly, we can use Robot Flower to set up a connection.
Remote: Gotcha.
Golf Ball: Next, we can use Remote to direct, and locate the signal! Sound good?
Remote: Uh, sure. How would we get information on where Ro-boy is?
Golf Ball: That's where TV comes in. He can take the information from Remote, connect to the signal from Robot Flower, and display where Roboty is!
*While passing by the three, TV overhears Golf Ball* TV: Woah, that is A LOT of stuff to do, ha.
*Basketball is left scratching her head* Basketball: And you are one-hundred percent sure this is a foolproof plan?
Golf Ball: Absolutely n- *The announcer pops up in the middle of Golf Ball's explanation, playing the classic dinging noise*
Announcer: Tangerines! It's time for Cake at Stake.
Basketball: How do you even manage to do all these cake at stakes for so long?
Announcer: Patience, my bouncy friend.
*C-C-Cake at Stake!*
Announcer: Welcome to the elimination, Tangies. I won't make this tedious, so let's get into the votes. *The screen on Announcer's TV displays a pie chart with the number 26 at the top, signifying to the contestants that was the number of votes* The prize today is a bowl of mac and cheese!
Marker: Oh, gee! I sure hope I'm not out!
Coiny: Me too! *Coiny falls over after trembling so much* Ow!
Announcer: Everyone here has at least one vote. However, for Coiny, Marker, and Pen, that is the maximum they received, so they are safe!
Pen: Oh no! What about Eraser?
Announcer: He, and Needle are both safe at 2 votes each.
Eraser: Yeah! I knew the viewers would love a champ like me.
Needle: Mhm. Sure, yeah, sure.
Announcer: The next person escaping the final two is Blocky, with 3 votes.
Blocky: Average Blocky W *Blocky starts chomping down on the cheesy noodles*
Pen: Oh, phew. What a relief.
Announcer: That makes our final two Pin and Tennis Ball. Anything you two wanna say before I reveal the votes?
Tennis Ball: I don't recall anything to serious I did to warrant a position in the bottom two, but alas. *Tennis Ball remembers what happened previously* Wait, actually, I-
Pin: ME! In the bottom two! How could this be! I'm, like, an amazing team leader! I was a guaranteed top ten at least, finalist at most!
Announcer: And... the votes are... *A screen displays every vote in a pie chart* Tennis Ball is liberated from elimination with 4 votes, while Pin is out with 12 whole votes!
Tennis Ball: Yay. *TB walks off, not even acknowledging he got a prize*
Blocky: More mac for me, then! *Blocky gleefully grabs the vacant pasta*
Pin: But... but... how could this be? I thought I was great as a team leader! I didn't even make the top half!?
Pen: You were kind of bossy.
Needle: Yeah! We couldn't even talk to other teams when you were there!
Pin: I guess I got ahead of myself there... I apologize for acting in a selfish way. I was just trying to help the team, and I didn't realize I putu myself- and all of you guys in danger for it.
*Eraser puts his shoulder around Pin* Eraser: Hey, cheer up. If it weren't for us losing, I wouldn't have gotten to enjoy this mouthwatering macaroni.
Pin: *annoyed* Ha. Ha. Good one...
Announcer: Welp, Pin. Anything else to say, or are you ready to go?
*Pin stops for a moment* Pin: Well... Coiny, Needle! You guys have been great teammates, and I'm rooting for you! And one last thing- make sure Gerald is alright! Goodbye!!! *Pin disappears*
Announcer: Welp, with that, we now have 36 contestants left! I will see you all at the next challenge! *Announcer disappears, leaving an uneasy aura within the remaining contestants*
Coiny: ...Pin did have a point. I really didn't expect her to get out this early, let alone the first one out of our entire team!
Needle: Yeah... It makes me wonder who's hands this game is really in.
*Blocky finishes the rest of the macaroni the team didn't eat* Blocky: Oh, that stuff was amazing. Anyways, what's going on?
Marker: Nothing much. Wait... now that Pin is gone, who's gonna be the new team leader?
Coiny: Who here seems the most like a team leader?
Pen: I don't wanna sound biased, but I would say Eraser. Despite his chaotic, sometimes borderline unhinged personality, he has a great voice of reason.
Blocky: I second that. He's a great guy.
Coiny: What do you think, Needle?
*Needle shrugs, showing her indifference*
Coiny: Welp, I guess that's settled. Eraser, you're our new team leader!
*Eraser turns his head around, as he was completely disassociated from the conversation* Eraser: Huh?
Marker: That was stressful. I'm gonna head out, now. So... see y'all!
Eraser: See ya, Marker! Have fun. *Eraser and the rest of his team disperse from the elimination center, with the tension fizzling out as they continue their normal pastimes*
*Meanwhile, Leafy, Puffball, and Lollipop are sitting outside Gelatin's steakhouse*
Leafy: You had a really nice performance last challenge, Puff Ball!
Puffball: Thanks. I tried to keep it simple, but also wanted to add my own distinct flair to the mix!
Lollipop: Puffy, I can very much respect how you show such character in everything you commit yourself to.
Puffball: Yeah, thanks Lollipop.
Leafy: Woah, didn't you not like it when people would call you Puffy back in BFDIA?
Puffball: I mean, not anymore. It's kind of a name that grows on you as time goes on.
Leafy: Ah, I see what you mean.
Lollipop: Hey, at least you aren't Needy- *Lollipop gets slapped by Needle*
Needle: Don't call me Needy!
Leafy: No need to be so needy, Needy! *Leafy also gets slapped*
Needle: Don't call me needy, or Needy!
Puffball: What? You just said the same thing twice.
Needle: Whatever, I'm leaving! *Needle angrily walks away*
Saw: Hey, Announcer. What's the next contest?
Announcer: Glad you asked, for once. The next contest is a marble race!
Saw: Wait, how would that work?
Announcer: Every contestant is placed inside of a glass marble and will be sent rolling down a course with many obstacles. If you fall off the track, a giant pit of acid will greet you, and you will need to restart. Are the directions clear?
Saw: Yeah, I guess.
Announcer: Then, go! The Apples will get a 2x speed boost due to doing the best in the last challenge.
*The contestants all scramble to get first place, but the Apples end up leading the cluster of contestants*
Cloudy: I'm having a lot of trouble controlling this thing!
Balloony: I thought you were able to fly effortlessly, though?
Cloudy: Yeah, but I can't control myself in a marble!
Balloony: Oof! I guess being an airhead isn't good for everything.
Stapy: Guys, Woody is gonna fall off!
Rocky: Mmm!!
Woody: Woh noh! *Woody slips, and starts to descend down to the acid*
Black Hole: Woody! *Black Hole flies down, and attracts Woody into his magnetic pull*
Woody: I'm saved!
Black Hole: Saved you are, my friend. Now let's get you back on course with the rest of the team. *Black Hole flies Woody all the way up, and back to the course*
Rocky: Yay!
Woody: Thanks, Black Hole! You don't suck!
Black Hole: I kind of do... but thank you for the compliment anyway.
Tree: No need to be so down all the time! You just saved Woody's life! Isn't that an accomplishment?
Black Hole: I mean, I know that... just... whatever.
Cloudy: Hey, is there a team passing us?
Rocky: Hm!
Stapy: Oh rats! You're right! We need to catch up to them, and fast if we want that prize again!
Woody: Then let's go!
Tree: Make sure we watch our speeds, though! Don't want Black Hole to have to worry about saving our lives again!!!
*Meanwhile, with the Kiwis* Donut: Okay, team! We need to have a balance of speed and direction, as well as maximizing our chances of staying on! *Donut looks around, only to see none of his team around* Oh... is no one here?
Lightning: I'm here! And I heard your advice. This thing is a little hard to move around in, but I'm managing!
*Donut is nonplussed by Lightning's appearance* Donut: Wow, surprising that you're here! I didn't really expect anyone to be here, let alone listen to my advice!
Lightning: Well, isn't that what friends do?
Donut: I would suppose so.
*Lightning and Donut reach the finish first* Donut: Hey, we did it!
Lightning: Yeah!
Announcer: Great job, you two. Sadly, you have to wait for the rest of your team.
Donut: Bruh
*Team Starfruit POV* Match: Like, team! I think I can see the finish!
*Bubble looks closer, and sees the finish line* Bubble: Hey, we are!
Gelatin: Well, we can't give up now! Go, go!
Spongy: Uh, guys... It's kind of crowded in my marble... hard to move...
Match: No, like, need to fret, Spongy! We're almost at the finish!
Spongy: Wow, really?
Match: Yeah!
*Teardrop quickly changes her position to make the marble accelerate, making her go faster than her teammates*
Nickel: And what's she doing?
Ruby: I don't know, but it seems to be working!
*Teardrop reaches the finish, with the rest of the Starfruit following quickly by her*
Bomby: YES! We did it!
Spongy: Phew. So glad to be out of that cramped marble.
Bubble: So, dois this moin we're soife?
Announcer: Don't know where that accent came from, but you Starfruit are first safe! So that means you will get a prize next challenge.
Gelatin: We're really cruising through this dumb game, aren't we?
Match: We, like, TOTALLY are. *Right as Match says that, Coiny, Marker, and Needle also cross the finish line*
Marker: Wow! I didn't expect to get here so early!
Coiny: Yeah, me too. We just gotta wait for the jocks now.
Needle: And Tennis Ball...
Marker: Oh... yeah... I forgot about him. Wonder what he's up to.
*Team Grapes POV* Barf Bag: How's it going, team?
Clock: Fine.
Saw: Could be better.
Taco: GUYS, help! I'm about to fall! *Taco's marble is rapidly moving off-course, sending her spiraling down to the acid below*
Saw: Someone save her!
Puffball: I'm on it! *Puffball attempts to fly over to save Taco, but the weight of her own marble is too much for her to handle. She is sent down to the same disintegratory fate as Taco*
Lollipop: From what I can tell, that didn't work.
Leafy: Oh no! That's horrible!
*The rest of the alive Grapes cross the finish line, but now have to wait for Puffball and Taco*
Clock: Well, this stinks.
Lollipop: Tell me about it...
Barf Bag: We only have to wait for two people. We'll probably still be safe, right?
*Apples POV* Rocky: Woah!
Woody: Yeah, I see the finish!
Tree: I guess that means we're first! *The Apples cross the finish line in uniform*
Announcer: Actually, you guys got second. The Starfruit got first.
Stapy: That's weird. I thought we were the ones with the speed multiplier. But, whatever.
Cloudy: Can I have my collection back now?
Announcer: Nope.
*As the Apples continue to relax in the finish line, Woody and Rocky distance themselves from the rest of the team* Woody: Rocky! Hey! How's it been?
Rocky: Oh, yeah. Hey Woody.
Woody: How far do you think we'll get?
Rocky: I can see you in the top twenty, honestly. As for me?... I don't think I can even make it past the team stages...
Woody: But didn't you get 6th place in BFDI? Not even to mention how you won the BFDIA popularity vote by a landslide...
Rocky: True, true. I guess I just have to hope our team continues to do good.
Woody: Yeah.
*Team Kiwis POV* TV: How did Donut and Lightning finish already?
Robot Flower: They must have been going really fast!
TV: Yeah. Any ideas to help us get faster, GB?
Golf Ball: Why are you asking me specifically?
TV: Well, dur hur, you're the smartest member of our team, by far.
Basketball: Isn't that kind of a one-dimensional view of the world?
TV: Dude why are you trying to reason with me you literally wanted me out like 3 episodes ago
Basketball: True, true.
Robot Flower: Hey, I think that's the finish!
Remote: Woo. We won the challenge.
*The remain Kiwis finish the marble course, as well as the jocks right beside them*
Blocky: Yeah! Great job guys!
Eraser: There were some challenges, but overall... pretty easy finish!
Pen: Yeah! *Pen and Eraser high five*
Donut: What took you guys so long?
TV: We got stuck on a few obstacles... not fun.
Announcer: With that, the Kiwis get third.
Remote: Who's even left on the course?
Announcer: Puffball and Taco for the Grapes, and Tennis Ball for the Tangerines.
Golf Ball: Tennis Ball?!
*Puffball quickly finishes the course* Puffball: I did it!
Saw: What about Taco? How is she doing?
Puffball: I don't know!
Clock: That's not good.
Lollipop: Well, at least you finished the course, Puffy.
*The Tangerines watch the Grapes talking* Eraser: Boy, do I hope they lose.
Marker: They better lose! We need revenge for last time!
*Tennis Ball POV* Tennis Ball: Ugh... Why am I doing this? Why do I have to be such a burden to my team...
*Taco passes Tennis Ball* Taco: See you later, Soft Ball!
Tennis Ball: Oh great... Now I'm gonna lose... *As Tennis Ball laments, he starts to hear some familiar voices in the background*
Remote: Hey, GB. Don't you want to make it up to Tennis Ball?
Golf Ball: I guess so... but why do you ask?
Remote: Maybe you could just try to motivate him? Considering he's about to lose.
Golf Ball: I mean... I'm probably just gonna embarrass myself... Why try?
TV: Just do it.
Golf Ball: Alright, I guess... Hey, TB!
Tennis Ball: Is that... Golf Ball?
Golf Ball: TB, you got this! You can win the challenge!!
Tennis Ball: Does she really mean it? *Tennis Ball starts to reassemble his thoughts and speeds his marble up*
Taco: Wow, it's actually going to be a race this time!
Golf Ball: Go TB!!! You got this!!!
Tennis Ball: I think I see the finish!
Taco: I got this... Woah, WAIT-
*The two finish the marble course, but one person ended up faster. That person was...*
Announcer: Tennis Ball made it first! So, the Tangerines are safe!
Golf Ball: ...Great job, Tennis Ball.
Tennis Ball: ...You too. *Tennis Ball walks off*
Remote: Welp, it's a start?
TV: It's a good thing that didn't turn awkward...
Marker: Great Job, TB!
Blocky: Was actually sort of hoping you lost... We'd get more food...
Needle: Really funny, Stabable.
Blocky: Hey!
Taco: NO! I'm so sorry guys!
Leafy: It's alright, Taco.
Clock: Welp... It was nice knowing you guys. *Clock walks off in a state of despair*
Barf Bag: ...Is he okay?
*Clock is sitting alone by a cliff, watching the moon on a starry night*
Taco: Clock, are you alright?
Clock: I'm sorry for storming off like that. I just know I'm going to be eliminated, though...
Taco: Well, why so?
Clock: I was in the bottom two last time, first off...
Taco: That doesn't really mean anything, does it?
Clock: Well, I'm also not popular, and I definitely don't help my team!
Taco: What do you mean? You sabotaged that one team last episode!
Clock: All that did was put more targets on our backs...
Taco: Well, if you're so down on yourself, why do you even want to keep competing?
Clock: Because I like it! It's fun! I get to meet new people, experience new challenges! I don't want it to end!
Taco: I understand how you feel...
Clock: I just wish I could have talked to more people... made more friends.
*Taco and Clock remain silent the rest of the night, but continue to gaze at the celestial sky*
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