《Worth It》Chapter 9


What was supposed to have been an amazing weekend turned out to be horrible for Marinette. She was out with Chloe and Kagami only for things to go left due to multiple factors.

Marinette had gone back home and helped out at the bakery for a few hours before going out to meet with Chloe and kagami.

The trio met at their usual spot in the park and were talking while eating some treats marinette brought from the bakery until an akuma struck.

"Great, and just when we were talking about how we haven't seen an akuma in a month, hawkmoth decides to send one!" Chloe whined.

"Let's just get this over and done with," kagami said, also annoyed at the villain's timing.

Being chosen's had plenty of benefits for the girls. They had more power inside and out of their costumes which also helped them when battling akumas. They were even able to adjust how they looked. They adapted to their new abilities when they turned 16. it was strange at first but they were happy with them.

(No images are mine + They can summon their wings whenever they need to)

Unfortunately, that only made Hawkmoth send worse akumas when he noticed that the miraculous trio were taking down the akumas much easier and quicker with their new abilities and increased strength. Ones that would cause more destruction to the city and be more brutal than he did when they were 13/14 years old. Most of what they've seen was traumatizing. The brutal deaths especially.

It took them about 2 hours to defeat this akuma. It was a girl who had lost her twin sister. She was in so much pain and she went around looking for twins and killing one of them. Yes, when Ladybug brings people back to life, they forget. but the siblings who watched their twin get murdered won't.

Once that was over and the heroines made sure people were ok, they went to an ally to detransform.

"I swear when we finally get our hands on Hawkmoth He'll have more than my blade to deal with," Kagami hissed as she transformed.

"It only gets worse as time goes on. We really need to unmask him and soon," Said Marinette.

"Honestly, this was meant to be our day!" Chloe complained as they walked out of the ally, "I'm gonna kill that moth freak!"

"No killing Chloe," Marinette warned.

"Unless necessary..." kagami mumbled as her mind raced with multiple ways she would control the elements to torture the villain.

"I heard that kags," Marinette chuckled, "anyway, we can't let hawkmoth ruin our day. We can still head to Starbucks and go shopping for the Charity Ball as planned,"

Chloe's mother was hosting a ball for three different orphanages, providing them with money, Chloes and good quality food. they will also be renovating one of the older ones that looked like it was going to collapse any day from now. Of course, very powerful and well-known people will be attending.

"Audrey has really turned a new leaf the past few years," said Marinette, "it's nice to see her do things like this. She never used to be a favourable woman despite her talents. No offence Chloe." Kagami commented.


"None taken. And yeah, our family has been so much happier! I cannot wait to go to this ball. Of course, it's about the children, but think of how many hotties are gonna be there!"

"Seriously Chloe?" Marinette and Kagami chuckled.

"Hey! Don't judge me. Kagami you're getting to know someone and Marinette, you go to a school filled with cute boys. What do I have? A class filled with idiots. So excuse me for wanting to have something nice to look at too,"

"Hey, there might be a lot of cute boys at my school but that doesn't mean I'm into any of them,"

"Not ye-"

"Oh, Marinette! You're not still doing what I think you're doing are you?"

Marinette froze at the sickly sweet voice she heard. She turned around to see Lila, Alya, Nino and Adrien.

'Great,' Marinette thought, 'as if the akum wasn't enough to deal with today,'

''What are you talking about Lila?" Marinette forced a nice tone.

"You know what she's talking about you whore! You think you can just move schools without telling us and after everything you did to poor Lila. And on top of that, you're trying to sleep with the guys at your new school!"

Marinette resisted the urge to roll her eyes, "why on earth would I tell you that I moved? I owe you nothing. Also, I'm not trying to sleep with anyone,"

"Yeah right! We have proof,"

That was new. All the times that they slut shamed her, even though she wasn't one, they never said they had proof.

"Oh yeah? What proof do you have?" Chloe sneered.

"When Marinette stole Lila's phone and logged into her Instagram account, she was dumb enough to forget and Lila saw the messages from a bunch of random boys. I don't even wanna go into detail about what was being said," Alya said with a disgusted look.

"W-We even have a picture," Lila said and pulled up an image on her phone of two people kissing. How they didn't analyse the photo was beyond them. Yes, the girl in the picture had raven hair but that was obviously not Marinette! the girl's hair is in pigtails (which she doesn't wear anymore), her skin looks much paler and she isn't wearing a school uniform. You can hardly even see her face because the boy is blocking her!

Marinette just glared at her. She couldn't be bothered. She could go on and on about how Lila obviously got some random picture on the internet and made a fake account since she never stole her phone but what good would that do?

"Believe what you want. I don't care,"

"Ha! of course you don't! It's why you walk around the way you do with your slutty self and your slutty outfits you stupid ugly fat whore! You'll achieve nothing and I hope you don't, you piece of trash!"

Marinette bit the inside of her cheek. Alya was also harsh with words, and as much as she hated to admit it, they hurt. No matter what Marinette would wear, she's be called name. if she wore anything that shows skin, she'd be called a whore. if she wore oversized clothes, she's been called fat and many other names by her old class, especially Alya and Kim. And of course, Lila would add her own comments when no one could hear or secretly smirk while she took the abuse. Then there's Adrien. Adrien would just sit aside and watch everything take place. He would see and hear everything and still say that 'no one was getting hurt' and she should 'take the high road'.


"I suggest that you guys leave," Kagami warned calmly. Though her eyes said otherwise.

"A-Are you threatening to hurt us?" Lila said with wide scared eyes and quivered her lip for a better effect while latching onto Adrien's arm.

"No, I'm warning you. You guys approached us and you've caused a scene out of nothing. Where Marinette attends school and why she moved is none of your concern. All you should know is that she's safe," Kagami said, her voice raising a little.

"She's safe?!" Alya screeched "Lila is the one who's been getting hurt by that freak. Just because she's jealous that she's rich and popular amongst many celebrities like Jagged Stone Prince Ali, MDC and many others. Also, she is jealous because Lila and Adrien are close,"

"Mari, we're your friends. Why would you just leave and not tell us?" Adrien asked with a disappointed look,"

"Sorry? For starters don't call me Mari you spineless coward! As Kagami said, I don't need to tell any of you guys anything. you are not my friends. I thought I made that very clear the last time you saw me,"

Yes, Adrien and the others did remember Marinette's outburst a month ago after Alya broke Marinette's laptop. The girl was lucky that she didn't cause Marinette to lose any of her work and she kept everything on a USB stick.


Adrien shut his mouth when he saw the glare the three girls gave him. He gulped and took a step back. Since when could they look so scary?

"We're going to continue on our way. follow us and see what happens," Chloe threatened.

The three walked away and Chloe purposefully bumped Lila with her shoulder. Lila being the drama queen she is fell to the floor and began to cry.

"Marinette! How could you push me like that!" Lila cried.

Marinette rolled her eyes and ignored them and continued to walk.

However, it seems like Alya had selective hearing and she stuck her leg out and made Marinette fall.

Marinette winced in pain, not wanting to make it obvious that she was in pain. Her jeans ripped at her knee and she now had a nasty cut. Chloe was helping Marinette up and the two of them heard a loud slap.

Alya's face was turned to the side, her eyes wide and her mouth agape.

Kagami had just slapped her.

"I warned you, you tabloid writer. Touch Mari and you won't get away with it. Not while I'm around" Kagami said as she flexed her fingers after slapping Alya.

"L-Let's just go guys. We shouldn't waste any more time with them," Marinette said with a shaky voice.

sending them one last glare, Kagami walked back to her friends.

Chloe, being the only one in the trio who had a license, dropped Marinette back to school after saying goodbye to her parents that evening.

She silently winced at each step she took as she made her way back to her room. She would have healed herself but she still hasn't got enough energy to do so since her fight with that akuma. Just like Tikki, she needs to recharge her energy, that way she can at least fully heal her injuries without leaving any scars.

"Hey, Mari!" Allegra greeted enthusiastically, "How are you-"

"Whoa, what happened to your leg shortcake?" Claude asked when he noticed her leg.

Marinette gulped silently. Seems like the Quantcs decided to chill out on the balcony. Of course, they were going to see her. That's what she wanted to avoid.

"N-Nothing serious. I just fell. I'm pretty clumsy," Marinette chuckled nervously.

"Nothing serious? Marinette you're bleeding," Allan pointed out.

Marinette looked at her leg and there was a tin trail of blood going down and staining her jeans.

"Ah. I-I didn't notice. But really, I'm fine!" She just wanted to go to her room and sort herself out.

Allegra walked up to her and took her hand, "come on, let's get you cleaned up,"

"You don't have to Al-"

"Nope!" Allegra cut the ravenette off, "you're my friend and friends help each other. You're hurt and I'm not just gonna leave you alone,"

Marinette almost cried at Allegra's kindness. The boys just watched the girls disappear into Allegra's room.

"Strange. I haven't noticed any clumsy traits from shortcake. Unless I'm blind," Claude comments while leaning back into his chair."

"No, you're not the only one. Though she has mentioned something to me about being a clutz. I can't remember if she was talking in the past or present tense though,"

"I really hope Shortcake is ok," Claude sighed.

Felix didn't comment on anything. Though he couldn't help but feel a little curious. He was trying to understand how someone could just walk around with a bleeding cut like that as if it were nothing. Though the limp in her steps were obvious, she still looked like she wasn't in any pain. Maybe she has a high pain tolerance? He's not sure. She's a strong girl. He knows that for sure. She's punched him in the arm more than once and he has to admit, that tiny girl can pack a punch.

"Well if she is going through something, she'll tell us when she's ready. it's only been a month since she joined," Allan took a sip of his coke, "for all we know though, it really could be nothing. But I'd still keep an eye out,"

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