《Number 7》Chapter Number 88 - In Session


"From the moment I came to this school... I've been on top. Do you know why that is?"

The fist of Brian whiffed past the face of Randov, grazing it enough to sting as the boy retracted his head just enough to dodge.

The two were in the bathroom, surrounded by stalls and sinks as they both held up their fists in a fighting pose.

"Three reasons. First is because nobody can beat me in a fight."

Immediately, the boy’s fists rained upon Randov like a hurricane, pounding on him one after the other as he was left to guard his face.

"Second is because anyone who has ever gone against me has regretted it. And not just in a physical way."

With a smirk, Brian landed a punch to the side of Randov, who could do nothing to block it as he was forced to curl up and protect his face.

"Financially... anyone who has ever laid a finger on me has been ruined."

The bald boy bent forward, weakened by the punch as he stumbled backwards.

However gritting his teeth, he looked up with ferocity as he lunged forward, taking another swing.


The bully had moved quickly enough to block it, but even so the thud resounded throughout his body, shaking his footing.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?", he groaned. "If you hurt me... we'll sue you for everything you have."

Pushing his arms forward, the boy shoved Randov to the ground as he lifted his foot to step on him.

"And the third reason why you shouldn't piss me off..."


Dodging out of the way just in time, a foot flew by the head of Randov as he rolled on the bathroom floor.

"Well... that isn't something I can tell you.... yet."

Grabbing the boy by his collar, Brian yanked Randov up as he threw him forward into the bathroom stall.

The door flapped open on the impact, and Randov fell backwards as blood began to drip down his forehead on the impact.

Landing on the toilet, the boy quickly stood up, shaking as he raised his now bruised fists.

"You'll sue me for everything I have... eh?", Randov muttered.

At that moment, Brian charged at the boy.

As if meaning to tackle him, the boy rushed forward with a victorious smile.

However he was not the only one of the two who grinned in victory.

Jumping up onto the toilet, Randov then leaped forward, grabbing the head of the boy as he jumped over him as if playing leapfrog, flinging Brian backwards so that he hit his head right on the seat.

"UGH! WHY YOU!!! You'll pay for this, big time!"

"How can you get me to pay if I have nothing for you to take in the first place?"


A line of blood made its way down the arm of the boy, who slumped out of the bathroom while dragging himself forth.

"You think you've won, don't you?"

Speaking out while groaning in pain, unable to move as he mustered all his strength just to stand, Brian held onto the wall as he propped himself up.

"But you know... this is just the beginning. Even if you don't have anything for me to take..."

With a chuckle, just as Randov was about to exit the bathroom, the words of the boy sent a chill down his spine.

"It is exactly those who have nothing to lose... that you can take the most from."


"Hmm hm hmm..."


Despite the cold concrete streets filled with the homeless and desperate, Mrs. Hina hummed to herself as she made her way to the school the following morning.

'I'm going to make today a good day. No matter what happens, no matter how bad things go, being happy isn't about what happens to you! It's about how you react to it. If I can look at any situation with a positive mindset, then even the most daunting problem will seem solvable.'

With such thoughts, the woman made her way to her work - ignoring those around her with a smile.

Such a thing was not her intention, yet she had no way to help those people either way.

Her job as a teacher was enough for herself, and nobody else. Even if she wanted to help other people, it took her everything to obtain this job.

As such, she did what she could with what she had - and that was enough.

For her.

'Let's see... well, I prepared a lesson plan for today, but it looks like I'm getting behind. I'll have to get ahead at some point...'

Glancing to the bag at her side, the woman let out a sigh.

'Well, maybe I'll have some extra time after school.'



Mrs. Hina came into class early that morning in order to prepare everything for the day, well before any of the students were at school.

Yet even though the students had not arrived yet, waiting for her on her desk was something else.

A note.

Slowly picking up the note, the woman unfolded it as she glanced at its contents, her eyes scanning back and forth as her grin soon diminished from her expression.


Lightly setting the note down, the woman tensed up as she left the classroom, closing the door behind her as she left the note face up on her desk.

[Meet me in my office]

-Principal Sergeant


'What could he possibly want this early? I've only been teaching for one day... did I do something wrong?'

Thoughts of worry entered the mind of the woman as she paced through the halls, her steps hastening with each passing moment.

'No no, there's no way that I could have already done something wrong. Maybe he has some materials to give me or some sort of lecture that all the new teachers receive.'

With the nod of her head, the smile returned to the face of the woman.

'That has to be it. Of course. There's no way that an issue would pop up already.'


"Mrs. Hina. An issue has appeared among the students in your class."

Sitting at his desk was a black haired man with sharp eyes and even sharper hair, styled up in a manner which was sleek and professional - yet his menacing glare made such an appearance all the more intimidating.

"We have security cameras placed around the school at all times, and if you would please take a look at this, I would like to point out that those two are none other than Randov and Brian - two particular boys of note who you should be keeping watch over."

Pulling a remote from his desk, the man pressed a button as a screen appeared behind the woman, at which she turned around from her spot in front of the man's desk to watch the scene.

At first, the bathroom was empty.

Then, a single boy ran into the bathroom, rushing into a stall and closing the door.

On inspection of the timestamp, this happened after classes had let out.


'Eh? I suppose he had to use the restroom.... but why would the principal call me in for something like that?'

It was then that a flurry of other boys burst into the restroom.

They began to bang on the stalls, hooting and hollering - although the video did not pick up any audio.

"I will begin to fast forward now.", the principal stated, at which the video went at 100 times speed.

In a matter of a minute an entire hour passed, and the boys seemed to be racing about as they paced for a while - before eventually they all left as quickly as they had come.

"I will now resume the video."

As the speed returned to normal, the scene showed now that one single boy was remaining, waiting for the other.

Then, the other one exited the stall.

Mrs. Hina held her breath as she watched a fight take place following this, her jaw becoming heavier as she was left to do nothing more than helplessly witness what her students were up to after hours.


"It is unacceptable. Do you not agree?"

As the principal sliced into the woman with his words, the teacher found herself at a loss.

These were her students, and they were on school grounds, therefore it was her responsibility even if she was not present in that place at that time.

"You have been hired as a teacher for this school because there are a number of problematic children in that class. Do not forget this, as your handling of these students and their behaviors outside of class will affect your record as an instructor."

With the click of the remote, the video turned off and the woman faced the man once more, holding her breath as she nodded promptly.

"Please do keep that in mind... for future reference. You are free to go."

With the wave of his hand, the woman was dismissed.

She left the office that day, humiliated and irritated.

She did not cry, however she felt the emotions welling up inside of her as she realized that without so much as a warning, she was already on thin ice.

'How... should I approach this?'

This was the single question that plagued her mind.

As the instructor responsible, she had to do something to stop whatever violent actions these boys were performing.

But how was one to reason with a child, and one who would resort to such things?

'Perhaps... I should have a conference with their parents?'


"Alright, that will be all for today! You're all dismissed! Ah, but Brian and Randov, could the two of you please stay behind for just a few minutes?"

One of the two boys was covered in bandages.

The other, covered in bruises and scabs from where the blood had dried.

The students shuffled out, glancing back to the two before quickly leaving, chattering to themselves before leaving the classroom.

"Hey... he really fought Brian..."

"Do you think he'll be alright?"

"Not our problem. Let the kid deal with it."

Eventually, the two boys were left alone, standing before their cross-armed teacher.

"Now I know that you two were fighting. So I'm going to clear this up right now. Why were you fighting?"

With a self righteous tone, the woman lectured the two, however both of the boys remained silent.

Neither of them said a word, not looking to one another - but rather merely staring down the teacher.

'These boys... they... no, I can't let myself be intimidated. They're just a couple of young boys.'

"So you don't want to tell me? If you don't tell me why then I'll have to get both of your parents involved."

Not a word.

Neither of the two boys said a thing, yet they merely stared down the woman without fear.

'They don't care if their parents know that they've been fighting? No... certainly they already know. If your child comes home with these wounds, any parent would be concerned.'

"I'm trying to be nice here. Just tell me the reason."

"The reason is simple."

Speaking up was none other than the bald child, who spoke without hesitation.

"He pissed me off."


"What do you mean he doesn't have parents? Well, surely he has a guardian. Can I get that person's contact information?"

Mrs. Hina once again found herself faced with the principal, who merely chuckled as he reached into his files.

"Well... I suppose that these students do both have someone that you could call to a meeting. But Mrs. Hina, I don't believe this is the correct way to go about this."

"What do you mean? Are you saying I should reform the boys without telling the parents what they've been up to? Communication is very important. I'm sure that if both sets of parents or guardians sit together in the same room then they'll be able to come to some sort of agreement. The fact of the matter is that their boys need to stop fighting, and I'll put a stop to that."

Speaking with confidence, the teacher spoke to the principal with authority now, taking charge of the entire situation.

"Do as you please. Here is the contact information."

Tossing a couple of files onto the desk before him, the man motioned for the woman to take them.

"But do be warned. Both of the contacts are... well, I'm certain they won't get along with one another. Even knowing that, do you still wish to do this?"

"What are you saying? It's the duty of an adult to take responsibility for the problems that their child causes. If that is the case for me as a teacher, then shouldn't it also be the case for the very people who raised the children?"

Slicking back his hair, the man let out a chuckle as he sighed.

"Perhaps that is the case, Mrs. Hina. Perhaps that is the case. Yet..."

Closing his eyes, the man took a deep breath.

"There are some adults in this world who are still children."


A few days had passed.

The time: 3:00 PM, just after school had been let out.

Right now, Mrs. Hina sat in a conference room.

To her left, sitting at the head of the conference table, was none other than the principal, a man whose appearance was just as sharp as his eyes - both of which pierced into the other three who were present in this room.

"It... seems that they're both late."

With an attempt to thin the tension, the woman glanced at the two boys who sat across from one another at the conference table.

The bald boy seemed to be completely occupied in thought, looking down without so much as paying attention to the statement which the woman made.

The other boy who sat across from him merely let out a snarky "Tch", glancing away with irritation as his eyes fell upon the entrance.

"Mrs. Hina."

However speaking up with a clear tone, the man known as the principal took the floor as the attention of all were focused on him.

"I may have given you the contact information of the guardians of these two boys... but I hope you do understand that their rehabilitation is your responsibility. I like to promote freedom among my staff members... and as such I will accompany you in this method of your choosing. But please understand that the consequences of failure will fall upon you."

The man spoke with authority, leaning forward as he folded his hands.

"Is that understood?"

As she looked into the eyes of the man, the vast intensity with which they held, the woman was caught breathless.

Everything he said, every time she had met with him, he had been like this - yet at this moment it was even more so than before.

'It’s as if... he is prepared to go into battle.'

This was the thought that the woman held.

And perhaps... it was not all too far off.

"I understand. But principal, why do you seem to be so bent against having a parent teacher conference? I mean... isn't this... normal?"

"Is there anything about this entire situation which is normal?"

Standing up from his seat, the man's steps carried a weight with them as they resounded throughout the ovular chamber.

"Destruction of property, and a fight resulting in bloodshed. Perhaps... yes, I suppose perhaps such a thing is normal. For a grimy school in the crime ridden center of a filthy city such as this one. But Mrs. Hina. Let me ask you something."

Stopping in his tracks as he held his hands behind his back, facing away from those who sat at the table, the man's words cut deep as he spoke with a grave tone.

"Is that the sort of thing that you wish to accept as normal in this school?"

Opening her mouth to respond, no words came out.

For there was nothing that Mrs. Hina could say in response.

It was the truth.

Regardless of her involvement in the situation, the fact that she had even allowed such a situation to come about was already a failure.

Closing her eyes, the woman took in a deep breath.

"I... do not wish for such a thing to become normal."

Heading back to his seat once more, the eyes of the man kept their gaze upon the woman as he walked.

"Then, you are willing to do whatever it takes to eliminate such behavior from these boys?"

"I will do so."

Stopping in his tracks, the man faced the woman with ferocity.

His glare was intense enough that the woman felt herself break into a sweat, and the two locked eyes for just a moment - yet that single moment dragged out for an eternity.

As if her very soul was being seen through, the woman felt herself begin to tremble, gulping as she continued to maintain eye contact.

Then, taking his seat, the man let out a chuckle.

"Very well. I shall assist you... regardless of the consequences. For the sake of this school first and foremost... but also for the sake of these two boys."

Glancing over to the boys, the man then met his eyes with the both of them - who found themselves unable to look away.

"So that they do not fall onto a path that is anything less than excellence... which this school should be promoting."


"Just who on earth do you think you are!? Calling me to this place... do you even call yourself a teacher? Are you not the one who is supposed to take responsibility for the actions of the children in your class!?!? And yet you have the BALLS to drag me into this mess, which you created?"

A woman with her hair bobbed up like a ball of yarn let loose on Mrs. Hina, who was forced to sit and listen to the rant without saying a word.

Not a single person made a move, as this woman who stood before her was none other than the mother of Brian Carter.

"Look at my beautiful son!! Never has he hurt so much as a fly in his life. No - not even a cockroach! He wouldn't even harm a filthy cockroach, and yet you have the audacity to tell me that you allowed him to become injured in such a manner!? And you're telling me it was that little brat right there who did this!? HAH!? And where are HIS parents!? Why am I the only one who has showed up to this meeting!? Isn't this supposed to be a parent teacher conference to resolve the issues!? Are you telling me that you're so incompetent that you can't even start these meetings on time!?"

The woman rambled on and on, yet the principal merely sat with his hands folded and eyes closed as the woman lashed out at both the teacher and the entire school system.

"Why is he even allowed to run loose in the first place!? He should be arrested for doing such a thing to my Brian. Do you allow all these ruffians to just roam around your classroom, doing as they please!? Don't you know how to properly control your students!?"

Personal attack on personal attack, the woman relentlessly pressed forward with her verbal abuse.

"Well, Mr. Principal!? Is this what you stand for!? Violence!? Delinquency!? Degeneracy!? Are you not supposed to be teaching these students in order that their futures can be secured!? How can such a future be possible when you have children like this present in their midst, corrupting the minds of those around them!? If you all know what's good for you, then this boy should be immediately thrown into a juvenile detention facility!"

Pointing at the boy with harsh words, the woman made a demand as she placed her shoulder on her son, who was bandaged and bruised from the fight days before.

"I demand that this boy be removed from this school this very instant.", she stated.

"Have you finished, Mrs. Carter?"

Still closing his eyes, the man known as the principal made this single statement.

Silence filled the room, and the woman was taken aback at the tone with which the man had just given her.

"What was that you just said?"

Stomping over to the man, fury and humiliation filled the eyes of the woman as she balled her fists.

"Do you understand your position here, Mr. Principal? Do you understand what will happen to you if-"

"If I go against you?"

Opening his eyes, a deadly glare met with the woman, stopping her in her tracks.

Frozen by that glare, veins appeared in her eyes as she grit her teeth - unable to move forward.

"Mrs. Carter. Do you not understand the reason we called you here?"

Pointing to the seat as he gestured for the woman to return, an indignant expression overcame her face as he ordered her without words.


"Do you believe that you are innocent of contributing to such delinquency?"

It was in that instant that the two pairs of eyes locked together, both with glares which could only be described by a single word.


As if she discovered a sudden enemy who was supposed to be an ally, the woman immediately shifted into a mental state of battle as she slowly pulled out her chair, taking a seat without looking away.

"Mr. Principal. Are you going against me? Do you understand what will happen to this school if I wave my hand?"

"I understand your position well, and our own. Which is why I must make the situation very clear - to you, and to everyone present."

Reaching underneath his desk, the man pulled out a remote as he pressed a button, at which a screen began to lower.

"Mr. Principal.... it would seem you don't understand your own position. Therefore I will make it clear. If you don't have this boy expelled this instant, I will be taking legal action against him - and your school WILL end up falling into the crossfire of such action."

Reaching into her purse, the woman pulled out a letter.

Opening up the letter, the woman grabbed a pen as she slid it over to the man.

"If you sign this and expel the boy, and make a public statement that his kind is not welcome at this school, then you will be able to escape the downfall that is created in his ruin. I'll give both you and the teacher one chance. And if you refuse..."

Glancing over to Mrs. Hina, the woman tapped the paper underneath her hand with her excessive nails as she met eyes with the usually cheerful woman - who was currently holding her breath in anticipation.

"Then I will not hesitate to drag this entire school down with him."

"Mrs. Carter. As I said before. You misunderstand the entire purpose of this conference. Therefore... I shall explain it to you."

Taking hold of the contract and the pen, the principal glossed his eyes over the terms, carefully reading it and analyzing with a grin.

Nodding, the man held the pen as he pressed it to the paper to sign it.

"This is a trial. And I am the judge."

Placing the paper on the table, the man glanced up to the woman.

"This is where I am supposed to sign, correct?"

"Yes, that is correct."

With a smirk, the man looked to the teacher, who became filled with shock as she looked at the man.

"Mr. Principal! Are you going to sign such a thing-"


Holding up his hand as he stopped the woman from butting in, he placed the pen down as he motioned to the bald boy.

"Look at that child. What do you see?"

"He is alone! His guardian is still on the way! How can you sign such a contract expelling him without even waiting for the parent to arrive!?"

With this protest, the teacher stood up for the boy, who was currently forced to simply watch as the adults discussed matters which directly involved him - matters which the boy would be powerless to influence.

"Well said, Mrs. Hina. Mrs. Carter. Right now... this is a trial. And if I am the judge... then your boy would be the prosecution... and this child here would be the defendant. Mrs. Hina is a witness... and what would that make you?"

"What are you talking about? Just sign the contract and we won't have to discuss this further-"

"A lawyer."

Tapping the pen onto the contract with an elegant smile, the man's words became smooth as he spoke.

"You would be a lawyer... which would mean that right now, you are prosecuting a defendant whose lawyer has not yet arrived."

At that moment, the man once more placed the pen to the contract as he let out a snide laugh.

"Is that not right?"

"Hah... you should know well, Mr. Principal. If his lawyer was late, then it is of no concern that he should lose this case."

A smirk coming across the face of the mother as the two seemed to fall on the same page, Mrs. Hina was left looking back and forth between the two - unable to do anything as she witnessed a corrupt bargain about to occur.

"Indeed. That much is true. To attempt a trial without a lawyer is nothing short of legal suicide."

With a nod, the man once again placed the pen to the paper.


And at that instant, he dug the pen into the paper so hard as he crossed an X across the entire sheet that it split into four pieces.

Grabbing those pieces as he ripped them up, the man tossed them into the air with a grimace which was fit for a villain.

"Regardless of the corrupt methods which are common in this nation... it is the right of every person to be represented by a lawyer before they are deemed guilty. And as the judge of this case... I refuse to make such a decision without taking any and all consideration."

It was at that instant that the door burst open.

"Ah! Sorry I was late, everyone! Looks like you were all waiting on me!"

A red haired man wearing a suit strutted in, flicking his trench coat as he walked in a manner which was anything but professional.

Lazily taking a seat next to the boy as he crossed one leg over the other, the man spoke in such a carefree manner that one might think he couldn't care less about anything that was going on.

"So? What's going on? Why was I called here? Has my little brat done something to piss everyone off?"

"That is what we are about to decide, Mr. Krovak."

At that instant, the principal reached into his pocket, pulling out a wooden tool.


A hammer.

The hammer which a judge would use resounded throughout the room, loud enough to cause the very table to shake as all voices halted, and the man's tone deepend as he took complete control.

"Court is now in session."


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