《Aot x reader (book #1)》A devil..?



We just got our.. um.. necklace thingy as an appreciation from the queen to us. Floch is being a bitch and talk shit about Armin, just because he get revived instead of Erwin.

I walk back to my room at the dormitory at Wall Rose. I felt quite sleepy and tired. As I arrived at my room, I flopped on my bed. I miss being inside my room..

"Talking about rooms.." I muttered as I sit up. "What's up with Flynn, Hannah and Fredrick..? I hope they're doing okay.. Especially those little kids.. haha."

I look at my study desk that is right beside my bed. I get up from my bed and walk closer to my study desk and sit on the chair. I reach the drawer at the study desk and open it, revealing the necklace that I've bought a few days ago. Is it even days? Maybe weeks. Eh.. whatever.

I take out the necklace and put it on my desk. Did this necklace have any connection with this ring? I thought as I look at the ring in my finger. The ring is now brown while the necklace is light blue.

I take off the ring and put it beside the necklace. Maybe I could ask Chiro.. maybe he knew something.

"Ayo! Churros!"

"Yes master?" Chiro asked as he appeared beside me. "It's been so long since you called for me~"

"Oh! Shut up." I said. "Anyways,.." I showed him the necklace.

"Did you know anything about this necklace? I found it being sell somewhere at Wall Sina-" I stopped talking as I saw the feared face in his face.

"Chiro..?" I said.

He immediately look away as he heard my voice. "T-..that necklace.."

"Are you.. okay?" I asked, worrying for his state. He never act like this before.. now that I think of it, he never talk about who he really is


"Chiro, did you hide something from me..?" I ask gently, since Chiro's figure is like a kid, making me want to go easy for him. Don't want him to cry or something.

He stay silent for a while. "If you don't wanna talk about it, it's okay-"

"N-no.." I was cut off by him. "I-I'll tell you."

"Hm." I hummed and make a gesture, signalling for him to take a sit on my bed.


"Wha-? A what?!" I asked Chiro, slightly raising my voice, in surprise. "A..d-devil..?!" I muttered. A fucking devil resides in this necklace?! What is this? Black Clover?

"Y-yes.." He said as he look down on the floor. He is sitting cross-legs on my bed.

"Then.. what are you?" I ask. He look up at me with a nervous face.

"I-.. I don't want to surprise you."

"Knowing in this necklace have a demon is more surprising to me." I said. "C'mon! Tell me! It shouldn't be too surprising!"

Chiro look nervous and look down at his lap. "I.. I can't tell you yet.."

I sighed. "Okay, okay. I don't want to push you anymore." I said. "I should take a shower. Bye Chiro."

"Hm.." He hummed in reply.


The sun had already a few hours ago. I also have already had my dinner at the Mess Hall.. I am now laying on my bed, still thinking about the necklace.

Still feeling nervous, but I kinda wanna examine the necklace more. I'm gonna do hot girl shit!

I take the candle at my nightstand and bring it with me to my desk. I put the candle at the corner of my desk. I sit on the chair and take out the necklace.

As I take out the necklace, I move the candle to be closer to me, so that I could see the details of the necklace. Before I knew it, darkness surrounds me.





"Y/n Viotto"

"Huh?" I look around the white void and saw a dark figure. The figure had horns. A devil..?! "How did you-.. wait.. Viotto?"

"Y/n Ivy Viotto"

"Uhh.. I think you've got the wrong person-"

"Remember your real self, Mrs. Viotto"

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