《Aot x reader (book #1)》57th expedition


Tomorrow is the day of the expedition. I call back Chiro to ask him about what had been happening at my universe.

"Nothing really happened- Oh wait! Actually, Isayama had posted a new chapter and it's also the ending tho.. so sad..☹︎" Chiro said as he pout.

"Wha- a new chapter?! I haven't even read the last chapter! Help me travel!"

"Alrighty, master!"


It did took me one whole hour to remember how to use a smartphone again. But, here I am scrolling through my phone, reading chapter 139 with tears coming out of my eyes. It's so sad to hear that Eren really died.. Huhu. Watching Mikasa like this. Noooo! Mikasa need huggies (つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ

I look up from my phone, giving myself time to calm. It's so damn sad! But at least it's a better ending than all those theories I've heard in TikTok.. BUT STILL! MIKASAAAAAA!!

Five minutes of staring into the walls of my room, I look back to my phone to look at the chapter where they go to the 57th expedition. Maybe.. just maybe.. I could prevent their death..? I thought as I scroll and scroll through the manga website that I used to find the manga chapter.

"Ah! Here it is!" I said as I found the chapter that I've been looking for. It is called 'Vol. 7, Chapter:28 Choices and Consequences'.

I calm myself first before reading the chapter. I never thought I would read this chapter ever again. Cuz the first time I've read this chapter is.. long time ago and I cry like shit-


It's been half an hour reading the chapter as I hold back my tears. Now, here I am getting ready for the expedition.

I'm actually tired because when I travel back here, it's already morning. But, it's not like it's the first I didn't sleep at night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I don't really know the idea to save the Levi Squad from dying without revealing my.. powers.. Maybe I could ask them to be quiet- wait.. Hange is studying my blood.. So whether I want to be revealed or not, I will be revealed in the future.

I sigh as I got out of the bathroom. Yes, I shower and wear my clothes there because remember, that I sleep in a cell. And the cell is literally beside Eren's. If I wear my clothes there, I will die in embarrassment. Also, the bathroom that I talked about is upstairs.

I walk through the hallway as I tie my hair in a bun with my bang on loose.

I walk to the Mess Hall and get my food for breakfast. I'm hungry! I take my food and look around, thinking which table should I sit. Since the newest cadets had already got in a few days ago.. Should I sit with my squad or.. I should sit with Mikasa and the others.

I walk towards their table and take a sit beside Armin cuz that's the only empty sit left. Armin look at me and smiled.

"Good morning Y/n."

"Good morning Armin. So, how is it here?" I ask.

"Oh! It's okay here. Really."

"Good." I said giving him a smile. I look back at my food and start to devour it hungrily. Hehe.


"DEDICATE YOUR HEART!" The Commander of the Survey Corps, Erwin Smith yelled as in saying that the 57th expedition had already begun.

I yee-hee yee-hee my horse as I heard the yell. In this expedition, I will be at the centre with the Levi Squad because I'm one of them, obviously. Everyone will get different type of formation of us, Levi Squad. Ya'll know reason 'aight?


I ride the horse with ease and look up at the sky. The weather is beautiful today. I would love to say it someone there but, I know it's not a good timing.

"Y/n, focus."

I heard Petra, who is at my back said. I give her a sheepish smile as I mutter sorry to her. I bet she didn't hear it.

Me and Eren are placed at the middle of the squad, meaning, Levi at the front, Eld and Gunther behind Levi, me and Eren behind them with Petra and Oluo behind us. We're placed in the middle because we could be the 'female titans' target which is true.

The other member of the squad didn't know what really happened. They only thought this to be one of those normal expedition. Only me, Levi and other superiors knew about this. I hold myself from spoiling it to them. (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

It's been.. I don't know, maybe an hour? Riding this horse is quite boring without doing anything.. sheesh.

"Wha- why are we in the forest? Captain?" Eren asked.

"Look around Yeager. Think. This place could be a good place to use the ODM gear." Levi said.

"Oh. O-okay captain!"

We continue riding the horses with no sound except the sound of the horse galloping. Until, we heard a big step, sounding like a titan is approaching.

I look at the direction of the sound. It seems like she's about to show itself.. I thought as I turn back to the front.

"What is that sound? A titan?"

"Seems like it."

We continue riding our horses until the female titan appear herself behind us. Eren started to panicked and about to bite his hand a couple of times. But Petra doesn't let him.

"But the titan is right behind us! We could've saved the lives of the other cadets if I transform now!" Eren said as he keep looking back at the female titan that is staring at.. oh.. staring at us, me and Eren? Oi, Annie. Why stare at me? You only need Eren-

"You should put your trust on us Eren! Didn't you trust us?" Petra ask.

"Yeager, I don't which one is the right choice. So, at least choose the choice that will make you regret the least. Now, choose. Do you want to transform or not?" Levi give out his speech to Eren. Leaving Eren spaced out for while, thinking about the choices he had. Whether to transform into a titan and defeat the female titan or not transform and put all of his trust to the Levi squad.

"C'mon Yeager! Choose! We don't have much time right now!" Levi yelled.

"I will trust my squad and choose not to transform!" Eren said, making Petra smiled in relief.

About seconds later, the female titan is trapped by Erwin. Levi stayed there while us six was ordered to continue riding the horse until far enough. He also put Eld in charge of us.

When we know it is far enough, we stop at the few trees and shoot our gears to the tree branches. And now, we wait.

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