《Aot x reader (book #1)》Taking blood




Hange cried as she watch the titans that she gave name Sawney and Bean. I watch Hange sadly as she cried.

I look to my side and smirk at the person beside me.

He glare at me until a hand pat on our shoulder. We turn our heads to see Erwin's head between us.

Eren holds a confused expression while I hold a neutral expression.

Eren said as he is confused at Erwin's question. Erwin turn his head to me waiting for my answer.

Erwin said before walking away with Levi. Geez.. that's kinda creepy of you Erwin..


I don't know how long it has been since I last saw Mikasa- .. Omg, I said it like it'd been years. Haha.

Today is the day that Jean, Mikasa, Armin and others come.. Gee I miss them.

I just finished ready myself. I walk outside and see the whole pack. My smile grew wider and I fasten my walk towards them.

"Hey guys!" I yell.

The raven head turned and widened her eyes. She continue to walk towards me and grab my hands.


"Did they force you to come here? Was it that puny brat?" Mikasa asked as she give me a concern look.

Mommy Mikasa~

I plastered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Mikasa! I am still in one piece!" I closed my eyes and smiled at her just to show her that I'm fine.

I open back my eyes just to see that Mikasa is still unconvinced.

Then, I heard multiple footsteps coming from Mikasa's back. I peak behind her and see that everyone are now behind Mikasa.

Eren put a hand on Mikasa's shoulder. "Don't worry Mikasa. She's okay."

Mikasa look at Eren and looked back at me and sighed.


I turn my head to them. "Well, you heard the call. Bye bye!"

I said as I walk away accompanied by Eren who is walking behind me. We walk inside the old castle.

As we walk through the hallway, a cadet come to us and said that Hange called for us. So, we obediently follow the cadet towards Hange's laboratory.


As we arrived, the cadet knocked the door and opens it to reveal Hange, who is seating on her chair and Moblit, who is standing beside her. They seem like they are discussing about something. Bet it'd be about Sawney and Bean's death-

"Oh! You've arrived! Come in!"

Eren and I walk inside and close the door behind us. We walk closer to the table Hange seating at.

"So, do you need help in anything, Hange?" I ask.

"Yes! I'm actually intrigued to see if you can turn into a titan! So, let's go outside, shall we?" Hange said as she stand up from her seat.

"Oh.. okay."

"What about me? Why am I here?" Eren ask.

"To help Y/n, just in case she really turns into a titan and can't control it."

The four of us walk outside to the open field, where Eren always train his titan form.

We stop at the middle of the field. Hange turn around to face me. She put her hand inside her pocket and got a knife out. Then, she handed me the knife.

I look at the knife and her a few times, showing that I don't understand what she wants me to do. Sorry Hange, that I've become stupid-

"What do you.. want me to do with this?"

"Make a wound! We will be waiting over.. there! Bye!!" She said and walk away with the others.

I wait until she is far enough. I look back at the knife and back to where Hange and the other are. They're far enough. I look at the knife and make a deep wound at my palm.

"Shit.." I hissed.

I watch as the blood flow out of the wound that I made. I waited for 10 seconds.. nothing happen. I'm.. not a titan?

I heard footsteps closing towards me. I look up and see the disappointed face of Hange. Hange, you should be happy that I'm not a titan shifter!

"Aww! It didn't work!" Hange scoffed.

"Then, what made her wound steam- Look! It let out steam again!"

Everyone turn their gaze to my palm and see the steam coming out of my wound. Hange put her hand under her chin.


"What are you.." Hange said to herself.

"How about we take some of her blood samples? Then, we could study it." Moblit suggests.

"That's a brilliant idea, Moblit!" She said. "You guys wait here, okay. I'm gonna take my syringe." She walks away into the old castle.

A few minutes later, Hange come running back to us bringing the syringe and a vacutainer in her hands. She sit down and asks me sit down too. I sit on the grass. I give her my arm since she wants to take my blood.

I look away cuz I know that I'm scared of the syringe. My friends once said that quote on quote, 'when you're scared, don't act brave. It only making shit harder that it supposed to be.' I shut my eyes as I feel the pain of the syringe stabbing into my arm. I hiss at the pain.

Eren put his hand on my shoulder as a sigh of comfort. I look up at him and smiled in return. Thank you bestie.


I turn my head to look at Hange, who holds a really confused look.

"What is it Hange?"

I follow her gaze and it seems like she is looking the syringe. Is my blood colour different or something- I widen my eyes.

"I- I already pull the- Why is it not taking any blood?!" Hange ask.

"Not taking any- wha.. Hange, maybe you didn't pull it hard enough." Moblit said as he look at the syringe that is now supposed to have my blood but no, it's empty!

Hange held a frustrated look and pull the syringe more harder. But,..

"Why.. You have blood in you right, Y/n?!" Eren ask.

"Of course I do, you dumbass!"

Moblit is putting his hand under his chin, thinking about something. "How about we try the other way?" He said as he look at Hange.

"What other way?.. Oh! I get it! Y/n!"


Hange take the knife that I put on grass and handed it to me. I look at her, confused.

"Cut your palm."

She put the knife in my hand and smile excitedly at me. Sometimes, I don't what I should feel about you Hange.. I look at the knife and reluctantly cut open my palm again. I cut it deep enough for blood to come flowing out like a river.

As I cut,.. Where the fuck did my blood go?! I look at the wound weirdly. Wha?

Wait.. that voice.

Katsuki? Are you behind this? I ask the little girl mentally.. heh mentally-

Katsuki,.. please let the poor scientists have my blood to study. Or she will burst out with multiple theories about us! Please!

Wait a minute- you talk english?!-

With that, I could feel the blood almost coming out of the wound. I immediately take the vacutainer to collect the blood. Katsuki said little. Did she meant blood?

"UWAAAHHH! I THOUGHT YOUR BLOOD COULD BE ANOTHER COLOUR OR SOMETHING! BUT IS SEEM NORMAL!" Hange yelled excitedly as she examine the little of my blood in the vacutainer.

The amount of blood that we finally could collect out of me is so little. It's like.. 1/12 of the vacutainer! But at least we got some of the blood out.

"Well, that is hard.." Eren said.

"Moblit, Eren. You can go for now. I kinda want to talk with Y/n for a bit." Hange said.

"Okay Hange. Bye Y/n."

I watch them walk away. I can't help but feel nervous of what Hange want to talk about. I bet it's about the blood.


"Yes Hange?"

"Are keeping something important from me.. from us?"

"No! I didn't keep anything!" I said immediately. I hope she didn't see that as fake.

Hange look at me with concern. Then, she shake her head.

"Whatever. I hope you'll get a good rest. Starting tomorrow, the training will be a bit harsher because of the upcoming expedition. Take care Y/n!" Hange smiled brightly.

I return the smile as I walk away from her.

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