《ALL MINE (GxG)》102


Safe to say, Cayden never fails to surprise me.

Getting fucked on a Ferris wheel was not something I specified on my bucket list, but Cayden made me question why It wasn't particularly specified—and if I was even doing the whole bucket list thing right.

For Cayden, this just seemed like a normal Thursday for her. Like she hadn't really contemplated it before, which made me wonder what we'd get into regarding something she had genuinely thought about.

The plexiglass surrounding the Ferris Wheel capsule was foggy as the ride let us off, and I prayed to the gods above that everyone assumed it was due to more appropriate reasons.

Luckily, I had a travel-sized Chanel perfume that I always carry with me in my purse—so I made sure to spray that before exiting the ride.

My body was still tingly and coming down from the insane high Cayden put me on with just her fingers. Safe to say, Cayden made me cum within two minutes of being on the ride, leaving us time to adjust our frizzy hair, my unbuttoned pants, and allow my cheeks to fade from the pink color tinting them.

I was still breathless as we wandered through the fair, riding more rides, feeling like I was absolutely on top of the world.

I didn't think anything would stray my mind away from my parents, but of course, Cayden found a way around that. She always knew exactly what I needed—especially when it came to sex.

I halted my own thoughts when my phone began to ring, my stomach dropping as I prayed that it wasn't either of my parents.

It seems Cayden felt the same way, her eyes instantly darting down to my phone buzzing lightly in my hand, sensing my thoughts completely.

Relief flowed through me upon reading the caller ID, and seeing that it was only Griffin.

I placed the cold phone to my ear, walking hand in hand with Cayden as we exited the fair after spending our full day here. The sun was setting beautifully—a vibrant pink and orange painting the fading blue sky—and life felt almost scarily perfect.

It grounded me to the moment that would soon be a beautiful memory, feeling entirely grateful to have had experienced even a mere slice of life with Cayden.

I couldn't imagine experiencing life without her—or even worse, trying to experience life with someone else. It's like now that I know her and I know what it feels like to be with her, I can't go back. Everything and everyone beyond her feels so dull and empty.

"Vin—sugar plum—what are you doing? Like right now in this moment?" Griffin's voice flowed through my phone speaker and into my ears.


I furrowed my brows in confusion, which easily made Cayden furrow hers, taking in my state. "Uh... leaving the fair with Cay? Why what's going on?" I asked, and suddenly my intrusive thoughts began popping up like pesky notifications—realizing this could be concerning my parents. "Is this about my parents? Did they reach out to you?"

"Wait what? Your parents? Reaching out to me?" Griffin questioned, and I practically let out a sigh of relief, realizing by his tone that he had no idea what I was talking about. "You know what, we'll revisit that topic later so you can fill me in. Just come to Yolei's like right fucking now. It's an emergency."

I eyed Cayden with concern as she unlocked her car, causing her to halt her walking.

"An emergency?" I said.

"Just come, I'll see you when you get here—love you!" Griffin said, and before I could ask any further questions the call ended.

Hesitantly, I dropped the phone from my ear, a puzzled expression painting my face.

"What is it?" Cayden asked, walking over toward the passenger side door and opening it for me—a gesture that still doesn't go unnoticed.

I pursed my lips walking toward her, "I... I don't know? I guess just head to Yolei's. Griffin said it was an emergency."

Cayden nodded. "Okay."

Arriving at Yolei's my nerves were easily a mess, which contrasted against Cayden's cool mellow vibe that she had going on. I seriously think we're polar opposites when it comes to situations like this, but maybes that's a good thing. Maybe in a way, we complement each other—balancing one another out.

However, my nerves disappeared like ashy smoke flowing from a blown-out flame when I noticed Jade, Griffin, and Evan seated at a table, laughing and conversing.

I walked over to the table, my pace quickening as Cayden trailed behind me, matching my quickened pace.

"Griffin I'm actually going to kill you," I said, realizing that this 'emergency' was far from an actual emergency.

Cayden gently placed her hands on my shoulders, "Okay let's calm down," she said, her tone light and amused as Griffin looked up at me with a smile.

"I know it doesn't seem like an emergency—"

"Tell me right now...." I trailed off, irritation coating my tone. "Why my nerves are struck and why I had to rush here," I said, and Jade and Evan both gave each other amused looks, looking like they were going to burst out laughing any second.

"You didn't have to claim it as an emergency Griffin," Jade said, shaking her head with an amused smile as she patted the chair next to her—indicating for me to take a seat.


I reluctantly obliged, sitting in the seat across from Griffin, while Cayden sat down next to me.

"So..." Griffin trailed off with excitement lacing his tone. "We're planning a senior trip!"

My face fell almost instantly, "And that had to be an emergency?" I asked, and Cayden chuckled to herself.

Griffin shrugged, smiling to himself. "I was excited," he said, holding his hands up in defense.

Evan laughed. "I told him after that he shouldn't have made it seem that serious."

"I tried to as well, so this has nothing to do with me," Jade said, sipping her coffee.

Griffin gave me a dramatic frown. "Oh, you're not mad at me Vin. You just can't stay mad at a face like this."

I pursed my lips, giving him a deadpan look. "Hm. I think I can," I said, my tone slightly serious, but I was completely joking. Griffin frowned harder, furrowing his eyebrows as he batted his eyelashes at me. I let out a dramatic sigh, "Fine... but only if you let me pick the destination of this senior trip."

Griffin sighed dramatically, "Fine."

A smile grew on my face. "Then you're forgiven."

Evan clasped his hands together. "So where were we thinking?"

"I was thinking out of the states at least," Jade said, sitting her mug down on the wooden table. "It would be fun and extravagant."

I nodded. "I completely agree... We should do Bora Bora or Bali?"

"Bora bora," Evan and Jade said in agreement.

"But what about Paris?" Griffin whined like a child.

Jade shook her head. "Absolutely not—I will not be five-wheeling."

Griffin shrugged, "French guys Jade. French fucking guys."

Cayden laughed throwing her head back as her warm arm snaked around my waist. The small gesture always managed to warm my chest no matter how many times she did it.

"Cayden what do you think?" Evan asked. "Bora bora or Paris?"

Cayden's brows raised playfully, glancing over at me before saying, "I'm unbiased."

"Correction, you'll choose what Vi Vi chooses," Jade said, picking her mug up from the table.

I couldn't help but smile, knowing that me and Cayden were indeed a unit now. Unconsciously making decisions together.

Evan chuckled. "Oh, so Vina is the one wearing the pants in the relationship?"

My cheeks burned with heat as I looked over at Cayden whose eyes were already pinned on me. Silence grew around us as Cayden tilted her head in challenge at me.

We all knew who really wears the pants—and that's Cayden.

Cayden shrugged before saying, "On occasion, but she's rarely in pants around me—"

"Yep and this is why we are not going to Paris," Jade cut Cayden short. "Their PDA would be on fucking steroids."

Cayden laughed, and I couldn't help but chuckle humorously. She's definitely not wrong.

"I said Bora bora—Griffin's the one who's trying to go to Paris," I said, shrugging in defense.

Griffin pursed his lips into a thin line, sighing out of his nose. "Fine..." he trailed off. "I guess we can go to Bora bora."

Evan chuckled. "I've never heard someone so upset about going to Bora Bora."

Griffin rolled his eyes, leaning into Evan. "Yeah-yeah," he said. "Vin now's your time to fill us in about your parents."

I sarcastically laughed through my nose. "There's not much to say..." I trailed off, looking over to Cayden to meet her reassuring stare. "They—or my dad—specifically said they wanted to get dinner to catch up."

"Wait," Jade said, tilting her head. "No apologies were said?"

I pursed my lips, shaking my head no.

How my parents have acted and treated me is incredibly fucked up, but I don't exactly know what to do.

They are my parents. I can't not forgive them... can I?

And if I did, where would that leave me? Without a mother—or father?

Even I know that I don't want that, even if that means sucking up negative emotions and energy just to keep the peace.

"Vin... I don't know," Griffin said, sighing hesitantly like he was about to say something very harsh. "I just think—"

"Maybe we should give this issue a little longer to settle, given that it just happened," Cayden said, her arm tightening around me in a protective manner. "And let her form her own opinion first."

I nodded slightly, looking at Cayden. I definitely wanted to hear everyone's take, but Cayden's right, I need time to wrap my head around this—and I also need to form an opinion for myself. I feel like I can be easily influenced, so hearing what they have to say, might affect me more than it should.

Although, one thing is certain.

I have to attend dinner with them. If I don't, I know I'll regret it.

Hi guys:) I've missed writing this book so much!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and just know that this book will be coming to an end soon, so start mentally preparing yourselves... I know I will-Weekendlustt

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