《Softest Lips | on hold》orianne micah wright jr.
Ugh! I groaned as I tried to stretch my stiffed body but couldn't. I opened my eyes and shook my head. Jayden had me locked in with his leg tangled in mine and his arm wrapped around my stomach. I shook my head and tried to get out of his hold but obviously couldn't. I have to pee and if I didn't get up soon, it wasn't going to be pretty.
"Mhmm, Bug what you doing girl?" He groaned out as he tightened his hold on me making me sigh dramatically and throw my head back.
"I have to pee, Pooh. Please let me up." I said making him open his eyes, blinking rapidly before to adjust to the light.
"Just pee on me." He mumbled making me laugh.
"Jayden O'mari West, stop playing with me on this good Sunday."
He finally let me out of his hold and I hurried to the bathroom to release my bladder before it burst. I pulled my shorts down and let out a big sigh. Once I finished, I wiped myself and made my way to the sink to wash my hands. While I was standing at the sink, I decided to go ahead and take care of my hygiene before going back into my room. I shook my head with a smile on my face. Jayden was on my side with my pillow wrapped tight in his arms.
I took that as an window to head downstairs to whip up breakfast for my two favorite guys. Our staff be off on the weekends because I like to be in the kitchen. I pulled on my purple Dolce and Gabbana robe and slid my feet into the matching house shoes before walking out—going downstairs. I checked on my twin before shuffling into the kitchen. I grabbed everything I needed to make a small fruit salad. I cut up some Granny Smith apples, pineapples, oranges and placed all that into a bowl with some grapes.
"Good morning, Twin."
I looked up and smiled watching my father walk into the kitchen. "Good Morning Pa. Do you want some coffee?"
"Yes please, what you cooking for breakfast?" He asked tossing a few grapes in his mouth making me laugh. Man I can't do nothing but thank God that my father is still here. His heart attack had me scared and I was truly thinking the worst. His health has never been a problem, so him having a heart attack was not easy for me, at all.
"Ricotta pancakes and a frittata." After I fixed his coffee the way he liked it, I moved around the large kitchen getting everything I needed to make the two breakfast food. I pulled a clear glass mixing bowl from the cabinet and started mixing the pancake mix—made sure I added extra vanilla and nice a amount of ricotta for fluffiness. I moved the pancake batter to to the side and started working on the eggs for the frittata. I cracked at least six eggs in another glass mixing bowl and sat it to the side.
"Where's Jay?"
I heard my father ask which made look up. "He's still sleep."
"How is he with everything that's been going on?"
I shrugged not really knowing the answer. He said he's doing okay but I don't believe it. Just like he's there for me, I try to do the same for him. "I really don't know Pa. Like he says he's okay but being okay doesn't reach his eyes. He's too busy worrying about me and not himself. I like that but I want him to understand that he comes first."
"Well if he's not doing okay, I at least hope he's okay, you know? What happened wasn't easy. Imagine getting released from prison on the path of reclaiming your life back, only to get pushed ten steps back. He's been working too hard just for somebody to come and take it away. Be easy on him, Juicy. Thank you for the coffee. I'm about to go it in the sunroom."
I nodded my head and smiled as he kissed me on my forehead. It was time for me to get started on the frittata, so I cut open the pack of ground mild sausage and dumped it into the hot skillet. Making a frittata was really simple and easy to make. All you do is cook any raw meat in an oven-safe nonstick skillet; Sauté your preferred vegetables until soft; Mix and season them. Add your of choice cheese on top. Then you whisk your eggs with cream plus seasoning, and pour the mixture on top of the everything. Let it cook for about 2 minutes until the egg mixture starts to set around edges. Then place the skillet in a 400°F oven for about 10 minutes or until cooked throughly.
While the frittata was baking, I decided to get started on the pancakes. I grabbed another nonstick skillet and placed it on the eye, dropping some organic butter in—letting it sizzle. Picking up the bowl of pancake batter, I gave it a whisk and poured the batter four times creating four medium sized pancakes. I think I was going make about eight because I knew my Pa loved my pancakes and Jayden skinny ass could eat. Food go straight to his dick. I shook my head and flipped the pancakes over once the edges were crispy.
"Good morning, Bug."
I smiled hearing Jayden's voice. I turned away from the stove watching him walk into the kitchen. "Good morning, Pooh."
"What you cooking? It smells good." He stretched and scratched his stomach before taking a seat at the breakfast table.
"Sausage frittata and ricotta pancakes." I stated and grabbed the serving dish, placing the four pancakes down before pouring more batter into the skillet. I dumped the reaming batted into the trash and placed the bowl into sink full of dishwater.
"Do you wanna go on a date today? I know we was supposed to chill for a few days, but with everything that's been going on, we need it. We can do lunch and shopping for Aspen. We don't have to stay out long,"
I smiled wide and nodded my head. I loved spending time my baby. We could've went to the park and I would've been happy. I took the frittata out the oven, setting it on a cooling mat and took the remaining pancakes out the skillet. I made sure the oven and stove was off before fixing my men their plates. I have such a nurturing sprit and I think it stems from being looked after and cared for by nothing but men. Yea I had my two aunties, but my father, uncles, and cousin don't play about me.
I took my father his plate first and returned to the kitchen handing Jayden's his. Walking between his legs, I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled in his face.
"Whaaat?" He dragged out shying away from me making me laugh. It's crazy how he was the shy one and I'm the bold one.
"You so handsome." I expressed as I rubbed his face.
Jayden licked the syrup from his lips before triple pecking mine. I squealed once he flicked his tongue out, and ran it across my lips. I wiped his mouth and shook my head. "Just nasty."
After we both finished eating, we headed back upstairs to get ready for our date. Since we took our shower last night, all we had to do was redo our oral hygiene and get dressed. I walked into my closet and shook my head at all my clothes. It was cold so I needed to dress accordingly. I pulled an orange checkered shaket from the hanger, a creamed colored fur hoodie, and a pair of black leather leggings. I walked to the other side of my closet looking at my wall of shoes for a minute before deciding on my Shattered Backboard 1s.
"You miss me? I miss you too!"
I shook my head listening to Jayden talk because that wasn't nobody other than Emmie. Boy had her spoiled rotten. I tossed my clothes on the bed and removed my robe—hanging it back up on the back of my door. Since I was putting on a hoodie, I was definitely putting on a sports bra.
"Remind me to buy my baby a toy while we're out."
I nodded my head and pulled my leggings on. I jumped and stuck my leg out adding some stretch. "I'm surprised she's just now calling. She would usually be blowing you up."
"She just got her iPad fixed. Little bad ass dropped in my bathroom." Jayden shook his head as he pulled his wifebeater over his head and slipped his sweatshirt over his body.
"Can we try some new food today? Like a different country?" I asked as I rubbed my arms down in a little almond oil before slipping my hoodie over my head. I adjusted the hood and pulled my necklace with Jayden's name out. Ever since I got it, I never take it off, not even to shower.
"Yes, what you got in mind?" He looked up at me as he took down his braids. He was more than like going to wear his hair out or put it in a pony tail. I'm betting on out.
"Indian. I've never had their food before." I stood in front of my mirror and took my bonnet off. My hair was in its natural curly state, so I just shook it and ran my hands through it fluffy it out. Ma is supposed to be doing my hair for my trip but with everything that has happened, is the trip even going to happen? Jayden and I are hopeful, but giving the circumstances, I don't know. Our parents are trying to do everything they can to clear my baby's name.
"You trying to kill us. Spicy ass food, but alright. Whatever you want." He shook his head in disbelief making me laugh.
We had been at the mall for about thirty minutes and we already had at least four bags a piece. I shook my head because I don't see packing light for Aspen as an option. We walked into Evo which was a ski store. They had everything you could possibly need for a lodging trip. The first thing I looked at were some goggles. I wanted a pair to match the Moncler my baby got for me for Christmas.
"Excuse me? Can I try those on?" I pointed to a purple pair of cylindrical goggles that matched my coat exactly. I wanted to see how they fit my face before I bought them. I handed my bags to Jay and stepped up to worker, so she could help me. Once they were on my face, she gave me a mirror and I nodded my head, satisfied.
"I'll take these and the matching neck warmer." I turned around to ask Jayden did he want a pair but he wasn't behind me. I shook my head once I noticed him trying on a pair of Bibs.
"Aye Bug, I like these. They got a gray pair in your size. Do you want them? They'll match your coat and goggles." He stated as he stood in front of the mirror.
"Let me see them." I really think he was more excited about the trip than me. I really hope we get to go on this trip. It would honestly be the best birthday ever.
About two hours later, we were finally making it back to my house after shopping and eating Indian food. Which was very interesting might I add. The food had a unique smell but it was good. I'll give them that and Jay was right, that shit was spicy as hell. I don't think I would eat it again though.
I used my key to unlock the door and kicked my shoes off. I picked them up heading for the stairs. I had the house to myself tonight because my uncles came and kidnapped my father. They were on their way to Atlantic City. They figured he needed a breather after being cooped up in the house after his heart attack. His check up a few days ago went well, so I said why not.
"Bugga, can I draw you nude?"
I wasn't insecure about my body at all but that question made me feel small. I looked up at him titling my head slightly to side. I rubbed my hand up and down my arm unsure on what to say. I didn't mind doing it, it's just.. I don't know. Guess I was having one of those days about my body.
"You don't have to do it if you're not comfortable. I don't even know why I asked. I apologize baby." He stated as he pulled his sweatshirt off while I stood there in shock trying to find my words.
Him apologizing wasn't the shocking part because my baby is well mannered all around. It was the simple gesture of respect that had me shocked. Don't get me wrong, he always respect me but it's the fact that he respects my body as well. If it was any other nigga I would've been ridiculed and more. He saw the look on my face and knew exactly what was wrong.
"I'll do it!" I blurted out loudly, scaring me and him. He looked at me unsure and I nodded my head to assure him.
"I need words, Luvbug." He stated as he stared at me making sure I was actually on board with doing this. I was but I knew he needed to hear me say it.
"I'll do it. I wanna do it."
He smirked and nodded his head as he pulled his jeans off. "Go take a shot or two to ease your nerves while I sat up."
He didn't have to tell me twice. I jetted out of the door and hit the stairs going into the bar room. I flipped the light on and looked for the strongest bottle ever. Jayden has seen me naked more than once of course, but I never been under his microscope. I took three shots of Malfy Con Limone Gin which was straight from Piermonte, Italy. Them three shots definitely gave me a buzz. I took one more and made my way back upstairs.
Searchin by Soner was playing at a nice volume when I walked back into my room. Jayden had his easel set up with a 30 by 40 white canvas. Over the past few months, I've bought enough to know them by size. I walked into my closet and started removing my clothes. I hung my jacket and hoodie back up before grabbing a small chocolate colored satin robe. I slipped it on and picked up my clothes—tossing them into the dirty clothes basket.
"C'mere, baby." Jayden called out to me making me look up. He was sitting in my rolling chair dressed in nothing but a pair of briefs. I walked between his legs and sighed as he stuck his hands under the robe. He started running his hands up and down my sides.
"How you feel, Bugga?"
I shrugged trying to mask my nervousness. "I feel good. I took about four shots of gin."
He laughed and nodded his head. "I smell it on ya breath. Gimme a kiss and go sit on the windowsill."
I gave him the kiss he wanted which turned into something more. He wrapped his around my throat and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I moaned into the kiss once he started sucking on my tongue. He sent one hard smack to my ass making my knees buckle. Lord, I would hate to see him when we actually have sex. I just might get nailed to the cross. He pulled back with my bottom lip between his teeth, letting it pop back. I shook my head in a daze as I walked to the windowsill.
"How do you want me to sit?" I asked as I untied my robe, letting it pool at my feet.
He cocked his head to the side and shook his head. "Sit how you want to, but I need you relaxed."
I nodded my head and decided to sit crisscross while laying my head up against the wall. It gave him a clear view of my chest and I figured I'll do this position first before trying something else. He fondled with his pencil bag before sitting down.
"Would you move in with me?" Jayden asked and I knew he was only making conversation to make me feel comfortable.
"No. Not right now I wouldn't, only because I want to get a taste of freedom and living on my own. My life has been nothing but being around people and them doing for me. Not saying I don't like it, but it's coming to a point in life where I just wanna do for me. That's why I don't have a townhouse in our housing complex because my father and uncles agreed that when I'm ready to leave the mansion I can chose where I wanna go." I hope he understands my answer and my reasoning why. I didn't have a problem with the idea of moving in with him just not right now.
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floating | ✓
Gwen Bradbury has seen the end. Gwen Bradbury has learned fighting again. ******Gwen Bradbury's life is torture to her. She is floating above everyone else. Her existence is like a void, eating her up from the inside, little by little every day. Gwen wants freedom. She wants to escape. But she is not one to give up. The darkness and demons can't do anything to her, not again. She will fight till she can't take it anymore.Oliver Carlson isn't your typical boy next door. He isn't the popular bad boy with a dark past you will find in every book. Oliver is not cocky, not famous, not one with eight pack abs. He is quiet, silent, hiding in shadows, away from everyone else, on his own. He has learned to keep to himself, build his suits of armors up, and shut everyone out. Nobody really knows him. He doesn't care. What hurts is that when his popular brother Owen Carlson gets everything he wants, leaving Oliver nothing.So when Gwen Bradbury unintentionally unexpectedly crashes into Oliver Carlson's life, she tries to convince him that life is beautiful with her broad smile and crazy endeavors. Oliver does quite the opposite by shutting her out on the outside but maybe secretly slowly letting her own a piece of his heart.But what happens when both Oliver and Gwen are faced with disasters that make their second skin fall apart in front of their eyes abandoning only the truth?Completed.@girlofthetrees is the editor of this book."How is it possible for someone already have written such an amazing book and on top of it write another one," - @Nani2096, A reader of 'In Too Deep' about Floating."I love you and your books so muchh. The recent Floating chapter almost made me cry because it was so beautiful. I hope one day your books will get published and I'll be sure to buy them." - @sel__hHighest Ranking:#1 in depression#1 in hot#1 in slowburn#1 in friends#1 in sarcasm#1 in sad#1 in loneliness
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