《The Goddess’ Chosen》On the other side of the world


Allisa had only seen but a small glimpse of the peaks when held in captivity by the ravengers. Yet that did not compare to what she experienced now. Having climbed god- or goddess or Ekon- knows how high, Allisa, Rika and Ion were now cruising amidst a forest of overgrown floating rocks. She had seen such a sight in a movie years ago, and while she was young enough to be dazzled by it, seeing a real thing in person was completely different.

With a large grin, Allisa couldn’t help but hold out her arms, feeling the clean breeze brushing against her.

“Haha, easy. Don’t wanna fall off,” Rika said to her.

“R-Right.” Regaining herself, Allisa grabbed ahold of Ion.

Looking back at her, Rika grinned. “You know Ion, it’s been a while so why don’t we go the scenic route.”

“That would be lovely,” Ion said.

“Alright… hold on tight.” Pushing down on her handlebars, the throttle of the speeder roared, rocketing them into the smattering of floating rocks. Flying over one island with a large pond, Rika slowed down, allowing Allisa to take in the breathtaking sights. The floating islands all varied in both size, shape and foliage from top vegetation to overgrown vines that hug in large sways over the edges. As with the cragg and the translucent forest, alien machines could be seen jutting out from the rock.

The speeder picked up speed as they continued deeper into the floating islands. Passing over a large island, they finally came across signs of civilization. On the side of one of the islands was a massive settlement- for lack of a better word, made of several hundred small ships of varying sizes that had been attached to the rock, stripped down, and repurposed into a city. While they kept their distance, Allisa could make out people on the makeshift walkways with speeders flying to and from it.

Rika flew past it, climbing higher into the sky. More signs of civilization could be seen with various huts and homes built onto the sky islands, each ranging in size from small doms to two-story blocks.

“And here we are,” Rika turned sharply, flying towards an island with a large house built onto it, fit with a large platform jutting from the side which Rika used to land.

Berken was the first off, taking flight even before touchdown. Allisa disembarked next. “This… is your house?” She said without thinking. It was more pristine than what she had seen on their flight. Still made of metal but with a white sheen and slanted windows. It looked like a billionaire holiday house back in her world.

“Yeah, use to belong to my old man,” Rika said as Ion got off next. “Though it has more space than I know what to do with it’s been a good home for me.”

“My, I haven’t been here in years,” Ion said as Rika pushed her speeder through them.

“I’m surprised Altosk hasn’t confiscated it yet,” Berken said as the group followed.

“Well… let’s just say this being ‘off the record’ has helped,” Rika said sheepishly.

“Off the record?” Allisa repeated.

“In other words, this was built in private and illicitly funded so it needed to stay off the record.” Berken clarified.


“Uh, illicit’s a strong word,” Rika said as she reached the sliding doors. “Let’s just say my old man had this built a holiday home using money he siphoned away when he was young and pulled some strings to keep it in the dark.”


“What was your dad, a drug dealer?” Allisa narrowed her eyes.

“Of course not. He was a councilman.”

Allisa looked at Ion. “Uh, he’s someone who works for the city administrations,” She whispered.


“Yeah, well I can’t complain since that bitch took everything else,” Rika said as she opened the door, pulling her speeder behind her.

“Wh-well it’s still a beautiful home,” Ion said.

“Sure is, I’ll give it that,” Berken flew in. “A beautiful open living room with enough space to- BY THE EKON!? WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!”

Allisa and Ion followed inside. The glamour of the outside certainly didn’t translate to the interior. Whatever the large two-roomed area use to be it was now flooded with machine parts, broken fericher, and several workbenches with the speeder taking up a large space at the far left corner of the room.

“This is… different,” Ion said with a weary smile.

“Looks like a junk shop,” Allisa said without thinking.

“Um, Rika…” Ion looked towards Rika as she parked her speeder in the central room. From celebrity house shows Allisa had watched with Lucy, that space may have fitted a large sofa, and certainly not crates of machine parts.

“I needed a garage and workshop and… well this wasn’t being used for anything so I did some redecorating,” Rika said casually as she took out her guns, placing them at one of the workbenches.

“I can see that…” Ion said with a weak smile.

“B-But but but… what about the works of art your father procured? The gifts from Resivour!” Berken few around the room in a panic, fretting over each and every conversion Rika had done. “What about that 200’000 dekat Synthma table from the old deletrace!”

“It’s over there.” Without looking, Rika pointed to a glimmering red table that had a large amount of ravenger and warframe junk spelled over it. “And I sold all the other stuff. How’d you think I was able to afford the speeder and parts I need.”

“I don’t know which sister’s worse…”

Rika chuckled as she detached her gun holsters. She turned and leaned on the table, looking at Ion and Allisa. “But enough about me,” She folded her arms below her chest with a sly grin.

“Y-Yes,” Ion bowed her head. “You’re probably wondering what’s been happening…?”

“I heard Bec ‘kidnapped you’ so I have an idea.”

Ion gave her a shy smile.

“You on the other hand,” Rika looked at Allisa. “I got a feeling there’s more to you than just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“Wh-What do you mean?” Allisa asked defensively.

“Just a hunch. They way you’ve been acting means you’re not from Ter’figmar.”


“And I’m right, aren’t I.”

“..... It’s…. Complicated…” Allisa said nervously. She didn’t want to hide that she was from another world from Rika, as she had saved her life without knowing who she was. But where to even begin? Will she even believe her?”


Allisa felt her cheeks going red. Embarrassed she held her grumbling belly. She realized she hadn’t eaten since the settlement in the Cragg.

Laughing, Rika pushed herself away from the desk. “Frist let’s get some food in you before you pass out.

“I-It’s not that-”


“.... It’s a… very long story.”


Rika leads the girls upstairs. Unlike the makeshift garage, the rooms upstairs were better kept. Sitting in the futuristic kitchen, Rika got out all her food, from meat to vegetables. While eating, Ion, Allisa and Berken got Rika up to speed in what’s happened, leaving out no detail, no matter how outstanding it may seem to her.


“Whoa…” Rika finally said leaning back on her chair facing Ion and Berken. “That’s… Quite a story.” Sighing, she folded her arms and leaned back on her chair. “First you got chased out of the void then crashed on another world completely. After that Altosk found you, captured you again, and for some reason kidnapped Allisa. Then to top it all off, you got caught in a firefight in the conduit and traveled on foot all the way to the peaks….”

“Hearing all of it out loud… it does sound like the ravings of a madman or a bunika on too much caffeine,” Berken said.

Ion slumped in her chair, pressing her fingers together. “I-I understand if you don’t believe me-”

“No, I believe you,” Rika said without hesitation. “Come on, no way you’d just make something like that up. Besides, it would explain your getup… or what's left of it.” She added with a chuckle.

“Rika…” Ion smiled back.

“Still… what a mess this turned out to be. I had a hunch Bec’s plan wouldn’t go that smoothly but I never would’ve predicted something like this.”

“I doubt anyone did…”

“I still need to give Bec a piece of my mind. It’s his fault we’re in this mess to begin with.” Berken said furiously.

“.... Rika,” Nervioulsy, Ion took in a deep breath. “I-It was my idea to change allegiance. No one convinced me to do it.” She cast her gaze down to the floor. “Because of me… Bec, Markus, even the two pilots, and now Allisa… I didn’t mean to drag them all into this.”

Rika sighed. “There you go again.” She leaned forwards and patted Ion on the head. “Bec and Markus would’ve done what they did even if you didn’t ask. Heck, you came to me I’d take you to Marina myself on my speeder.”

“Rika,” Ion smiled shyly.

“Though I’m still pissed you didn’t come to me for help.”

“... I’m sorry.”

“But what’s done is done,” Rika leaned back in her seat, looking to her left with a sly grin. “And I think things are gonna get more lively with her around.”

At the table across from them Allisa was stuffing her face with as much food Rika had put in front of her, not bothered by the eyes on her.

“Haha! I didn’t think there was anyone who had worse table manners then you!” Rika roared with laughter.

“R-Rika?!” Ion exclaimed.

“Uudup! I-ent eeen a deessst mee in fuff dys! Causs I’m goona eat like a uig!” Allisa said back to Rika with her mouth full of food.

“Be careful spy. You’ll choke if your not careful.” Berken said without even pretending to be concerned.

“Euufff wiet da-GAAK?!” Allisa started to choke, reaching for a pitcher of water and downing the whole thing before coughing.

“Haha! Likely friend, you’ve made there.” Rika laughed as Ion patted Allisa on the back.

“Told you,” Berken said.

“Shut up.” Allisa scowled as she gulped down more of her water.

“You must’ve been starving to eat this much,” Rika chuckled looking at the large stack of finished dishes she had prepared. “Though walking all the way from the conduit would wear anyone out.”

“That’s… putting it lightly,” Allisa put her water down leaning on her chair. Ion had explained that Allisa had been doing all the fighting up until the hunt, and it clearly took a toll on her. While Ion’s borrowed clothes were pretty ragged, Allisa was astonished she was still wearing anything at all due. Taking off her hoody, she saw the entire thing had been practically ripped to pieces, the hood hanging by the left side and the old blue fabric stained with mud, grime and what was undoubtedly her own blood. Her shirt and jeans were in no better condition and her shoes looked like they were falling apart. “Don’t think I’ve ever gone on a journey like that before.”

“Not even in your world?” Rika asked. “I mean, to walk all the way here is no small thing. Anyone lacking experience would’ve been killed along the way,”

Allisa believed her completely. “Well, yeah, I’ve done long stretches before. But my friends were with me.” The mere mention of them almost brought a tear to her eye. Their absence was becoming more difficult now that the dangers have passed.

“Allisa?” Ion noticed her change in mood, clearly feeling guilty about Allisa’s circumstances.

“Oh, s-sorry.” Allisa forced a smile.

“Markus and the pilots are with them, right?” Rika asked.

“Y-Yeah… and I still don’t think they even know where I am.” It seemed so long ago that they went to the back ops base, and it was the last time she had spoken to them. She couldn’t even imagine what they must’ve felt when they got back to realize both her and Ion were gone, and without any indication as to where.

Even if they did; how would they even follow?

“Don’t worry too much. If Markus’s with them I’m sure they’ll figure out what’s happened and come to the rescue.” Rika said reassuringly. “In the meantime, what are your plans?”

“Huh? Uh… I don’t really know. I’m still lost in what happened.” Allisa said truthfully.

“I… I want to help Allisa get back home.” Ion spoke up after a long silence, though avoiding looking at Allisa directly. “It is my fault this happened to her. And after all she sacrificed to get me here, it’s time I helped her.”

“… Well you know you got my help,” Rika said, though not sounding confident. “But what’s your plan to get her back home?”

Ion nervously twiddled her fingers. “I…. Don’t know.” She admitted shamefully.

“Why not use another spaceship?” Allisa suggested. “I mean, that’s how you guys got to terra-”

“Yeah, that’s not gonna work a second time,” Berken said. “For one, what happened was a freak accident and it was by complete chance that we crashed into your world. The only one who could replicate that is Markus and he’s stuck in your world.”

“But what about Altosk? They attacked us in our world.”

“…. If I had to guess, the Sovereigns Hope locked in on Ion’s eather to find her. It’s a special eather signature that the trinity has and it’s exclusive to the Star Singer.”

“Not to add more bad news, but there isn’t a ship that can travel the void anywhere in the peaks,” Rika added. “Only people in Ter’figmar that has ships like that are the rich, governer’s, Altosk, and people you really don’t want to mess with.”

“.... So in other words, we can rule out spaceship.” Allisa sighed, leaning forwards. Looking at her empty ring finger and had another thought. “I… may have a way back,” She straitened up, remembering her void ring. Even if she was in completely new world if she could make a portal she could go home but…

“Buuuuttt,” She let out another sigh. “I’m pretty sure Altosk has it.”

“Yeesh,” Rika’s lips curled. “If that’s the case then… yeah, I don’t see you getting it back even with Ion’s help.”

“Soooo… I’m completely stranded on this world.”

“Looks that way,” Rika gave her a sympathetic smile. “With I can help, but this is way too much for someone like me.”

“I’m sorry,” Ion said again.

“You don’t have to keep apologizing,” Allisa reassured her.

“..... It’s a long shot, but I might know someone who could help you out,” Rika said rubbing her chin. “Emphasis on might.”

“At this point, I don’t really have a lot of options,” Allisa said.

“His name's Bec, a scavenger from Figmars Edge.”

“Bec?” Allisa recalled the name. “As in the metal face guy who pretended to kidnap you?” She asked Ion who nodded.

“That’s him.” Berken said.

“That saves me some time,” Rika chuckled. “As I said, it’s a long shot. I doubt he can do anything himself but he might be able to point you in the right direction.”

There was a loud beep from a console on the other side of the room.

“Speaking of,” Rika grinned as she got off her chair and walked to the console. As she pulled up a chair in front of it, she beckoned Allisa and Ion to come towards her before punching a button. The image lit up with Bec focused in the center.

“Yo Rika!” Bec said casually. “Been a while,”

“Sure has Bec.” Rika said resting one leg on the desk in front of the console. “Sooo, had your fill of being the most wanted man in Ter’figmar?”

“What can I say? My face now hangs on every wall.” Bec joked back resting his hands over his head. “..... Out of curiosity, how much about my daring exploits do you know?”

“Ohhh, you know,” With a grin, Rika moved slightly out of shot to have Allisa, Ion and Berken visible in the shot.

“...... Okay, that much.”

“Bec!” Ion greeted with joy.

“This is the guy?” Allisa asked. “.... I thought you were kidding when you said metal face.”

“YOU SCAVENGING, TWO-TIMING BASTARD!” Beren exploded, zooming close to the console. “Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re stupid plan has caused?!”

“Good to see you to.” Bec said as Ion pulled the still-fuming Berken away. “And you too. Was worried the whole void travel thing may have gotten you killed.”

“It’s good to see you safe Bec. I was so worried that something happened to you while I was gone.”

“Give me some credit. Disappearing is what I’m good at.” Bec joked before his lens eyes focused on Allisa.

“Uh, h-hi.” She said nervously, wondering how to introduce herself. She was still put off by the fact his face was a metal skull that was moving and talking.

“Heyo. You must be Allisa.”

“Huh? You know who I am?”

“Yep. Got some folks over here who are pretty eager to-”

“Nyow! I heard Allisa’s voice!”

“It is! Look!”

Two familiar voices came through from the monitor.

“Who was that?” Rika asked confused.

“I… I recognize those voices!” Ion exclaimed.

Allisa did too. She knew them very well. Wait.. don’t tell me that's-

“Hey hey hey! I know you’re eager but groan-ups are talking-” Before Bec could even finish two people pounced on him, pushing him out of the way to take up all of the screens, both yelling “Allisa!”

“Mary?! Sasha?!” Allisa rushed to the console, forgetting that Rika was even there. There was no doubt about it, the two looking at her with tears in their eyes were Meracle and Sasha.

“Nyow, I knew you were okay!” Meracle said.

“Thank goodness! We were so worried when we saw that video.” Sasha said.

Before Allisa could say anything back, Bec raised his head pushing the two girls off. “Haven’t your mothers ever told you not to jump on pe-hey hey hey!”

“Yo Allisa!”


Rodger and Cerberus were next to crowd the screen, taking up the entire monitor. “Wow! This weird box thing is awesome! So that’s the real you on the other side?”

“Careful! You’ll break the screen if crowd around!” Bec once again forced the two away. “Could you guys please control your children before they-”

“Allisa!” Max then came in, shoving Bec away clearly not knowing his own strength. “Haha! Been a while huh?”

Yuki was standing next to him. “Damn, you look like shit.” He said bluntly.

“Speak for yourselves,” Allisa said, wiping a small tear from her eye. Both boys, and even Meracle, Sasha and Rodger looked as though they had been through as much of an ordeal as she had.

“Allisa!” To her surprise, Dale was the next to crowd the screen. “Oh thank goodness. You gave me a heart attack when I came down and saw you were gone.”

“S-Sorry…” Allisa smiled weakly. Dale though was certainly not someone she was expecting to see, much less Sasha. “Wait… if you guys are here, is Mirage also-?”

“And where’s that rabbit?! That metal rodent broke my nose and wrecked my store!”

“I did?” Berken crocked his head cluelessly.

“That hurt!” Bec came in and kicked Dale in the face, trying to get his console back.

“What’d you hit me for!”

“Oh wrong one- That hurt!” Bec then punched Max, waving his hand in pain. “AND WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF!”

“Okay, let’s let the grownups talk,” Cliff came into view, holding Max. Mirage dragged Dale away while Nel did the same with Yuki, followed by a crescendo of loud voices.

“Uhhhh…?” Rika was speechless at what was happening. “Are these the friends you were talking about?”

“Yeah, that’s them,” Allisa said. Despite the obvious bad impression, she couldn’t whip the smile off her face.

“They all came after us!” Ion said joyfully.

“Ion!” After everything calmed down on the other side, Markus was the next to approach, looming at the back just in view due to his massive build.


Cliff, Mirage, Nel, Melvin (with Cerberus beside him) and Bec were with him. “Praise the Ekon you are unharmed.”

“You too. We were so worried about what happened to you,”

“Not as worried as us,” Melvin said. “If not for that video of Allisa fighting we wouldn’t have known what had happened.”

“Video?” Allisa said confused.

“The one recorded by Berken,” Markus clarified. “Showing your fight with Leo, the first star of Altosk.”

“Oh…. Wait, you filmed that?!” Allisa exclaimed at Berken.

“Of course I did. There was no way you would’ve won against Leo so I made sure to let the others know where to pick up your body after he killed you.” Berken said. “Never expected you would’ve survived, let alone taken with us.”

“Oh gee, thanks.” Allisa scowled. However, no matter how many times she played that fight over, she had to acknowledge he was right. “Sorry guys.” She said quietly, clenching her fist. “If only I was stronger…”

“Allisa…” Ion clenched her chest.

“If it’s any consolation,” Cliff spoke up. “All of us combined were barely able to fight off three of Altosk’s luitenents and a warframe weapon. So don’t beat yourself up about this,”

“Yeah, I think we all walked into this mess on our own,” Melvin said.

“Guys…” Allisa gave a small smile.

“Still, any idea why they took you?” Nel asked.

“Believe me, I wanna know that myself,” Allisa said. “When I came too I was locked up in their ship.”

“You didn’t question anyone as to why?”

“They were shooting at us. I didn’t exactly have time to ask questions.”

Markus tapped his forehead, letting out a deep hum. “It may have been Felt and Rall who took you, as opposed to Leo’s orders. Most likely you were to be taken to professor Razz at Grand Vault. The two owe the professor a debt, and they may have seen you as someone to help clear that.”

“Uh… but why me?”

“.... It’s only a hypothesis. I’m not too certain myself.”

Allisa grumbled. The still lingering mystery as to her abduction was still that, a mystery. Yet looming on the topic any longer wouldn’t be productive so Allisa changed the topic to something she was meaning to ask. “… How’d you guys even get here? Did you fix Markus’s ship?”

“Oh no, that thing’s long gone,” Melvin said casually.

“Our Void rings got us here,” Nel answered.

“The… wait, the void rings?”

“We had some help from our old ‘friend’ Arch Sage Elaina.” Cliff continued. “Turns out, she’s the one who made them.”

“R-Really? Elaina?”

“Elaina?” Ion looked confused. “Another friend of yours?”

Allisa’s face cringed. “Not… exactly.” She then looked at her empty finger. “Oh crap… she’s definitely gonna kill me next time we meet.”

“I take it you don’t have yours on you?” Mirage asked.

“Nope. Altosk has it.”

“I was afraid of that…” Melvin’s eyes narrowed while Cerberus whined.

“But… with the void rings… if it got you here, then it can take us home again?” Allisa asked hopefully.

“Yes, but there’s a catch,” Nel said. “The rings were designed to travel between Avalon and Terra, but not to another world. In order for them to work here, they need to attune to the mana of this world to create a portal. And we have no way of knowing how long that will take.”

“In other words; we’re stranded here just like you.”

“Damn,” Allisa sighed.

“I’m sorry everyone,” Ion bowed her head.

“You don’t have to keep apologizing,” Allisa said to her.

“.... I’m not even gonna pretend to know what any of you are saying.” Bec suddenly interrupted.

“Me neither. My brain's just hurting from what Ion told me,” Rika sighed, resting her legs on the table in front of the console.

“Ohhhh, right. Rika, I had a reunion with your sister recently.”

Rika’s expression hardened at the mention. “.... The conduit attack was her idea, right?” She said coldly.

“Yep. And she predicted Ion would find her way to you. I think you’ll be seeing her in person very soon, and she won’t be in a very talkative mood after that mess with the conduit.”

“I see,” Rika bit down on her lip. “So it’s gonna be like that, Ciryn.” She muttered to herself. Allisa didn’t know what it was about, only that the mere mention of this sister sent her mood sour.

Just then, Ion suddenly collapsed onto Allisa. “H-Hey, Ion?” She grabbed her and steadied herself before falling over. Ion seemed to have fallen into another deep sleep, like with the woods.

“Ahh! Ion! What have you done spy?!” Berken yelled.

“Why do you always assume I did something?!” Allisa snapped back while holding Ion upright.

“.... She’s fine. I bet she’s tired from all that walking,” Rika got up and cradled Ion in her arms and carried her to the sofa nearby where she lay her down.

“A-Actually Rika-” Berken was about to speak but a quick glare from Rika silenced him. “Y-Yeah, we have been walking for five days straight without rest.”

“Well, now that you’ve made it and your friends are here, what’s the move now?” Rika asked Allisa.

“Huh? Uhh…?” Allisa scratched her cheek. “Wh-what do you think?” She threw the question at Bec and Markus in the call.

“With Ion out of Altosk’s hands, I would say my mission to get Ion to Marina hasn’t changed.”

“Thought you’d say that,” Bec said. “I’ll have to dum up some other plan to get us there though. Doubt going through the void will work again.”

“IT DIDN’T WORK IN THE FIRST PLACE!!” Berken yelled at him.

“... However, the situation has escalated significantly.” Markus continued, gesturing to Allisa’s friends. “I appreciate everything you have done thus far. This is no longer your fight,”

“It wasn’t our fight to begin with!” Dale exclaimed having snuck back in. “Look, Allisa’s fine. Let's get her and then find a way back to Little Wood.”

“Wow, you really have no spine,” Melvin narrowed his eyes at him.

“... But he has a point. We’re outsiders on this. Whatever happens now really has nothing to do with us.” Nel said matter-of-factly.

“Thank you!” Dale praised.

“.... Allisa, what’s your call?”

“M-Me?” Allisa blinked.

“You’re the leader. What you decide, we’ll follow.”

“What?!” Dale exclaimed.

“Why am I still the leader?!” Allisa yelled. She was only ever acknowledged as the leader of the party at Sterling in order to refuse Rodger from joining the team- as Cliff and Yuki had hoped. But annoyingly they still treated her as though she was the overall leader, a responsibility she still wanted nothing to do with.

Putting her feelings aside, Allisa looked down on the sleeping Ion. A sense of guilt began to weigh up inside her. She still hadn’t told them she abandoned Ion to hang out with her friends from Terra.

She also couldn’t get Ion’s story out of her head, and how frustrated she was at her own powerlessness. That part, more than anything, stung the most and was all she needed to make up her mind that instant.

“If…. If Ion goes to Marina…. Altosk won’t have any way to get her back?” She asked. “She’d be free of them, right?”

“Allisa?” Rika looked puzzled.

“.... Yes. Changing her allegiance will have her severed from Altosk’s control,” Markus said.

“I mean, her popularity and trust will be destroyed all at once but, yeah. Golmoria will lose her most important keystone of her rule,” Bec said. “Why are you asking?”

“Yeah, why are you asking?” Dale asked, clearly dreading the answer.

“.... Guys, I’m sorry I let you down before,” Allisa said. “I know this has nothing to do with us. We’re just outsiders in this crap that’s going on in this world.” Her fist clenched. “Even so,” She turned to face the monitor again, her face hardened with determination. “I want to help Ion, get her as far away from these bastards as possible.”

Her friends didn’t respond immediately, but each of them smiled and nodded. She didn’t even need to ask, and she knew even those who were not present had the same idea.

“Uh, perhaps you need to think about this some more!” Dale spluttered desperately, knowing full well he was the odd one out. “We barely survived a small number of their top kills and now you want us to go up against them and an entire army?!”

“I don’t think she’s gonna budge.” Mirage giggled, pulling away the sobbing Dale to look at the console.

“Are you all certain?” Markus asked those around him, not sure if what Allisa wanted was what they wanted.

“We had a feeling we’d be helping one way or the other.” Melvin sighed as Cerberus barked with enthusiasm.

“You got your answer,” Cliff said to Markus before turning to Allisa. “Hope you weren't planning to do this all alone. We didn’t come all this way to sit on the sidelines.”

“We’re a team, are we not.” Nel gave a small sigh with a smile.

“You can count on Sasha and myself,” Mirage said. “And Dale once he’s stopped crying.”

“You guys,” Allisa couldn’t help but tear up.

“.... Can I ask why?” Markus addressed Allisa. “This is not your fight, and you’ve known Ion for a few days. Why would you risk your lives for her?”

“Cause she’s my friend,” Allisa said to him. “It’s the right thing to do.”

Markus was speechless by her simple response. Seeing no irony in her expression, he simply chuckled. “I see now why you’re friends follow you.” He said quietly. “Allisa, I am in your debt.”

“Well, she certainly wasn’t what I was picturing,” Bec muttered to himself rubbing his metal chin. “Soooo… we’re all in agreement about getting Ion to Marina?”

“You even have to ask,” Rika said folding her arms. “But… no stupid stunts this time.”

“Well, we’re all in agreement over this,” Berken said. “Buuuuuttt, what now? Saying we’re gonna take Ion to Marina is good and all, but we don’t have any way to do so.”

“R-Right,” Allisa nodded while scratching the back of her head. She got so caught up in her speech that she forgot they still didn’t have a plan. “Uhhh… Before that, we should meet up. You know, strength in numbers.”

“Good call,” Nel said before turning to Bec. “Where’s Allisa right now?”

“I was waiting for someone to ask.” On the other side, Bec tapped on his keyboard. A map was brought up visible to those on his side of the call. “Okay, Figmar’s Edge is…. Here.” He waited until everyone could see where he was pointing before delivering the punchline. “The peaks… is all the way over there,”

Everyone’s expression darkened. “Of course it’s literally on the other side of the world,” Melvin said narrowing his eyes.

“That’s not even the worst of it.” Bec centered the map. “To get from either ends involves crossing through all five cities in this biome; all under Altosk’s control I might add.”

“Shit…” Cliff folded his arms as he breathed out.

“Can we please reconsider this…?” Dale sobbed.

Ignoring him, Nel examined the map closely. “Unless you know of a save area where we can meet in the middle-”

“Which we don’t,” Bec said quickly. “Unless….. No we don’t.”

Nel scowled at him. “It’s probably best one of our groups makes it to the other.”

“.... And that will be us,” Markus suddenly declared.

“You sure?” Rika raised her eyebrow. “I mean, that’s a pretty big group to move across Ter’fimar. Altosk is bound to notice at some point.”

“True, but not as fast as someone resembling the star singer,” Markus countered. “Espesually when she’s suppose to be in Grand Vaults.”

“Ohhh, I didn’t think of that.”

“But what about where they are? The peaks?” Melvin asked.

“Fortunately, Altosk’s presence in the peaks is very limited. And the geography makes it difficult to track anyone who’s fled there. It’s not without danger, but it would be the safest place for Ion.” Markus explained. “As for us, Altosk believes we’re still on Terra. They would not be searching for us, which would allow us a certain degree of discretion.”

“Ha, good point.” Cliff nodded. “With a bit of luck, we can keep it that way.”

“That still leaves the issue of walking across the entire landmass to reach them.” Dale pointed out, still not enthused by the recent course of action. “Don’t know about you guys, but I’d rather not go through anything like we did getting to this junktown.”

“Leave that to me,” Bec said casually. “I got some pilot friends who could get us there,”

“... You don’t mean Larek and Otto?” Cliff asked glaring.

“Even after they beet you with a pipe when they saw you again?” Melvin narrowed his eyes.

“Just leave the persuasion to me,” Bec said.

“Well… there you have it.” Mirage said to Allisa. “We’ll be coming to you.”

“Allisa, Rika, please keep Ion safe until our arrival,” Markus said.

“You got it.” Allisa nodded.

“What about me?! I’ve been keeping her safe long before the spy showed up!” Berken exclaimed.

“Oh can it.” Allisa snapped.

“Welp, guess we’ll be seeing you soon-” Bec reached to end the transmission.

“Bec.” Rika stopped him. She sounded serious. “If you see Ciryn again, give her a message;” She sot a cold, icy glare, one Allisa had yet to see on the carefree woman. “‘I will pull the trigger first.’”

“.... Alright,” Bec said before cutting the transmission.

After it was cut, Rika sunk back in her chair letting out a deep sigh. “Welp, nothing to do now but wait. Just hope Bec doesn’t get your friends into to much trouble.”

“It’s not him I’m worried about…” Allisa slumped. When it came to keeping a low profile, her friends were most certainly not the ones for that. Yet even though she was worried about what trouble they could cause, the fact that they came all this way for her helped to lift her spirits after five days of grueling marches.

Ion was still sleeping soundly on the sofa where Rika left her. Looking at her, Allisa couldn’t help but to think what trouble she had gotten everyone into, again.

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